
Trump did good, I know, I was there, he fought them...but let your mind go back, he had those Task Force demons save Giroir, he had academia, Hollywood, democrats, Republicans, RINOs etc. against him...all...except Atlas and I and Navarro and Bannon...again, even people in COVID movement were not hating on the response then until now prostrating for jobs, they hated Trump...how would you have done? while they were setting impeachments and trials and threats on life....how would you have managed?

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its hard to believe, most, neat 90% of those Trump put around him were trying to screw him and were never MAGA and were haters of him...thats why he fired many and now many are back...I myself dont get it

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Perhaps they may spin their story a bit differently and try to convince RFK Jr. that they, like Vance, have gotten over their prior TDS. These people have no shame.

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? Can't we get out of this historical, hysterical loop we're in? Spiritual warfare. Battle of the Ages!

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I remember that event - I was watching it "live" on the television. So let's grant that Trump was "distracted, deceived", and the criminals snuck-in the lockdown.

Okay, so why didn't Trump REVERSE that action? Trump was POTUS with a large arsenal of Executive powers. Why didn't Trump use ANY of those powers?

Instead, not only did Trump not reverse the lockdown right away, Trump allowed it to go on for far, far longer than the so-called "2 weeks".

There are too many inconsistencies, things that do not add up, things that make no sense. But EVERYTHING makes sense if Trump was part of the Plan.

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how would he go on stage after 2 weeks and tell USA that these beast animal criminals on stage, his Task Force, for he knew, thats why people like Atlas and me were asked to come on deck (me end April, Atlas August but the die was already set, we were already fucked as a nation), were lying to him...what would you have said? all these 'experts' saying KEEP IT CLOSED AND HE THE DEVELOPER SAYING OPEN IT...the nation and world would have said he was crazy and 25th him...they fucked him and he knew it and HAD to go along...the first 2 weeks, well maybe one week I could defend for us to grasp what was happening, maybe 4 days...but nothing beyond 2 weeks...

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we were screwed, they were destroying POTUS that is why his facial expression then tells us, he knew it was over, it was going to harm his re-election...it did...and the Malone mRNA vaccine can harm him now...if he is not careful...

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I get what you ask as to letting it continue but truthfully, as Birx said, once she got 2 weeks, he could not re-open...they would have gotten him by the nads...and they did. it would have been a construction man telling 6 doctors they were wrong and also all the others in media and doctors and scientists, even ones in present Freedom Fighter who now posing for jobs...hated him, always did, and ridiculed him...pummeled him...

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not part of the plan but was fucked, the swamp drained him so the hope is that 2.0 is different...sadly I see swamp around again, same ones and bad folk asking for jobs...not good. America is not a game show and it is being run as one and possibly will be run as one.

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they knew once they got 2 weeks, they could rag-doll him for-ever...they did...and by the time Atlas and I got on deck to add sanity and try to help him, too much damage was done, but we did pummel them...we did fight them...but it was 2, 3 of us, with Navarro against a deepstate cabal. all against him.

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Drained swamp or not,

We've got massive problems like the Haitians and all kind of chaos coming over the next six weeks.

This is when we have to see the fight closing in day by day.

Trump? We've no realistic alternative.

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agreed, its Trump balls to the wall.

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I'm wondering if the coming election will be planned total chaos in several states just to keep voters away. I mean look at what the government has done, Ohio = Haitian's, Minnesota = Somalian's, Colorado = Venezuela and so on. I read in Zerohedge today that there's a massive war brewing in Denver between Venezuelan and other gangs. Perhaps they'll clean each other out....a great start.

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I agree. America is not a game show. The DJT campaign people may remember “The Gong Show.” Each show had a talent competition that was performed in front of 3 judges. If a judge deemed an act to really bad, they could get up and hit a large gong to stop it. Maybe the campaign judges should use the same system for the repeat losers who apply for administration job. Gong them and they are out.

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yes, I like that idea

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

"How", you ask? Easy, just get up and DO IT!! Speaking for myself, I would have DEEPLY respected and admired Trump for being man enough to come out and saying that he had been fooled by those who he trusted.

Listen, we are all *human*. In our life we are going to be deceived and betrayed by those around us, even by loved ones. It's no shame to fall victim to betrayal.

But then we DO SOMETHING about it. If Trump was betrayed by some of his government officials then FIRE THEM. If the betrayal was criminal then PROSECUTE THEM. If the crime deserved capital punishment then EXECUTE THEM.

In any event, DO SOMETHING!! Don't just allow them to remain and continue their crimes year after year. If you do that then you're part of the crime - a collaborator.

Doesn't that make sense? If not, please tell me where my analysis is in error.

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your analysis is correct

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Thank you, Doctor!

Small consolation. I want *solutions*, a way out of this Hell - not to be right.

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kaboom, yes solutions are key...we know where you are coming from

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There no way uot of the mess we all are in Jorge. It's the mental adjustment we must make.

Not to depend on leaders,anymore.

But to go through the storm individually.

Don't try to get out of it,go through it with gusto!

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How many people in the present are capable of such a "mental adjustment"?

I don't know many ... hardly any. Do you?

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'I would have DEEPLY respected and admired Trump for being man enough to come out and saying that he had been fooled by those who he trusted.'...such a potent statement.

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I agree and this is why they moved against me for I said all you said Jorge...and will not stop...many need to be executed

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I want to give him one more chance to do all he said he would, I trust. he is good fundamentally, better than all of them in congress or senate

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And despite my doubts/concerns, Trump may very well get that chance.

Believe you me, my eyes are as big as dinner plates watching events between now and the weeks after NOV 5 (if we get there).

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I couldn't agree more.

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Yes. I was and remain disappointed that to this day he has not done so.

If I were one of his advisors, I would make him aware of how much he would gain by making such a pronouncement. It would be *YUGE*.

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you could be...all things possible

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I wish I had been during Trump's 1st term. I'd had given my all for his success.

Our country **MUST** escape the clutches of the present criminal Cartel.

If we don't, it's just a matter of time for the USA to go the way of the Dodo Bird.

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I'm with you, except do you remember how every now and then Trump would pop off and say something THAT THEY HATED/questioned? And then the media would take it and run it for days???

I'm believing Dr's telling of this

They set a trap for Trump and a death sentence to Americans

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Yes, I remember well how, as you remind us, "...every now and then Trump would pop off and say something THAT THEY HATED/questioned" --- yes, I remember.

I also remember asking myself, "Okay, so DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!"

I waited and waited and waited - Trump never did ANYTHING.

One of the oldest strategies in the book is DECEPTION. Make people *believe* that you are on their side by speaking the words that they want to hear. But while you're flapping your gums non-stop, do NOTHING to reverse the course of the agenda.

So for example, we all wanted for Clinton to be locked up. Thus, thousands of times we heard "Lock her up" from Trump. So, did he "lock her up"? Did he do ANYTHING to lock her up?

Similarly, you and I and a hundred million Americans were fed-up with the corruption in Washington. We wanted very much to see that "swamp" drained - for hundreds to go to prison, as they deserved. Thus, thousands of times we heard "drain the swamp" from Trump. So, did Trump "drain the swamp"?

So you see, Elusive1, *that's* how they play their game. You've got to see past their tactics.

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agreed Jorge and I say one more time lets give him a shot, we have nothing to lose, no other option...I trust we will see jails...we will...we have to else his legacy is dead as a blow hard and he dont like that....he is actually fighting against himself now to ensure he does right and has legacy and IMO he deserves, a good man

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

I recognize and accept, whether I like it or not, that we're going to have either Trump or Kamala or some other Biden replacement as the next POTUS

I wish the Tulsi Gabbard or Douglas Macgregor or a few other names were on the ballot, but they're not so that's that.

The die is cast, we have no option but to live with what's about to happen.

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I hear you, Jorge. It makes my head spin the lies and deception we are told. CONSTANTLY.

Maybe it was a bit of Trump being Trump, thinking he can do what he wants. Take on the world. Solve it all "for us". But that's NOT


It's near impossible to see/know who is who anymore. For me at least. And imho, I think I'm pretty smart and wise. The other thing is ---- if one is going to vote, it's either Trump or Kacklin Kameleon. :/

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

I appreciate your comment, Elusive1.

In the 1980's movie 'War Games', the computer faces a no-win war scenario.

And so it concludes: "The only way to win is to NOT play."

That's where I'm at right now. But data is still coming in, and I'm expecting for certain things, perhaps a Mega-event, to occur. Patience, Grasshopper.

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The Empire is past saving at this point.. The rebirth is what we must put our hopes in,even though many of us won't live to see it.

Trump could start the path to rebuilding the Eastern Seaboard.

The Southwest will revert back to Mexico, With the Midwest being up for grabs.

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Agree 💯 I saw that also in his eyes and body it just didn’t look like the trump we knew.

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I think it can be saved, it will be difficult, messy, but a must

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kaboom, and if courts say hang them we follow courts.

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Sweetest picture ever :-)

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yes, I knew you would like

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Hi Lynn 👋 👋

This is the low-down on the latest assisation attempt on Mr T


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Thanks Darkstar! Don't you think Dr. Malone has enough money? You can't leave a comment unless you pay and then subscribe.

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Yes your right. I don't support Malone financially. I find his pay to play ideas most unhelpful.

I do enjoy his funnies,

But I'd never pay for them.

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Me either.

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My wife loves the Trump saving cat and ducks pictures. 😃

She can't stop laughing everytime she sees one.

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good hopefully she is deep on Trump train

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You bet. She choices not to use social media, but she's on board all the way for Trump.

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Why is Trump buddies with the likes of Lindsey Graham, that guy hates Trump and he loves war. Trump buddies up to anyone who gives him compliments, he's more interested in himself and winning than he is the truth. H'es changed on Pro-family, Pro-life and he had trannies at Mar-a-lago for votes. I know he wants to win but he's gotten weak on allot of stuff he shouldn't be weak on. Why on earth did he agree to a debate on ABC, did he really think that was a smart thing to do because it blew up in his face, he wound up debating three people not one. As for the OWS, Im done, he's never going to stop cheering for it even while he knows what he's saying is a lie. When a man loses his core values to "win" he isn't who people think he is.

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many of what you say is true and he seems to like compliments...but again, it is larger now, nation to save, and he is only option, we will get him to get therapy once on deck...he needs it, so do we after years of this shit.

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I want to see him go to therapy because you'll have to drag him there.

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ha ha

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a little therapy wont be bad for daddy

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Very true. It not surprising to see Trump share the love with Lindsey,

They both have their pockets filled with Israli gold

What's a bot on genocide between friends?

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It's always been Israel first, America last. Trump should stop that stuff with them, tell Israel to fuck off.

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KEEP ON HAMMERING! "His TRUTH is Marching On!" Greetings from sunny Buffalo! 🙋🏻🌞

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