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I always keep in mind that Kennedy Jr. is not a scientist.

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So which scientists do you choose to listen to? They don't all agree after all.. Is there no moment when your own intuition or common sense come into play? Scientists once thought the world was flat. The Italian philosopher, occultist, poet Giordano Bruno was burnt to death in 1600 for disagreeing with the science that said the sun revolved around the earth. When I was a young woman scientists decided that asthma was caused by overbearing mothers and in the 80's they decided that the newly discovered (or created) autism was caused by cold mothers. Some scientists are now even telling us that women just don't exist. Doesn't take a scientist to figure out that when something is called a theory it means it has not been proved to be true. In fact, it might call for a lawyer's mindset. When you attach the word "conspiracy" to the word "theory", we are indoctrinated to automatically dismiss it. But attach "theory" to "germ" - and they call that science. I call it faith-based medicine. And its acolytes accept the words of their high priests of medicine. Then there's the high school grad Bill Gates, constantly expounding on the twisted world inside his head and seen as knowledgeable. About what? If you have enough money, you can buy intelligence? I do trust Kennnedy - he's put his life and his reputation on the line for his beliefs and he's willing to fight for them. And he has the intelligence to make up his own mind about which science to believe. I would not say the same for Fauci..

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One does not "listen to" scientists or "trust the science" dubby. Science encourages distrust. It's not law. It's not based on fallacies. It doesn't run by precedent or "appeal to authority" or "appeal to the majority." It doesn't run on consensus. One has to learn the scientific method and the philosophy of science and then research methodology and how to identify and critique flaws in methodology. If you don't do these things you end up in a cult, in pseudoscience, or an ideology or ISM, whether it's feminism or some other ISM.

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Thanks for the mansplanation. One thing that's never considered a cult - patriarchal control. It works so well. I guess that's why the world is in such excellent shape!

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Happy to mansplain things to you dubby. How did things work out when half the world was run by a woman? I'm referring of course to Hitler. Patriarchal control? An analysis of her bone fragments proved she was female.

And FYI I can see the benefits of pro-choice on abortion. Only feminist women choose it. Intelligent, kind, empathic, decent women (conservatives), the opposite of feminists, don't choose it. Because ideology is largely genetically determined, and because feminism is caused by androgenization of the fetal brain, abortion eliminates feminists from the gene pool. Before cesareans became widely available, feminists and their offspring were eliminated from the gene pool by natural selection, because androgenisation of the brain in females also causes a narrow pelvis, leading to obstetric complications. Feminists and their offspring used to die in childbirth. Thre cause of feminism is the widespread availability of cesareans. But you already knew that?

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One nut Hitler?

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Yes, some women have one nut. A minimum of two plus a Y chromosome are necessary to be a man.

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Supposedly one of his balls were removed after being shot in the groin in a WW-1 battle.

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More likely she had hemicryptorchidism, just like one balled Napoleon. She might have had two but one was undescended. A lot of women like her (De La Chappelle syndrome women or XX "male") do. Some of these women have two, inside their abdominal cavity. All are short and, like Hitler, never reproduce, because they are infertile. Hitler quite possible had a micropenis (basically a large clitoris) above her vagina. Harvey Weinstein has a vagina, according to one of his accusers, and Hitler possibly did too. Of Hitler's many girlfriends, none, in his 54 years, ever got pregnant. That's because Hitler was an infertile lesbian. She was a transwoman who never transitioned.

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I'm perplexed by dubby's profile photo. Is that a witch"s costume?

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Excellent comment. Thank you!

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By the way dubby, have you always been a woman? No problem if you haven't.

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Have you always been an idiot?

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It was a serious question. I wasn't sure about your pronouns. I didn't want to misgender you. Anyway, I'm off to have a few Bud Lights. All the best.

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Yes, Kennedy is not a scientist but an Environmental Lawyer. He is a part of River Keepers Alliance. Funny thing about it is Bill Gates is also concerned about water and wants to turn sewage into water with his new Omniprossessor. Nummy nummy! Save the rivers! https://savethewater.org/bill-gates-omniprocessor-future-water-technology/

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I take it you're not a fan of lawyers Kathleen. I'd never take advice on science or medicine from a lawyer. Biden is a lawyer. DeSantis is a lawyer. Obama is a lawyer. Trump is NOT a lawyer.

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No heтАЩs a politician. I donтАЩt trust lawyers or politicians!

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That's very wise of you Lucy.

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He is not a politician. He is a businessman. One of the reasons I voted for him. Politicians hate this man.

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All lawyers are "businessmen." The law is their business.

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It is good that Kennedy is challenging Bribedem for the Dem nomination. He's not likely to win. If he does win and the Dems steal the presidential election he'll be better than Bribedem.

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That's true. Lawyers, like Biden, are ranked number 2 for Psychopath. CEOs like Bourla and Bancel are ranked number 1. Officials or bureaucrats, like Walensky and Fauci, and journalists are also ranked in the top 10 for Psychopath.

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Yes, politicians hate him because he doesn't stick to the agenda. He is still the entitled, spoiled heir to a fortune and definitely no friend to the working people. Our gov't is completely corrupt and under the control of psychopathic billionaires. Don't know how, but I know we need a new government. I'm not voting anymore - it just encourages them to think that we really believe that voting between tweedledumb and the snake du jour really gives us a choice.

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Such comments are an attempt to censor. We are all scientists. We can read and learn and interpret at various levels. A diploma doesn't change that.

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Kennedy has been at the forefront re/childhood vaccine trauma for yrs now - good lawyers do serious research via legal teams and gather evidence/data and can't fault the guy there. Ethical lawyers (like anything hard to find) drill down deep and go after the thugs.

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Education (and science education ) is available to all who can read. As establishment ( and monetized) science veers away from observation and (as you point out) ethics ... alternate voices are necessary.

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Very perceptive observation!

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Fauci is a scientist?

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