As someone who knows the pain of having my husband killed in the hospital by the deadly protocol I too with many many others were very upset that they did not address what was done to us. This is an American holocaust in our hospitals. We easy could have had someone represent us at the Convention. Crimes against humanity and we will fight for accountability & justice until our last breath! Thank you for recognizing this. 🙏🏻

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So sorry to hear that your husband was killed in a hospital.

Husband was kidnapped from a local hospital's ER in Norway, Maine in May 2021 when a fake PCR test was utilized, and he was declared to have fake covid and "locked up" for 9 days in a newly created covid unit until I could figure out how to advocate for him.

NO visitors allowed; the hospital staff had full control of the situation.

He went to the ER due to a head injury from a fall. Had nothing to do with covid. He was NOT sick and had NO symptoms. Just a head injury that needed sutures.

The said ER was converted into a kidnap space.

I wrote a 15 page document citing various laws violated and accused the hospital of human trafficking, body snatching, and kidnapping and sent it to the Maine AG (democrat), the local, county sheriff who is a republican (Oxford county), and our representative (republican) all to NO avail.

NO one cared.

Why he came out alive is unknown to us at this time as there were plenty of financial incentives to kill him via the Cares Act.

Still looking for a lawyer to take this case.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Oh my gosh Lisa! I’m so sorry for all the trauma but grateful that your husband was saved! But you know it was not on accident I believe you and he now have a mission to continue to speak out and help others.

Every time I hear a new story I think I have heard the worst one but no!!!

I took my husband in to urgent care for a simple chest X-ray just to be sure his lungs were clear and they sent us to ER for the X-ray (urgent care is a feeder to the hospital $$) there they sucked him in and gave him 2 doses of Remdesivir and then many other deadly drugs until they vented him. He was a healthy 61yr old man with no health issues or meds..

I will continue to fight for him and all the others until we get accountability & justice for them.

God Bless you and your husband please keep fighting the fight!


(From Florida)


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Thanks for the feedback.

What is needed now is to create or locate a list of lawyers who will take these cases.

Horrible what has happened to your husband.

What is your plan on handling your husband's murder?

I plan on writing a book on husband's kidnap case but I will wait until fall to begin that project as I have too many things to accomplish for the remainder of the summer.

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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"I was shocked that NO MENTION of COVID, the deadly ‘collateral damage’ lockdown lunatic response, or the deadly mRNA vaccine was made in the convention by NO ONE. This was catastrophic and a failure and slap in the face of Americans who were hurt and died." Et tu Donaldus Ioannes Trump.

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I think it's unconscionable to let it slide into the annals of history with NO mention...quite disrespectful to the thousands who may have suffered a loss or have themselves been harmed.

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Thank you!

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This & also NO MENTION of the children being sexually trafficked either! They mentioned the women, barely, but not the children who being used for sex, & organ harvesting, & who knows what else? I was appalled.

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The RNC convention was more like a roast for Donald Trump and a three ring circus than a political convention. Hulk Hogan showing his muscles was more important to them than discussing Covid crimes against humanity and child sexual abuse and organ harvesting.

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I suspect that Trump, the RINOs who make up much of the Republican party, and the Democrats all know that Covid is a "No-Win" topic for everyone leading up to the election. They can all point fingers and make accusations at the other side. Politically, I think that Operation Warp Speed and Trump's promotion of the toxic injections are liabilities for him. But all of the ridiculous Biden Administration actions imposed during Covid (lockdowns, masks, 6-foot distancing, mandatory toxic injections, etc.) are larger liabilities for the Democrats. So, other than RFK Jr., everyone is going to avoid the subject.

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We shouldn't allow them to avoid Operation Warp Speed. We cannot allow ourselves to think the threat is passed because the Trump campaign ignores it. Technically the Secretary of HHS can still lock us down today and declare anyone who dissents an enemy combatant.

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💯 The lack of transparency and criticism over pharma and the discipled servants of modern medicine. Make America Whole Again should’ve been the theme. American has lost her soul beginning with the weak saltless church that speaks only to itself in a woeful piety. Make America Whole Again begins with Proverbs 9:10. This adolescent nation has shook its defiant fist at God enough. Until we understand Romans 13 correctly, we won’t understand the three separate spheres of God designed rule. Government, Ecclesiastical and Family. There is no hierarchy but the church is to influence the other two as it raises the God-fearing generation needed to turn this country back to God.

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very excellent sharing

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What caused Lou Dobbs sudden death?

Did he take the injection(s) when he worked at Fox?

Some journalists, who worked at Fox, refused to take the injection(s) and were fired.

I used to watch and listen to Lou at Fox, and then, all of a sudden, he was fired.

I don't watch Fox any longer.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Anyone of the victims families would have spoken at the convention


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The secrecy of pharmakia cloaked to do anything. The Fauc gave the most deadly ingredients what was approved then people using vents with no training at too high of pressure to overdo the sedation all orchestrated. Every single animal used during experiments died. The incentives of bonuses for the title of cov gave more funding the death certs out of New York rampant even if the person died from auto accident trauma. Healingfortheages is a good source of info also sherry tenpenny can't remember them all Bryan Ardis retired chiropractor, Judy Mikovits, Henry Ealy, Dr Jana Schmidt ND, CNHP, MH, Min, Edward Group. Henry Ealy has been trying to get the guilty people who killed our family members grand jury to bring justice to the dead and or injured from the dam vax. Many people deficient of most vitamins and minerals along with other health issues.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

When is someone going to quit being cowards and go after Big pharma for putting out fraudulent opioids? Some people are about to unalife themselves because they cannot live with this pain anymore and are no longer able to work n pay their bills

This is nothing to do with tolerance they are getting away with fraud among other things

They are not opioids whatever they're giving out they're causing hunger sedative effects just feel like taking an antidepressant or some psych med it's terrible and needs to be stopped

Everyone is suffering severely Why is everyone a coward and too afraid to go after them?

Some of us depend on these medications to be able to support ourselves and I'm about to lose everything at this point as I cannot function anymore

Somebody help what the fuck there has to be chemist s who will test these pills what is wrong with people?

Sorry but when your pain is the severe ibuprofen does not help I've been taking over 1,600 mg and it does not help and I cannot work anymore in my home is a mess and I'm behind on every bill and I can't go on like this much longer Why doesn't anyone care about people suffering do you not think it's going to happen to you or your children eventually or your parents?

What about people in elder retirement homes who are suffering with these fraudulent medicines?

No one has a conscience or a backbone anymore it seems

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I love Lou Dobbs and his spirit!

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MSM SATANIC DOUBLE STANDARDS---HORSE WHIPPING V MAIMING AND MURDER--------- We have all seen or heard of how the MSM are over the horse whipping CHARLOTTE DUJARDIN ( CHARLATAN THAT SHE IS!? ) like a swarm of flies over a pile of horse $hit!

Same MSM turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the unknown tens of thousands that have been MAIMED AND MURDERED by PHARMA/POLITICIANS/DOCTORS/NHS etc with the use of DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM and then the POISON JABS!

There are reports being released by various inquiries and people around the world etc. SATANIC PERVERSE MSM do not do much reporting on this yet but it is trickling out!

Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry - gov.scot

'The Lies and Cover-Ups Are Non Stop and No One Is ...

YouTube · GBNews

58.4K+ views · 2 months ago

'The Lies and Cover-Ups Are Non Stop and No One Is Reporting Our Story' | Scottish COVID Inquiry. 58K views · 2 months ago #UKNews #gbnews # ..


That is two reports. One from UK and other from Australia. I am sure other countries shall have inquiries/investigations on going and no doubt lawyers shall have sharpened pencils to start getting the claims in?

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