AwakeNotWoke comments I place here on its own for stunning:

'Trump has legitimate grievances and must take immediate action in relation to them to right the wrongs that have been perpetrated against him and against the American people.

He must also hold to account those who perpetrated misinformation about the mRNA injections, including the demonstrably false claims that the vaccine contents remained at the injection site and were rapidly removed from the body and that the injections prevented infection and transmission of SARS-CoV-2, among many, many other demonstrably false claims'

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I like this, thanks for sharing...we are serious. we want many of these bitches accountable. and I worked in the prior at HHS and if asked to serve I will and I WILL work night and day to help punish these fuckers

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Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

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"Slay them all, God will recognize his own."

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the silent majority spoke loud and clear...we are them!

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Liz Cheney deserves a big "Thank you" for helping to make this victory possible. It was great to see her being paraded around by Harris. Worked like a charm!

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yes...her father must join others like Rumsfeld, Powell in hell. where they belong. what they did to US and world in Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan...our men and women died needlessly

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many see USA different to how you and I see her, they see her as an entity to be plundered, raped of his resources, her people to be advantaged and harmed, to come and take, to harm...yes and these are the ones coming...we have to seal the border, fix the immigration and mass deport. we have to ensure that if you come here, you care for USA and love her.

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else dont fucking come

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we got to watch the grifters too...the newbes who seek jobs and books...and call them out too.

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I might run a 'grifter' award for the day or jackass award for the day etc. or corrupt crook award for the day awards too

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Finally a complete and total repudiation of the Democrat Party and Republican NeoCon socialist agenda which will have ramifications globally. When our Constitution is upheld and we are guided by truth and justice as one nation under God, then the rest of the world has hope against the billionaire globalist socialist fascist tyranny, i.e. the agenda of the Antichrist. Biden forced us to get the dangerous experimental and ineffective jab to save our jobs. Millions died and were injured because of his jab mandate. He pushed social media to censor information that was contrary to the government approved narrative on C@vid. People like Donald Trump, Naomi Wolf, RFK Jr. were cancelled on social media. He increased spending and cut off oil production which caused inflation to rise while we were losing jobs to illegals coming across the border. It had been proven that he had been funding dangerous bioweapon labs in Ukraine and Wuhan and received the most money from Big Pharma lobbyists than any other politician to the tune of over 9 million dollars. He implemented measures that precipitated the war in Ukraine and the attack on Israel on October 7. His Joint Chief of Staffs, General Miley advocated putting in concentration camps, Trump supporters calling them dangerous extremists. Biden pulled out of Afghanistan in such a disgraceful way that resulted in the deaths of our young beautiful and vibrant servicemen and left the people of Afghanistan under the authoritarian rule of the Taliban. He was selling us out to the globalist agenda of the World Economic Forum and the UN based on the total lie that human activity was causing climate change and consequently driving us to the insane totalitarian engineered irrational goal of electrifying everything based on solar and wind energy. The people have spoken. We want peace. We want healthy children. We want truth and justice. We want freedom. We are not "Garbage." We are not "Deplorables." We are human beings, made in the image of God, endowed by our beloved Creator with certain inalienable rights; the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

One of the best ways to get our nation back to financial health will be to end taxation and fund the federal government with tariffs on imports. That will bring manufacturing jobs back to the US in droves. To fill those new jobs we will need healthy and well educated children proud of their American heritage of one nation under God. We will need to work on safe, pollution free, inexpensive energy to power our new industrial base. However, money has corrupted our political process on both sides of the aisle. Republicans are just as corrupt as Democrats. We must remove the influence of this corrupting money from our political system. We need to bring integrity back to our election process to ensure the voice of American citizens are heard. We also need to clean up our media and make it report the facts rather than the selective reporting and misrepresentation of the facts for the purpose of manipulating public opinion that they have been engaging in for decades. Let truth and justice reign. May we return once again to one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

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HBruce, brilliant words:

Finally a complete and total repudiation of the Democrat Party and Republican NeoCon socialist agenda which will have ramifications globally.

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excellent: 'Biden forced us to get the dangerous experimental and ineffective jab to save our jobs. Millions died and were injured because of his jab mandate. He pushed social media to censor information that was contrary to the government approved narrative on C@vid. '

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Biden pulled out of Afghanistan in such a disgraceful way that resulted in the deaths of our young beautiful and vibrant servicemen and left the people of Afghanistan under the authoritarian rule of the Taliban.

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wonderful...The people have spoken. We want peace. We want healthy children. We want truth and justice. We want freedom. We are not "Garbage." We are not "Deplorables." We are human beings, made in the image of God, endowed by our beloved Creator with certain inalienable rights; the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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May your nation guide the rest of us, (some of the awakened 🇦🇺), in ridding ourselves of woke, communist tyranny, in all its thinly veiled global guises.

Lyn (Australia)

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good MAGA morning....thank you for this...beautiful

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Keep him safe, he'll hit the ground running, and there is so much work to do - to fix the nonsense.

All I can say is TRUMP WINS!

and.. FCUK-IN A !!

is all I can say.

How many ppl welled up when it was made official?

C'mon - fess up !

V - is for VICTORY !

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yes...V is for VICTORY

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And thank you Paul, for all YOUR efforts and work ! Stay safe!

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thank you all for supporting us all here in this fight, it begins today

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✌️ !!

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Seems likely the Dems would have had an "insurance plan" in case Trump won. That might be why they kept calling him Hitler. The implication for the American people now is the message that "You've just elected Hitler." They've set Trump up for more of the likes of Thomas Matthew Crooks and Ryan Wesley Routh.

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my God, good post, troubling...

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absolutely agree...........and if a Patriot Democrat doesn't step up, pretty sure they have a " Plan B ". Let's hope w/ same result as THIS Plan B had. Waving good-bye to Kamala Obamala. May the door hit her hard in the ass on the way out.

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yes, we got Obama out, he with Paul Ryan are the 2 most dangerous people ever...hurt USA

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MAGA morning! All praises to the Lord Jesus Christ that awoken the masses to retake their country!

This victory is soooo sweet! Karma is a dish best served cold!!

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love the MAGA morning...love it

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Breggin said best..."‘The future rests on the American First movement and other freedom-fighting groups around the world. But unless we grasp the horrendous nature and power of the threat to freedom in the world, no matter what happens in the coming election, we are doomed. We must never lose our focus on the enormous global forces that are relentlessly working to destroy the United States of America as a freedom-loving sovereign nation to make way for a global totalitarian governance.’

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There is no place on earth in which to fall back from tyranny. The United States is the last place. The hill. The line that forever must be held.

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kaboom, the last beacon of hope, love all about you Primum...keep it coming

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This is the real Great Reset.

We have an at least 12 year opportunity between Trump and Vance to fundamentally reset our Constitutional Republic. If those years are used effectively, it will setback the WEF/NWO by at least a generation or more.

Trump and Vance MUST ABSOLUTELY following through with dismantling all things Deep State. The is a once in a generation opportunity to stop all the technocratic corporate fascism that has utterly destroyed our country.

Vis pacem, para bellum

Everyone watch your six between now and Jan 20. Trump isnt POTUS yet and ALOT of chaos can happen until then.

We millions and millions did our part. Now Trump and Vance must do theirs.

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boom, very excellent posting, thank you

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indeed our safety and his is key

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yes, I have sat in discussions where the stunning discussion was how to keep him alive to put his hand on bible

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Trump really needs to understand... even if the person who gets in his face is banned from his administration... I mean really needs to understand that they WILL use his death to start WWIII. He must get that. Must. Must. Must. And he absolutely must handle himself and make decisions accordingly. Devgru is deadmeat on a operation if they are ambushed from multiple lines of sight and they have elite capabilities.

Trump must avoid the need to spike the political football. He is still in the redzone. The goal line is Jan 20

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Harris has not conceded. If she does she will be conceding to someone whom the Dems and RINOS said is Hitler. He's not safe.

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100% correct! You've hit the nail on the head - "dismantling the Deep State".

I word it differently: TAKE OUT the Fat Rat criminals that are ubiquitous in our society.

Trump promised that he would do that in 2016. He did *NOTHING*!

Okay, the past cannot be changed. But the future starts NOW! No more BS, no more excuses.

Your entire post is excellent!

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I like this Jorge and repost part:

'I word it differently: TAKE OUT the Fat Rat criminals that are ubiquitous in our society.

Trump promised that he would do that in 2016. He did *NOTHING*!

Okay, the past cannot be changed. But the future starts NOW! No more BS, no more excuses.'

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From Daniel Jupp a UK journalist writing about the Trump Victory: A man they couldn’t buy. A man they couldn’t destroy. A man they couldn’t imprison. A man they couldn’t kill. A man that the entire power of the mainstream media and the intelligence and security apparatus and most of the rest of the billionaire class and all the transnational bodies could not defeat.

A man they could not bury under lies.

He won’t be perfect. They won’t stop, they will try to undermine him in every way they can and sabotage this term. He will probably still make some mistakes. But by god he’s the only one who might save the western world from the corrupt and crazed within it.

He is the hero of our times. He offers greatness, because he has it himself.

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yes yes yes

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Thought you would like that Paul that is why I posted it.

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one of the best posts Patricia

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First and foremost not since COVID have I've been proud of Americans. Maybe we're back to being America and not a bunch of hysterical fools, low IQ mutants, easily duped by evil tyrants like Fauci and Biden. Watching the corporate media melt down, along with the left, is truly epic. Since 2015 they have been smelling their own farts thinking someone just sprayed air freshener.

Trump has a huge order but it looks like he will have both Houses albeit not a 60 super majority in the Senate. He needs to pick wise cabinet posts because they must be the ones to carry out the day to day transformation of government. And BTW if Rob Reiner needs someone to send him a can of gas to light himself on fire I'll chip if a few bucks.

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ha ha ha on Rob...these people are funny how extreme they are...

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daddy is indeed home now.

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> Great day for America

> Yes, happy days are here again. The futures of our children, grandchildren and future generations are insured and much brighter.

> This was our last chance to save our 2 party system. Obama, Biden and Harris planned to let the flow of migrants continue and register them all to vote as democrats which would have destroyed our system as we know it. Obama has been running the Biden government. Biden is brain dead and Harris is as dumb as a fence post. They have now become irrelevant and will disappear from our front pages and treacherous liberal press.

> Trump will begin his new policy work immediately, the border patrol will be re-energized and close our borders, the illegals will be deported, many of our military generals will be replaced, our interest rates will come down with inflation, construction and development will boom as well as the job market, our allies will jump with joy, there will be regime change in Ukraine to replace the thieves who stole billions of our foreign aid, abortion will be left to the states without federal interference, Chinese trade will be minimized, Iran will again have real sanctions, etc, etc, etc.


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Okay, so Trump has won. Let me review two points and make one important announcement:

First: Had the Globalist powers wanted to take Trump out - *really* wanted to take him out - they could have and would have. Obviously, they didn't (at least not so far). So this is one thing to keep in mind.

Two: Let's grant the point that Trump had "been fooled and betrayed" by those around him - I personally do NOT believe that was the case but for the sake of argument let's concede that point. Fine. **LET'S SEE WHAT HE DOES NOW**. No more BS excuses, no more "I didn't know", no more "Trump was betrayed". These two points lead to my announcement, as follows:

**ANNOUNCEMENT**: Beginning immediately, today, I will be keeping a 'journal' listing and analyzing all of Trump's actions and non-actions. This will include appointments and firings, Bills signed into law and vetoed, programs started or cancelled, and so on. **Most important of all**, I'll be keeping track of the Fat Rats that are taken out of circulation via the legal system and made to pay for their crimes. Will ALL Fat Rats walk free under Trump47 as they did under Trump45? Will the Fat Rat criminals in this country fear Trump47, or will they find that they have nothing at all to fear?

As part of this exercise, I will *immediately* call out and shoot down any BS attempts to justify or cover or make excuses for Trump. For instance, if Trump appoints a known "bad guy" to an important position in our government, I'll be all over it. One of the most asinine excuses for Trump45 was that he "didn't know" this or that, that he was "caught off guard". Well, *NOW HE KNOWS* -- no more BS !!!

BOTTOM LINE: For the 3rd time I voted for Trump. Trump gets NO slack - ZERO!!! - from me. He does right and I'll be the first singing praises. He does wrong and I'll be on him like hair on a gorilla. I will be fair. If I'm not then I ask that you call me out on it. Okay, let the show begin ...

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love this Jorge and we need you here and you have been smart and full of reason and passion and intellect...we are with you...people may disagree but thats ok for you may be right...I repost this good point...

'Two: Let's grant the point that Trump had "been fooled and betrayed" by those around him - I personally do NOT believe that was the case but for the sake of argument let's concede that point. Fine. **LET'S SEE WHAT HE DOES NOW**. No more BS excuses, no more "I didn't know", no more "Trump was betrayed". '

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love you Jorge and I repost what you said here:

BOTTOM LINE: For the 3rd time I voted for Trump. Trump gets NO slack - ZERO!!! - from me. He does right and I'll be the first singing praises. He does wrong and I'll be on him like hair on a gorilla. I will be fair. If I'm not then I ask that you call me out on it. Okay, let the show begin ...

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so I ask, why not start your own stack, I will showcase it, and repost it, that is a tremendous idea, to list all his good moves and deeds and accomplishment and if he makes an error of sidesteps, we call him on it...we have to. America belongs to us and we allow someone to lead...in power. but in 2 years, just 2 quick years we could punish them in senate and house if they fuck up and use this chance for games and enrichment etc. so I am with you but I give him a clean slate again...I have always said dufus yes, idiot yes, misled yes, misguided yes, misinformed yes, all these things but also that he is human and was human and trusted...so like you we as a people voted for him and TRUST him again, one more time...it is up to him and thank you for support and being here

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I get you, you want him to succeed and you are for keeping his feet to the fire, and I am 100% with you...no games. he knows, no more did not know, you know so now its 'what are you going to do about it'?

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we have to trust him Jorge, one more time. I ask you to and thank you for standing with us in the breach for we have tons of hard work that will not be easy

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my fingers are crossed and I have trust, I do trust he will do good...but lots of mistakes before so now we are tenuous yet he is the best we have so we got to support him...and hope for the best and stand behind and even protect him...so let us wait and see but I sense good things...

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Dr. Alexander: **OF COURSE** I want him to succeed!!! I'm in the same 'soup' along with you and all other Americans. If Trump fails - or worse yet, if Trump is one of 'them' - then I'll suffer with you and everyone else. Thus, I would be *insane* if I didn't want for Trump to succeed.

But what does Trump "succeeding" mean? It's NOT, as many may think, merely to improve the economy or some other relative 'trivia'. This country will NEVER heal and become "great again" until the 'cancer' is removed. That 'cancer' is the evil Fat Rats whose stated goal is to take us out via many channels. Therefore, I'll be focused primarily on that one area: what does Trump do to the Fat Rat criminals in our country?

Trump will be a TOTAL SUCCESS if he nails hundreds of those Fat Rats, specially certain 'key' ones, and removes them from our society.

You're a doctor so you know: a body cannot ever heal if the *cause* of the disease is not removed.

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I know you do and I know you want USA to succeed many more than most and I know you want 45 to and anyone charged with safeguarding USA...your words are tough at times but needed and your intellect is topmost. thank you for being here to polish us

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Dr. Alexander: I think that's a great idea (a separate stack) but not just for me, for *everyone*. Expanding:

If *EVERYONE* would keep their eyes and eyes wide open and would annotate/analyze/comment on what Trump does or fails to do - we'd have an army of people enforcing accountability.

So for example, suppose Trump appoints 'John Doe' as Treasury Secretary, or 'Mary Public' as US Attorney General - we can all chime in on it via the stack.

You are correct, America belongs to the PEOPLE, not to the politicians. They are OUR servants, not the other way around as people have been made to believe.

So, how could we do this? How about a *joint* enterprise with you and/or with others here (e.g., Primum non nocere, AwakeNotWoke, others).

In any case, my own 'journal' starts today, 6 NOV 2024. For all Americans, I hope and pray that it gets filled with good, positive actions from Trump47.

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I am for it...and not just for a failure but for his successes too and there will be many but there are rats and snakes around him already smelling jobs and ways to get their hands on tax payer money so we go to hold his feet...

but I will sure showcase your all posts and let me think...how to configure that. but think how good that is for we can debate and examine each problematic issue...I have found many grifters who jumped on Trump train, some stackers even, are pure sycophants and ass suckers....they praise to get jobs etc. they are reprehensible. maybe I will allow them a week to get over the euphoria but we need no ball cupping, we need serious debate, serious accountability

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and call me Paul

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Let's get it done! My journal has begun - we'll launch from it.

Obviously the journal is now empty, but I expect it to soon start filling up.

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Don't forget, the left is still in power until Trump takes the WH, they can do many dirty things between now and then, including killing Trump. Do not let your guard down until he is safely in power again.

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yes, thank you for this as our greatest concern is how to keep him safe to the bible.

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2nd Smartest stack...I will reshare later today said this: 'Now that Trump is in, his enemies will work even harder to assassinate him while concurrently engineering various false flag ops to tip American into civil war. They will fail with these best laid plans as well.'

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I really hope he limits plane flights. Easiest way to start WWIII is to shoot down his plane and blame it on Iran.

And yeah.. shit like this DOES happen. See 9/11 attack as a case study on this type of intel agency initiated war

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I think he should stay home so hes safe until Jan 20th, no need for him to go out and about now.

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Praise the Lord, for he is good and merciful!

We deserved a Kamala Harris rule for generations of child murder in the womb, yet He chose to have mercy! I pray that hearts would be changed to repent of that wicked sin, perhaps then we could possibly have another decent president after Trumps reign.

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Trump won on, among many other things, character. The incumbent VP, Kamala Harris, is unfit for high office. She was ill equipped to cope with the demands of the role she was seeking. Trump repeatedly called her a low IQ individual. She initially failed her bar exam. She was an inferior candidate to Joe Biden. Moreover, she has a long history of prosecutorial misconduct, with victims who were disproportionately young black men.

Trump now has a mandate for sweeping change.

His credible and well-founded claims of electoral fraud have now been litigated, in effect, before the jury of the American people, during the election campaign. The American people have heard the arguments of the J6 Unselect committee and have rejected them. It is a stunning repudiation of Cheney and Kinzinger as well as of the weaponization of the DoJ and the prosecutors and judges such as Jack Smith, Fanni Willis, Tanya Chutkan and Arthur Engoron, who Trump says are corrupt, and who engaged in lawfare against him.

Trump has legitimate grievances and must take immediate action in relation to them to right the wrongs that have been perpetrated against him and against the American people.

He must also hold to account those who perpetrated misinformation about the mRNA injections, including the demonstrably false claims that the vaccine contents remained at the injection site and were rapidly removed from the body and that the injections prevented infection and transmission of SARS-CoV-2, among many, many other demonstrably false claims

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I posted some of this as a stack...really good

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