So much evil. It’s not just a few rogue countries, corporations, or people.. It’s everywhere. That is the pandemic.

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Baric actually downloaded 4 SARS sequences (one of which was more like SARS-CoV-2) and calculated a consensus sequence, then created mRNA to encode it and brought the damned thing to life in the lab. After finding it could not infect hACE2-expressing monkey cells very well, they genetically manipulated the sequence (directly). 2008. https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/sars-cov-2-like-spike-protein-sequences

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thank you Sir! hugs for all you do and your intense smarts.

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I think you're right. Based on my symptoms, it was 2014. Intense inflammation out of nowhere. My husband had a serious bout of lymphedema in 2015. Again, out of nowhere.

I appreciated your insightful comments on the RSB Show. As I recall, you said that the vaccine was just waiting for a pandemic; and the PCR test is what made 'the virus' a pandemic. But yes it was already circulating.

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I actually worked in these labs and knew some of these people and techniques, though I left years before 2015. We still believed at that time, that we could genetically engineer viruses to add good or repaired genes back into cells to correct or cure disease. And we should have known better.

On just brief review, this confirms a few things. First, the ACE2 -/- knockout mice seems to confirm cell entry of SARS via the ACE2 receptor. Was this by design? Whether via mutation or similitude, this SARS spike was able to infect both mouse lung and human airway epithelial cells, though not perfectly. How dissimilar are mouse and human ACE2 receptors? Is this the main finding? Not sure if anything else is shown. Does mutation come about without the vax driving new variants? How quickly? Mutation seems theorized but not proven.

The HAE culture model has no leukocytes or other immunity mechanism, though mouse should, to mouse antibodies, but what was the source of the monoclonals, also mouse? Able to stimulate mouse humoral immunity? Without other immune cells, what then?

But as might be expected in retrospect, without secretory IgA, primed T-cells, and so on, humoral antibody immunity alone was not very effective in avoiding infection. So, maybe our jab was doomed to fail as effective. So, perhaps this was known, years before operation warp speed...

Was this the template for a spike-like for a gain of function, lab release pandemic? Seems likely in retrospect, or at least reasonable.

I'm just surprised that I knew some of the places and people here. First time I've seen this, which makes it more personal, than a lab half a world away and people I don't know.

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Were the monoclonal antibodies as toxic as the vaccines? Nobody ever talks about those.

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Baric wrote the warning. They knew in 2015 that antibodies didn't work ... and if they did the immune effect would not last long. So we 'needed' a stampede towards vaccination.

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Dr. Fauci paid for the Wuhan Institute of Virology to send Dr. Ralph Baric at University of North Carolina the spike protein from a bat they captured in a cave. Baric put the spike into a mouse and tested it ... then sounded the alarm in 2015.

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There are so many bad actors in this Covid fiasco. It’s hard to find the head and leader ship that has created this crime against humanity.! The driving force is financial gain and big Pharma and the Gates crowd are central to this issue!

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I still doubt that the virus exists, was created in a lab or is novel. Until it's existence is proven outside of a computer algorithm, I remain extremely skeptical. Whatever happened to SARS CoV-1? That's as fake as SARS CoV-2. I still believe that what they call covid-19 is a relabeled flu or virus or other respiratory affliction which all have pretty much the same symptoms.

Don't be surprised to see a SARS CoV-3 in the future complete with all the trimmings and surrounding fake-ology. At least half the world's population will eat it up like candy.

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YES!!! I've heard David Martin refer to this study a bunch.

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2015 Menachery , Baric and Zheng-Li Shi letter in Nature Medicine.

Funded by Dr. Fauci ... they knew 7 years ago that the spike protein of the bat they put into mice in the North Carolina biohazard lab would evade immunity.

And the immune response they got would not last more than a couple months.

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Baric wrote the warning. They knew in 2015 that antibodies didn't work ... and if they did the immune effect would not last long. So we 'needed' a stampede towards vaccination.

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Thanks for Sharing this information much appreciated thank you

Dr. Fauci knew this in 2015 when the spike from Wuhan Institute of Virology bat caves showed this effect when transferred into the mice in Dr. Baric's lab in North Carolina.

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And they are still free! 😡😔

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