Christine Anderson is one MEP who has been waaaay out in front on this criminal coup and has called out the draconian policies and unwarranted measures for what they are and have been all along.

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And she called out Trudo for exactly the crim8nal he is!

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LOL, I love the ding dong part!! a lot of truth came out from MEP lately, it's very promising. I know that Dr John Campbell has had a few clips of what was exposed and questionned there... but... what kind of push and media cover does this organisation have? we have a nice organisation in Quebec, like a scientific and medical panel named Réinfo Covid, but they are shunned from public news, and are ridiculed or demonized if they dare come out of their site. Mind you, they are very serious and their science is spot on and up to date. It's pathetic no one pays attention . How about the MEP?

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Exactly. When is this truth going to be coming out in the U.S.? It is not that hard to find if a person seeks it out. But most people are so brainwashed to "avoid mis-and-disinformation" that they absolutely refuse to seek or to hear. They are willfully blind and deaf; ignorant.

This is the deceivers at work, and it is so very sad to see that so many people would follow the piper off the cliff, rather than listen to the pleadings of their loved ones to save themselves.

I cannot wait until the MSM is no longer wielding influence. But for too many people, it will be far too late.

Honestly, there are plenty of deceivers/sociopaths involved in this, who will take great delight in watching the horrified dawning realizations in people who learn the truth about what they have trustingly injected themselves with -- and it is too late. Also, the people who went along with forcing their fellow man, tricked into thinking they were doing the right thing for the greater good. And the parents who believed they were protecting their children, but instead were giving them lethal injections. It is really horrifying.

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That is the problem with all this, most have no idea of any of this and never will. They would not be caught dead wherever this info can be found out of fear of being “caught” and called bad names.

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Now if only Trump could come out and say the same.

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I think he will

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Politically, I don’t think he can. If he did, the dems and whoever may think of running against him in a primary would broadcast that on a continuous loop. Personally, I do not fault him for what he did to make it available. He did not push for mandates and was against them. I am not happy with the lock down, etc, either, but compare what he did to what everyone was saying he should do. His reaction was much more calm and measured than just about anyone else in the world.

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Trump's admin gave us gave us the EUA, gave us the jabs. He promoted the jabs and still does.

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Exactly! Unless he admits he was wrong or lied to...

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He would have to admit he was wrong. Is it possible?

He was lied to and manipulated though..

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The best we are going to get from Trump?

" Made the best decision at the time, I would have corrected course had not the election been stolen"

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This person accepted no blame.

So yes I can see Trump making this same statement.

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I hope so, but it really seemed he was promoting the jab and bragged about the fast roll out as being a great acheivement... I sincerely started to lose hope in him when I heard him openly being proud of the shots... maybe he's done his homework (research) since then.

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For compromised people. He also mentioned hydrochloric and ivermectin as a solution & they attacked him. He would have never mandated vaccines. Closure originally were to curve infection rates for hospital for 2 weeks. He wouldn’t have shut the economy down for yrs.

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But he did, he succombed to his "advisors"... Frankly, wouldn't DeSantis make a better President...? I'm Canadian and I apologise for sticking my nose into American politics: I just can vote for who seems to be the least corrupt politician here. we have a bit of hope in the Alberta PM who openly voiced her opinion on the unfair ostracisation of the unv@xed, and stated her non compliance vis-à-vis WEF. But her presence does not affect my Provincial and Federal WEF clowns. So in 2 years (God providing we're still here somehow), we'll have our Federal (Canadian and US) elections at the same time...

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DeSantis is a great Governor, I'm in Florida, but I have heard that the Bushes and Paul Ryan are courting him, which is not good they are just as evil. The media has now caused a battle between Trump and DeSantis, you wonder why. The media here is corrupt and bought by the Liberals and big Pharma.

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George Bush is a war criminal who murdered brown people in the Middle East.

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Beginning to believe more each day that the theory 9/11 was planned by his administration ( Chenney) and he did nothing to stop it.

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Both of them. Before he was a war criminal, GHW Bush was a very brave 19 year old.

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I love DeSantis. He has been great for Florida and as such, great for the national as a control group of sorts to the madness most others states followed. However, he won big in his as he was able to clean up the mess they had with their election system. He has no power to clean up New York’s, nor Illinois’s, nor California nor any of the others that have “issues”. Pennsylvania elected an actual dead guy buy a landslide. DeSantis has now way to counter that, and thus can not, as things currently stand, repeat his state success on a national scale...yet.

Trump won in large part by motivating a large enough subgroup of the electorate, those eligible but not likely to vote, to go to the polls and vote and to vote for him. Will DeSantis be able to do the same? Unknown but given history, unlikely. Will Trump. Also unknown but things that have happened before are more likely to happen again than those that have not happened. Thus, IMHO, Trump is the better candidate for 2024. Additionally, there is no one better suited to drain the swamp than one who has been personally attacked by the critters that reside therein. Once he does, then the time would be better for DeSantis. I would love mother more than to see these two work towards that goal. We all win if they do.

By the way, thank you my Canadian brother for asking. We are all riding the same rough sea and hope that we all stay afloat.

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OK, that you are commenting on American politics.

Unfortunately, whatever happens in the US, has a ripple effect on the rest of the world.

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He succumbed because the propaganda calling him a killer of 250k people. Based on a false narrative & Bloated Covid deaths. Additional, the cabal isn’t new, it’s been around awhile, but only Trump was willing to fight. He a sure bet in fighting the cabal. So many other conservatives become part of the uniparty. None can be trusted. Whether due to believed ideology, bribes or blackmail we can not say. Also, not many people could stand against the attacks the way Trump has. He’s our man and the more the establishment rail against him, the more we are convinced of it.

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I can not imagine anyone else being able to weather the shitstorm they throw at him as well as he has.

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I am always amazed at why they haven't gotten rid of him like JFK.

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He has beside Secret security, his own intelligence & security & Mar-a-Lago has a SCIF & 3 bunkers. Look up summer White House.

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I find it hard to believe that he does not know about the injuries and deaths in VAERS.

If he does, and says nothing, he is complicit in murder.

If he does not know, then he is clueless, and should never be in a position of authority again.

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There’s so many people around the globe who are complicit in both the origin of the virus and the vaccines, that it amazes me that you wanna blame Trump. This whole thing was Orchestrate by the cabal to prevent him from getting reelected. He wasn’t behind it, he didn’t start it & he wasn’t involved in it. They weaponized the plandemic against him & it worked. So sorry, yes I stand behind Trump who is at least fighting the evil bastard that would kill people to get their “great reset”. Who else is fighting at the same level?

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I feel that Trump should disavow the covid death shots. That is all I am asking for...

He should direct his vitriol towards Fauci, Birx, and Collins.

A simple statement put out by him would do wonders: "I was lied to by Fauci, Birx, and Collins."

Up until recently he was still bragging about the covid death shots. I find it hard to believe no one has shown him the injuries and death reported to VAERS. I always felt that some of the people he surrounded himself with gave him extremely bad advice...maybe on purpose.

But, he needs to admit the "vaccines" were a mistake.

A true leader knows when to admit he made a mistake.

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When Trump mentioned up until the moment of birth abortions in 2016, they all attacked him & called him crazy. Look at demcoms abortion policies now. It has to be a world awaking for people to believe it.

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So much of what he has said and was attacked for has indeed come to pass. Why people doubt him now mystifies me.

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Some of us didn't need to wait until now. Some of this saw right through the lies from day 1. It was obvious to me from the start that this whole thing stunk to high heaven.

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Yes! The minute they announced all over the world that a “new”virus was spreading- my husband looked at me and said “Watch- they will create a “vaccine “ and it will be the MARK OF THE BEAST”- so glad I followed his lead and didn’t take it.

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My husband, US Army Chemical Corps LTC(RT) knew exactly the infection & mortality rate on day one. He didn’t look it up, it was off the top of his head. They all knew. It’s no mistake, they are plain lying!

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As I knew off the top of my head that their claims on masks was BS form my military training. Yet, I and I bet your husband, have had great difficulty get our points across. I commend you for your support of your husband. My wife and son and fanatic maskers, yelling at me on the train to wear a mask and removing themselves to the other end of the car when I do not.

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Time for divorce. 💔

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That seems to be the trajectory we are on.

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I trust my husband more than any other human & I’m sure he would say the same about me.

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My wife did until the moment we got married. Overnight I went from being the smartest man she knew to the dumbest. Given who I married, she might be correct.

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So very sad. I cannot ❤ this.


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We know pfizer is one of the world's greatest ever lying/propaganda machines. That is the ONLY way they can market their useless/poison drugs and vaccines. They always push the safe and effective mantra and every time it is a lie. Now, what is the MEP going to do about it? They were blatantly robbed in plain sight.

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criminal organization

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Unfortunately even highly trained medical professionals were duped and are still continuing to trust pharma. Fear clouded critical thinking, and has made it much harder to repair the damage politically. We are emerging from the aftermath of a war. That war was created by a handful of really bad people at the NIH and their cohorts in the CCP.

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I’m not so sure we are emerging from a war. A battle, yes, but I fear the war is far from over. It certainly is far from over here in Japan where I live.

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WHO is this guy... name?

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Ivan Vilibor SINČIĆ

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Thank you :)

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The beauty of having a Emergency Use Authorization is your product can be used to do anything you want it to do while conveying complete legal immunity for whatever that winds up being.

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Nice to see the truth being spoken at the EU Parliament, belatedly. I guess the globalists haven't got to this guy yet. I wonder how many at the EU Parliament are already with the globalists, and hence deaf to his comments. Possibly the globalists will work towards silencing or getting rid of this truth teller.

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Yesssss! Reminds me of ding-dong Bel-Edwards, bayou blockhead. Applause to those who have been on top of this early on. To those who weren’t? Screw those guys, to paraphrase a famous contrarian advisor to Trump. I hope Senators Paul and Johnson will lose their good manners going forward. Get the momentum going! We won’t lop off any heads, except metaphorically. That’s even better because we want the evil doers to wallow in the fecal matter they are responsible for ... if they can really say “Wow I’m so sorry, what a pathetic shit I have been” it’s a start. Quite an imagination I have! Fauci might say it if the Pope tells him to. Who is the actual Godfather of this operation?!

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Yes, the Pope is corrupt and evil. What makes you think he is the head of the operation?

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Evil Commie Pope.

He was in Argentina during the Dirty War. The military junta was in charge and kidnapped dissenters, students, clergy, unionists, off the street. Then they tortured them and put them in a military helicopter and pushed them out the door over open water.

Pope Francis remained silent.

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I feel we are living the end times, I believe the vaccines are the mark of the beast, so many feel this way as well.

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It was a question. I don’t know but cite Fauci’s close relationship with the Pope as revealed to Malone by a highly placed Cardinal in a Vatican interview. The Pope is from Argentina and has good public image. He advocated the shots but they all do (religious leaders) from what I’ve heard. To say the Pope has influence as I portrayed was half asking the question “Does he?” It was half sarcasm directed at Fauci. And at the Pope if it prods anyone to correct my impression right or wrong. So, who is The Godfather of international organized crime? Thanks!

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A Nun gives grave warnings on her podcast in 2021. She condemns priests and bishops and even the pope for prodding parishioners to get jabbed


Teresa Forcades is a Freedom Fighter, a doctor, and a nun:


Spanish nun at odds with medical experts, decries vaccines by NICHOLAS CASEY THE NEW YORK TIMES | May 1, 2021 at 2:58 a.m.


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Thanks for the links!

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This is the most hideous crime ever in our world history I’m a Canadian from Alberta born and raised in Alberta and I say Trudeau and all government representatives who knew the truth who chose to look away from the truth must be executed for crimes against humanity and yet this bullshit continues Trudeau is a joke a waste of skin Thank you Dr Alexander for your commitment globally to try and end this mass murder of our people but foremost our children all government politicians will pay by execution so hope

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What is the next crime to be exposed? How they rebranded the flu and called it covid-19?

How else would millions of cases of influeza disappear worldwide and at the same time?

Check out WHO influenza stats:


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I notice that after the third and in particular after the fourth, those who have been in panic from the start are now totally unable to pay any attention to any piece if information that will bring back their initial anxiety. They just avoid, deny , change topics, they simply can not process any information that could break the spell. I think those already got “1p36 deletion syndrome“ the first on the list of Pfizer’s APPENDIX 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST that they were so eager to keep away from public disclosure for 75 years!!!!

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Unfortunately the damage is done.

Bio Weapons walk amongst us.

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