It can be very difficult for people to admit they were wrong, especially about deeply-felt or emotional issues. Hubris, or false pride is very common. Once again, just like Mattias Desmet's "Mass Formation", it seems to be a deeply rooted aspect of human behavior. I don't know why. Maybe it is simply a lack of humility. If someone has suffered enough defeats, it is easy to admit to being wrong, to be open about questioning "authority", and to always attempt to find and follow the truth. Some might say that ability is a sign of maturity and learning to deal with life's ups and downs, and move on. Personally, I try to be patient with people and empathize with their feelings, as long as they don't do something illegal or sinfully wrong. If your mother has her wits about her, I'm guessing she'll come around. It is becoming more obvious every day that the vaccines have been a monumental and deadly failure.
So sorry about your mother's comments and attitude. Is she still with us? Stay strong.
Peter Smith
Yes she is fortunately still alive and I pray for reconciliation as she is 80.
It can be very difficult for people to admit they were wrong, especially about deeply-felt or emotional issues. Hubris, or false pride is very common. Once again, just like Mattias Desmet's "Mass Formation", it seems to be a deeply rooted aspect of human behavior. I don't know why. Maybe it is simply a lack of humility. If someone has suffered enough defeats, it is easy to admit to being wrong, to be open about questioning "authority", and to always attempt to find and follow the truth. Some might say that ability is a sign of maturity and learning to deal with life's ups and downs, and move on. Personally, I try to be patient with people and empathize with their feelings, as long as they don't do something illegal or sinfully wrong. If your mother has her wits about her, I'm guessing she'll come around. It is becoming more obvious every day that the vaccines have been a monumental and deadly failure.