Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Might it be possible that they are keeping quiet on the vax devastation because a very large number of ordinary folk, whose votes are needed, are likely still under the almost religious belief that vaccines are medical marvels which have saved generations from deadly diseases. I know from personal experience that I can talk easily about adulterated food and pesticides but once I start talking about vaccines people, even today after everything that has happened, often just seem to disengage. At this point the most important target is to get into the White House so whatever gets them there is good by me.

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IMO wrong approach but love how you explained it. point is 4 years have gone by and no one did anything. Sorry by Trump who I support and as we speak giving talks to help him be re-elected, still say OWS is successful and the Malone et al. vaccine when it failed...it killed. so I will not be silent...they could do both and Trump will get huge respect and support...for many were harmed. there is way this could have been handled. Handling it has failed. To say it saved lives causes people to take the deadly Malone shot still and they will be harmed. This is how I see it.

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If you admit the real purpose of OWS was to get deadly jabs in everyone's arms, then it was a success.

Remember they even had to change the definition of "vaccine" to do it!

All survivors are assassination attempt survivors like Trump.

But nobody should be trying to assassinate little babies! Ask Dr. Thorpe how that's going! =O

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Yes. Smart. And so are they. Not a distraction and not deceptive. They are stating the part that they know the masses can understand. They will definitely take care of all it after elected.

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I say they wont. if you win, why then go back and say the truth...you will be open then to real litigation for people will say you knew but for politics stayed silent. this has a litigation aspect. people are not stupid. LOVE you response, thank you

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They will and RFK is not worried about litigation. He has already published several books about vaccines, the pandemic, Fauci, the Wuhan Cover-Up, etc. He is an expert and he is determined to save the public, the country and the world, from these malfeasants. Trump knows this now too since they bonded over the issue when they joined forces. There is no way that Trump and RFK will not take action. They have risked their lives to do it. They have spent millions of their own dollars to do it. There is no way that they will stop. RFK has thought long and hard about what needs to be done. He knows exactly what to do and he will do it with Trump's help. If they start talking about vaccines now, millions of dem voters and some repub voters will not understand and will be easily twisted up by MSM, and votes will be lost. Would not be a smart move. They are not being deceptive. RFK's books and writings are available to anyone to see and he does not say anything publicly that contradicts what he has written. But to lead with vaccines as a major campaign issue would lose them the election because people just would not understand. The public will come to understand once they are in office.

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Yes and 80% of USA took vax and of those many choose to ignore scary fact of poison they willingly believed in. Trump realizes with backlash of pro-abortion battle cannot risk two fights Abortion and vax now.

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Did you know the Covid vax is more effective at inducing abortion than the abortion pill?

And they are still recommending it for pregnant women! Imagine that!

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Walgreens ads with parents nonchalantly taking child for flu n death shot...Heard they going bankrupt hallelujah..bout ready to protest in front of store in next town from me wearing my Pure Blood no vax t-shirt

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🎯 You nailed it!

They do not want to engage and some actually seem to despise you when you bring it up. You can see it on their face and it is so frustrating because they are not stupid, they just choose to be and act stupid! No engagement whatsoever. I get it…they do not want to come to terms with it. But how can we help future generations and be honest about poison jabs if they just tune it all out🤷‍♂️

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love this Tex...I and we want Trump on deck if for 4 years to fix things...for we have no 4 years to give...but it stupefies me how lost people, some still are and in some way it is these people who have high jacked a proper election...maybe Trump's base and Biden's base have us in chains, for they refuse to speak the truth to not anger their base...so we are at the mercy of their lunatic base who took the shot

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Politicians that alienate people do not get elected. Plain and simple.

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Bobby will be Attorney General. Then he will rip the deep state’s eyes out.

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let us see

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I doubt it now, he knows silence can be used against him in the future so he will need to stay on that course. thats my reasoning and so we will be fucked as usual.

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Says who? Trump still claims the bioweapon jabs "saved tens of millions of lives", & you think he will give RFK Jr any influential job? Highly doubtful. Trump is not ignorant at this point in time. When our own govt choreographed an injurious & lethal jab as "safe & effective" is where I draw the line. Any job promised or alluded to was to just quiet the conversation & garner favor with gullible. May God help America to wake up. Our elections are a farce/funnel only heading one direction. I intend to vote regardless, but not for anyone who implemented the jabs or whose admin mandated them for anyone.

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Please don't vote for her then. She mandates NOW for her campaign staff to be v@xd

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I am like you on this, don’t know that we can trust any of them.

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God I can only hope

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I agree, they cannot let the vaxx hoax slide away unresolved. It must be addressed, and the criminals prosecuted. But there is way more to MAHA than that. The criminal FDA must be stopped. They are working with the giant AG corporations and the global regime to control our food supply. They recently forced an absurd recall of millions of pounds of chicken in various forms of food items, simply because THEY claimed there was a POSSIBLE listeria contamination. But no one anywhere reported health problems. They have far too much illegitimate power, and should be reigned in, if not abolished.

And they push the totally bogus "food pyramid", and GMO foods. Our food supply is under attack, and food is the primary cause of either good health or disease. And we have finally seen a move to stop the use of the toxin fluoride in the water supplies.

A lot has to be done to reverse the damage done by highly refined and processed and toxic foods forced onto our people for decades.

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no doubt FDA, NIH, HHS, CDC etc. must be burnt down, razed, taken to the studs, 90% fired. many prosecuted.

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Methinks Bobby may not be cut loose to go Full Texas Walker on those health agencies/corps, though he wants to & even off-msm continues to attack them. On msm he is Silent about the vax.

As for Trump, he simply trusted the health care “officials” who turned out to be working for Satan, whoopsie, and he hates admitting he was wrong. But he also knows to attack them before election will lose votes not gain. I also believe Trump could handle this while issue if he just just came out now and said “I trusted my advisers about the Covid-1984 Vaccines but new data has come to light that indicates my enthusiasm for their shots may have been misplaced. I’m human, I’m fallible, but usually I’m perfect in every regard & that’s thing I really wanted to say…”

The most important question: Will Trump RESIST the next Plandemic and opt instead for individual liberties, medical ethics & common sense?

To those agencies/corps:

Thanks for the new “Vaccine”! We built you a new “Play Swing”, it just looks like a noose.

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Only a few weeks left. Be patient, as they are. They know full well the whole spectrum of problems, better than anyone. Just wait! They can’t do anything unless they get elected and most people are unwilling to understand the problems surrounding vaccines, water, etc. Food is something we can all get behind and since most people have already accepted the reality that our food is bad, then knowing it is worse than we thought is not a stretch. Overall, maybe a little weak, but it’s something g that speaks to everyone without causing the news to attack and people to dismiss out of hand. Once in office, they can do the real work of making america healthy again.

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Paul, a source in the US DOD is on the record admitting in March 2020 that ‘Covid’ was a “A low risk infection... even in the absence of a vaccine" https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/a-low-risk-infection-even-in-the

So why was there a 'vaccine solution'?

Why was there an Operation Warp Speed in response to ‘a low risk infection’?

It was completely INSANE!!!!!

Certainly insane that so many went along with this ginormous scam….

The Five Eyes for instance… The US, the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand getting this diabolical plan off the ground to exploit and enslave the world’s people!

The treachery!

Trump… Biden… Harris… They are in this up to their necks.

This all has to be exposed before the US election.

If the American people aren’t informed and warned about this, the election is illegitimate, they are being actively prevented from making an informed decision on their vote…and what an awful choice they have!

There must be a cleansing of the Augean Stables, how can the US go forward with this vile stench?

The American people must be informed that ‘their’ treacherous politicians, and others in the Five Eyes, are working for those evil forces wanting to exploit and enslave the world’s people.

It’s the biggest crime of all time!!!

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I posted a recent stack by you, its in cue...

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you do great work

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Trump didn’t buy into it. You are forgetting what 2020 was like. I did my homework in Feb 2020 and by early April I said on FB ‘I don’t believe in COVID’. Now everyone says ‘I never fell for it’ but when I wrote that very smart conservative people said I was wrong and they feared 250,000 dead by July in Canada from Covid. A very smart guy on FB. Jeffrey Varasano. He unfriended me. Many others went after me. By July almost all my right wing friends were more or less on board with me. But even now many smart conservative thinkers believe COVID actually was a problem, just not a huge one. Trump had 99% of the world medical community telling him this was the Black Death of our era with millions about to die. He was played. And if he did as I did, easy for me as I had zero to lose or gain, he would have been charged with murder by about 200 Jack Smiths.

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Oh give me a break...

So you...and I...could see through this scam from the beginning, but poor ol' Trump was played.

I'm not buying it. This was a set-up from the beginning, setting up a new global vaccine market, and social credit system - it was 'the people' who were played, big time.

I've been doing my homework on this topic for years - 16 and counting.

In regard to 'Covid', see for example my BMJ rapid response published in March 2020: Is it ethical to impede access to natural immunity? The case of SARS-CoV2: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6

Links to more of my rapid responses in 2020 and before here: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/more-correspondence/

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Dr. Paul I disagree. In an earlier post Sasha called Bobby a “liar” to which I totally disagreed and told her so.

Below is my comment to Sasha on “misdirection.”

I agree the vaxxes are all garbage that only cause harm. None of this “except for polio” stuff is acceptable. I like your term “toxic sludge.” What matters are clear conceptual arguments that leave the vax proponent no place to hide when the topic arises. It arose a few weeks ago with a neighbor who is a National Guard officer. He had no idea that our immune response resides substantially in the human microbiome. I have since been brought up to speed more or less on anaphylaxis by your posts. Much appreciated. A local DNC canvasser dropped by. When he saw our Kennedy lawn signs, I think he was having breathing difficulty. Visual anaphylaxis.

I would challenge you on the urgency of agricultural reform. It should not be dismissed so casually nor is it constructive to rank order it below vaccines in importance and regard the ongoing emphasis as “misdirection” … seemingly a back-handed accusation that vaccines are being “protected.” By CA politicians? Maybe. By Bobby Kennedy and Casey Means? No way.

Chemical farming is just another pharmaceutical assault that destroys the topsoil and washes it into the Mississippi River to the tune of ¼ GDP yearly. It has a sunset, that is, eventual crop failure. It is just another tentacle of the bioweapon development monster that has nursed on taxpayer money since WW2 and before. Artificial food coloring is everywhere. Is it not ironic that we can trace it back to the IG Farben conglomerate that made its fortune (early on) with synthetic dyes? My source is the book by Joseph Borkin.

No one says that “seed oils” are THE problem. But if you come down like a pile of bricks on vaccines in a political campaign the push back from MSM will confirm the gibberish brainwashed citizens hear from their doctors. This will scare away voters. It does not pay to be snobbish about this.

The initiative to turn back global poisoning has two main thrusts (plus a third) … vaccines and chemical farming (doing away with both). The latter is an easier sell to a broad swath of the public that has to be weaned away from vaccines. The damage from chemical farming is sufficiently clear and present to sell to the public. “Regenerative agriculture” draws a blank stare from the average busy person on the street, but that is changing. “All vaccines are bad” gets a hostile reaction. That is changing also because of the COVID shots, but there is still a lot of denial and inarticulate indignation in defense of mass vaccinations. It has to be explained that “safety trials” are bogus.

Agricultural reform is urgent in its own right, but it serves as a “tailgate issue” that will capture consumers conceptually. Public education is the key problem. Your posts are supremely informative, but you are still preaching to the choir. The link between MMR and autism was nailed years ago. It is found on CHD but some of the morons running for city council here never heard of it (now I am being snobbish). Vera Scheibner in Australia found the smoking syringe cause of SIDS beyond dispute. John Leake should edit her book for syntax and clarity and republish on Skyhorse while Vera is still alive. Thanks to you it is rather easy to see the infant deaths … observed during breathing monitor surveillance … in the context of anaphylactic shock. My speculation: I wonder if all you need is the needle … you may not have actually inject anything to kill a newborn.

The current emphasis on poison consumption is not in the least a misdirection. It is public education from which a “gut level” understanding of vaccine toxicity follows.

Kennedy knows perfectly well that all the vaccines are crap. When he says “we’ll study it” he means WE WILL “DISCOVER” WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW that is already documented out the kazoo but EFFECTIVELY censored. A comprehensive AI summary that rivets the lid on vaccines’ coffin is undoubtedly in the works. Probably Nicole’s homework assignment. She is not the innocent little twit you surmised just because she made a charming video that did not emphasize vaccines.

Campaign rhetoric is bland by design. But the appropriate documentation will not be redacted from public view if the right folks win this election. And POLICY only happens AFTER the election.

A third component of Global Poisoning is raining down on us from Chem Trails. It’s in our food and water. Closely related is geo engineering that modifies the weather. Both are carried out by our military … on whose orders? The CIA does not seem to need orders from anyone … just Gates’s money.

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In a few short months, when the economy is allowed to implode, the vaccine program will be history, but so will all of healthcare as we know it. It is imperative Americans take responsibility for their own health because the Disease Care system that is now in place will be destroyed. To a lesser or greater degree, we will be on our own for a very long time. A big part of that is eating the right things and not eating the wrong things. Sure, fluoridated water chemtrails, etc.. all in the mix but imagine in we woke up one day and the entire American population refused to consume seed oils....? Asking for a friend.

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It’s very simple. Trump knows he has to be strategic in tackling the vaccine issue. And He absolutely has to table ANY vaccine discussion until after the election. Go for the White House first. Discussion now could tip the election. BE PATIENT.

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theoretically it makes sense but realistically it is bad. IMO, wrong.

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It is extremely worrying that the biggest crime against humanity now seems to be ignored by RFK. OWS was an attack on the human race, and preventing americans from getting fatter and fatter, is in this regard insignificant. First solve the biggest crime which affects the whole world's population and then you can go MAHA! We should remember that they are already building factories all over the world for producing more of this deadly mRNA crap.

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agreed fully. IMO they are going about this wrong. the American people are losing and losing trust.

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I think the joining of RFKJR and President Trump was Trumps signal that he will make admissions and changes one he is elected and that’s the best he can do for now. I don’t like it either- this must be identified and pulled asap. But getting President Trump back in the WH has to be the utmost priority. They are so litigious against Trump that I am surprised that they have not addressed it. It just shows both parties are in DEEP with big pharma!

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I don’t think now is the time to campaign on vax. Get elected, assemble a blue ribbon panel of experts to examine the evidence, and then jail Fauci, Wolensky, Birx, and all the rest. Including putting out international arrest warrants for Bourla etc.

You have to show the people incontrovertible evidence. Campaiging now on it is not going to help. We are beyond that. We are now into criminal investigations. Which by definition can’t be talked about publicly. Or your case is blown.

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MAHA makes sense if one wants to grab independent voters that are not yet red pilled. And as bad as the covid shots are, a lot of these cancers that kill people in their most productive years that have been going on for ever are probably related to the garbage in our food and water. Silencing RFK Jr though is dumb. Let him speak, take the heat for it, if Trump doesn't want to be at the center of the forestorm on this yet. At minimum, they should be speaking about helping the victims of vaccine injuries (Trump already said his piece about vaccine mandates).

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The chronic health problems in this country are certainly due to our overly processed, pesticide-infused and seed oil-ridden ingredients that essentially poison our food supply. Vaccines are part of the problem but only one component contributing to the awful health of Americans today. Also, this country is horribly over medicated due to Big Pharma and a bought-and-paid-for medical profession that pushes their products over advocating for nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. There are many reason why this country is so sick and it started way before Covid.

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Yes two things every American loves MnM candy loaded with artificial color and coca cola with 6 tablespoon sugar in a bottle.

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You’re acting like we can’t walk and chew gum. It’s BOTH….crap food AND crap vaccines

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thats my point

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Bobby has recognised reality and has endorsed Trump. It’s a two-horse race. Your horse doesn’t have to be perfect in everything (how could anyone be) - what is important is that the wrong horse doesn’t win (USA is down the tube, never to recover and it will take the rest of the west down with it). Been three assassination attempts now that we have heard about already- bet on more to come. So, the other side isn’t nice and isn’t going to play nice. I wouldn’t ask the good guys to tell them everything that they are going to do - only warns them and hardens their resolve to play dirty. There’s no way they aren’t going to try to rig the count any way they can. There’s still half the population that love them less now but wouldn’t believe that they are evil. Most of the people during the pandemic were useful idiots but some had to understand just how bad the various choices were yet still they made those choices. Trust nobody but as long as people are rowing in the same direction you risk sinking if you try to throw people out of the boat. United we stand, divided we fall. Get over Malone for now, you can pick over that carcass with him later, but only if the good guys win.

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Why does our side continue to "step on the rake". First Lila Rose looking for perfection from Trump, and now Dr. Paul. Give it a rest until after Trump is sworn in. That is what counts right now. People who are political have already made their mind up. Trump is making a play for the squishes and ignorant. Those types will not be pushing Trump on any non-economic policies after the election. That will depend on people like us who deep dive on issues. THAT is when you bring out the people and rally them. With the election/inauguration over, the people will have the time to divert energies elsewhere. But for now, trying to shlong Malone or Kennedy is just looking bi-polar.

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