My local Dr refused to write my scripts after I called him out on the shots. Medications I have been taking for 20 years. I told him to go eff himself and stormed out of the surgery. As I live in a small country town, I now have to travel 200 kms round trip to see a different but better Dr. I think his actions are highly unethical. We should not have to put up with this kind of shit. I am just sitting back and waiting for karma to pay him a visit as I am sure it will once one of the farmers family dies from the jabs.

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Hospital's have become Nazi Death Camps

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As a medical doctor who retired before 2020, I agree. Who could possibly trust these doctors? I smelled something fishy when hydroxychloroquine, a drug that was well known as safe, was suddenly being denounced as unsafe. This was in early 2020, March or April. I knew something was up. It was clearly safe. It had been used a billion times. The only question was whether it was effective.

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I will never trust a doctor or hospital ever again. It is over for me.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

Trusting Doctors today has now become Russian Roulette. Caveat for so many. Hope this helps. Dr. Stella MD.com. Real Americas Voice, find it on your network. Cowboy Logic on that network. God Bless. One more very important move. Pray always pray to Our Father before your decision. That is what got us in this shit in the first place. Turning a blind eye to our Father. It is never too late. Well...yes actually if we do not repent. I do it every night. I figure I have done something. Whether it be a thought or action. God is a heart knower. You cannot fool him. Can you hear me now White House, Fauci, Hillary...So many to mention and so little time. Praise God he is our Judge. Amen

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Thank you for this! Exactly the way I feel and have felt for awhile. I am distrustful of most doctors now plus any of the medications/shots they recommend. Have been distrustful of the vaccines for a long while after my own experience with the flu vaccines. Haven't had one since late 1990's/ early 2000. I analyze research behind each drug or shot because the doctors are not doing enough of it on their own and we need to safeguard what is allowed to be introduced into our bodies.

And the same thing goes for my distrust of the Veterinarian Community and the shots and meds they recommend for animal patients via their medical society, despite excellent research done by my alma mater at Purdue, indicating that vaccine effectiveness was lasting close to 7 years in some cases despite the government and medical associations mandating annual shots!

had to perform CPR on one of my pets when a newer med was provided for the pet, that I discovered were full of many dangerous side effects I found after my research on why My pet had a close to deadly reaction to one of them . Also so many doctors prescribe meds like these with no caution given to the patient for someone or an animal under their caregiving about what possible side effects they should watch out for!

Sad for me to realize that my distrust of the medical industry for people came after my previous distrust for the Veterinarian community. I believe the medical doctors, veterinarians and the pharmaceutical industry will have a long time hurt to their money making ability in the future because of this distrust they have sadly earned!

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At this point I'd rather be treated by a veterinarian operating out of the back of a Tijuana brothel than a Western-trained medical doctor.

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Don't forget the media, the media apparently wants us dead. Unlike the virus that mutates so we will survive infection, the media pushes shots and boosters so we can, please die faster.

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I could not agree more 😤I have an autoimmune disorder called GPA which causes inflammation of the arteries, vasculitis and I could not get a medical exemption .....I am now penniless and relying on family for support .....my hatred for these bastards and this evil emanating thru this world is off the Richter scale 😤

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It's incredibly shocking that this useless injection is required. My kid just graduated high school (home schooled)

guess it's trade school time. https://calstate.policystat.com/policy/11030468/latest/

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GREAT QUESTION. The old paradigm's dead. And if it isn't then it's our job to kill it.

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Yes 100 percent accurate . There are bad and corrupt people in every walk of life and every industry.

Yes, I was refused an Ivermectin prescription by a doctor I had dealt with for a few years at a local walk in clinic. In BC I have nit had a family doctor (and luckily not tequired one) in over three decades.

And sadly yss5, far too many doctors have taken the low road to becoming nothing more than salesmen and pill pushers for money .

As I gave long stated , the future of all good medicine will be founded on Orthomolecular Medicine as founded decades ago by Dr. Linus Pauling (two nobel prizes) and Dr. Abram Hoffer here in Canada .

For those that may not know , Orthomolecular Medicine is the study of molecules that are NATIVE to the human body.

Thus, if essence they have been built in via millions of years of evolution .

The three primary categories are of these molecules of study are

Vitamins ,Amino Acids and Minetals .

However Orthomolecular Medicine goes far beyond mere science of just these categories and includes other physiological aspects such as biomolecules like the foundation of youth NAD, NADH and areas of interest like carotenoids and redox and reverse redox. For instance if you want to challenge yourself ask what three molecules can do both redox and reverse redox transactions.

The answer includes some amazing surprises .

Hint - one is often referred to a the universal antioxidant and made famous by Dr. Pauling.

Best in health and blessings to all those on the high road and YOU Dr. Paul Alexander, will always be on my FOREVER HERO LIST .

Thank you so much..

Canadian Veteran

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Correct. But those who've turned to the complementary and alternative healing arts like Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Holistic, TCM, Ayurveda, Herbalism, cultural and faith healers have known for over a century what Allopathy is: The practice of death medicine. It is and always has been dark and evil. Just like John Rockefeller intended when he founded it. And tried to destroy the natural healers.

The only thing I trust Allopathy for is to set broken bones and patch up big holes in me. Trauma care. That's it. If you value your health and your lfe then GET OUT of the allopathic medical system. It exists to kill you.

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The silver lining of this whole COVID debacle was the exposure of the complete lack of integrity in our medical community and our society as a whole.They have always had the self preservation, the sell out to big pharma to expand their income over our health. Prescribing ever more medication that they knew caused harm but it's so pervasive in the medical field to cover over symptoms with a pharmaceutical rather than instruction to live healthier lives with exercise and healthy food.

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Paul and all,

How about this for a great Sunday message…one of Truth/Light?

Truth/Light will set you free!


Paul and all…Ready to finally unite with serious strategic planners to stop the continuing destruction, especially the COVID19 NANOTECHNOLOGY theatre? See Lex below…

P.S. Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Please help spread Lex’s pieces…important information ALL Americans need!

Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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... and there are still plenty of them out there holding on to the same narrative BS story brought to you by Pfizer. Cut off the head of the snake first and foremost.

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