immunity, then he says at minute 22.45 that developing nations need MORE vaccines, yet it is Africa etc. that took little mRNA-DNA COVID shots that have won! Africa won! They said 'up yours' to vaxx
Always follow the money AND any involvement in clandestine agencies (DARPA). And could this be the reason he never answered direct questions regarding so much of his scientific involvement to date as to not “give away” this shot he was working on and loose that lucrative contract? It’s all about the money! Not about humanity. God eventually allows exposure of these money changers-what WE do with this info is on us.
Much thanx. I see you are a naturopath practitioner? How is your success with covid symptoms and what are your go-to treatments if you are comfortable posting?
I have treated COVID for 3 years and none of my COVID patients have been hospitalized. My Substack discusses them in the 5 part series on vitamin D, as well as in my writing on ivermectin, for two of several of the most important COVID treatments.
I also wrote the most thoroughly researched book on early treatments for COVID: The Defeat Of COVID, on amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Excellent to know this. Will check out your work. I have been somewhat of a lay practitioner in homeopathy for many years and still follow the protocol. Nutritional supplement has always been a serious interest and concern for me as well. Glad to know you.
So which scientists do you choose to listen to? They don't all agree after all.. Is there no moment when your own intuition or common sense come into play? Scientists once thought the world was flat. The Italian philosopher, occultist, poet Giordano Bruno was burnt to death in 1600 for disagreeing with the science that said the sun revolved around the earth. When I was a young woman scientists decided that asthma was caused by overbearing mothers and in the 80's they decided that the newly discovered (or created) autism was caused by cold mothers. Some scientists are now even telling us that women just don't exist. Doesn't take a scientist to figure out that when something is called a theory it means it has not been proved to be true. In fact, it might call for a lawyer's mindset. When you attach the word "conspiracy" to the word "theory", we are indoctrinated to automatically dismiss it. But attach "theory" to "germ" - and they call that science. I call it faith-based medicine. And its acolytes accept the words of their high priests of medicine. Then there's the high school grad Bill Gates, constantly expounding on the twisted world inside his head and seen as knowledgeable. About what? If you have enough money, you can buy intelligence? I do trust Kennnedy - he's put his life and his reputation on the line for his beliefs and he's willing to fight for them. And he has the intelligence to make up his own mind about which science to believe. I would not say the same for Fauci..
One does not "listen to" scientists or "trust the science" dubby. Science encourages distrust. It's not law. It's not based on fallacies. It doesn't run by precedent or "appeal to authority" or "appeal to the majority." It doesn't run on consensus. One has to learn the scientific method and the philosophy of science and then research methodology and how to identify and critique flaws in methodology. If you don't do these things you end up in a cult, in pseudoscience, or an ideology or ISM, whether it's feminism or some other ISM.
Thanks for the mansplanation. One thing that's never considered a cult - patriarchal control. It works so well. I guess that's why the world is in such excellent shape!
Happy to mansplain things to you dubby. How did things work out when half the world was run by a woman? I'm referring of course to Hitler. Patriarchal control? An analysis of her bone fragments proved she was female.
And FYI I can see the benefits of pro-choice on abortion. Only feminist women choose it. Intelligent, kind, empathic, decent women (conservatives), the opposite of feminists, don't choose it. Because ideology is largely genetically determined, and because feminism is caused by androgenization of the fetal brain, abortion eliminates feminists from the gene pool. Before cesareans became widely available, feminists and their offspring were eliminated from the gene pool by natural selection, because androgenisation of the brain in females also causes a narrow pelvis, leading to obstetric complications. Feminists and their offspring used to die in childbirth. Thre cause of feminism is the widespread availability of cesareans. But you already knew that?
Yes, Kennedy is not a scientist but an Environmental Lawyer. He is a part of River Keepers Alliance. Funny thing about it is Bill Gates is also concerned about water and wants to turn sewage into water with his new Omniprossessor. Nummy nummy! Save the rivers!
I take it you're not a fan of lawyers Kathleen. I'd never take advice on science or medicine from a lawyer. Biden is a lawyer. DeSantis is a lawyer. Obama is a lawyer. Trump is NOT a lawyer.
It is good that Kennedy is challenging Bribedem for the Dem nomination. He's not likely to win. If he does win and the Dems steal the presidential election he'll be better than Bribedem.
That's true. Lawyers, like Biden, are ranked number 2 for Psychopath. CEOs like Bourla and Bancel are ranked number 1. Officials or bureaucrats, like Walensky and Fauci, and journalists are also ranked in the top 10 for Psychopath.
Yes, politicians hate him because he doesn't stick to the agenda. He is still the entitled, spoiled heir to a fortune and definitely no friend to the working people. Our gov't is completely corrupt and under the control of psychopathic billionaires. Don't know how, but I know we need a new government. I'm not voting anymore - it just encourages them to think that we really believe that voting between tweedledumb and the snake du jour really gives us a choice.
Kennedy has been at the forefront re/childhood vaccine trauma for yrs now - good lawyers do serious research via legal teams and gather evidence/data and can't fault the guy there. Ethical lawyers (like anything hard to find) drill down deep and go after the thugs.
Education (and science education ) is available to all who can read. As establishment ( and monetized) science veers away from observation and (as you point out) ethics ... alternate voices are necessary.
Yes, good way of putting it: "once a government spook, always a government spook." I never trusted him for one minute, and I still don't get why he has such a following.
This is no man’s land thinking... you either have an understanding about natural immunity or you believe mankind is doomed without a vaccine... no one can be in both camps.
Your confused? What’s to be confused about. He works for the DOD. You honestly think any of these retarded asshats have the public’s best interest in mind. Look to history. These incestous cretins have always gone stark mad with greed and control over humanity and tried to enslave and destroy the lower class. Middle class is a threat to these demons. Malone is part of that cess pool, hell your probably part of it for all we know. I mean can you honestly be this stupidity naive? Lol. They are all crypto Jews working for the kharzian families. Anyone who is clueless to this fact needs to do some major research on the topic because all of history and our reality is manufactured. Yes yes yes even your precious orange man is a crypto Jew as well as the Kennedy’s. Laughable what people believe. If humanity could get on the same page that would be great. Because maybe we could do something about these leviathans and destroy them entirely
If there is any truth to your comment it is lost for the bigoted nonsense you spout.
FYI, the Middle class was created as a buffer between working and poor people and the ruling elite. They tend to be true believers as the system has rewarded them with lots of goodies to make their life feel comfortable and secure. And this is true for right wing people as it is for those on the left.
Bigoted. Your an idiot. Just look to see who runs finance Hollywood politicians. Leave to a asshole liberal to throw a woke commentary into the mix. When all it takes is a little research but that is to much for some leftist keyboard warrior to actually do.
Fujoo, Tanya is the most bigotted nutjob you will ever come across. Closed minded. A know it all. She thinks people have a problem with her because she's a transwoman but that's not it at all. Who cares about that? It's the rest of what she is that's the problem.
People on this stack are mosly on the tender-minded right. Anti-abortion. People on the tough-minded right are pro-abortion. Not "pro-choice", pro-abortion. Conservative women don't abort, which is good. Feminists and liberals and criminals abort, which is also good. Good for the gene pool. Good for society. It takes their offspring, who share their genes out of the gene pool. But not enough of them abort. More stringent steps are needed to get more feminists to abort.
Tanya is a walking, breathing advertisement for the beauty of abortion and the hard right position.
If you're talking about "margie" you're 100% on the money Jesusfrk. It - I don't want to misgender it so won't call it a "she" is as dumb as fuck. I supect it's a transwoman. Personality disordered to the max. It's jealous of Jill Biden and gets the tingles for Bob. It's probably a crypto itself. Check out Bilbo'sBitch. He knows who the cryptos are.
Ghebreyesus, Kaliko, Mike Yeadon, Schwab, Karen Kingston, Malone, Bourla, Bancel.
All in the Freedom Movement who were formerly, or maybe still are, working for Big Pharma, the WHO or the WEF, need to be put on the stand.
Go for a total fishing expedition, no lawyers to represent them, to ensure "fairness," let them be cross-examined aggressively. If there are lawyers who hate them, who have a collateral purpose, let them do the cross-examination.
Total McCarthyist witch hunt is what's needed, apparently.
Malone is on record warning people early that the shots didn't stay in the deltoid and were distributed through the body.
What about the others?
What did Mike Yeadon know and Karen Kingston know and when did they know it?
Could they have done more?
None of this just going after
Malone because people suspect he's a Jew, disguising their sadism, like "margie" et al, wrapping it up in some noble pretext.
Malone's work made him a contender for the Nobel Prize and Nobel laureates are disproportionately of full or partial Ashkenazi descent.
So what if he's a Jew?
Ignore the racists and antisemites like the "margies" and "JonesySmarts", "JAireds" the vile filth, of this world.
We all go through learning experiences in life! In my professional career I was 100% in tune with Big Pharma and believed they were acting in the best interests of the patient! Twenty years ago life changing events woke me up to reality! Dr. Malone’s articles are informative and educational and the message is clear! We must stop the injections now. Humanity has become lab rats for DOD/CIA and Big Pharma! Malone is clear on this! Our focus is how do we stop this march down the wrong medical path to hell! Biden declared the Covid con crisis is over, but the power to repeat these events is still in the hands of the director of HHS! Alex Azar was put in place to managed the Covid con by Pfizer!
We need to focus on the deep state that planned this crisis! We need leadership that will have the courage to speak out on this issue and stop the great harm that has been done and will be done if we don’t stop it now!
I wanted to really shows in his speech....I'm just an old fart but this was I thought rather insulting to everyone
Who has followed this saga over the last few years! For myself I'll never take another JAB....did not take the mRNA shit and sure as hell will not take any, none of anything else they try to shove into our bodies! As per Nuremberg code! mRNA is the vehicle that destroys humanity! Sorry but FU Malone....I believe your a turncoat and greedy as hell! Go play with your horses and leave humanity alone!
Based on my reading and listening, Malone stated early on he always believed in vaccines and spent his life creating them. So not surprising that he is still in that mode. Why be so enraged at him: he is like the majority of people in science and medicine who are true believers. Adding in that he has made his reputation and income in this field his belief system has been solidified over the years. I find it naive that Alexander or anyone else expects him to be different. The fact that he even speaks out against this Covid drug is a very big change for someone like him. Time to stop the hysteria and drop the expectations about him. Just use his anti-covid position as best possible. This is all you will get.
I agree with you that it's important to go after the Big Fish. It would be great if someone would go after Bourla and Bancel. Avi Yemeni confronted Bourla at Davos. Avi has balls. Steve Kirsch goes after Walensky. Someone needs to go after Katalin Kariko, inventor of the mRNA clot shot. We also need more answers from former Big Pharma people like former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston and former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist Mike Yeadon. What exactly did they know about the clot shot and when? Have they been completely forthcoming? Could they have spoken up earlier?
Our newest baby due about Halloween…am totally over the moon about New Life! Our new patriotic team of 7 will be very close in age AND will ALL be conservatives with Grandma running a very tight ship!
You are right on all questions, but my goal is to get everyone focused on the MOST important priorities!
Right now…the big fish have to be taken down!
You would understand this better if we ALL had the same messaging from NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER…the organization of brilliant strategic planners with serious backgrounds that Lex and I work with!
The NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER newsletter is what you and many others need to stay focused with the same messaging and direction TO WIN!
The NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER newsletter was excellent yesterday highlighting going forward!
NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER patriots are strategic planners who help with serious military and civilian cases, having MANY wins! Study their site!
A huge win recognized by MANY around the country was against wicked #2 DNC party ‘leader’ and Governor Whitmer, October 2020! Whitmer has tried reversing that case 3 times…NOPE because case was so well done! I and others worked very hard on this case because I hear NALC is NOT done with WHITMER!
Contact Lex and join with the BEST!
P.S. Yesterday’s NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER newsletter was excellent as we are moving forward!
This video is two years old. Malone’s big announcement is 2+ years too late to compete with other covid "vaccines" on the market.
Who financed the development of this new vaccine? The DOD? The WHO? In order to sell it they will have to conspire to "release" a new variant, force more fake testing for fake "asymptomatic" disease, and offer more incentives to entice customers or else Malone & co. will have to engineer some mandates.
I prefer not to receive any pharmaceutical products manufactured in India.
The question and answer at the end of the video seems to be an obviously pre-planned "set-up."
I don't see an unfulfilled "demand" for covid shots ANYWHERE in the world. What actually exists is a DEMAND that the medical and political powers that be STOP PREVENTING THE USE OF SAFE AND EFFECTIVE REPURPOSED TREATMENTS like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and begin to educate the public about the importance of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and zinc.
All things considered, this seems to be a money-making scheme whose window of opportunity has long passed.
After 3 years of listening to docs and scientists BS their way through the plandemic, it’s possible that a homeless person may have more insight then those clowns.
I think we know Kennedy's position, since it uses traditional adjuvants, despite not being mRNA based. Malone was public about his consulting job for this company, and he has been working on vaccine technology for over 3 decades, so it is not shocking that he continues to do so. While he has been outspoken about the Covid jabs due to mRNA based spike injections, he never claimed to be anti-vax. So he has never been on board with the anti-vax movement in general, and doubt he ever will be, unfortunately. This isn't new news for those who think it is. One would hope that the Covid jab corruption would have opened everyone's eyes to the fact that all vaccines have been approved through corruption, both of the data and of the government agencies, but those who have a vested interest in the industry will never completely abandon it. their hope is to provide safe ones, yet we see no difference in the adjuvants being used. This is a huge lesson from the past 3 years for many that were in the dark about vaccines safety, but unfortunately, a great majority still see viability in the traditional vaccine platform.
Always follow the money AND any involvement in clandestine agencies (DARPA). And could this be the reason he never answered direct questions regarding so much of his scientific involvement to date as to not “give away” this shot he was working on and loose that lucrative contract? It’s all about the money! Not about humanity. God eventually allows exposure of these money changers-what WE do with this info is on us.
Africa has indeed won. Here is my article in The Epoch Times on this crucial victory:
And on Substack:
How about doing a copy and paste and resend this article of save as a .Pdf and send. Not possible to read without a sub to Epoch.
Here's the Substack link:
Much thanx. I see you are a naturopath practitioner? How is your success with covid symptoms and what are your go-to treatments if you are comfortable posting?
I have treated COVID for 3 years and none of my COVID patients have been hospitalized. My Substack discusses them in the 5 part series on vitamin D, as well as in my writing on ivermectin, for two of several of the most important COVID treatments.
I also wrote the most thoroughly researched book on early treatments for COVID: The Defeat Of COVID, on amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Excellent to know this. Will check out your work. I have been somewhat of a lay practitioner in homeopathy for many years and still follow the protocol. Nutritional supplement has always been a serious interest and concern for me as well. Glad to know you.
Malone is so full of it. I am tired of him.
I always keep in mind that Kennedy Jr. is not a scientist.
So which scientists do you choose to listen to? They don't all agree after all.. Is there no moment when your own intuition or common sense come into play? Scientists once thought the world was flat. The Italian philosopher, occultist, poet Giordano Bruno was burnt to death in 1600 for disagreeing with the science that said the sun revolved around the earth. When I was a young woman scientists decided that asthma was caused by overbearing mothers and in the 80's they decided that the newly discovered (or created) autism was caused by cold mothers. Some scientists are now even telling us that women just don't exist. Doesn't take a scientist to figure out that when something is called a theory it means it has not been proved to be true. In fact, it might call for a lawyer's mindset. When you attach the word "conspiracy" to the word "theory", we are indoctrinated to automatically dismiss it. But attach "theory" to "germ" - and they call that science. I call it faith-based medicine. And its acolytes accept the words of their high priests of medicine. Then there's the high school grad Bill Gates, constantly expounding on the twisted world inside his head and seen as knowledgeable. About what? If you have enough money, you can buy intelligence? I do trust Kennnedy - he's put his life and his reputation on the line for his beliefs and he's willing to fight for them. And he has the intelligence to make up his own mind about which science to believe. I would not say the same for Fauci..
One does not "listen to" scientists or "trust the science" dubby. Science encourages distrust. It's not law. It's not based on fallacies. It doesn't run by precedent or "appeal to authority" or "appeal to the majority." It doesn't run on consensus. One has to learn the scientific method and the philosophy of science and then research methodology and how to identify and critique flaws in methodology. If you don't do these things you end up in a cult, in pseudoscience, or an ideology or ISM, whether it's feminism or some other ISM.
Thanks for the mansplanation. One thing that's never considered a cult - patriarchal control. It works so well. I guess that's why the world is in such excellent shape!
Happy to mansplain things to you dubby. How did things work out when half the world was run by a woman? I'm referring of course to Hitler. Patriarchal control? An analysis of her bone fragments proved she was female.
And FYI I can see the benefits of pro-choice on abortion. Only feminist women choose it. Intelligent, kind, empathic, decent women (conservatives), the opposite of feminists, don't choose it. Because ideology is largely genetically determined, and because feminism is caused by androgenization of the fetal brain, abortion eliminates feminists from the gene pool. Before cesareans became widely available, feminists and their offspring were eliminated from the gene pool by natural selection, because androgenisation of the brain in females also causes a narrow pelvis, leading to obstetric complications. Feminists and their offspring used to die in childbirth. Thre cause of feminism is the widespread availability of cesareans. But you already knew that?
One nut Hitler?
Yes, some women have one nut. A minimum of two plus a Y chromosome are necessary to be a man.
I'm perplexed by dubby's profile photo. Is that a witch"s costume?
Excellent comment. Thank you!
By the way dubby, have you always been a woman? No problem if you haven't.
Have you always been an idiot?
It was a serious question. I wasn't sure about your pronouns. I didn't want to misgender you. Anyway, I'm off to have a few Bud Lights. All the best.
Yes, Kennedy is not a scientist but an Environmental Lawyer. He is a part of River Keepers Alliance. Funny thing about it is Bill Gates is also concerned about water and wants to turn sewage into water with his new Omniprossessor. Nummy nummy! Save the rivers!
I take it you're not a fan of lawyers Kathleen. I'd never take advice on science or medicine from a lawyer. Biden is a lawyer. DeSantis is a lawyer. Obama is a lawyer. Trump is NOT a lawyer.
No he’s a politician. I don’t trust lawyers or politicians!
That's very wise of you Lucy.
He is not a politician. He is a businessman. One of the reasons I voted for him. Politicians hate this man.
All lawyers are "businessmen." The law is their business.
It is good that Kennedy is challenging Bribedem for the Dem nomination. He's not likely to win. If he does win and the Dems steal the presidential election he'll be better than Bribedem.
That's true. Lawyers, like Biden, are ranked number 2 for Psychopath. CEOs like Bourla and Bancel are ranked number 1. Officials or bureaucrats, like Walensky and Fauci, and journalists are also ranked in the top 10 for Psychopath.
Yes, politicians hate him because he doesn't stick to the agenda. He is still the entitled, spoiled heir to a fortune and definitely no friend to the working people. Our gov't is completely corrupt and under the control of psychopathic billionaires. Don't know how, but I know we need a new government. I'm not voting anymore - it just encourages them to think that we really believe that voting between tweedledumb and the snake du jour really gives us a choice.
Such comments are an attempt to censor. We are all scientists. We can read and learn and interpret at various levels. A diploma doesn't change that.
Kennedy has been at the forefront re/childhood vaccine trauma for yrs now - good lawyers do serious research via legal teams and gather evidence/data and can't fault the guy there. Ethical lawyers (like anything hard to find) drill down deep and go after the thugs.
Education (and science education ) is available to all who can read. As establishment ( and monetized) science veers away from observation and (as you point out) ethics ... alternate voices are necessary.
Very perceptive observation!
Fauci is a scientist?
Paul you are right about Malone. There isn’t any confusion for me. Once a government spook always a government spook.
Yes, good way of putting it: "once a government spook, always a government spook." I never trusted him for one minute, and I still don't get why he has such a following.
Keep hammering away at this stooge doc!
it gets worse
at 5:33 even the placebo contains hydrogel, which is graphene
This is no man’s land thinking... you either have an understanding about natural immunity or you believe mankind is doomed without a vaccine... no one can be in both camps.
Your confused? What’s to be confused about. He works for the DOD. You honestly think any of these retarded asshats have the public’s best interest in mind. Look to history. These incestous cretins have always gone stark mad with greed and control over humanity and tried to enslave and destroy the lower class. Middle class is a threat to these demons. Malone is part of that cess pool, hell your probably part of it for all we know. I mean can you honestly be this stupidity naive? Lol. They are all crypto Jews working for the kharzian families. Anyone who is clueless to this fact needs to do some major research on the topic because all of history and our reality is manufactured. Yes yes yes even your precious orange man is a crypto Jew as well as the Kennedy’s. Laughable what people believe. If humanity could get on the same page that would be great. Because maybe we could do something about these leviathans and destroy them entirely
Yes, I don't know how anyone could possibly believe that Malone is on the side of the people. He's not on team humanity, he's with the predators.
Here's a good piece by Diana West on Malone:
If there is any truth to your comment it is lost for the bigoted nonsense you spout.
FYI, the Middle class was created as a buffer between working and poor people and the ruling elite. They tend to be true believers as the system has rewarded them with lots of goodies to make their life feel comfortable and secure. And this is true for right wing people as it is for those on the left.
Bigoted. Your an idiot. Just look to see who runs finance Hollywood politicians. Leave to a asshole liberal to throw a woke commentary into the mix. When all it takes is a little research but that is to much for some leftist keyboard warrior to actually do.
Fujoo, Tanya is the most bigotted nutjob you will ever come across. Closed minded. A know it all. She thinks people have a problem with her because she's a transwoman but that's not it at all. Who cares about that? It's the rest of what she is that's the problem.
People on this stack are mosly on the tender-minded right. Anti-abortion. People on the tough-minded right are pro-abortion. Not "pro-choice", pro-abortion. Conservative women don't abort, which is good. Feminists and liberals and criminals abort, which is also good. Good for the gene pool. Good for society. It takes their offspring, who share their genes out of the gene pool. But not enough of them abort. More stringent steps are needed to get more feminists to abort.
Tanya is a walking, breathing advertisement for the beauty of abortion and the hard right position.
I like you tanya marquette. A voice of reason.
Much thanx Some people would disagree (LOL).
wow malone and kennedy crypto jews. and trump too! isn't that something. as you say, it truly is laughable what some people believe
Hey fucktwot look to see who orange mans grandfather funded and his daughter. Gawd you people are dumbbbbbbbbbb
If you're talking about "margie" you're 100% on the money Jesusfrk. It - I don't want to misgender it so won't call it a "she" is as dumb as fuck. I supect it's a transwoman. Personality disordered to the max. It's jealous of Jill Biden and gets the tingles for Bob. It's probably a crypto itself. Check out Bilbo'sBitch. He knows who the cryptos are.
Ghebreyesus, Kaliko, Mike Yeadon, Schwab, Karen Kingston, Malone, Bourla, Bancel.
All in the Freedom Movement who were formerly, or maybe still are, working for Big Pharma, the WHO or the WEF, need to be put on the stand.
Go for a total fishing expedition, no lawyers to represent them, to ensure "fairness," let them be cross-examined aggressively. If there are lawyers who hate them, who have a collateral purpose, let them do the cross-examination.
Total McCarthyist witch hunt is what's needed, apparently.
Malone is on record warning people early that the shots didn't stay in the deltoid and were distributed through the body.
What about the others?
What did Mike Yeadon know and Karen Kingston know and when did they know it?
Could they have done more?
None of this just going after
Malone because people suspect he's a Jew, disguising their sadism, like "margie" et al, wrapping it up in some noble pretext.
Malone's work made him a contender for the Nobel Prize and Nobel laureates are disproportionately of full or partial Ashkenazi descent.
So what if he's a Jew?
Ignore the racists and antisemites like the "margies" and "JonesySmarts", "JAireds" the vile filth, of this world.
Treat them all equally.
Go after the lot.
Some good points!
Outstanding comment!
We all go through learning experiences in life! In my professional career I was 100% in tune with Big Pharma and believed they were acting in the best interests of the patient! Twenty years ago life changing events woke me up to reality! Dr. Malone’s articles are informative and educational and the message is clear! We must stop the injections now. Humanity has become lab rats for DOD/CIA and Big Pharma! Malone is clear on this! Our focus is how do we stop this march down the wrong medical path to hell! Biden declared the Covid con crisis is over, but the power to repeat these events is still in the hands of the director of HHS! Alex Azar was put in place to managed the Covid con by Pfizer!
We need to focus on the deep state that planned this crisis! We need leadership that will have the courage to speak out on this issue and stop the great harm that has been done and will be done if we don’t stop it now!
I wanted to really shows in his speech....I'm just an old fart but this was I thought rather insulting to everyone
Who has followed this saga over the last few years! For myself I'll never take another JAB....did not take the mRNA shit and sure as hell will not take any, none of anything else they try to shove into our bodies! As per Nuremberg code! mRNA is the vehicle that destroys humanity! Sorry but FU Malone....I believe your a turncoat and greedy as hell! Go play with your horses and leave humanity alone!
Based on my reading and listening, Malone stated early on he always believed in vaccines and spent his life creating them. So not surprising that he is still in that mode. Why be so enraged at him: he is like the majority of people in science and medicine who are true believers. Adding in that he has made his reputation and income in this field his belief system has been solidified over the years. I find it naive that Alexander or anyone else expects him to be different. The fact that he even speaks out against this Covid drug is a very big change for someone like him. Time to stop the hysteria and drop the expectations about him. Just use his anti-covid position as best possible. This is all you will get.
I agree with you. Besides, he stated on one of his substacks that he's out of the Freedom Movement.
Ah, didn't know that. Only reinforces what I posted.
Paul and all,
All the continuing damage to humanity! Shouldn’t the focus be on UNITY to win?
Malone can be caught later AFTER the Big Fish fry!!!
Are YOU ready to STOP the terror campaign against ALL humanity?
Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting
I agree with you that it's important to go after the Big Fish. It would be great if someone would go after Bourla and Bancel. Avi Yemeni confronted Bourla at Davos. Avi has balls. Steve Kirsch goes after Walensky. Someone needs to go after Katalin Kariko, inventor of the mRNA clot shot. We also need more answers from former Big Pharma people like former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston and former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist Mike Yeadon. What exactly did they know about the clot shot and when? Have they been completely forthcoming? Could they have spoken up earlier?
Have you had your new arrival yet?
Thank you for comments!
Our newest baby due about Halloween…am totally over the moon about New Life! Our new patriotic team of 7 will be very close in age AND will ALL be conservatives with Grandma running a very tight ship!
You are right on all questions, but my goal is to get everyone focused on the MOST important priorities!
Right now…the big fish have to be taken down!
You would understand this better if we ALL had the same messaging from NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER…the organization of brilliant strategic planners with serious backgrounds that Lex and I work with!
The NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER newsletter is what you and many others need to stay focused with the same messaging and direction TO WIN!
The NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER newsletter was excellent yesterday highlighting going forward!
Contact Lex…at end of his pieces!
Links please?
I work with the BEST strategic planners!
Thank you kindly.
I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…
Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting
P.S. Good luck pondering!
Great. Not all lawyers are bad.
NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER patriots are strategic planners who help with serious military and civilian cases, having MANY wins! Study their site!
A huge win recognized by MANY around the country was against wicked #2 DNC party ‘leader’ and Governor Whitmer, October 2020! Whitmer has tried reversing that case 3 times…NOPE because case was so well done! I and others worked very hard on this case because I hear NALC is NOT done with WHITMER!
Contact Lex and join with the BEST!
P.S. Yesterday’s NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER newsletter was excellent as we are moving forward!
Keep up the good work.
I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…
Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting
P.S. Good luck pondering!
A few observations:
This video is two years old. Malone’s big announcement is 2+ years too late to compete with other covid "vaccines" on the market.
Who financed the development of this new vaccine? The DOD? The WHO? In order to sell it they will have to conspire to "release" a new variant, force more fake testing for fake "asymptomatic" disease, and offer more incentives to entice customers or else Malone & co. will have to engineer some mandates.
I prefer not to receive any pharmaceutical products manufactured in India.
The question and answer at the end of the video seems to be an obviously pre-planned "set-up."
I don't see an unfulfilled "demand" for covid shots ANYWHERE in the world. What actually exists is a DEMAND that the medical and political powers that be STOP PREVENTING THE USE OF SAFE AND EFFECTIVE REPURPOSED TREATMENTS like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and begin to educate the public about the importance of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and zinc.
All things considered, this seems to be a money-making scheme whose window of opportunity has long passed.
After 3 years of listening to docs and scientists BS their way through the plandemic, it’s possible that a homeless person may have more insight then those clowns.
I think we know Kennedy's position, since it uses traditional adjuvants, despite not being mRNA based. Malone was public about his consulting job for this company, and he has been working on vaccine technology for over 3 decades, so it is not shocking that he continues to do so. While he has been outspoken about the Covid jabs due to mRNA based spike injections, he never claimed to be anti-vax. So he has never been on board with the anti-vax movement in general, and doubt he ever will be, unfortunately. This isn't new news for those who think it is. One would hope that the Covid jab corruption would have opened everyone's eyes to the fact that all vaccines have been approved through corruption, both of the data and of the government agencies, but those who have a vested interest in the industry will never completely abandon it. their hope is to provide safe ones, yet we see no difference in the adjuvants being used. This is a huge lesson from the past 3 years for many that were in the dark about vaccines safety, but unfortunately, a great majority still see viability in the traditional vaccine platform.