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Your confused? What’s to be confused about. He works for the DOD. You honestly think any of these retarded asshats have the public’s best interest in mind. Look to history. These incestous cretins have always gone stark mad with greed and control over humanity and tried to enslave and destroy the lower class. Middle class is a threat to these demons. Malone is part of that cess pool, hell your probably part of it for all we know. I mean can you honestly be this stupidity naive? Lol. They are all crypto Jews working for the kharzian families. Anyone who is clueless to this fact needs to do some major research on the topic because all of history and our reality is manufactured. Yes yes yes even your precious orange man is a crypto Jew as well as the Kennedy’s. Laughable what people believe. If humanity could get on the same page that would be great. Because maybe we could do something about these leviathans and destroy them entirely

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Yes, I don't know how anyone could possibly believe that Malone is on the side of the people. He's not on team humanity, he's with the predators.

Here's a good piece by Diana West on Malone:


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If there is any truth to your comment it is lost for the bigoted nonsense you spout.

FYI, the Middle class was created as a buffer between working and poor people and the ruling elite. They tend to be true believers as the system has rewarded them with lots of goodies to make their life feel comfortable and secure. And this is true for right wing people as it is for those on the left.

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Bigoted. Your an idiot. Just look to see who runs finance Hollywood politicians. Leave to a asshole liberal to throw a woke commentary into the mix. When all it takes is a little research but that is to much for some leftist keyboard warrior to actually do.

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Fujoo, Tanya is the most bigotted nutjob you will ever come across. Closed minded. A know it all. She thinks people have a problem with her because she's a transwoman but that's not it at all. Who cares about that? It's the rest of what she is that's the problem.

People on this stack are mosly on the tender-minded right. Anti-abortion. People on the tough-minded right are pro-abortion. Not "pro-choice", pro-abortion. Conservative women don't abort, which is good. Feminists and liberals and criminals abort, which is also good. Good for the gene pool. Good for society. It takes their offspring, who share their genes out of the gene pool. But not enough of them abort. More stringent steps are needed to get more feminists to abort.

Tanya is a walking, breathing advertisement for the beauty of abortion and the hard right position.

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I like you tanya marquette. A voice of reason.

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Much thanx Some people would disagree (LOL).

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wow malone and kennedy crypto jews. and trump too! isn't that something. as you say, it truly is laughable what some people believe

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Hey fucktwot look to see who orange mans grandfather funded and his daughter. Gawd you people are dumbbbbbbbbbb

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If you're talking about "margie" you're 100% on the money Jesusfrk. It - I don't want to misgender it so won't call it a "she" is as dumb as fuck. I supect it's a transwoman. Personality disordered to the max. It's jealous of Jill Biden and gets the tingles for Bob. It's probably a crypto itself. Check out Bilbo'sBitch. He knows who the cryptos are.

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Ghebreyesus, Kaliko, Mike Yeadon, Schwab, Karen Kingston, Malone, Bourla, Bancel.

All in the Freedom Movement who were formerly, or maybe still are, working for Big Pharma, the WHO or the WEF, need to be put on the stand.

Go for a total fishing expedition, no lawyers to represent them, to ensure "fairness," let them be cross-examined aggressively. If there are lawyers who hate them, who have a collateral purpose, let them do the cross-examination.

Total McCarthyist witch hunt is what's needed, apparently.

Malone is on record warning people early that the shots didn't stay in the deltoid and were distributed through the body.

What about the others?

What did Mike Yeadon know and Karen Kingston know and when did they know it?

Could they have done more?

None of this just going after

Malone because people suspect he's a Jew, disguising their sadism, like "margie" et al, wrapping it up in some noble pretext.

Malone's work made him a contender for the Nobel Prize and Nobel laureates are disproportionately of full or partial Ashkenazi descent.

So what if he's a Jew?

Ignore the racists and antisemites like the "margies" and "JonesySmarts", "JAireds" the vile filth, of this world.

Treat them all equally.

Go after the lot.

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Some good points!

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Outstanding comment!

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