Interesting interview with Ed Dowd: cancer up about 35%, unemployment is not low- the work force has shrunk, more:


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Dr. Paul Alexander, please publish this matter. Thank you !!!

Scott McCluskey <scotts.mccluskey@gmail.com>

1:08 PM (8 minutes ago)

to Rob


Alberta Court strikes down all Dr. Deena Hinshaw's Covid health orders as ultra vires. This Facebook link has the lawyers involved discuss the entire case in detail.


When will BC apply the same legal precedent to Dr. Bonnie Henry ?? What will the BC politicians do ??



Huge ramifications !

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Just a cynical thought (only because cynicism seems to explain so much):

Recognize the economic strategy, witting or unwitting, of exploiting the optimal revenue-generating potential (amortize loans on) currently-existing, high-price tag medical equipment with shorter times-till-death per patient (viz., reduce costs of care) through the hospitalization phase and into the accelerated-euthanization programs (hospice). This is the incentive for the medical-industrial complex organ of the banking-control system. 

This is human life post-Excel program in the hands of armies of business and economic analysts.

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perfectly put: "ONLY because ... "

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He's *GOT* to get his act together on this ~

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Everyday we are seeing more & more clot, stroke, myocarditis, pericarditis victims whom are neighbors, friends, co-workers from the elephant in the room that everyone still has fear admitting what caused it? Team Trump needs to come to terms that by warp speeding a eua injection may not have been the best option.

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Agreed. This is THE one thing that could sink him. And -- no, Mr. President -- it should not be a matter of choice. Here is my concern and I believe that it is a reasonable concern. The "Trump Vaccine" which he is so proud of should not be offered to any human because the mRNA vaccine retrotranscriptively damages the genetic line of subsequent generations of humans. That is a SERIOUS problem for our species as those genetic lines weave together with the lines of the unvaxxed. I am not a hater of the human species.

That Bill O'Reilly endorses the pseudovaccine and its killer boosters does not surprise me. He has never impressed me as a great thinker. To me, O'Reilly seems like a Systems puppet. He can be counted upon to be of no help to conservative, science-rational or heritage causes when it really comes down to critical junctures.

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Shame on all that pushed this!

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