I disagree.

The mass formation is not bullshit. It explains perfectly how so many people fell for the narrative. If you have most media outlets telling you 24/7 there is an emergency, chances are, you are going to believe there is an emergency. Think of what happened accidentally the with radio program "War of the Worlds" to get a small example of what can happen.

This does not excuse the actions of doctors and officials that made policy though. It's one thing to fall for a set of ideas, it is another thing altogether to coerce others to participate in that mass formation. I don't excuse anyone, especially those that think "we didn't know."

But 80% od the people around us were vaccinated, are we going to hold them all responsible for the Covid response?

Mass formation shows how regular, garden variety people, were duped into believing it all. They were duped into wearing masks, taking the jabs, believing that 50% of anyone who got Covid was hospitalized.

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Dr. Alexander seems brash at times, but he's actually very restrained. Why isn't my doctor like this -- why did he try to kill me instead?

It's still so early in the Reckoning ...

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Thank you for telling exactly how it is, Doc ♥️👏🫡

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I'm in a fairly unique situation. I have a sister who is a retired RN with a Masters in Community Health, (dealing with vaccines and epidemiology) and a nephew with a degree in Respiratory Therapy, who is a top sales representative for a company making ventilators and other respiratory medical devices. To my knowledge, they completely swallowed the "official" narrative about the viruses, vaccines, therapies, masking, shut-downs etc. My own sister was shocked that I, as a "scientist" would question the value of wearing masks, and all the other, what I called nonsense, involving the handling of this "pandemic"

This has been very hard on me. Yes, I'm a scientist, a geologist or what I prefer to call an Earth Scientist, trained and experienced to apply the scientific method to propose and test multiple "working hypothesis" to solve complex problems with limited data. This requires critical thinking to an extreme degree. To complicate matters even further, I'm a spinal cord injured paraplegic, (SCI), paralyzed in the lower 2/3 of my body, for the last 45 years. I have poor blood circulation in my lower body and limited lung capacity. I knew I would suffer greatly and was at risk of complications if I contracted the Covid 19 virus. But I've been through many medical challenges related to my disabilities and I've had much more experience with the medical industry than anyone should have. All that considered, I smelled something terribly wrong with how this virus was being treated right from the beginning. I knew something was wrong. It was experimental, an untested new gene therapy and the evidence was obvious we were being lied to and being sold a "bill of goods". So at great personal emotional cost, I refused the vaccines. I trusted my immune system, and I've never had anything more than a "runny nose". I have no regrets, but still, I've paid a price. It can be very lonely to go against where the herd is going, even if you're sure it is over a cliff.

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The PROPAGANDA was military spec - the psychological pressure was huge . . unfortunately, I have a disposition where if anyone tries to force me to do something - I do the opposite. I can however see alot of weak-minded sheeple going along with the Government narrative, including doctors & others who benefited to turn a blind eye . . $$$$$$$$. Almost all of my friends did take the quackcine & I used to think they were quite intelligent . . now I'm not so sure . . as "It doesn't take Sherlock" says . . the Nazi's did "whatever it was" very successfully . . they fooled a nation . . what you call that is up to you! #mass hypnosis #stupidity #history #psychological manipulation #nudging #77thbrigade

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Must say, I agree. It’s a little too convenient for “them” to say, oh, I was not myself (for near on 3 years!!!). No, not buying it.

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Falling for the con does not absolve one of responsibility for wrongdoing while under the delusion and deception.

But yes, they will use it as an excuse for absolution.

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The minute they said lock us down to flatten the curve I was yelling B.S. I grew up in the 70s in the era of general strikes. I guess general strikes are only ok if the oligarchs are organizing it.

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Dr Alexander

No worries. I and my family are so grateful for your tireless work to expose these greedheads and criminals. You are a great patriot and a godsend to us all

Thank you


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I think that the mass formation psychosis is an actual phenomena, and that many people were under somewhat of a spell during the beginning and middle of COVID, brought on by fear and propaganda being broadcast in the media. Nearly all of my friends and family were under this spell. I think that some people are more susceptible to it than others. Nevertheless, I agree with you that it should not be an excuse for doctors and scientist, who's bad decisions cost lives.

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To me, this can never be an excuse for anyone. It can only be a “teaching moment” that includes accountability and lessons learned. And that is the best outcome for someone who can acknowledge they were caught up in it. Even having the self awareness to feel ashamed of it is a positive thing. Many others will try to forget it ever happened, but we cannot let them.

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mass formation is not horseshit but a real phenomenon. But just because you got caught in it, doesn't mean you are absolved.

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God bless you for this one, Dr. Alexander! Pretty much how I've felt about it.

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I disagree.

The mass formation is not bullshit. It explains perfectly how so many people fell for the narrative. If you have most media outlets telling you 24/7 there is an emergency, chances are, you are going to believe there is an emergency. Think of what happened accidentally the with radio program "War of the Worlds" to get a small example of what can happen.

This does not excuse the actions of doctors and officials that made policy though. It's one thing to fall for a set of ideas, it is another thing altogether to coerce others to participate in that mass formation. I don't excuse anyone, especially those that think "we didn't know."

But 80% od the people around us were vaccinated, are we going to hold them all responsible for the Covid response?

Mass formation shows how regular, garden variety people, were duped into believing it all. They were duped into wearing masks, taking the jabs, believing that 50% of anyone who got Covid was hospitalized.

Also, they were not critical thinkers. Critial thinking is far from in their wheelhouse. A lot of what happened echoes one person's sentiments spoken on twitter "The whole world locked down for the pandemic, that is good enough for me."

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Any doctor seeking absolution from crimes against humanity by claiming to have been a victim of mass formation psychosis is a doctor I will never trust. Extraordinary unacceptable excuse for failure to abide by the Hippocratic oath.

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"That’s bullshit being fed to us to get us to absolve the wrongdoers almost"

Only that that's a strawman that's peddled by people who actually want to confuse.

Mass formation never was about absolving anyone, neither explicitly nor implicitly, it's an attempt of explaining the machnisms of crowd psychology - not even a new concept (see Gustave le Bon)

Let me add that, even if that model would "absolve wrongdoers" - even that wouldn't make it automatically wrong.

Look up "argument from consequences" logical fallacy. Your lust for payback doesn't negate reality if in the way. That's the "logic" of evil itself.

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