Which Law, which Constitution grants immunity to Frauds? None. Not even the immunity law signed by Pres. Reagan. So, all these evil firms should be sued royally.

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Yes there is no immunity for the vaccine makers as they committed fraud that's why they had to dismiss Brook Jackson's case which will be on appeal. To buy time. They bought time by sealing her court case in Jan 2021 as the mass vaccination campaign started. The government is complicit in furthering the fraud. They pushed the vaccines. Lied about the vaccines and mandated the vaccines. So they will be trying to absolve themselves by absolving Pfizer. They will manipulate censor smear doctors cover up data and continue to lie. Notice how quiet they are now in pushing the vaccines. That silence is indication that they have been caught. Since when do you have a department of defense involved in vaccines for the general population?

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Haven't they been absolved and deemed free from litigation?

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The Brook Jackson case has been dismissed but will be appealed. It's not over.

What's most important about the judge's 100-page dismissal is that it DOCUMENTS and EXPOSES the fraud. It can no longer be denied that the DOD, the U.S. Dept of HHS, the FDA, and the CDC conspired with Pfizer (and Moderna) to harm and kill U.S. soldiers and other citizens with gene-tampering, poisonous covid shots. They all so much as ADMITTED this conspiracy as the pillar of their defense of the case against them.

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I can't see how anything will ever happen to them if the federal govt contract indemnifies and holds them harmless for every single act.

Where is the legal foundation for their liability?

In might be in equities, but definitely not in law.

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The following is not my original analysis. i believe the credit goes to Katherine Watt or Sasha Latypova. That said, I wholeheartedly agree that the legal foundation must be crafted very carefully and should rest on the fact that it is ILLEGAL to CONTRACT to COMMIT A CRIME. The DOD contracts with Pfizer are themselves criminal conspiracies.

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Beautiful. I heard piercing the shield of liability comes from exposing the fraud from the very beginning. The crime against humanity in the contract to commit a crime and the proof that they withheld early treatments and used ventilators and remdedivir that killed majority so they could get EUA of this experimental shot..

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In South African law, the following elements must be proven to sustain a case of fraud under the common law:

1. Misrepresentation.

2. Unlawfulness.

3. Actual or potential prejudice.

4. Intention.

So, if this were an SA crime, we could prove items 1, 2, 3 but not 4, being intention.

I'm sure it's the very same in the USA.

This is where the criminal case sadly unravels.

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Perhaps a smoking gun revealing intention is yet to be discovered?

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The definition of fraud is number 4. Intentional deceptive action for gain or to deny a victim his rights. This was done. Emergency orders done in fear. Deceptive language and media propaganda. The military of Britain and Canada both stating they used the opportunity to test using fear tactics. The former health Miniister of Britain Matt Hancock admitted the variants were to scare and asked when he would deploy them. That is fraud. That is deception. We learn by reading these sustacks and people's knowledge and it paves the way to these challenges in Court.

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Did you or I give liability? Nope. Does the government own our bodies. Nope. Did they mandate a vaccine that has death and disability as side effects . Yes. That's a crime. Fraud well established. How the law is interpreted is up for debate because they have no solid evidence to back up safe and effective. In fact evidence is to the contrary and as people point out you have thalidomide as a precedent of the tragedy that come from government approval of a drug not even trialed on pregnant animals. I personally think this is an excellent point in Court. They called covid vaccines safe for pregnant females ignoring thalidomide tragedy. I really love the hypocrites who have written on thalidomide tragedy but pushed the covid vaccines. The government absolved liability for a shot never tested on pregnant females yet mandated to pregnant females.

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The government was given 400 million by vaccine manufacturers. Bribery and extortion is a crime.

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Who deemed them free from litigation. The government. Did you or I give them no liability? Nope. The government mandated them yet fraud was already known. Deceptive language captured on video. Who was harmed? We the people. Who does the government represent? We the people. Does the government own your body. No. Do they have right to mandate it and stop you from working based on deceptive language. Nope. By firing you they have interfered in your health and wellbeing the very premise they use to push the vaccines is its for your health. Hogwash to them. It's fraud plain and simple to common man. They have deemed them not liable but challenges to that can come and they know it. Thus they smear anyone who tries.

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You think they are just trying to save their own butts by doing this? I think it makes them look either ignorant or incompetent and neither are good qualifications for a doctor!!

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EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! They're all going to do this. Trying to keep my mouth shut!!!!!

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New tang dynasty/NTD is one of the few newspapers telling the truth the last three years. Their authors and contributors are well educated and informed. They are the tip of the spear in stoping the communist takeover of America.

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Hang them in the public square.

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Dr. Alexander, I well know that you and many others have been speaking out for a long time now. What I am finding as I transcribe censored and shadow-banned videos of 2021 (and also 2022 and into 2023) is that more people spoke out than one might have guessed. Massive, massive respect for those who did!

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This is just one example of a shadow-banned video from 2021 that I only happened upon recently:

Public Comment by Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

Orange County, Florida Board of County Commissioners Meeting 9/14/21

"Dr Kevin Stillwagon Demands attention at - Board of County Commissioners Meeting"

Posted at Korrie-Jade October 11, 2021



DR. KEVIN STILLWAGON: My name is Dr. Kevin Stillwagon. I am a property owner and a taxpayer in Orange County. You are making some really bad decisions based on fear of a virus that has about a 99% survival rate for most of us. That is unsubstantiated fear. So let me give you a couple of things to truly be fearful about.

That mask that you keep insisting that people wear decreases the amount of oxygen in your lung tissue. We now know that this virus uses furin cleavage site to merge with your lung tissue to infect you, and it works better with decreased oxygen. And peer-reviewed research clearly shows that wearing a mask increases your chances of developing an upper respiratory infection 13 times more than a person not wearing a mask. So I would stop wearing a mask immediately if I were you.

Secondly, this shot that you insist on people getting gives you absolutely no protection against infection. It is the innate immune system that protects you from infection by using dendritic cells, T-cells, and natural killer cells without antibodies ever becoming involved.

This shot has one goal and that goal is to make antibodies. These antibodies circulate inside of you and cannot prevent an infection. They can only react to something that has already gotten inside of you. They cannot keep something out. The shot decreases the ability of your innate immune system to keep viruses out by 60 percent. And a booster shot will reduce it even more. Even worse, the antibodies that are created by this shot can no longer neutralize variants and actually enhance the virus' ability to infect you.

It should be painfully obvious to you by now that fully vaccinated people are getting sick. And this will continue to get worse if you keep trying to jab people while a virus is trying to spread. The variants are emerging from the vaccinated population.

This so-called vaccine is still being administered on what's called an emergency use authorization.* It is not FDA approved. The FDA approved a biological licensing application for a product called Comirnaty. The application was approved, not the product. Comirnaty is not available in the United States. Therefore, by law, you cannot force people to take this drug without informed consent and without animal trials to prove that it is safe.

Mayor Demings,** please look at me. You, sir, are in violation of the United States Constitution and the Nuremberg Code. You will be held accountable. Good day.

MALE VOICE: Alright, ah, thank you for your comment.



# # #


* For more on Emergency Use Authorization.

See https://www.niaid.nih.gov/grants-contracts/what-operation-warp-speed

See also the US government webpage explaining Emergency Use Authorization:


(If you read it carefully you will find that by taking a covid "vaccine" you are in fact participating in a phase 3 trial, that is, an experiment.)

And see the US government webpage about the clinical trials (in other words, experiments), which are anticipated to conclude in March of 2023:


** Jerry L. Demings, Orange County Mayor


Dr. Kevin Stillwagon's blog is https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/

and Twitter is https://twitter.com/DrKStillwagon

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Sad thing is that these people speak out and it will still continue because until it's gets some mainstream traction nothing will change as not enough of the population reads these type forums.

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Yes, however among the people who read these forums are the people who are actually doing something to change things. There are many examples, my number one is Steve Kirsch,


and after that, for me, a big hero is Leslie Manookian. She got the masks off on airlines. https://lesliemanookian.substack.com/

And so many more examples... and including of course, our host here, the intrepid Dr. Paul Alexander!!

And slowly, slowly, but inexorably, people are starting to realize the MSM is full of shale, and they're just tuning out.

I would add, the information we have in the present is not the only information that matters. This is why I transcribe-- for the historical record. What information, what stories, people have access to in the future matters also. History will be written and rewritten many a time. So of course I would like people to read my transcripts now here on Substack and elsewhere, but my aim isn't to get a huge number of readers so much as it is to simply to help preserve, and rocket this information into the future.

What is taboo now will not be taboo in the future, it is always thus.

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The ones who courageously speak of the harms from masks lockdowns and vaccines are smeared by the media who lie. In Canada the media journalists were brutal especially during the trucker convoy protest in Ottawa Canada against Dr Alexander and others. They lied using insurrection and other terms to denote a overthrow of government. Exposing corruption and vaccine mandates and harms of the vaccine is not overthrow. In fact letters from the trucker convoy on Twitter indicated it would be peaceful was against the vaccine mandates and they asked those co,ing to support them be peaceful. The media and government politicians subverted the truth lied about violent acts being done and kept using insurrection terms. Don't they have any thing better then to copy the USA Jan 6th narrative of an insurrection that fell apart in fact here is the clincher. If the convoy protests were illegal and dangerous how come the unions of public sector workers and other government workers asked their members in an email to attend a protest on Feb 11 against the truckers. So it wasn't exactly dangerous in Ottawa if they asked their members to come out of hiding to protest the protest on the streets of Ottawa . The truths lie in what was done. Those union protestors were ignorant and used vile language. Far cry from the convoy truckers who were singing dancing playing hocke cleaning up streets and actually using dialogue and legal avenues against vaccine mandates and even asked the public health of canada to come and debate in an amicable fashion as is required under the Pandemic emergency planning and even an Emergency Act. We know who the real culprits were for bad policies of vaccine mandates. In the inquiry into enacting the Emergency Act intelligence confirmed that the convoy protest was about the vaccine mandates. The lies of media government unions on display. Even social media doctors were caught lying.

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Transcriber B: I want to express my gratitude and to acknowledge the important contribution you have made/continue to make in documenting our individual, very personal yet unifying experiences during the past 3+ years. It was prescient of you to begin this historically significant project. There must be volumes at this point. Each and every transcription you have posted has had a lasting impact on me. A person would have to have a heart of stone to read the individual impact testimonies and continue to promote a covid shot -- for ANYONE.

NOTE: I hope you also keep a printed record of the history you are writing. Who knows what kind of cyber attack may be planned to wipe away efforts to document these challenging times.

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Hi Kathleen Taylor, Thank you for your kind note. I really appreciate it. Yes indeed, I have printed these out, and I will be donating them to more than one institutional historical archive and in more than one country. They will survive.

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Happy to hear this!

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Thank you for the link.

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The truth is censored by the mainstream media, which is the propaganda arm of the U.S. government.

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And the CIA/FBI/IRS the "brown-shirt" military' arm.

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Swiss to stop administering bioweapon since it doesn’t work and doctors will be held liable here on out for any adverse reactions patients have!!

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Thanks for this breaking news, Kate. A very important development. Three years too late but still earth-shattering.

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Many of the media and news corporations were in on this during the planning stages that started decades ago and have been running interference and providing cover all of that time. It is not only the CEOs of the pharmaceutical companies that are handcuffed but also the CEOs of those media and news organisations, because without their protection these crimes could not have been committed.

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It is SO PAINFUL waiting for the world to open their eyes and wake up.

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I know it. I hear you.

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Let the backtracking $ blame game begin.

NO forgiveness from me. Bastards!! I want heads on a platter ....

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So that mean we can all sue Pfizer for fraud????

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Read Sasha Latypova on the Brook Jackson case to understand where we are. The U.S. government essentially DEFENDED Pfizer in its fraud, thereby torpedoing the Jackson case against Pfizer.

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May they be held accountable before the law. (I'm sounding like a broken record, I know it.)

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MANY of us repeat those same sentiments, day after day. Regardless of the eye rolls, I still speak those words (almost daily).

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Give them another two or three years and perhaps they'll come out with the incredibly stunning revelation that the injections maybe weren't safe after all.

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Hi Kathleen, Julia Smith Gibbons was wrote the majority opinion in the 6th Circuit Court of appeals that restored the CMS vaccine mandate. The mandate had been stayed by judge Doughty of the 5th Circuit after he took testimony from doctors McCullough and Bhattacharya. Gibbons ignored all that and wrote that “we cannot second guess the Secretary” referring to HHS Secretary Becerra, the same idiot who called a professional basketball player, who refused the shots, a “flat earther.” Maybe Kyrie Irving? I forgot the name. The name-calling by Becerra was well covered in MSM. The HHS appeal warned of “grave danger” to workers if they don’t get the shots. Gibbons never required the gov’t to prove their “grave danger” assertion and the plaintiff lawyers did not demand it. That’s how it looks to me. Everybody was panicked about the hospital fatalities, taking for granted it was all ‘cuz of “the virus.” No one pointed out patients were dying from incompetent “Standard of Care.” I believe this transpired after Brian Ardis had interviewed with Mike Adams (Brighteon) on remdesivir toxicity. But the information travels slowly when it is censored by MSM.

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In Canada they have to prove safe and effective in the rule of law but they subverted that in the courts. They cant prove safe and effective for EUA vaccine or based on the vaccine study trials where people died and were injured who were vaccinated and in the first few months 1223 deaths happened as well. They had over 4 million serious adverse events from the covid vaccines on the app that was designed to track side effects within 6 months.

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Thank you very kindly, Edward!

I remember that reprehensible judge's order all too well but had never committed her name to memory. As I recall, a Democrat-appointed partisan "judge."

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Confirmation of what Naomi’s team found. Good to hear it from an additional source. Thank you.

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If fraud has been committed then it negates any and all contracts absolving anyone from liability - in other words ALL covid 19 manufacturers are equally liable for prosecution as are any and all persons involved with the manufacture of the products as well as any and all persons involved with the administration of those products

This is slam dunk against Pfizer/ moderna / Astra zeneca / j&j et.al

Constitutional maxims : no loss no harm no injury no fraud

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One would assume that based upon logic and justice. However, the Pfizer CONTRACTS with the Department of Defense say otherwise. See Sasha Latypova’s writing on the Brook Jackson case.

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Insider trading charge. They knew they were mass vaccinating the world with a product that was killing and injuring in the vaccine study trials and making money and bringing in investors with a product not stopping transmission or serious adverse events. They admitted they never even tested for stopping transmission. Therein lies the truth of the lies pedaled by government and doctors who said if you get vaccinated you stop the virus from transmitting. Investor fraud at its finest.

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And that ought to mean the WHOLE pharmaceutical industry gets taken down and put behind bars

Is there a prosecutor with big enough balls to take them all to court ? I doubt it given that the courts are a captured entity

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Yes there are charges and concerns, “we have been saying this,” etc. The real objective is this: what is the argument IN COURT that leaves the judge NO PLACE TO HIDE. This means the complaint made against Moderna (etc.) is not covered by the statutory structures that so far have protected them. “We just gave the DOD what they asked for. Don’t blame us.”

Such an argument misses, for example, licensing the company’s name to sell the witch’s brew cooked up by the DOD to the public. There was no informed consent because the garbage in the syringe was not manufactured to Pharma industry (or any industry) with customary quality controls. Far from it. This deception was violation of the EUA. Why was this not revealed to the public and MSM? The vials are full of unacceptable SHIT. Nobody said a word about it. Not even the FDA. The average citizen just might have said “Hmmm, not taking that.” Even Dems? Hard to say.

Moreover the FDA committees that gave EUA approval to the shots AND to remdesivir KNEW FULL WELL that the massive hospital fatalities were the consequence of hospital protocols. Therein was the “public emergency” that had Gibbons and Sotomayor wetting their robes, accepting HHS statements without challenge. And the lawyers DID NOT GET IT.

This is just one argument of criminality. The JUDGE only looks at the narrow complaint presented and will not bring up other problems even if he/she sees them.

The lawyers for the plaintiff must be better prepared.

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I heard there is an investigation In the FDA to investigate their own people for taking bribes to EUA this crap but who really knows. It should be done.

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Edward, Could you please clarify who Gibbons, referred to in your comment, is?

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I believe that the fake trials were unbounded by any normal medical practices and limitations. Meaning that whatever substance was produced, it was going to end up being injected into humanity without question. The FDA was nothing more than a shadow in the wind invited to the injection parade to promote the sense of authority and officialdom. After 27 months, they are responsible for murdering millions.

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