Malone has benefitted no one but himself, lied out of the box, lies today, now goes about with a travelling show, grifting here there and everywhere now they are grifting in Europe as USA dont want them...that this beast could lie out of the gate and have the likes of DEL and EPOCH lapping it up...and now they cant get out of it...they built following based on a lie...Malone lied and said he invented the mRNA vaccine to get you to be amazed 'oh he so smart and he will help bring a cure' to then go to 'I created the technology'...and he wont dare say he created the vaccine anymore and why? he got your money already...to then want no part of the harms and deaths that you must pretend is not linked to him...do you understand the mass formation bullshit was on you? by him...

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Indeed, Dr. Malone likely has an IQ around 160 based on his past writings, but he appears to be a narcissist. This has only served to promote himself rather than help anyone.

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if you examine any researcher and their grants, I guarantee you will find shady shit...its par for the course...I was in academia teaching, I know the shit, never took one dollar for I saw the fraud and it was a life of leeching on the tax payer and you were really saying you could not work for real money...Malone must be audited, the 10 billion he said he secured for researchers...let us see how many went into horses and his life style and the like...why not open the book Robert?

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and tell you about his horses and his privileged life

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Exactly! If his intentions were for our good he would not have sat in silence while people were being killed with the bio weapon aka vaccine. Turd is playing victim. Probably concerned he might actually have to face consequences. Why isn't he offering assistance to try to reverse the damage going on? Why isn't he screaming to stop these fraud jabs? He took the money and is playing victim. Hang him.

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No worries, no problem...as long as you never let up on these creeps. I want them hung, too. Yes, after their day in court.

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Psychology = Mass Psychosis NPD Paradigm at minimum by own rules out of the box

Likely the best diagnosis for Psychology is: Sunk Cost Syndrome + Deep Pockets Syndrome + some form of Narcissism Sociopathy Psychopathy and Sadism all rolled into one

Psychology is for people who lack the Aptitude to do a science, Integrity to walk own rule system.

So called experts in human behavior missed the massive gaslight past 4+ years

Those people don't understand feces

$100,000 to your favorite children's charity if Psychology/Psychiatry isn't NPD at minimum

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Maybe I will ask him these pertinent questions when I see his sorry ass at the Plandemic The Musical Event on June 15th. I thought Mikki Willis & bestie Del Bigtree had figured him out as the fraud he is, but NO. Or all these cats are controlled op & they DO know. After all, they had a lil’ get together with Abby Rockefeller a year or so ago, so I’m beginning to see the big picture here. Saw it then, but now confirmed. All these HealthFreedom peeps must have been approached by CIA or whomever & threatened to go along or else. That’s all I can think of. I’m not going in with blinders on. That’s for sure, but I like the phrase, “Keep your enemies close, so you can learn their tactics & watch their moves.” Makes me sad though. I wanted to believe these guys were on the up & up, but staying connected to Maloney baloney has me thinking otherwise. Ugh.

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Speaking of cancer:


We are running out of time because the jabs have set us all up for this next big plan. Notice the comment section of people noticing a lot based on the clip and a recent newsroom interview.

The mRNA experimental jab must be exposed for the cancer causing agent. The determination to rollout out another experimental jab to "cure" or prevent cancer MUST BE EXPOSED before it's too late.

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No it is never time to be ok with this , billions of people have died . And the doctors were too stupid, or

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Have you not heard about the new miracle cure for cancer?

Spontaneous tumor regression following COVID-19 vaccination


Complete Remission of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma after COVID-19 Vaccination


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Thanks for the FUCKING BELLY LAUGH. Ooops language. These clot shots are killers. I’m English. When I think how far the world class BBC, BMJ, Lancet ( HCQ fiasco ) have fallen I really want to FUCKING PUKE.

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Look at the bottom of the (toilet ) paper:

Bottom of ‘paper’. Just about every pharma company going support. BMJ** disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Then why publish it?**

* **Competing interests** RF: reports personal fees from Regeneron-Sanofi, Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Prelude Pharmaceuticals, Bicara Therapeutics, Klus Pharma, Medscape, Carevive, Merck, and Guidepoint Global and institutional fees from AstraZeneca, Merck, Genentech, Pfizer, EMD-Serono, Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Prelude Pharmaceuticals, and Rakuten Medical not related to the topic of the submitted work.

* **Provenance and peer review** Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

* **Supplemental material** This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been peer-reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise

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Ah, you're English. Unfortunately your government covered up how the US infected large numbers of British people with blood transfusion products contaminated with Hep B, C and HIV. Only now as the death toll is becoming known is the real story emerging.

Blood scandal: 'It destroyed everything I knew'


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Yes That’s scandal de jour in the UK right now.

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Narcissus, of course. Just look at his beautifully-kept facial hair (and the rest).

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Or Lilly liveried to speak up , they deserve whatever they get, for not staying true to their Oath , to cause no harm.

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Come up here Dr. P and watch the insanity. The USA tends to have good cops but down here we have criminal defective detective ASSirmative action hires who lie, do colored and biased i9nvestigations, and take the word of obsessed delusion brain dead bureaucraps who have criminally harassed innocent people with no criminal records for over two decades.

Then go to Ottawa and watch the pigs there in the OPS mount their horses and trample elderly disabled women on their access scooters.

Then watch TPS pigs shoot dead an unarmed semi retired gunsmith and if that does not turn your crank, go to any court proceeding and watch corrupt JP's devour the lies of fake detective colored investigations and rule on any matter by peeking through the left side of their left mealy mouths and speaking lies and defamations.

That is just the intro to the insanity here.

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Where are you located? Is this Canada or US? Thanks.

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Hi Denise

I am in "Canuckistan," in the province of nutbars "Untario" and the slime minister turdo Hitler reigns as the pie faced fool elected by other fools. And you gal are full of p*ss and vinegar in your capacity as a woman of vim and vigor who I do admire as I do many of the gals on Substack.

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I don't mind Malone. His actions are still on our side. His latest substack is warning people of Government psychological warfare against the people. I don't see how anyone can mistake this for controlled opposition. Do you have any examples of controlled opposition to change my mind? And he does look to be a victim of vaccine harm, which has actually helped our cause by getting the vaccine harm message out there. He's also changed his mind on covid vaxx for old people. Apparently Steve Kirsch help to change his mind. This shows that he can look at the data without bias as a real scientist. Seems like a good guy to have fighting for us. Maybe you know something I don't

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Malone is "Government psychological warfare against the people." And by government, we are talking about the crooks that have usurped control over our society. Prouty called them "The Secret Team". It's been a true conspiracy for a long time, but which really came of age following WWII, commenced a series of coup d'etat over the decades, and now in the last few years have launched their crescendo of murder and destruction. Which oddly so many don't even seem to realize, probably by virtue of all the groundwork laid by the cabal over decades. The expressed view in your comment, btw, is an example showing just how effective that "Gov. psychological warfare" happens to be.

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Do you have an example of this Malone warfare you are talking about? I doubt it. All you have is more undocumented opinion.

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It’s ironic when he or ghost writer puts that in his substack.

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Yes, isn't it. And a classic technique of psy-op. Guess we could call it " projection".

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"Malone is a narcissist ..." A little bit, as opposed to a lot, of narcissism is said to be a good thing but if Malone fits the bill for having a lot then could it explain why women swoon over him and fall at his feet?

The appeal of narcissists: why do we love people who’d rather love themselves?


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“Fall at his feet”? Never heard that one!

Excuse me while I 🤮


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I can only assume that falling at his feet would be helpful for purposes of worshipping the very ground he walks on.

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Money & power & all that nonsense & no matter the evidence none of them will ever spend a day in jail. Even if the evidence is overwhelming & it came out that 80% of the population would be dead within the next 2-5 years, I'd be surprised if anyone raised an arm, took to the streets, lynched them from a lamp post. The masses have become woke afraid of their own shadows 🤪 & that's what they want. What happened to that the right to bear arms, what happened to that pioneer spirit that conquered the America's? I know it's hard, every email I send to my mp concerning vaccine damage, crime, asylum seekers etc etc is mostly ignored, any response puts down my concerns & any follow up with evidence is completely ignored. In the uk the Chinese stole 40 million voters details & when I asked my mp if they'd stolen anything else other than the voters details, like the nuclear codes, because this was a very sophisticated hack or our government hasn't got a clue, he immediately shut the conversation down, so did the Chinese steal our nuclear codes?

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Look. I listened to this Malone years ago. He invented this as a cancer treatment actually because his mother had breast cancer and I think died from it.

He did not invent this as a bio weapon and though he probably doesn’t have the best character and nobility, it’s time to get over being so outraged.

It’s boring. Don’t you have better things to do with this energy, like love?

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Do you have the best character and nobility? Judge not lest ye be judged. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

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Please! Enough with bad the language!

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If I started swearing more no one would understand me LOL 🙄

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I would. I use rough language but never God's name in vain. In fact, Jesus saved His harshest language for the religious leaders of His day. I know a "late" minister who revered a rough speaking but sincerely truthful man who stood for justice and freedom. Another minister called the same man "a diamond in the rough." Both these men opposed evil and ignored those whose feet they stepped on.

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