2 books coming out soon that Dr. Pelech is a contributor and senior editor of. They include: "Down the Covid-19 Rabbit Hole: Independent Scientist and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic" which is available by hard copy in late October 2024. This books covers the science behind the virus.

The second book which is likely coming out next year is called "Covid-19 Pandimonium: A pandemic of Ignorance, Fear and Greed. The Capture of our Institutions" is more about how the COVID situation was mishandled.

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I look forward...I have been in recent communication with him, a great humanitarian too. I will help promote those books. He is outstanding, unsung.

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Apparently there may soon be a vaccine, other than Novavax, available for the first time in the West against SARS-CoV-2. I'm referring to the one desribed in the article at the lik below. I've quoted part of the abstract. Would you recommend it?

"We generate an intranasal live-attenuated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, CDO-7N-1, using codon deoptimization. CDO-7N-1 shows highly attenuated replication and minimal or no lung pathology in vivo over multiple passages. It induces robust mucosal and systemic neutralizing antibody and T-cell subset responses, in mice (female K18-hACE2 and male HFH4-hACE2 mice), hamsters, and macaques triggered by a single immunization. Mice and hamsters vaccinated with CDO-7N-1 are protected from challenge with wild-type (WT) SARS-CoV-2 and other variants of concern. Serum from vaccinated animals neutralizes WT SARS-CoV-2, variants of concern (beta and delta), variants of interest (omicron XBB.1.5) and SARS-CoV-1. Antibody responses are sustained and enhanced by repeated immunization or infection with WT SARS-CoV-2. Immunity against all SARS-CoV-2 proteins by CDO-7N-1 should improve efficacy against future SARS-CoV-2 variants."

A single-dose intranasal live-attenuated codon deoptimized vaccine provides broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants


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Immunological memory is the ability of the immune system to quickly and specifically recognize an antigen that the body has previously encountered and initiate a corresponding immune response. Generally these are secondary, tertiary and other subsequent immune responses to the same antigen. Immunological memory is responsible for the adaptive component of the immune system, special T and B cells — the so-called memory T and B cells.


IgG antibodies are Y-shaped protein molecules that are produced by special white blood cells (B lymphocytes) in response to foreign substances (antigens) such as viruses or bacteria. Antibodies can attach to these viruses or bacteria, rendering them harmless and unable to penetrate healthy cells. They GO AWAY with time and could fall to a NEGATIVE level DOESN'T mean susceptible.


Total immunity against viral diseases includes:

1. Local IgA and IgM

2. Humoral immunity of IgG antibodies, both those present in the blood AND those that can be produced quickly when the antigen is present

3. Cellular immunity or MEMORY

4. Other mechanisms.

When we measure antibody titers, we are ONLY documenting the IgG antibodies present in the bloodstream.


The Immune System fires up when a pathogen, like a virus, enters the body. The pathogen releases a protein called an antigen, which calls into action the immune system’s special disease-fighting cells. "Called B and T lymphocytes", these cells NOT only destroy the virus, but they REMEMBER what it looked like so they can fend it off in the FUTURE.


IMMUNOLOGIC MEMORY allows the immune system to REMEMBER the antigens or organisms to which it has previously been exposed. MEMORY EFFECTOR B cells (long-lived plasma cells) and MEMORY T-cells specific to a virus, give long-term immunity against these diseases.




The “Adaptive Immune Response" is younger than the “Innate Immune Response" in evolutionary terms and is more specific and considerably MORE POTENT in its effects.


The constituents of the adaptive immune response are the lymphoid cells. These include:


The T lymphocytes and the cytokine and chemokine messenger proteins released by these cells, which direct and REGULATE the adaptive immune response.


The B lymphocytes, which transform to the late-stage plasma cells that produce and secrete antibody.


The lymphoid cells of the adaptive immune response reside in, and circulate between, the various lymphoid tissues of the body (e.g. the lymph nodes, spleen and mucosal lymphoid tissues). In the adaptive immune response, antigen is first transported from a site of infection by a dendritic cell to the regional lymphoid tissue. That dendritic cell in turn activates "Antigen-Specific T lymphocytes," which further activate Antigen-Specific B lymphocytes.”


These activated, Antigen-Specific lymphocytes must then be mobilized from the regional lymphoid tissue and sent to the site of infection, a process that involves these cells moving into the lymphatic and blood circulation and interacting with the endothelial lining of blood vessels.


Once these cells reach the site of infection, they are able to mount a full-scale ‘EFFECTOR’ response, which is considerably STRONGER than that permitted by innate immunity. As these processes take some time to occur (in the order of 4–7 days), there is a delay before adaptive immunity ‘takes over’ from the innate form of defence.


The final component of Adaptive Immunity is the development of a “REGULATORY RESPONSE" that will "SWITCH OFF" the system when it is NO LONGER REQUIRED (i.e. when the pathogen has been ELIMINATED) so as NOT to cause DAMAGE to normal body tissue.


HOWEVER, once this is achieved, the immune system retains the “MEMORY” of that immune response.

IMMUNOLOGICAL MEMORY is another key feature of the Adaptive Immune Response. MEMORY allows the generation of a much MORE effective SECONDARY IMMUNE RESPONSE (Anamnestic MEMORY Response) if that same antigen is EVER RE-ENCOUNTERED.

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excellent explanation Solo, very well done, and as time has passed I have grown to admire and respect and truly understand (though I say I am junior) the innate immune system (innate antibodies by the B1-cells) and the natural killer cells (NK) as part of that...especially as to the training of a child's innate immune system. I have also grown to appreciate the 'complement' compartment or component...often overlooked. My appreciation is that if all goes well and immune is functional, that innate can pretty much handle any if not most pathogen and the acquired/adaptive kind of mops us the operation...in other words the innate takes the edge off the invader...thank you for this huge contribution. we are all learners and its fascinating that we share in a thoughtful respectful manner...

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Based on your explanation Solo, it’s quite apparent our “God” given / designed immune systems, have been “perfectly” designed?

In fact, because perfection may be an “understatement” your explanation shows how well our “God” given immune systems have been designed!

Is there any wonder why, before Big Pharma figured out how to “disrupt / destroy” our perfectly designed immune systems, most contagions were eradicated within our bodies?

My point is simple, whether people believe in “God” or not, something magical happens when our bodies are infected, something Big Pharma seemingly wants to “destroy” for their profits, their greedy evilness, rather than helping prolong and protect life!

Sick people = Huge profits!

I say, “DO NOT COMPLY” with these “evil-murderers”! Ever again! How can anyone ever trust these “bastards” ever again?

Thank you Solo for your simplistic explanation, description of how our bodies immune systems function.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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boom AJR in how you mainstreamed God into this, mightier beings who put that there...its akin to God giving kids, infants an innate immune system that must be trained by its interaction with the environment especially as to leaning what is 'self' versus 'non-self' (autoimmune immune disease basis) as maternal antibodies wane...that we must never interrupt. The COVID mRNA vaccine interferers with the training, subverts it.

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Then Trump pulls a fast

u-turn,and agrees to talk

to that pig,Zelensky.

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I'll try to find the source. Your right we have seen it before. The original Bird flu or whatever under Obama I read it was tested before. Also Dr. Campbell's info on Cross Immunity. We've all had the cold and other structure not the Spike there is a immune response. I've been told the virus if used the survival rate was 99. 8 up to 70 years of age. I've found links to Congressional approval for population control. Gates says we need new vaccines to reduce the population. Comments of "We had to find a way get people to take the shot." And, "things got out of control. So your right. My hope is that Trump knows now what happened before and his mistakes. I dot see anyone else who might be angry enough to try and turn thing around.

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Every single step they took was to test the unsuspecting participants response to a global Milgram experiment. In fact it went even further to see how many eventually woke up once the carnage was in plain sight.

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Good on you for remembering the Milgram experiment Patricia 👌

That's what we all are in right now.

Will we stop and let go of the switch?

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This is ALL you need to know. Not a conspiracy theory but a pure unequivocal Conspiracy Revelation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CyDDlXL2V4

By the way David Martin located Sars patents about 20 years old so they could profit (the spoils of war) as they are killing you not br virus but by treatment

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Perhaps all that changed was the addition of the cleavage site with the additional monkey cancer promoter (? SV40 ?).

Now all them bum-fuckers are displaying monkey-business.

And now, the un-elected UN has given itself [conflict of interest = fraud] the power [and not the authority] to be the One World Dictator. Was the WEF just a distraction? Was the WHO just another distraction? Are these wars just more distraction?

All the world is a stage, and we the players.

How will this chapter for humanity end?

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I appreciate your calmness today,Milton.

I hate to bring you bad news, but Trump is doing an interview with Zelensky today.

So how is he being different than Harris?

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Dr. Alexander, everything you say about the evil that descended upon us in 2020 is absolute fact. Every participant in this evil must be held accountable.

Yet you are trapped in a web of total cognitive dissonance when confronted with the plain fact that the ONLY one you acknowledge with the determination to right this wrong must first confess he was duped by it.

NO!! The first thing President Trump must do IS GET ELECTED!! RFK Jr., whom you decry for remaining silent about the medical crime of all time also understands this fact of realpolitik life: unless elected, you can scream like a banshee about COVID-19 to absolutely NO AVAIL!

You, yourself are a prime example of this reality, for goodness sake! You have been ranting daily about Malone, Bancel, Fauci, et al. FOREVER! And to what avail? Not a damn one of them has seen the inside of a courtroom, let along that hangman's noose you call for in your silent screams for justice!

Have you not asked yourself why? LOOK WHO SITS IN THE WHITE HOUSE! That’s why! Look who runs the DoJ!

I will not relent from repeating the reality one must first get elected before one can fix the problem! Admitting he was duped/wrong about the jabs will guarantee President Trump will be ridiculed and pilloried to death by his political enemies and LOSE the election!

He can then join you and scream from the sidelines “the game was rigged!”

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Florida, I understand you but its been 4 years and they got to put some sugar out now...I trust Trump but he gots to be clearer...on the vaccines etc. anyway, huge praise.

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That is what we are confronting and fighting. The enemy is the tyrannical US Intel criminal syndicate that stole the 2020 election from the people, and who tried to kill President Trump.

Trump knows this, and he is a man who seeks proper justice, revenge and retribution. Yes, we MUST first see that he is elected, and returns to power. Once the people have a strong advocate in the White House again, and people like RFK Jr. with him, then we can demand and see justice.

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I many ways I agree Dave...we have to trust and hope too

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This is the most accurate example of what’s happening now, why trump won’t save anything


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"why Trump won't save anything". What then? Of course, Trump is not a savior of mankind. But he IS the only respected world leader who WILL have the power and authority to take the appropriate actions. He is the only man alive today who seeks retribution and justice, and an end to the deep state cabal. We must follow his lead, and act as a united people to take back our country and hang these traitors.

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yes, I do believe that, I do think he is the best and only option now...yes and we want retribution and justice...hard punishment

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We must follow his lead, and act as a united people to take back our country and hang these traitors.


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Trump is part of the deep state, he isn’t offering the grassroots shakedown. More of the same unfortunately.

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give him space, some time now...I trust, yes we disappointed in some things...but whats the alternative?>I say give him a 2nd shot. at the WH.

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The only grassroots alternative is Dr Shiva, no mainstream coverage at all. He didn’t promote the vaccine, he told people not to take it. When is trump going to address warp speed?

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Thankfully, that assessment is incorrect

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Hi Dave, did you know that Trump is gonna interview Zelensky today?

Can we still trust him?

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Thank for that great post, Mark

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Many now deciding there was no covid. Dr. Michael Yeadon, Jonathan Engler, Joel Smalley others. Why did it take,them four years to realise this? What exactly was it that made many of us so unwell, some of us in 2019? Will we ever know? Four yrs into this nightmare and the guessing game goes on. The thing I find most disturbing is that all these scientists I believed in are now infighting. Calling each other names, calling out the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration. It is painful and disturbing to watch and throws even more confusion into the pot. The governments and health authorities responsible for mandating lockdowns, masks, closure of schools and businesses and dishing out a dangerous, ineffective injection that has injured and killed, should be the FOCUS. Infighting, calling each other names within the scientific community is a waste of time.

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Has anyone else noted that the terminology we use today is flawed and outright lies? The torture and murder of multiple men, women and children by the fake jab is not referred to as same. It is murder. What about abortion when innocent unborn babies are torn to pieces, burned by caustic chemicals, or decapitated by way of partial birth abortion? (I am not condemning any who have had abortions, I do not judge but might be a good time if you have had one, to look up WEBA (Women Exploited By Abortion) for support by a non judgmental organization.

LIEberals are good at defending rank porn as merely being erotic but then LIEBerals are liars in many cases. During WW2 it was called "War" when the fire bombing of cities like Dresden wiped out many civilians. Illegal invasions by so called law enforcement of private property is not called "invasion of private property, it is called a justifiable raid.

Rape of women is not called rape and desecration of the fairer gender, it is called human trafficking. Most of the above are done for the "love of money (which is) is the root of all evil and it is that which has powered aborticide, war, murdering fake jabs, porn, prostitution, etc in fact, it is as if stupid sheeple are trying to justify by softer language things like beheading an innocent and viable unborn baby by partial birth aborticide.

The conclusion of the matter to come, "And God looked and saw that the imaginations of man were on evil continually and it grieved God He had made man." I do not point fingers at others without knowing when I do hat three other fingers and a thumb are pointing at me and I suspect God in His wisdom created us this way so we would get a message we are human too.

I have already had my fill of religious hypocrites going to church on Sundays to sing "Jesus Loves Me, and cheating, lying, stealing and defrauding others the other six days of the week which is why religion is anathema to me. (yes, I have relatives I despise for just that) We are all sinners of commission but probably in more numbers as committing sins of omission for "He who knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin" and according to Revelation 21 verse 8 the worst sinner aside from blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is to be a coward. I attend a non denominational church with a real minister who presents diplomatic criticisms couched in charity towards his congregation and there are times I think (and he probably is) he is speaking from the pulpit directly to me. He and his wife are loved by all for he presents the Truth not found in over 90% of all religions.

There exists a large group and typeset of people who wallow in the shadows and hide from the persecution that would come if they took a stand for all that was right.

"Hell hath enlarged itself" on multiple occasions and everything is corrupted, including law enforcement as will come to light in one particular case.

What can I say now after all this? "Prepare to meet thy God" because we all die and that is when it happens.

I say all this without malice and being who and what I am, my minister will get a copy of this and look at me silently when I shake his hand going out after the sermon in two days. I do not begrudge his comments for that is his job. He is not to be a wishy washy sop aiding and abetting sinful actions of others.

The difference is that I attend a Bible church, not a denominational one that has its "disciplines." Pray tell me anyone, the Holy Bible is the Truth so why does anyone need religions with their man made and imperfect rules of conduct to govern their churches?

Nuff said. Except for one thing. My minster's wife is an active participant in his job, and having two grand daughters who sat under her teachings as children has resulted in their absorption of sound beliefs that have added to the security and rightness of their actions now in their teen years. No problems with them. They are obedient. Do not smoke or consume alcohol or use weed or swear. But as it says, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is grown he will not depart far from it."

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it is murder Edward, thank you for reminding about best proper terms.

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Very good lengthy article Paul, all things that must be said.

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thanks...most you guys know...we are debating here...thoughtful debate, informing.

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This info NEEDS to be put out there. Thanks for the initial push. Hope to see it grow like a snowball rolling downhill. Not optimistic - but hopeful!

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