This is so sad that I can hardly stand reading this story. The pain in that mothers face just breaks my heart.

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wrongdoer must pay...no matter who they are, color, money etc.

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There's a certain class of people.that always prey on their perceived lessers

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Same here. Beautiful young children gone.

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If she wasn't from such a prominent LA Jewish family, would she have gotten 15 years? This is Newson's California.

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Such beautiful souls- such immense sorrow for the family. What chutzpah to say she’s suffered enough!

This family will never be the same. 🥲

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This gal is an entitled POS. 😡

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I find same

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If the accused (defendant) were a poor nothing - and the HB were not a prominent Jewish plastic surgeon - this case wouldn't have even made the New York Times shit wiping rag. Plenty people drink and drive. I'm sure many of your readers do too. The point is the decisions you make in life. She made two poor decisions: (1) getting into a car arseholed and; (2) driving like a drunk entitled rich Jewish/married to one bitch maniac in a built up area.

Her alleged philanthropic work is irrelevant, except at sentencing stage but it still doesn't change facts.

Poor little innocent boys snuffed out for such a meaningless reason.

Then again, 14,000 innocent children have been snuffed in Gaza with not much sympathy by western nations. It's clear therefore - 1 American child's life is worth 7,000 poor raghead childrens' lives.

Suck on that tragedy for a second.

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Please confine this woman for a lifetime. Those boys are just learning about the world and school. They will never be able to get married, have children, have jobs, graduate college or university, or have grandchildren. This woman has been shielded from reckless endangerment and is not to be held responsible for anything. A wakeup call she will be held liable; and more than likely donations money for re-election for judges and wardens and appeal for early release parole board. The most humane thing for her is solitary confinement. They may not take a liking to a child murder

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I live VERY close to where this “accident” happened. It was just absolutely horrific!! What the story didn’t tell you is that many people witnessed her and her boyfriend at the bar and said they observed them drinking a lot. When she hit the boys, the whole family was walking in a crosswalk and the parents were able to pull their other children out of the way in the nick of time but, then watched this POS hit their two sons who were on scooters. Grossman (fitting name for such a disgusting person) didn’t stop and one child was on the hood. The car only stopped because it was disabled by the accident. The trial dragged on for 4 yrs, and Grossman even tried to say her boyfriend had been the one who hit the boys. The prosecutors said she has never shown remorse for her actions, until, of course, her sentencing. Our community has grieved with the Islklanders for 4 yrs and have been waiting to see justice for them and we are all disappointed by her light sentence, considering her actions took TWO young beautiful children’s lives! At least they have closure now, but can a parent ever get over something so horrific? I don’t think I could

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No closure for the parents, will be a living nightmare each and every day.

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Well damn, you have the inside truthful scoop then! What time did this happen?

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Sweet babies are gone and she cries victim!

Let her serve her time so she can see how real Justice works!

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Oh that’s the wrong thing to do!

Never, ever scream victim in a Judge’s face. 🤣

And who was her atty? 🤣😂

In THEIR courtroom they ARE God! (Not literally but you in the legal field know what I mean)

What a monstrous stupid girl!

Daddy can’t get her out of this one!

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It’s murder especially if she was drink

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In most Western countries among others a .05% BAC legal limit is the most common. Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, and others all have this legal limit. The US has .08. Was she even above this limit? What was her BAC? The judge was reportedly unhappy that she was convicted of murder. Also, she claimed that it was her lover who hit the children, not her. How was this discounted? Up to 15 years in a California institution for wayward women may not be a walk in the park. It's a tragedy that the boys were killed. However, if she is guilty but is truly remorseful then she deserves some sympathy

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No sympathy for her. You’ll find the word in the dictionary, between shite and syphilis ( excuse the language ), but she had committed a crime most foul.

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"Safety first"; "think before you act".

These are not meaningless sayings - some mistakes are simply not fixable.

Now she pays for hers.

End of story.

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Sadly the story will never end for the boys’ family.

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Never ended for my family, either.

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"Safety first"; "think before you act".

These are not meaningless sayings - some mistakes are simply not fixable.

Now she pays for hers.

End of story.

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I actually have never heard anyone talk about her blood alcohol level or if she was even tested

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OMG, 250 feet? That's 80 percent of a football field.

I hope in that '15 years to life' sentence that it is closer to life, and if that vermin does get released that she is forbidden from obtaining a driver's license for life.

Reading her "victim" excuses just sickens me.

My sympathies to the family of the victims. Just heart wrenching.

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P.S. - This murder/manslaughter occurred in 2020?!? Like, 3½ years ago? That is disgusting in its own right.

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Imagine her lift twisted into pretzel she is guilty but expresses remorse in her words.....should we crucify all

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