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I thought when Dr. Malone brought the mass psychosis explanation to the table on Rogen that people jumped on to it desperate to explain what happened because we knew at a deep level that something was very wrong. How could so many go along with all this nonsense? The public needed something to help make sense of it all. I don’t think it was his intention to mislead, misdirect or try to get anyone off the hook. I guess Dr. Alexander thinks it was. I’m not sure it matters. It helped some people to finally see the truth while allowing them room to forgive themselves for being blind. To me that’s a good thing. Never should those who created this mess be allowed off the hook. They knew exactly what they were doing and profited greatly. Those people we should have no mercy upon. None.

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Desmet says some good things and yes, he does explain to some degree how people were deceived. But that doesn't excuse his complete disregard of those who induced fear and confusion by unrelenting, 24/7 fear porn and outright lies, except to call them out as manipulators and then say "they weren't really manipulators" (merely mechanistic thinkers captured by an impersonal ideology.)

The "mass formation" was induced by an orchestrated conspiracy, and my saying so means that I'm psychologically imbalanced and need to be "handled psychologically," according to Desmet.

The central point of Desmet's book, the main theme, is "no conspiracy." The big clue that this is so is chapter 8. If we understand this, then we understand that the previous chapters were merely a lead-up to chapter 8 because the previous chapters offer an alternative explanation to "conspiracy."

Desmet's work is an apology for the conspirators, plain and simple. Moreover, it's a warning to conspiracy thinkers and a justification for future measures to control such thinkers lest, as Desmet himself says, their fear and confusion leads to a dangerous mass formation.

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Thank you for your analysis. I do appreciate it and as you describe it, it doesn’t seem as benign as I thought. Desmet, I believe was accused of not reporting a patient of his who was killing patients in the hospital and he somehow explained it away. I found that disturbing.

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The "no conspiracy" main theme is untrue. Rather it is "less conspiracy than others would have you believe."

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