I met someone totally clueless about this pandemic and even threatened to walk away from me when I told her the PCR tests were fraudulent. She had no sympathy at all for me when I told her I couldn’t even be with my dying husband in hospice and he had to die alone due to the stupid protocols. She said hospitals were trying to protect people. What a dumbass liberal!

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They'll all walk. They'll be the usual tough talk, overwhelming evidence, whistleblowers .....the whole fucking schbang.....and nothing.......Damn it.....not a goddamn thing.

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"Will the Largest Organized Mass Murder in World History Escape Accountability?"

Yes. The perfect crime.

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Not to worry, God will hold them accountable and his judgement is perfect. Our judgement leaves a lot to be desired.

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The people who died did so because of the treatment protocols, that generated revenues for the hospitals.

Mass Crimes Against Humanity for PROFITS

Why the vaXX injured and their families don't take revenge is worrisome.

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The good old USA has been committing genocide for many decades. Millions are dead, bombing, poisoning, polluting, destroying the fabric of life all over the world. The chief front men killer cowards, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Johnson, etc... and the thousands behind and in front of them, domestically and worldwide are considered statesmen in this sick twisted insane psyop. The masses are more than complete asses, they are mindless serfs, waiting to be programmed, or killed with a smile on their mindless faces. A true revolution would be fantastic, it would be chaotic for a while but that might be the only angle where the bad guys are executed in mass.

In the mean time stay focused and calm, knowing you are dealing with brute force evil, but it is inflexible and insatiable, which are the seeds of its collapse.

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Why indeed? Perhaps it's because it all went as planned and there is no interest in confirming that.

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It was heartbreaking to watch this happen as the mandates were rolled out but, in my opinion, it is even worse watching so many refuse to even look at the truth.

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No it will not escape accountability. In a perfect world, justice will be served through the judicial system. If that does not come to fruition, there are people who will take the law into their own hands. This is just getting too big to ignore. And if Fauci, Bourla, Gates etc still manage to be walking free, God will get them sooner or later. They will burn.

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Don’t forget the largest, deliberate, mass infection in world history. Over 5.61 billion people were infected with C19 genes between 1-5 times indiscriminately in multiple organ systems followed by innate immune inflammatory attacks.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Ancel Keyes, Edward Jenner, and Anthony Fauxi all want to be in the running for most speculator failures in public health.

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Genocide sucks

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95% of hard-core Marxists rolled up their sleeves. This was ideological eugenics pure and simple. It's like Sodom and Gomorrah except much more surgical.

The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD.



It had to be done this way.


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"We the people" will not let mass murder be silenced and unanswered by those responsible.

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It is a full scale war and also a planned military operation, including full scale genocide and part of agenda 2030 for decades .

If you are not up to speed these two links below are from TWO women whom have done THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of hours of legal and other research on the topic.

I include them NOT because they are neccesarily the best but because they are SHORT SUMMARIES to share

One is a 15 minute VIDEO from American patriot and legal expert Katherine Watt.

The second is about a 15 minute READ from Sasha Latypova.

Being ex military gives me big advantages and I called WAR in 2020 . These super bright ladies are SPOT ON!

Katherine WATT VIDEO

(15 minute summary )



(15 minute read and watch short embedded video ! )


Best in health and blessings to all freedom fighters and truth seekers .

Warrior .

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When I warned my family,who see themselves far superior to me an under educated old lady they stopped letting me see my grandchildren because of my view points.My son informed me he was going to protect his kids with the Vax. And I've been banned by my own family.

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