Title: 'A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence'; reconcile this to JJ Couey's clone theory, Yeadon's no pandemic, no release, Rancourt's theory, mine!
The sequences were patented. That process started early and by 2016 was accepted by USPTO. The jabs were also augmented so they got around IFN-1 and disabled it as well as taking out P53 - a very important cancer guardian immune cell family. IFN-1 play essential roles in thousands of immune cascades. It also dials down inflammation when its job is done. Now, inflammation cannot be turned off. The jab keeps inflammation dialed up.
Remember the media freakout when GreatGameIndia published, and then was banned for, their research indicating that the biowweapon Covid-19 shockingly contained HIV proteins like GP120, etc.?
I remember how the Fauci club with the media backing them up would not tolerate ANY mention of similar proteins in the bioweapon & HIV. At the time, they were very scared and in cover-up mode that the world would figure out that the Baric/Fauci/Menachery team had created this new weapon right here in University North Carolina Chapel Hill with a little help from their friendly Bat Woman.
For how many thousands of years bats, pangolins and what-have-you's have co-lived with humans, or stayed away from humans and no virus "adaptation" has ever created a "pandemic"? c'mon. Then all of a sudden we have to suspect every living animal as a grand scale threat to humanity? yes, even "lyme's" infested ticks was lab-made. C'mon - again-. Ok, the bubonic plague from rats in the middle ages you bring up? yeah, well, they had a witch hunt then, along with all cats they could get their hands on to kill. No cats = full rats. Duh. Man-made again.
With the spotlight always focused on head honcho Ralph Baric, his collaborator Vineet Menachery is unfortunately usually skipped over.
Menachery left UNC Chapel Hill, NC and then moved on to Galveston, TX, where he became "Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Galveston National Laboratory, The University of Texas Medical Branch" ... and was/is possibly also connected to the Univ. of Arizona, Tucson.
His role in all of this is important because Vineet Menachery likely knows a great deal of info about exactly what went on in Baric's "gain-of-function" weaponry design lab at UNC Chapel Hill ...
*** The Gulf News article (link below) states [and I quote]: "Menachery designed, coordinated and performed experiments, completed analysis and wrote the manuscript, according to Nature Medicine." Therefore, Menachery was a DESIGNER of, and an active participant in what Ralph Baric did to the WHOLE WORLD at UNC. ***
Dr. Vineet Menachery is quite important to any discussion of this topic, because Vineet Menachery did work at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and he collaborated closely on bat coronaviruses with head honcho Dr. Ralph Baric AND with the so-called "bat woman" Dr. Shi Zheng-Li.
The three of them co-authored gain-of-function papers together, including the notorious 2015 "Nature" article titled, "A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence," which credits all three authors (Baric, Menachery, Shi Zheng-Li) as collaborators, published in November 2015 [https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985].
I believe after a little search there is an ideology a way of doing medicine which has directed science, choice of inquiry. See One Health, One Medicine. Calvin W Schwabe. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3145159/. This is integrated in all science now. Animals=humans. He is WHO epidemiologist vet..
I mean the whole idea of nature is somehow an energy or natural reservoir from which man needs to be isolated from or that pandemics are at the waiting and beckoning. This is novel. It was developed and now quite indoctrinated at all levels just like DEI and climate change also slides into also
What you are describing is the allopathic model of medicine which has dominated medical science and research at least from the 1800's; that same model is fraught with innumerable examples of fraud, deception and lies, especially where "Vaccine" development was and is concerned; at its root is the unscientific claim of germ theory which Pasteur eventually renounced as wrong but far too late to change the misguided trajectory of the medical movement; mankind's natural ally ,nature, became the enemy and needed to be controlled because we were surrounded by dangerous pathogens ("viruses") which could do us harm and cause disease; this was and remains the BIGGEST LIE ever perpetrated on a gullible public and to this day was always motivated by the search for money and power and not in serving human health; today's plandemics and "vaccines" to treat the entire globe are a natural extension of those same false beliefs and bastardization of any real science.
An interesting link but with some questionable assertions about the animal/human relationship which I will not explore here; it's highly suspicious that this WHO vet claims no conflict of interest and yet sounds very much like a shill for WHO ideology ; in actual practice any concept of "one health, one medicine" strategies have left our animals used, abused and much worse off and the history of medical research is quite clear in that regard.
Read the his book Cattle, priests, and progress in medicine. One Health is now very integregated in almost all fields. climate change, animals, humans reallocation of all resources. It is now prevalent narrative and i my opinion the thing to be resisted rather disparate issues which are part of the whole
I totally agree that it is the thing to be resisted; reminds me of those who promote critical race theory and believe everything is intersectional , anti-colonial, etc. when in reality they act like fascists who would control all aspects of life.
Covid was a bioweapon.
As was the vaccine 🥹
Lab origin. ✅
Accidental or intentional release? INTENTIONAL. ✅
** Remember always: **
1- The experimental shots were not created to stop Covid.
2- Covid was created (and released) so they could launch the experimental mRNA shots.
That also explains how Moderna had the shots all ready to go in a couple of days.
P.S. Vineet Menachery went to Galveston, Texas, after leaving Baric's lab at UNC Chapel Hill.
The sequences were patented. That process started early and by 2016 was accepted by USPTO. The jabs were also augmented so they got around IFN-1 and disabled it as well as taking out P53 - a very important cancer guardian immune cell family. IFN-1 play essential roles in thousands of immune cascades. It also dials down inflammation when its job is done. Now, inflammation cannot be turned off. The jab keeps inflammation dialed up.
Dr. David Martin revealed all of that information years ago with documentation to verify all of his contentions!
Remember the media freakout when GreatGameIndia published, and then was banned for, their research indicating that the biowweapon Covid-19 shockingly contained HIV proteins like GP120, etc.?
I remember how the Fauci club with the media backing them up would not tolerate ANY mention of similar proteins in the bioweapon & HIV. At the time, they were very scared and in cover-up mode that the world would figure out that the Baric/Fauci/Menachery team had created this new weapon right here in University North Carolina Chapel Hill with a little help from their friendly Bat Woman.
For how many thousands of years bats, pangolins and what-have-you's have co-lived with humans, or stayed away from humans and no virus "adaptation" has ever created a "pandemic"? c'mon. Then all of a sudden we have to suspect every living animal as a grand scale threat to humanity? yes, even "lyme's" infested ticks was lab-made. C'mon - again-. Ok, the bubonic plague from rats in the middle ages you bring up? yeah, well, they had a witch hunt then, along with all cats they could get their hands on to kill. No cats = full rats. Duh. Man-made again.
With the spotlight always focused on head honcho Ralph Baric, his collaborator Vineet Menachery is unfortunately usually skipped over.
Menachery left UNC Chapel Hill, NC and then moved on to Galveston, TX, where he became "Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Galveston National Laboratory, The University of Texas Medical Branch" ... and was/is possibly also connected to the Univ. of Arizona, Tucson.
His role in all of this is important because Vineet Menachery likely knows a great deal of info about exactly what went on in Baric's "gain-of-function" weaponry design lab at UNC Chapel Hill ...
*** The Gulf News article (link below) states [and I quote]: "Menachery designed, coordinated and performed experiments, completed analysis and wrote the manuscript, according to Nature Medicine." Therefore, Menachery was a DESIGNER of, and an active participant in what Ralph Baric did to the WHOLE WORLD at UNC. ***
A PHOTO of Ralph Baric's former henchman Dr. Vineet Menachery, Ph. D., who left UNC, appears in the link below: https://gulfnews.com/world/coronavirus-meet-the-legend-the-chinese-bat-woman-1.1587380739770
Dr. Vineet Menachery is quite important to any discussion of this topic, because Vineet Menachery did work at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and he collaborated closely on bat coronaviruses with head honcho Dr. Ralph Baric AND with the so-called "bat woman" Dr. Shi Zheng-Li.
The three of them co-authored gain-of-function papers together, including the notorious 2015 "Nature" article titled, "A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence," which credits all three authors (Baric, Menachery, Shi Zheng-Li) as collaborators, published in November 2015 [https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985].
With so much focus on Ralph Baric, people tend to forget about Menachery. I'm sure Vineet Menachery knows most of what they did if not all of it.
Vineet D. Menachery [and i quote]: "Author Contributions - VDM designed, coordinated, performed experiment, completed analysis, and wrote the manuscript. BLY designed infectious clone and recovered chimeric viruses. ... " https://www.med.unc.edu/orfeome/wp-content/uploads/sites/609/2018/03/a-sars-like-cluster-of-circulating-bat-coronaviruses-shows-potential-for-human-emergence.pdf [bottom of 1st page in link above]
Vineet D. Menachery Assistant Professor at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Galveston, Texas, United States
Note: Vineet D. Menachery was Ralph Baric's right hand man at UNC Chapel Hill.
I believe after a little search there is an ideology a way of doing medicine which has directed science, choice of inquiry. See One Health, One Medicine. Calvin W Schwabe. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3145159/. This is integrated in all science now. Animals=humans. He is WHO epidemiologist vet..
I mean the whole idea of nature is somehow an energy or natural reservoir from which man needs to be isolated from or that pandemics are at the waiting and beckoning. This is novel. It was developed and now quite indoctrinated at all levels just like DEI and climate change also slides into also
What you are describing is the allopathic model of medicine which has dominated medical science and research at least from the 1800's; that same model is fraught with innumerable examples of fraud, deception and lies, especially where "Vaccine" development was and is concerned; at its root is the unscientific claim of germ theory which Pasteur eventually renounced as wrong but far too late to change the misguided trajectory of the medical movement; mankind's natural ally ,nature, became the enemy and needed to be controlled because we were surrounded by dangerous pathogens ("viruses") which could do us harm and cause disease; this was and remains the BIGGEST LIE ever perpetrated on a gullible public and to this day was always motivated by the search for money and power and not in serving human health; today's plandemics and "vaccines" to treat the entire globe are a natural extension of those same false beliefs and bastardization of any real science.
An interesting link but with some questionable assertions about the animal/human relationship which I will not explore here; it's highly suspicious that this WHO vet claims no conflict of interest and yet sounds very much like a shill for WHO ideology ; in actual practice any concept of "one health, one medicine" strategies have left our animals used, abused and much worse off and the history of medical research is quite clear in that regard.
Read the his book Cattle, priests, and progress in medicine. One Health is now very integregated in almost all fields. climate change, animals, humans reallocation of all resources. It is now prevalent narrative and i my opinion the thing to be resisted rather disparate issues which are part of the whole
I totally agree that it is the thing to be resisted; reminds me of those who promote critical race theory and believe everything is intersectional , anti-colonial, etc. when in reality they act like fascists who would control all aspects of life.
Yes he was in the WHO and a epidemiologist vet