diamorphine, propofol, Lorazepam, Fentanyl etc., why the fcuk did we do this to our precious elderly? When 95 times of 100 they were false-positive' for COVID as part of the PCR-created fake pandemic?
Yes, it was mass murder. I put out flyers everywhere in person because Google wouldn’t let me post anything especially with scientific background. I renamed my flyer so that I could send it ...Google stopped it every time. REMDESIVERE takes out the organs. The only thing that killed patients in hospitals was protocol. To intubate lungs that were already filled with fluid was and is murder. Wearing a mask caused sepsis and sent many people to the hospital and then to top it off. ...Substances put in the mask also cause Covid. The test caused Covid. To be a sacrifice for science is murder. I just wish more people would have looked at the science. I wish main stream media would have cared more for the public than their freaking job! Yes, it was and remains mass murder. And how many years has this been going on?
Not only was it used in Covid to execute elderly and chronically ill, it is and has been used for years in Hospice. Some of the already “awake” or knowledgeable having been blowing the whistle on this for a few years. Me in 2018 & 2019 at the Senate Whistleblower Luncheon and subsequent three day Whistleblower Summit in DC. The QALY (quality adjusted life years) scoring for the economic valuation of life = Death Panel, has sent thousands to be executed that were NOT terminal. Hospice pays very well by the government three letter agencies. Sound familiar…. like Covid incentive payouts(payoffs) to kill? Most have no idea Hospice requires a prescription for Nutrition and Hydration! Does that sound “compassionate to you? Our Medical Industrial Complex has been murdering, executing and torturing patients long before the plandemic. The same root cause was the motivation of greed, moral belief that the bureaucrats are “God’s given a right to decide life value and Government corruption!!! Those of us sounding the alarm in 2018 & 2019 were simply viewed as lunatics to suggest hospitals and physicians would kill for many. The “Silver Lining” of covid corruption was the mass exposure of the CEO’s, CFO’s, CMO’s that have no conscience if a profit can be made. You can google NancyGPaul Cheryls Legacy on youtube to see my participation in a panel trying to warn others long before.
This is the flip side of normalizing murder of inconvenient pregnancies via abortion. The elderly are also being considered inconvenient in our socialist society, where people who are not productive any more are considered “useless eaters.” Marxism is anti-human because it marginalizes and dehumanizes people, giving the state all control of people’s lives and access to their property. This is property that has been purchased with the sweat of the people’s brows; not that of a powerfully overbearing and tyrannical state which commits theft and is now stealing our lives. Our socialist government has steadily and stealthily become leviathan and deadly; greedy for more power onto itself, all the while assuring itself and us how compassionate and virtuous a system it is while waging war against the people and the people of other countries for profit and depopulation.
Murdering the old en masse makes perfect economic sense to psychopaths that possess no empathy. Look at Cuomo dumping infected patients off inside nursing homes to “spread the love around.” Meanwhile us perfectly healthy folks were being browbeaten with lockdowns, masks, quarantines. Kind of a sick dichotomy, no? Yet Cuomo got away with it. Brought down over sexual misconduct? Hmmmm…. Seems to me whenever a politician is in danger of being exposed in some nefarious scheme all of a sudden sex overshadows everything. How are those illegal Chinese campaign contribution allegations going Slick Willie?
I have used this drug in over 50,000 patients without any significant problems. It is a blessing for modern medicine as I remember what it was like before we had this drug.
That said, Midazolam is like any other medication or tool and it has to be used appropriately.
Midazolam has no role in routine patient care outside of a licensed surgical suite, an emergency room, or an ICU that have adequate monitoring and staff. To use it any other way is negligence.
In every hospital I've ever been in here in the USA there are strict rules forbidding the use of Midazolam even on the regular medical floor unless their are special circumstances and adequate monitoring and constant supervision until the Midazolam wears off. If you don't follow those rules your staff privileges could be revoked and the nurses administering the drug would be reprimanded, fired, or reported to the Nursing Board. In many States it is illegal even for a Primary Care Physician to use injectable Midazolam in their outpatient clinic. In my State malpractice insurance excludes coverage if Midazolam is used in an unlicensed surgical facility.
The idea that this drug was given to patients by itself or in combination with an opioid (narcotic) without the required monitoring is Gross Negligence. There is only one circumstance where a physician that ordered injectable Midazolam with or without opiates on board without the proper monitoring is not guilty of malpractice and that is when the patient is on hospice and dying and it is given to ease their discomfort - not kill them, but make them comfortable.
Individuals that prescribed Midazolam +/- opiates outside of these parameters need to be reported to their Medical Board, The Hospital's quality of care department, and if someone was injured or died because of it, a malpractice attorney.
I did not work in the ICU during Covid-19 (I was working in a lung disease outpatient clinic), but I have worked in the ICU, and I have taken care of people in hospice, and I have performed many bronchoscopy procedures with Fentanyl and Midazolam for conscious sedation, as well as many other drugs in similar settings, for sedation/anesthesia in the respiratory impaired, both on ventilators and during spontaneous respiration. I have also cared for elderly patients having agitation in association with dementia. So,... I can't speak about what actually happened to specific patients in specific hospitals during Covid-19. BUT, this writing seems to blame Midazolam, Morphine, Propofol, Lorazepam. I strongly disagree. These drugs CAN be used safely in the very ill, respiratory impaired, and elderly. This writing also seems to suggest overuse of Midazolam, and that may have occurred, based on the story presented. Don't blame the drug. That's like blaming the gun for someone being shot. Blame the prescribers, if the drugs were used improperly, but put the blame where it belongs. Or maybe try to get closer to which drug was primarily to blame. I could go into some specifics about hepatic and renal metabolism, and respiratory suppression, but of course, overdosing is always a potential concern, complicated when Remdesivir and other kidney toxins are involved [Kirwan, et al (2012). AKI reduces hepatic metabolism of midazolam in critically ill patients]. I don't blame "death protocols." I blame those who made the mistakes, prescribing bad combinations of drugs, overdoses, and those higher-ups who were corrupted to censor real doctors who tried to provide real care and developed protocols that saved lives, including early treatment. Although I agree with Dr. Alexander in many things, he should know, it's not the specific drugs, but, maybe who's using them and how they're being used (maybe incompetently, though I can't rule out evil intent). But don't cop out by blaming Midazolam.
I appreciate your knowledgeable input on this touchy subject.
The problem with the entire covid hoax was just that, it was a planed and contrived tyrannical psyop, using a "test" that was not accurate at all, people hospitalized unnecessarily, and without consent, and in many hospitals and facilities patients were left to die, left unattended, not allowed to see relatives, not given proper treatments, not given alternative better treatments.
This has to be addressed. It was a wholesale murder of people worldwide, continuing with the mRNA deadly injection.
I, for one, lost any respect or trust I had for the medical establishment, since it sold out completely to Big Pharma and government tyranny, when it should have stood up against them.
MASS MURDERING OF THE ELDERLY…old news…isn’t this what happened the past 4 years and is continuing especially with a disease X ‘vaccine’ (bioterrorism)???
It would be great for ALL health professionals to put out this message EVERYDAY AND EVERYWHERE…especially since they could NOT unite to stop 4 years of BIOTERRORISM…
DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING LABELLED A VACCINE…until the entire gross poison/murder mess is addressed properly and all involved are heavily punished!
For ALL AMERICANS…focus now on the MOST important 2024 issue of ELECTION INTEGRITY!
Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections???
The Lex Greene piece should give all persons GREAT HOPE that the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY CROWD will be able to establish free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!
P.S. Support Mike Lindell, My Pillow guy because FOX ‘News’ dumped him and… because he is using mountains of his money and his talents and blessings for the cause of ELECTION INTEGRITY!
Where are the rest of Americans using their money to support serious strategic planners working on ELECTION INTEGRITY?
All his products are great if you need a wedding, birthday or any other gift!
I gave my kids a gift of $ to spend with Mike’s company! They all loved the things they picked out…
My husband was murdered in a Florida hospital from the deadly Covid protocol and yes midazolam was used in his last days. Along with many other deadly drugs. Including propofol, fentanyl and preceded. 60 pages of drugs in a 5 1/2 week period. He went in healthy and taking no medications. They euthanized 1.2 million people.
Jesus please bring Justice and accountability soon! 🙏🏻
I am outraged to read this. Did your husband have covid, or did they just tell you he did? Could you have refused to accept the drugs and treatments they prescribed? Or did you have no say in his care?
Thank you, yes we both had a mild case of Covid. He was on day 10 of Covid. His labs were all normal. No we had no choice they did everything with our consent and he was isolated from me. I asked for a card meeting and they said we don’t do that!!! Since when??? It’s all an evil protocol. They killed a healthy 61 yr old man for money!
I'm 72. I went all of 2020 without masking, since I knew they didn't do what we were told they did. In 2021 I knew enough about covid to know we were being lied to, so I knew I would not take the test OR the "vaccine".
But in early summer 2021 I was exposed to a group of recently vaxxed people, and shortly came down with an acute respiratory illness. A few weeks later it was so bad I could not breathe and went to a local ER. They gave me oxygen and prednisone, which helped immensely, then the doctor insisted I be hospitalized. I adamantly refused, knowing about the "death protocols". I was forced to sign papers that I "refused treatment". I made it home.
I gradually recovered later in 2021/22, but still am seeing a pulmonologist for the prednisone and oxygen.
People worldwide didn't drop dead in the streets (except on stage which was Wuhan). We saw cooling trucks, but only the trucks. No piles of bodies. If people want to see piles of bodies, look at Gaza.
Yes, it was mass murder. I put out flyers everywhere in person because Google wouldn’t let me post anything especially with scientific background. I renamed my flyer so that I could send it ...Google stopped it every time. REMDESIVERE takes out the organs. The only thing that killed patients in hospitals was protocol. To intubate lungs that were already filled with fluid was and is murder. Wearing a mask caused sepsis and sent many people to the hospital and then to top it off. ...Substances put in the mask also cause Covid. The test caused Covid. To be a sacrifice for science is murder. I just wish more people would have looked at the science. I wish main stream media would have cared more for the public than their freaking job! Yes, it was and remains mass murder. And how many years has this been going on?
Not only was it used in Covid to execute elderly and chronically ill, it is and has been used for years in Hospice. Some of the already “awake” or knowledgeable having been blowing the whistle on this for a few years. Me in 2018 & 2019 at the Senate Whistleblower Luncheon and subsequent three day Whistleblower Summit in DC. The QALY (quality adjusted life years) scoring for the economic valuation of life = Death Panel, has sent thousands to be executed that were NOT terminal. Hospice pays very well by the government three letter agencies. Sound familiar…. like Covid incentive payouts(payoffs) to kill? Most have no idea Hospice requires a prescription for Nutrition and Hydration! Does that sound “compassionate to you? Our Medical Industrial Complex has been murdering, executing and torturing patients long before the plandemic. The same root cause was the motivation of greed, moral belief that the bureaucrats are “God’s given a right to decide life value and Government corruption!!! Those of us sounding the alarm in 2018 & 2019 were simply viewed as lunatics to suggest hospitals and physicians would kill for many. The “Silver Lining” of covid corruption was the mass exposure of the CEO’s, CFO’s, CMO’s that have no conscience if a profit can be made. You can google NancyGPaul Cheryls Legacy on youtube to see my participation in a panel trying to warn others long before.
This is the flip side of normalizing murder of inconvenient pregnancies via abortion. The elderly are also being considered inconvenient in our socialist society, where people who are not productive any more are considered “useless eaters.” Marxism is anti-human because it marginalizes and dehumanizes people, giving the state all control of people’s lives and access to their property. This is property that has been purchased with the sweat of the people’s brows; not that of a powerfully overbearing and tyrannical state which commits theft and is now stealing our lives. Our socialist government has steadily and stealthily become leviathan and deadly; greedy for more power onto itself, all the while assuring itself and us how compassionate and virtuous a system it is while waging war against the people and the people of other countries for profit and depopulation.
Solzhenitsyn warned us. We have not listened.
Murdering the old en masse makes perfect economic sense to psychopaths that possess no empathy. Look at Cuomo dumping infected patients off inside nursing homes to “spread the love around.” Meanwhile us perfectly healthy folks were being browbeaten with lockdowns, masks, quarantines. Kind of a sick dichotomy, no? Yet Cuomo got away with it. Brought down over sexual misconduct? Hmmmm…. Seems to me whenever a politician is in danger of being exposed in some nefarious scheme all of a sudden sex overshadows everything. How are those illegal Chinese campaign contribution allegations going Slick Willie?
Versed is the Trade name of Midazolam.
I have used this drug in over 50,000 patients without any significant problems. It is a blessing for modern medicine as I remember what it was like before we had this drug.
That said, Midazolam is like any other medication or tool and it has to be used appropriately.
Midazolam has no role in routine patient care outside of a licensed surgical suite, an emergency room, or an ICU that have adequate monitoring and staff. To use it any other way is negligence.
In every hospital I've ever been in here in the USA there are strict rules forbidding the use of Midazolam even on the regular medical floor unless their are special circumstances and adequate monitoring and constant supervision until the Midazolam wears off. If you don't follow those rules your staff privileges could be revoked and the nurses administering the drug would be reprimanded, fired, or reported to the Nursing Board. In many States it is illegal even for a Primary Care Physician to use injectable Midazolam in their outpatient clinic. In my State malpractice insurance excludes coverage if Midazolam is used in an unlicensed surgical facility.
The idea that this drug was given to patients by itself or in combination with an opioid (narcotic) without the required monitoring is Gross Negligence. There is only one circumstance where a physician that ordered injectable Midazolam with or without opiates on board without the proper monitoring is not guilty of malpractice and that is when the patient is on hospice and dying and it is given to ease their discomfort - not kill them, but make them comfortable.
Individuals that prescribed Midazolam +/- opiates outside of these parameters need to be reported to their Medical Board, The Hospital's quality of care department, and if someone was injured or died because of it, a malpractice attorney.
Let that sink in: 42% of all COVID-19 deaths are taking place in facilities that house 0.62% of the U.S. population.
And 42% could be an undercount. States like New York exclude from their nursing home death tallies those who die in a hospital, even if they were
originally infected in a long-term care facility. Outside of New York, more than half of all deaths from COVID-19 are of residents in long-term
care facilities.
70% of COVID-19 deaths in Ohio, 69% in Pennsylvania
Prior to last week, Ohio reported that 41% of COVID deaths were taking place in long-term care facilities. But updated disclosures last Friday,
taking deaths prior to April 15 into account, upped that share to 70%.
In Minnesota, 81% of all COVID-19 deaths are of nursing home and residential care home residents. The region from the eastern seaboard from
Virginia to New Hampshire has been especially hard-hit.
2.1 million Americans are over 65 and living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities representing: 0.62% 0.74% of the U.S. population.
There are five different categories of long-term care providers, of which nursing homes is one subtype.
Some states report COVID-19 deaths for nursing homes specifically; others disclose some combination of long-term care deaths (usually including
assisted living facilities).
For more information, read https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_03/sr03_43-508.pdf
I did not work in the ICU during Covid-19 (I was working in a lung disease outpatient clinic), but I have worked in the ICU, and I have taken care of people in hospice, and I have performed many bronchoscopy procedures with Fentanyl and Midazolam for conscious sedation, as well as many other drugs in similar settings, for sedation/anesthesia in the respiratory impaired, both on ventilators and during spontaneous respiration. I have also cared for elderly patients having agitation in association with dementia. So,... I can't speak about what actually happened to specific patients in specific hospitals during Covid-19. BUT, this writing seems to blame Midazolam, Morphine, Propofol, Lorazepam. I strongly disagree. These drugs CAN be used safely in the very ill, respiratory impaired, and elderly. This writing also seems to suggest overuse of Midazolam, and that may have occurred, based on the story presented. Don't blame the drug. That's like blaming the gun for someone being shot. Blame the prescribers, if the drugs were used improperly, but put the blame where it belongs. Or maybe try to get closer to which drug was primarily to blame. I could go into some specifics about hepatic and renal metabolism, and respiratory suppression, but of course, overdosing is always a potential concern, complicated when Remdesivir and other kidney toxins are involved [Kirwan, et al (2012). AKI reduces hepatic metabolism of midazolam in critically ill patients]. I don't blame "death protocols." I blame those who made the mistakes, prescribing bad combinations of drugs, overdoses, and those higher-ups who were corrupted to censor real doctors who tried to provide real care and developed protocols that saved lives, including early treatment. Although I agree with Dr. Alexander in many things, he should know, it's not the specific drugs, but, maybe who's using them and how they're being used (maybe incompetently, though I can't rule out evil intent). But don't cop out by blaming Midazolam.
I appreciate your knowledgeable input on this touchy subject.
The problem with the entire covid hoax was just that, it was a planed and contrived tyrannical psyop, using a "test" that was not accurate at all, people hospitalized unnecessarily, and without consent, and in many hospitals and facilities patients were left to die, left unattended, not allowed to see relatives, not given proper treatments, not given alternative better treatments.
This has to be addressed. It was a wholesale murder of people worldwide, continuing with the mRNA deadly injection.
I, for one, lost any respect or trust I had for the medical establishment, since it sold out completely to Big Pharma and government tyranny, when it should have stood up against them.
Paul and all,
MASS MURDERING OF THE ELDERLY…old news…isn’t this what happened the past 4 years and is continuing especially with a disease X ‘vaccine’ (bioterrorism)???
It would be great for ALL health professionals to put out this message EVERYDAY AND EVERYWHERE…especially since they could NOT unite to stop 4 years of BIOTERRORISM…
DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING LABELLED A VACCINE…until the entire gross poison/murder mess is addressed properly and all involved are heavily punished!
For ALL AMERICANS…focus now on the MOST important 2024 issue of ELECTION INTEGRITY!
Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections???
The Lex Greene piece should give all persons GREAT HOPE that the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY CROWD will be able to establish free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!
Lex Greene lays out our GREAT odds of winning…
Spread this piece all over our mostly RED, repeat RED country!
P.S. Support Mike Lindell, My Pillow guy because FOX ‘News’ dumped him and… because he is using mountains of his money and his talents and blessings for the cause of ELECTION INTEGRITY!
Where are the rest of Americans using their money to support serious strategic planners working on ELECTION INTEGRITY?
All his products are great if you need a wedding, birthday or any other gift!
I gave my kids a gift of $ to spend with Mike’s company! They all loved the things they picked out…
Dog beds
Kids Noah’s ark pillowcases
Oversized bath mats
Sheets and towels
MYPILLOW has something for everyone!
Absolutely they did this!
My husband was murdered in a Florida hospital from the deadly Covid protocol and yes midazolam was used in his last days. Along with many other deadly drugs. Including propofol, fentanyl and preceded. 60 pages of drugs in a 5 1/2 week period. He went in healthy and taking no medications. They euthanized 1.2 million people.
Jesus please bring Justice and accountability soon! 🙏🏻
I am outraged to read this. Did your husband have covid, or did they just tell you he did? Could you have refused to accept the drugs and treatments they prescribed? Or did you have no say in his care?
I am truly sorry to hear what happened.
Thank you, yes we both had a mild case of Covid. He was on day 10 of Covid. His labs were all normal. No we had no choice they did everything with our consent and he was isolated from me. I asked for a card meeting and they said we don’t do that!!! Since when??? It’s all an evil protocol. They killed a healthy 61 yr old man for money!
I'm 72. I went all of 2020 without masking, since I knew they didn't do what we were told they did. In 2021 I knew enough about covid to know we were being lied to, so I knew I would not take the test OR the "vaccine".
But in early summer 2021 I was exposed to a group of recently vaxxed people, and shortly came down with an acute respiratory illness. A few weeks later it was so bad I could not breathe and went to a local ER. They gave me oxygen and prednisone, which helped immensely, then the doctor insisted I be hospitalized. I adamantly refused, knowing about the "death protocols". I was forced to sign papers that I "refused treatment". I made it home.
I gradually recovered later in 2021/22, but still am seeing a pulmonologist for the prednisone and oxygen.
Thank you for sharing your story Sharon.
Oh my goodness! No vaccines for us either.
Do you use a nebulizer? Im glad you have a Dr that you trust.
Do you know about the Flccc Drs and protocols?
They really want to kill us!
Stating 95% false positive infers that the PCR test can detect the presence of a virus.
Better to state the test is a complete sham. Fraud. A key player of the Plandemic hoax.
There's no other valid test to identify the virus. Trillions redistributed, no valid test.
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
People worldwide didn't drop dead in the streets (except on stage which was Wuhan). We saw cooling trucks, but only the trucks. No piles of bodies. If people want to see piles of bodies, look at Gaza.
People in convid times died under treatment.