May 1, 2023·edited May 1, 2023

Lex Greene, what a cop out. By saying what you have just said, and by standing by and calling out all the alleged observers makes you the ultimate voyeur.

Nothing is ever measured other than on the micro scale; every like-minded individual counts; every writer or detractor or resister makes an infinitesimal difference.

Collectively we are stronger.

Let it be known again that an entire world exists outside the USA, Canada, the UK, the EU, Australia, and New Zealand.

There are more people in the developing world than in the developed world. These individuals go on daily with their lives, doing the very best they can to survive.

Even so, at least 30% minimum in the developed world are not one bit interested in the alleged "masterplan".

So, your defeatist attitude is not welcome.

Speak for yourself brother.

We can well speak for ourselves.

Best to you.


Cape Town

South Africa

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I can safely say that so far as the once individual and upright country of Australia is concerned our society has turned to malleable marshmallow. The State of Victoria for example terrorized the citizenry terribly during the covid scam with the most lockdowns and jackboot goon police assaults on those people who had the temerity to fail to obey, let alone protest in the streets! Mace, batons, violent assaults and rubber bullets were used to quell dissent, while the Premier (Governor) who directed all this criminality has racked up State public debt equal to double that of Australia's next two biggest States combined....New South Wales and Queensland. Yet here's the marshmallow kicker....at the very next post-covid election the same tyrants got voted back into power.

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Dearest Blessed Paul, we ( the awake) feel the same and feel your pain. I have to personally deal with this on an exact micro inside an entirely corrupt Demonic family - and i misspent 5 years trying to get my own 3 previously bright intelligent children to wake up. All x 3 raised non-vaxed and Christian - now turn the other way. This is to be sure a great Schism - the die is cast and one-third now stand on one side of the Rubicon and 2 thirds on the other. 'Will-full' misunderstanding and 'Gaslighting' and Denial are all acts of v sick weak people. Perhaps they always were. As once close families, friends and allies now crack apart it is spectacular to watch. Guard your heart Dr and KNOW that those that follow respect and revere you, and God himself/herself/itself knows also. Ethics and a solid Moral code have never gone out of fashion - not even now. Sit by a river - smoke a big reefer read some poetry - leave the 'stupids'. Soon enough - when enough folk have died they will have no choice but to admit the brutally ugly truth. And none of us will be or are 'happy' we re right. But this 'slight of hand' has to go down in history as the cleverest con/sting - spell casting the humans to walk to their own doom. Fear not - BE JOLLY WHEN YOU CAN. Do not allow the grief to consume you and take a break from the words for now. And know how much we value you and honour and love and respect you. Soul Soldier! X

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Thank you Dr Greene

My father was a Marine and my father in law was a silver star medal winner in WW2. I applaud you for your efforts to educate / fight for what you believe in.

However; don’t fall prey to the patriotic drum beat that we/many are falling for now or use to fall for. The whole world is fallen as written about 6000 years ago starting in the Book of Genesis and not yet over until the completion written about in the Book of Revelations.

Lord keep you and bless you ✝️

John 14:6

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Wow. Thank you Dr. Alexander. He is exactly right.

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Mr. Greene's pessimism is not without cause; however, it does not mean he is right. Generation of fear of death through efficient propaganda caused the majority to be hypnotized or fall under "mass formation". The majority, in an effort to save their lives (or so they thought), obeyed the mandates and put out their arms to be jabbed with the bioweapons called "vaccines". The propaganda, and now 5G warfare, has been ongoing for decades. We cannot expect these people to quickly regain their cognizance and common sense. It is a prolonged effort. Keep repeating the information and data. The more that are awakened, the more likely we will succeed. Remember, there is strength in numbers.

But, know that resistance and action must be ongoing while re-educating the masses. We likely cannot hope for total unity while we fight organized and well funded psychos. We must be persistent in our opposition, each fighting to their own potential and skills. Precious time cannot be wasted in worrying about who is or is not a friend. The real enemy is obvious.

The enemy advances in an ever more rapid pace while we are slow but steadfast. Time is fleeting and the final battle is getting nearer, but we must not be resigned to defeat. All is not lost. The future of civilization depends on what we do every day. Keep fighting.

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Thank you!

ALL serious patriotic citizens need to join the serious Christian strategic planning Leaders at the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER!

Why? The productive citizens will need the same message in the same room with these SERIOUS Leaders…if they want ANY wins!

Hope you join!

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Lighten up, Lex.

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May 1, 2023·edited May 1, 2023

I understand his sentiment. The plain fact is, those who can see or are already victimized by what’s going on do not have a clear path to action. Particularly if voting is so corrupt it doesn’t matter anymore.

Crumbling cities full of crime and hamstrung police have handcuffed normie’s complaints that fall on deaf ears and whose only option is put up with it or move away.

Schools, colleges and universities that are clearly very expensive indoctrination camps are no longer simply avenues to success for those wishing to attain the knowledge to get good jobs.

If you’re “lucky” enough to work for a big company the indoctrination never ends. Conform or leave is the message everywhere including regarding the USA herself.

Just like how the pandemic stole our freedoms and covid shots erased ownership of one’s own body the dissenters are a fairly powerless minority.

If it weren’t for the fact that protocol supporters famously continued to get sick and sicken others. Then beyond Omicron the virus devolved into a cold, they’d still be getting away with hammering the unvaccinated as the scum of the earth.

There’s a lot of talk out there. If he’s so depressed that nobody’s taking action. Then perhaps the time is overdue for him and others to stop beating a dead horse and put together a viable action plan. Because it’s one thing to constantly focus on what’s broken but quite another to know how to fix it.

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Lex Green is 100 percent correct. The people are the problem. They have been bought off with entitlement programs, are passive, lethargic, and stupefied by drugs legal and illegal, pornagraphy, and pop culture. The rest are foolish enough to believe that the passe act of voting is the solution. "THY KINGDOM COME!"

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I agree with Lex. Overall, there is too much talk !

No more data is needed. We need everyone reading to pick an ACTION, and start getting busy.

Here is a list of ACTIONS. Not news to read. Actions to take:


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Stating the reality of it all.

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How Defeatist and depressing. I’m in Canada and have joined up with a huge community of awake freedom fighters and preppers. I’m also part of an awesome awake church community. We are all doing our part in multiple ways, big and small. Our prayers and every little thing we do to connect AND become more self sufficient matters. Gods got this, but unless one has Faith in a higher power despair and evil have already triumphed. My heart goes out to those people who have no faith. The fear is palpable.

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Wow, thank you so much for that very specific tip. How sweet of you to take the time. I will put that on my list of things to finish this week. I’m new to Substack this year and I’ve never commented on anyone’s posts before this week. Now I see the benefit in doing so! Thank you!

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EXTINGUISH THE atheist communist hellnados WE OUTNUMBER THE WICKED

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There are people doing things and Lex's doomsday negativity is not helpful or motivating. Historically, it has only ever been the wee minority who fight for freedom. Did General Washington ever demoralize his men during their 7 years of hell? No, I don't think so. One can be aware and fighting and optimistic.

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