her doctor told her that para yes, the Malone Bourla Bancel Kariko et al. mRNA technology vaccine did give her now autoimmune disease...she regrets taking the Malone Bourla Bancel mRNA vaccine
I think she is brave...look its so insane and extreme in USA, those involved in the fraud of COVID, the deadly vaccine etc., there is so much money and reputation to lose, they would have you silenced...when you go at them, you got to be like me, complete...brave...do not be afraid...these are criminals
It’s so freaking sad Awake! So many people are still dying and being injured! Why? I believe it’s all by design, like a slow time release capsule.
To some degree, the mechanism of injuries takes time, starting with
“autoimmune diseases”! Once our God given immunity has become either dependent on or completely compromised, it’s only a matter of time.
I lost another colleague’s family member! Yes he was 84 but always healthy, was still playing golf nearly every day and boom, dead! Out of nowhere! Yes his Doctor told him to get the
“shot to the heart” shot, as I call them! Or “Bioweapon Injections”!
When I read about Steve Kirsch’s vision loss, I said to myself, he didn’t take the shot? Well I guess he did from what I could gather.
This will not end well! The fact they lied and forced upon the world a
“Weapon of Mass Destruction” which Dr Francis Boyle called covid and the shots, is nothing short of “population control”! One of many I believe being deployed against targeted nations, America being one of the five “I” nations in their sites!
Awake, how the
“humanity is so inhumane” can’t be overstated! It’s massively murderous, cruelly inhumane!
That’s what I’ve learned Kathleen. I know he became so obsessed one could say with the dangers of these “Bioweapons” because of close friends and family members who were injured by them. As I recall, his property manger hadn’t shown up for work and when he finally did he told Steve he had a heart attack I believe after the shot. This prompted Steve to go all in discovery and thankfully we’ve all benefited from his tireless work. Unfortunately now Steve’s sight has been impaired!
Hopefully it’s only his one eye at the moment. Something tells me more and more people will be having more and more issues!
These forced bioweapons were never about health, quite the opposite!
Earlier this year I had a my annual retina appointment.
I was talking about vaccines with the doctor and said that I had vision problems for 18 months after receiving the pneumonia vaccine. Told him no way was I gonna take the covid DeathVax. He briefly mentioned retina problems after taking the covid shot. He said it was rare. I replied, "except maybe for the poor schmuck who just lost his vision."
Exactly Kathleen. My closest friend’s eye doctor no longer can practice because of the damage to his eyes from the shot. It’s so evil when you think about the forethought of how these “Bioweapons” work? They knew what the outcomes or consequences would be and continued to advertise as “safe and effective”! How evil! Can it get any worse? I believe we’ve not seen the worst of things yet!
I agree Milton, why did she agree? I have that same question for Steve Kirsch, who’s now blind in one eye! Why would so many supposedly smart people think to ever take this
“Bioweapon Injection” why?
It seems more supposedly intelligent people lined up for the “Shot to the Heart” shot as I call them, than well, not so smart people!
Instincts? Maybe, I learned very quickly something was wrong and wouldn’t ever take it. Simply because I wanted to know why mRNA was never used before. Why?
Because there’s an inflammatory reaction to start! Bad, Bad, Bad! Anything which causes an inflammation must be avoided. Secondly, the little weasel Fauci said many times he was concerned about “ADE” or Autoimmune Dependent Enhancement effects! Really you little “pile of vile” Fauci? They knew this would happen and I’m sure they also knew about a slew of other diseases and or injuries associated with mRNA!
How murderous they are and yet, NOT ONE IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Not a single roach!
Thanks Milton for sharing your thoughts and allowing me to share mine.
Yes. I share your concerns but we should not forget the extreme level of political coercion exerted upon the population through employer mandates threatening their livelihoods and their ability to support their families. In addition to the draconian social restrictions imposed upon the population to intentionally weaken their resolve.
(Also wanted to kindly point out a typo since you seem to be very conscientious and might appreciate knowing: s/b "Antibody-dependent Enhancement.")
Absolutely not Kathleen! More importantly, employers who forced employees should be in jail as well!
Covid was only the beginning of a complete collapse of America! There’s no doubt in my mind! Covid, was a compliance mechanism for one and two, controlled deaths! I’m confident nobody will be held accountable.
Things have gone steadily downhill since Covid, have they not? Today we’re watching, I don’t know what to call what’s happening because nothing like this has happened before, kind of. Roosevelt maybe close, but not to the degree as to how “DUPED” America has become!
Thank you Kathleen, I second all your wisdom’s! Without hesitation I do.
That is exactly what I want to know. The symptoms that they publicized are the same symptoms that anyone would have called The Common Cold prior to the term "Covid." They focused on loss of taste and smell. Who has not lost taste and smell with a cold? It is hard for me to see why, with the publicity given to these symptoms anyone would have taken a shot of an unknown substance that they knew was developed in 1 years when vaccines take 15 or more years to develop. What were they all afraid of??? WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU HEARD ANYONE SAY "I HAVE A COLD?" For me, the answer is 3 or 4 years.
Heh. I just got over a cold. You know, an annoying, tiring, bothersome Summer Cold. The old-fashioned kind that everyone used to get. Not “Covid “, but a cold. 🙄
As many more realize, they were suckered, in to be " Vaccinated" 37% reductionn in life spans, early onset of Alzheimers, Fast spreading Cancers personality changes, easily angered rage filled discussions, Road rage and traffic accidents are increasing...
A whole lot of people are learning for the very few time (somehow, like babies) that they cannot trust any government or massive, shadowy multinationals with atrocious records on uninformed consent, unscrupulous testing, and ulterior motives. They’re also learning just how many “professionals” have abdicated their rationality.
I remember that long before the pandemic, Megyn Kelly ran a nasty hitjob on Alex Jones. She went to the infowars studio, interviewed him, and thn clipped clipped the interview to make him look bad. So, this is karma. If she was more inclined to listen to Alex rather than runnhitjobs on him, she would have has the knowledge and insights needed to not take mRNA death shots. It's good that she is now speaking out about it. And she can't go back and change the past. Interesting though to see how lack of insight and understanding exacted such a high price from so many previously smug people.
very important Eleftherios and she did go after those who were against the vaccine too...she bough the crap and now pays the price, sadly. thank you for sharing....you have to admit that it is a disappointment that COVID was written out of the RNC...we fought but...
Not just these stupid vaxxes. How about what is really in the pills we take? Why was there no Alzheimers or heart disease 60 years ago? Why is everyone suddenly fat and it is impossible to shift it? The last national medical conference that I went to in 2021 was bizarrely and vociferously promoting ideas and practises that were blatently malpractise and even more bizarrely racist woke crap . Like a humiliation ritual with pronouns. 2020 had been normal, so it was obviously forced.
Dr. Marik and McCullough and Kory and probably thousand of others hidden away should be given the freedom to clean out the stable medicine has become. The trillions from Pharma and Media and Klaus Slob and Co. can pay for it, they won't need it in jail or underground. There are simple nondestructive cures for cancer that exist today.
I had an iatrogenic catastrophe from a BP pill. Got shitty care of course in Canada. But thankfully from some common supplements most of the damage was reversed. I used to be a true believer, but now I see clearly.
I understand Dr Alexander I am replying to Megan Kelly’s “Bioweapon Injection” injury, so bear with me. I believe my reply is connected, as everything today is all “Interconnected”!
I understand Dr Alexander why you would say, not to say or make matters worse by saying certain things about Harris. She’s an absolute moron and completely disingenuous! Not to mention corrupt to the core!
The reality is Dr, nobody’s doing a damn thing for America / for Americans! We are being “gutted” like a fish! America’s insides are being “ripped apart” deliberately! You know by who!
“Fundamentally Transform America” is who! Along with NATO, the UN, etc.!
We are being invaded, as you’ve pointed out and proven beyond any reasonable doubt, numerous times. The facts are, aside from all the taxpayer money being stolen and sent off to “launderville” such as Ukraine, America is also being invaded! An invasion like never before! Yes, millions and yes “Chinese Military Age Men”! And YES, murderous criminals from prisons all around the world, EMPTIED, Jihadist, Terrorist, rapist and others!
Plus millions of “POOR PEOPLE” seeking to secure this
“Stolen American Dream”!
Even Americans CAN’T afford to earn enough money to afford the “American Dream” anymore! Not today and not ever, possibly ever again! Especially after the “Globalist Elites” are through “GUTTING AMERICA”!
This invasion in and of itself will eventually collapse America! Cities are being overrun! Massachusetts is paying three times more benefits to illegals than American citizens! THREE TIMES MORE! Including DRY CLEANING SERVICES FOR ILLEGALS! AYFKM? No I am NOT! Look it up!
As it stands now, millions of new illegals and also new “Prisoners” are arriving daily! And you and me and the American taxpayers are PAYING FOR IT!
Enough said! PERIOD! It doesn’t matter what kind of “lip-service” President Trump gives. It’s all “lip-service”!. Trump will NOT DEPORT! The second a little boy or girl is plastered all over MSM crying frantically about their “Momma and Papa” being taken away, it’s over! For it will never happen to begin with!
I was listening to a couple of liberal white WACKADOS from Chicago say,
“well you might get mugged” coming to Chicago tells me
“they have lost their minds”! Which I believe most people already knew.
Knowing how many murders occurred in Chicago alone and these two “WACKADOS” believe it’s ONLYA MINOR PROBLEM, says it all!
And America is inundated with these same, yes “White Liberal” pop another “anti-anxiety pill” completely “out of their minds” insane voter base! They do not give a damn about America! “Come one Come All” is their motto! Morons!
They alone, will be all the necessary votes needed, if you believe votes matter” to keep “Power with Power”! And especially after 2020’s STOLEN ELECTION, believe me you, they’ll be more than enough back up, ZUCKERBERG-FRAUD BACK UP fraudulent votes, to make up what’s needed to secure the difference!
No matter what happens or you may believe will happen, those in
“Power” today will be in “Power”in 2025!
Thats If we have an election come November! Which I still believe we won’t! Especially with the Biden / Harris / Obama/ Clinton / etc. etc etc latest DEBACLE!
Whether Megan Kelly says anything about Harris is irrelevant! Completely irrelevant!
I firmly believe starting with the “Covid Death Shots” to such a MASSIVE INVASION by illegal invaders, invading America,
“We the People” are FUZKED”!
It doesn’t take a high school education to see, to hear and to extrapolate out, what’s happening to America!
Not in the least! The everyday common “idiot” like me, can see, hear and ferret out, America is doomed! Because NOBODY IS DOING A DAMN THING ABOUT THIS! NOBODY!
Be it “Hook or by Crook” America is becoming a
“third world nation”! By design, by the “Globalist Elites” and their band of “Useful Idiots”!
So I say “Have at it Megan”! Call whomever you want to call out!So should the rest of Americans,
If half of America still has half a brain left?
There are far too many indicators. Einstein’s polar opposite could figure out what’s happening to our great nation!
Thank you Dr Alexander as always. Your work is critical for all to learn and understand, but to also “HEED” the warnings!
what you say is critical for us, we have to have avenues to share and read and listen to sage people like you...I feel we all, many persons have a voice and tremendous things to say....we have to listen...we educate each other and the substance here is important. issue as you point out is that we the 'people' are up against a monolith beast. yet I have hope for we hold the power
Yes Dr I cannot disagree. Somehow, someway we must not only hold on to what power we have left, but simultaneously we have to get back the truth about “We the People”!
Thank you Dr Alexander, you’re always speaking the “truth” in this, such an untrustworthy world where all living in.
I applaud you Sir and say, thank God for you and your trusted guidances!
Yes plural, for all your instruments of truths speaks volumes!
The autoimmune disease has been an issue for at least approximately 50 years today they are rampant. Hormone disruptors in the body impacts brain health sex sleep metabolism disrupts disturbs health. It is horrible that she got the autoimmunity issues. The medications used to treat can cause infection and even cancer and sometimes other diseases of immunity. Turbo cancer can be an effect of immune system destruction or other inflammatory diseases. This will explode in a few years if have not died from the clot shot.
beautiful excellent sharing...the issue is that the immune system attacks your own cells, tissues, organs because the spike protein genetic make up etc. is similar to your own body tissue and there is molecular mimicry, 'self like', self mimicry'
What comes of these people suffering from adverse reactions? Autoimmune disease is something many live their lives with and manage it well. We don't know that yet for the huge group of injected...the study marches on and they are helping to write it.
Against the Corporate Media: Forty-two Ways the Press Hates You Paperback – September 10, 2024
by Michael Walsh (Editor)
This book is coming out in September. About 50 rebel journalists that worked inside the beast that has taken Megan Kelley's life along with the lives of millions. Maybe some of them will be useful to right the ship when the time comes . They could be on the team
Please get it right: It is the Trump, Malone, Bourla, etc., vaccine. Please don't leave out the crucial player--POTUS TRUMP-- who warp speeded and still brags about it today. 4 more years of that????
We were all deceived. Yet, 25% or so of ALL Americans refused to get the clot shot even when there was tremendous pressure and consequences for not doing it. We held firm to our values.
Trump????? Nope. No values there. You keep saying to wait. Waiting for him to own up to any mistake is like waiting for Godot.
We can do better. We don't need another Trump when Disease X comes, and it is coming soon.
Nope. That's not me. Just one irritated sole looking for a POTUS that can deswamp our Govt. Trump had four years and failed us--appointing all swamp people to HHS, FDA, and CDC. Look what we got for that: A clot shot that injured and killed untold numbers and still injuring/killing. And POTUS Trump still praising how fast he got it to market.
Calling it like it is.
I think she is brave...look its so insane and extreme in USA, those involved in the fraud of COVID, the deadly vaccine etc., there is so much money and reputation to lose, they would have you silenced...when you go at them, you got to be like me, complete...brave...do not be afraid...these are criminals
I give here credit
Sad it came to this!!! But we only learn sometimes when the worst stuff happens to us!!!
yes, great sharing
Poor Steve Kirsch! He lost vision in one eye a few days ago. Here's hoping that his sight can be saved but it's not certain. He had 2 jabs.
yes, I know him...he is a good guy, some attack him but I like him, he means well, smart man
There's another hero amongst the front line fighters sadly not doing well and forced recently into retirement. 😢. 🙏🙏🙏
It’s so freaking sad Awake! So many people are still dying and being injured! Why? I believe it’s all by design, like a slow time release capsule.
To some degree, the mechanism of injuries takes time, starting with
“autoimmune diseases”! Once our God given immunity has become either dependent on or completely compromised, it’s only a matter of time.
I lost another colleague’s family member! Yes he was 84 but always healthy, was still playing golf nearly every day and boom, dead! Out of nowhere! Yes his Doctor told him to get the
“shot to the heart” shot, as I call them! Or “Bioweapon Injections”!
When I read about Steve Kirsch’s vision loss, I said to myself, he didn’t take the shot? Well I guess he did from what I could gather.
This will not end well! The fact they lied and forced upon the world a
“Weapon of Mass Destruction” which Dr Francis Boyle called covid and the shots, is nothing short of “population control”! One of many I believe being deployed against targeted nations, America being one of the five “I” nations in their sites!
Awake, how the
“humanity is so inhumane” can’t be overstated! It’s massively murderous, cruelly inhumane!
Thank you Awake for sharing your insights.
its all by design, excellent post AJR...those involved must be accountable
Steve Kirsch did take the shots...fairly early on from I could tell.
That’s what I’ve learned Kathleen. I know he became so obsessed one could say with the dangers of these “Bioweapons” because of close friends and family members who were injured by them. As I recall, his property manger hadn’t shown up for work and when he finally did he told Steve he had a heart attack I believe after the shot. This prompted Steve to go all in discovery and thankfully we’ve all benefited from his tireless work. Unfortunately now Steve’s sight has been impaired!
Hopefully it’s only his one eye at the moment. Something tells me more and more people will be having more and more issues!
These forced bioweapons were never about health, quite the opposite!
Thank you Kathleen for sharing your insight.
Earlier this year I had a my annual retina appointment.
I was talking about vaccines with the doctor and said that I had vision problems for 18 months after receiving the pneumonia vaccine. Told him no way was I gonna take the covid DeathVax. He briefly mentioned retina problems after taking the covid shot. He said it was rare. I replied, "except maybe for the poor schmuck who just lost his vision."
Exactly Kathleen. My closest friend’s eye doctor no longer can practice because of the damage to his eyes from the shot. It’s so evil when you think about the forethought of how these “Bioweapons” work? They knew what the outcomes or consequences would be and continued to advertise as “safe and effective”! How evil! Can it get any worse? I believe we’ve not seen the worst of things yet!
Only my opinion of instincts.
He gave an update yesterday...doesn't look good.
He only has a few days for the problem to be corrected or he will lose his vision for good.
This is such a bright person, why did she ever agree to take poison?
I agree Milton, why did she agree? I have that same question for Steve Kirsch, who’s now blind in one eye! Why would so many supposedly smart people think to ever take this
“Bioweapon Injection” why?
It seems more supposedly intelligent people lined up for the “Shot to the Heart” shot as I call them, than well, not so smart people!
Instincts? Maybe, I learned very quickly something was wrong and wouldn’t ever take it. Simply because I wanted to know why mRNA was never used before. Why?
Because there’s an inflammatory reaction to start! Bad, Bad, Bad! Anything which causes an inflammation must be avoided. Secondly, the little weasel Fauci said many times he was concerned about “ADE” or Autoimmune Dependent Enhancement effects! Really you little “pile of vile” Fauci? They knew this would happen and I’m sure they also knew about a slew of other diseases and or injuries associated with mRNA!
How murderous they are and yet, NOT ONE IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Not a single roach!
Thanks Milton for sharing your thoughts and allowing me to share mine.
Yes. I share your concerns but we should not forget the extreme level of political coercion exerted upon the population through employer mandates threatening their livelihoods and their ability to support their families. In addition to the draconian social restrictions imposed upon the population to intentionally weaken their resolve.
(Also wanted to kindly point out a typo since you seem to be very conscientious and might appreciate knowing: s/b "Antibody-dependent Enhancement.")
Absolutely not Kathleen! More importantly, employers who forced employees should be in jail as well!
Covid was only the beginning of a complete collapse of America! There’s no doubt in my mind! Covid, was a compliance mechanism for one and two, controlled deaths! I’m confident nobody will be held accountable.
Things have gone steadily downhill since Covid, have they not? Today we’re watching, I don’t know what to call what’s happening because nothing like this has happened before, kind of. Roosevelt maybe close, but not to the degree as to how “DUPED” America has become!
Thank you Kathleen, I second all your wisdom’s! Without hesitation I do.
It is my pleasure to serve this nation any way i can-i thank you for you cogent thoughts
You’re welcome Milton.
And you know Milton, if only more “Milton’s” showered our world!
All of us should be so humble Sir! We’d be in a much better place I know that!
God Bless you Sir! May God Bless you and your family!
That is exactly what I want to know. The symptoms that they publicized are the same symptoms that anyone would have called The Common Cold prior to the term "Covid." They focused on loss of taste and smell. Who has not lost taste and smell with a cold? It is hard for me to see why, with the publicity given to these symptoms anyone would have taken a shot of an unknown substance that they knew was developed in 1 years when vaccines take 15 or more years to develop. What were they all afraid of??? WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU HEARD ANYONE SAY "I HAVE A COLD?" For me, the answer is 3 or 4 years.
Heh. I just got over a cold. You know, an annoying, tiring, bothersome Summer Cold. The old-fashioned kind that everyone used to get. Not “Covid “, but a cold. 🙄
As many more realize, they were suckered, in to be " Vaccinated" 37% reductionn in life spans, early onset of Alzheimers, Fast spreading Cancers personality changes, easily angered rage filled discussions, Road rage and traffic accidents are increasing...
Lots of vehicles driving into buildings where I live.
"Medical emergencies" are being reported.
A whole lot of people are learning for the very few time (somehow, like babies) that they cannot trust any government or massive, shadowy multinationals with atrocious records on uninformed consent, unscrupulous testing, and ulterior motives. They’re also learning just how many “professionals” have abdicated their rationality.
I remember that long before the pandemic, Megyn Kelly ran a nasty hitjob on Alex Jones. She went to the infowars studio, interviewed him, and thn clipped clipped the interview to make him look bad. So, this is karma. If she was more inclined to listen to Alex rather than runnhitjobs on him, she would have has the knowledge and insights needed to not take mRNA death shots. It's good that she is now speaking out about it. And she can't go back and change the past. Interesting though to see how lack of insight and understanding exacted such a high price from so many previously smug people.
very important Eleftherios and she did go after those who were against the vaccine too...she bough the crap and now pays the price, sadly. thank you for sharing....you have to admit that it is a disappointment that COVID was written out of the RNC...we fought but...
If the VP supports medical freedom, as indicated by Rebecca Hardy, then perhaps not all is lost. Sent you an email with the link.
Not just these stupid vaxxes. How about what is really in the pills we take? Why was there no Alzheimers or heart disease 60 years ago? Why is everyone suddenly fat and it is impossible to shift it? The last national medical conference that I went to in 2021 was bizarrely and vociferously promoting ideas and practises that were blatently malpractise and even more bizarrely racist woke crap . Like a humiliation ritual with pronouns. 2020 had been normal, so it was obviously forced.
Dr. Marik and McCullough and Kory and probably thousand of others hidden away should be given the freedom to clean out the stable medicine has become. The trillions from Pharma and Media and Klaus Slob and Co. can pay for it, they won't need it in jail or underground. There are simple nondestructive cures for cancer that exist today.
boom, excellent informative sharing
I had an iatrogenic catastrophe from a BP pill. Got shitty care of course in Canada. But thankfully from some common supplements most of the damage was reversed. I used to be a true believer, but now I see clearly.
Her sister also died of a heart attack "suddenly."
yes, I remember that
I understand Dr Alexander I am replying to Megan Kelly’s “Bioweapon Injection” injury, so bear with me. I believe my reply is connected, as everything today is all “Interconnected”!
I understand Dr Alexander why you would say, not to say or make matters worse by saying certain things about Harris. She’s an absolute moron and completely disingenuous! Not to mention corrupt to the core!
The reality is Dr, nobody’s doing a damn thing for America / for Americans! We are being “gutted” like a fish! America’s insides are being “ripped apart” deliberately! You know by who!
“Fundamentally Transform America” is who! Along with NATO, the UN, etc.!
We are being invaded, as you’ve pointed out and proven beyond any reasonable doubt, numerous times. The facts are, aside from all the taxpayer money being stolen and sent off to “launderville” such as Ukraine, America is also being invaded! An invasion like never before! Yes, millions and yes “Chinese Military Age Men”! And YES, murderous criminals from prisons all around the world, EMPTIED, Jihadist, Terrorist, rapist and others!
Plus millions of “POOR PEOPLE” seeking to secure this
“Stolen American Dream”!
Even Americans CAN’T afford to earn enough money to afford the “American Dream” anymore! Not today and not ever, possibly ever again! Especially after the “Globalist Elites” are through “GUTTING AMERICA”!
This invasion in and of itself will eventually collapse America! Cities are being overrun! Massachusetts is paying three times more benefits to illegals than American citizens! THREE TIMES MORE! Including DRY CLEANING SERVICES FOR ILLEGALS! AYFKM? No I am NOT! Look it up!
As it stands now, millions of new illegals and also new “Prisoners” are arriving daily! And you and me and the American taxpayers are PAYING FOR IT!
Enough said! PERIOD! It doesn’t matter what kind of “lip-service” President Trump gives. It’s all “lip-service”!. Trump will NOT DEPORT! The second a little boy or girl is plastered all over MSM crying frantically about their “Momma and Papa” being taken away, it’s over! For it will never happen to begin with!
I was listening to a couple of liberal white WACKADOS from Chicago say,
“well you might get mugged” coming to Chicago tells me
“they have lost their minds”! Which I believe most people already knew.
Knowing how many murders occurred in Chicago alone and these two “WACKADOS” believe it’s ONLYA MINOR PROBLEM, says it all!
And America is inundated with these same, yes “White Liberal” pop another “anti-anxiety pill” completely “out of their minds” insane voter base! They do not give a damn about America! “Come one Come All” is their motto! Morons!
They alone, will be all the necessary votes needed, if you believe votes matter” to keep “Power with Power”! And especially after 2020’s STOLEN ELECTION, believe me you, they’ll be more than enough back up, ZUCKERBERG-FRAUD BACK UP fraudulent votes, to make up what’s needed to secure the difference!
No matter what happens or you may believe will happen, those in
“Power” today will be in “Power”in 2025!
Thats If we have an election come November! Which I still believe we won’t! Especially with the Biden / Harris / Obama/ Clinton / etc. etc etc latest DEBACLE!
Whether Megan Kelly says anything about Harris is irrelevant! Completely irrelevant!
I firmly believe starting with the “Covid Death Shots” to such a MASSIVE INVASION by illegal invaders, invading America,
“We the People” are FUZKED”!
It doesn’t take a high school education to see, to hear and to extrapolate out, what’s happening to America!
Not in the least! The everyday common “idiot” like me, can see, hear and ferret out, America is doomed! Because NOBODY IS DOING A DAMN THING ABOUT THIS! NOBODY!
Be it “Hook or by Crook” America is becoming a
“third world nation”! By design, by the “Globalist Elites” and their band of “Useful Idiots”!
So I say “Have at it Megan”! Call whomever you want to call out!So should the rest of Americans,
If half of America still has half a brain left?
There are far too many indicators. Einstein’s polar opposite could figure out what’s happening to our great nation!
Thank you Dr Alexander as always. Your work is critical for all to learn and understand, but to also “HEED” the warnings!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
what you say is critical for us, we have to have avenues to share and read and listen to sage people like you...I feel we all, many persons have a voice and tremendous things to say....we have to listen...we educate each other and the substance here is important. issue as you point out is that we the 'people' are up against a monolith beast. yet I have hope for we hold the power
Yes Dr I cannot disagree. Somehow, someway we must not only hold on to what power we have left, but simultaneously we have to get back the truth about “We the People”!
Thank you Dr Alexander, you’re always speaking the “truth” in this, such an untrustworthy world where all living in.
I applaud you Sir and say, thank God for you and your trusted guidances!
Yes plural, for all your instruments of truths speaks volumes!
The autoimmune disease has been an issue for at least approximately 50 years today they are rampant. Hormone disruptors in the body impacts brain health sex sleep metabolism disrupts disturbs health. It is horrible that she got the autoimmunity issues. The medications used to treat can cause infection and even cancer and sometimes other diseases of immunity. Turbo cancer can be an effect of immune system destruction or other inflammatory diseases. This will explode in a few years if have not died from the clot shot.
beautiful excellent sharing...the issue is that the immune system attacks your own cells, tissues, organs because the spike protein genetic make up etc. is similar to your own body tissue and there is molecular mimicry, 'self like', self mimicry'
your sharing is important
What comes of these people suffering from adverse reactions? Autoimmune disease is something many live their lives with and manage it well. We don't know that yet for the huge group of injected...the study marches on and they are helping to write it.
She has above average intelligence and worked in capacity of news business so why did she go for untested 'vax' without further investigation. Sorry
Sadly, some should not have waited for Hind Sight being 20/20.
Sadly, some should not have jumped at the fear porn.
Against the Corporate Media: Forty-two Ways the Press Hates You Paperback – September 10, 2024
by Michael Walsh (Editor)
This book is coming out in September. About 50 rebel journalists that worked inside the beast that has taken Megan Kelley's life along with the lives of millions. Maybe some of them will be useful to right the ship when the time comes . They could be on the team
FH, thank you for this...
VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.
...because they want to give us one more chance to die for our country.
very sad sharing
Dr. A,
Please get it right: It is the Trump, Malone, Bourla, etc., vaccine. Please don't leave out the crucial player--POTUS TRUMP-- who warp speeded and still brags about it today. 4 more years of that????
Trump was deceived DB, he was bullshitted, he trutsed the shit the lies they told him...hold on...it will be righted...
We were all deceived. Yet, 25% or so of ALL Americans refused to get the clot shot even when there was tremendous pressure and consequences for not doing it. We held firm to our values.
Trump????? Nope. No values there. You keep saying to wait. Waiting for him to own up to any mistake is like waiting for Godot.
We can do better. We don't need another Trump when Disease X comes, and it is coming soon.
Please, take your TDS elsewhere!
Nope. That's not me. Just one irritated sole looking for a POTUS that can deswamp our Govt. Trump had four years and failed us--appointing all swamp people to HHS, FDA, and CDC. Look what we got for that: A clot shot that injured and killed untold numbers and still injuring/killing. And POTUS Trump still praising how fast he got it to market.
Calling it like it is.