My lovely sister had the jab in order to be able to see her grandchildren now she died a horrific death by her own words and also my youngest sister suffered from her body shutting down over 5 months and my son was so poisoned by all the stuff the medical establishment pumped into him he chose suicide rather than live but isn't that what is intended by our government? Dan Andrews had a brand new Heart hospital built and was completed just after the jabs were injected into 95% of the population

Should they hang? I think so as there is so much damage done to thousands upon thousands.

They have taken our future workforce from us

So much damage needs accountability

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English serial killer Dr. Harold Shipman who killed an estimated 250 patients by administering unnecessary lethal injections was previously believed to be the most prolific serial killer.

When all the data are in, the numbers he killed may pale in comparison.

Many predicted in advance the excess deaths that have since been recorded.

Profm Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Peter McCullough and many others identified in advance biologically plausible mechanisms for how the mRNA injections would kill.

What did Malone, Weissman, Kariko, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Fauci and Walensky know and when did they know it about the numbers of people that the mRNA injections would kill?

Did they have constructive knowledge of the deaths before the deaths happened?

They might not have personally plunged the needle into any victim's deltoid but not shooting or stabbing any victims personally dos not mean Charles Manson and GW Bush were not mass murderers and serial killers.

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You know AwakeNotwoke, it’s apparently clear, as more and more data becomes available and confirmed, all of it gets brushed under the proverbial rug! This entire biological, bioweapons attack was planned and executed perfectly, by all the same people Dr. Alexander calls out! More importantly is how I believe these murderers knew what the outcome would be for humanity and all those who lined up, rolled up their sleeves and fell lock stock and barrel for the ultimate of lies, deceit and manipulation! I’m certain they all had an input about how, when, where and why! Which makes them exactly as you depicted! They are complicit and IMO this makes them more dangerous because, they made it look like everything was fine and dandy! Roll up your sleeve, just like I did, creepy Malone, etc! This is what’s so disgusting and so incredibly dangerous! When those we once trusted and respected and then we learn they were the worst of the worst because they knew! They knew what the outcome would be, they knew the massive amount of death and destruction these “FRANKENSHOTS” would cause! They knew it and they still made it all look like this is what you do! This is good for you, this will save grandma and grandpa!IMO, they are far more dangerous than the “injectors”! There’s levels of complicity I believe worthy of, “where to start” and “who goes first” sort of speak. Ultimately, they’re all murderers, but there’s those that pulled the trigger and then there’s the one’s like Malone and company! In the worst of ways, I want to live to see them hang or whatever sentence imposed legally, based on the evidence. Unfortunately, I don’t believe I’ll witness, say a modern “Nuremberg 2.0”. As warranted as this is, if not more so, my confidence level is “slim to none” we’ll / the world will, ever witness justice! I pray I’m wrong AwakeNotWoke, my gut tells me differently.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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There appears to be a strong prima facie case and you've summarized it well. We need to hear the case for the defense. The first I'd ever heard of Malone was when the press started attacking him. There were people who were dissuaded by him from taking the jab. Although some of the elderly might have been influenced to get jabbed by his claims to the effect that the benefits outweighed the risks for the older demographic, his warnings to others to not get jabbed were among the factors that influenced me and others not to take it. I'd like to hear his response to the case against him.

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It was Dr. Francis Boyle who convinced me not to take the shots.

In February 2020, he stated that covid was a bioweapon.

Late 2020, Dr. Boyle called the shots Frankenshots.

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Exactly Awake, most exact! I am and until I start hearing more from the pushers, promoters, whatever you want to call them, until I hear them start speaking out, adamantly, I mean with sincerity and integrity, I will not believe them and all their words. There has to be accountability and an open dialogue with those who pushed and promoted these SHOTS, there MUST BE! I was lucky not to have taken the due to a clotting disorder I have. I am certain there was knowledge about the damage / death these bioweapons would cause, after all there’s been talk about protecting the “bioweapons industry” by redefining what an actual “vaccine” is as part of the coverup. Additionally, Dr. Francis Boyle wrote and presented the bioweapon treaty of 1989 I believe and both houses of congress and Senior Bush signed off on this treaty, which is still in effect today. This is one of the reasons I was skeptical to take this murderous injection, along with other reasons. More importantly is when? When will we, if ever, be told the truth about this disastrous, deadly and disabling attack via an injection? I highly doubt the world will ever know the truth, the reasons for a myriad of unanswered questions. I doubt it very much, let alone anyone be brought to justice. We can’t undue what’s been done but we can prevent a repeat. The problem I see is there’s no accountability whatsoever, so why wouldn’t we see a repeat? And IMO, this time people won’t have an option to reject. This time it will be “get injected or go to jail” something on those lines. All you have to do is look at how many liberties were already taken away because of Covid! This entire attack, military attack, was so well coordinated and executed, right down to the mentally enormous and dangerously persuasive, fear mongering level, there’s no way the next time will be any less than! Not in the least! Far too many destructive acts have been committed since this “illegitimate administration” stole power! There isn’t one policy or forced executive order which anyone can point to, benefitting the American people and people around the world,not one damn thing! What’s more disturbing is the deliberate invasion happening overwhelming every city in America! Colorado is now reducing workers to help curb the cost of illegals! The list is so enormous and debilitating to all citizens of Americans and to American businesses, it will only take one small push, which will literally push America over the cliff! This is and has been their goal / goals! Remember these three words uttered by one individual who hates America, “Fundamentally Transform America”! Yes, this is exactly what is happening and my concern is, there won’t be any turning back!


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I’m not making a case against Malone….. Those that are blaming him are not either. They are silent regarding an explanation….. It seems it’s a simple specious argument that IF he invented mRNA technology, but SOMEONE ELSE else used in malfeasant acts, he is still responsible simply because it is there to be used…… THAT seems like saying the harnessing of Nuclear Fission to be used for Energy production is a crime because it is POSSIBLE to use such technology know-how to destroy others (bombs)…..


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And you too👏👏👏wow!

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Very well said...wow!

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I was listening when Sherri Tenpenny sounded the first alarm about these shots in July 2020. I realized the intent of Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and J&J when the FDA approved these for emergency use. For years the FDA wouldn’t allow these shots to go to human trials. What made them do a 180 in 2020?? That was the moment I realized our FDA and CDC was hopelessly captured by these pharmaceutical companies. I was already suspicious of Tony Fauci after the whole AIDS scare. I certainly didn’t trust him to handle SARSCoV2, a virus with a 99% recovery rate.

Everyone Dr Paul mentioned knew what these shots would do. The question is, when did they know it?

A chiropractor by the name of Eric Nepute kept us informed about the trials during the summer of 2020. He told us that people were getting seriously hurt by these shots, and that we already had effective treatments. The problem is they were squashed so the shots could be granted the EUA to bring them to market.

I knew I wouldn’t be getting any of these shots, but was so taken aback by how so many people were on board with getting them! A lot of my friends are now dead. I lost my mom in less than 3 months after her booster (she got her flu shot and her booster at the same time).

I’ve managed to wake a few people up, but it’s been a little at a time. These are the folks who are now having health problems associated with these shots. Sadly, there are some who are still taking every booster and wonder why they keep getting Covid. I don’t think they’ll ever see the truth about these shots.

The only solace I take from all this is the perpetrators of these crimes will suffer eternal punishment at the hands of God. As a neighbor told me, “Hell will be full”. I don’t think we’ll have any trials on earth for these criminals.

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You might be right that we won’t have trials, but why not ?….. Because the people in power with the money are the criminals & wont allow it !!!…And unlike Nuremberg days they didn’t just lose the war.

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Dr. Tenpenny did an excellent job explaining the mechanisms of death these shots would cause.

She just did an interview with Mike Adams. Here is the link:


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It just keeps getting worse in my family and in my friends circle every single day with cancer.

A beloved friend of ours had lunch with us two days ago and couldn’t eat because he started explaining about his wife’s sickness.

Bless his heart...he kept getting choked up because he was trying to explain but couldn’t. Finally, he was able to speak about it.

Last week his wife was a normal middle aged healthy beautiful lady and this week? Well she has stage 4 cancer and when they performed surgery they noticed cancer had spread all throughout her body. She’s in bad condition and our beloved friend was just devastated and lost. We all got up and hugged him and cried with him.

My heart just aches for the family. Such a nice wonderful family! Would help anyone out because that’s just the kind of people they are❤️

So yeah, I want all these people to pay one way or another!

This is why you are the man...you ain’t letting this S go🙂

Love you so dearly for it and I bet your wife is so proud of you for what you’re doing for humanity!

God Bless you Dr. Alexander! God will have beautiful things in store for you🙏❤️🙏!

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Here in the UK, the MHRA (medicines regulatory body) boss June Raine is resigning, after MPs call for an investigation into the failure to flag 'vaccine' dangers.

She said: 'It has been an honour to lead an agency which has patient safety as its top priority.'

Bear in mind the MHRA is 86% funded by Big Pharma.

She has no excuse. Let the truth be known and justice served to the max. Nuremberg 2.0.

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Nuremberg 2.0 is a must!

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One could make an argument that laws or at least the political actors who ALLOWED Pharma to capture government regulators (FDA & MHRA) are at fault…… Those actors include the government regulators who were captured and the Pharma CEOs paying them (by way of funding research unrestrictedly- creating tainted research).

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I'm not holding my breath but I'd much wrather see these garden variety criminals rot painfully in a jail cell than enjoy the easy escape of death.

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Sorry but these are not the people to go after…..these are little fish….we have huge problems and this although catastrophic will be addressed if the real huge problems are….WEF and above them even….

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Philosophy Question:

If inventor A invents a clever tool ( named “a”).

Then inventor B invents a new way to use tool “a” in order to make a new and different tool (named tool “X “) which can be used to hurt people, and then Inventor B indeed uses tool “X” to hurt people, then

Who is to blame for hurting of those people

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No discussion or answers ????…… why not ?

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