We may disagree on many issues, even, yet I respect you greatly.

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Here's some Christmas cheer!

The 12 Shots of Christmas


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this is shockingly very good, funny and serious and sobering

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Merry Christmas John, you remain someone I deeply admire.

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✨🎄🙏🕯🎶 Merry Christmas Dr. Paul! 👏🎅🎶🎄🌟

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always call me Paul

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thank you, you I admire greatly, your wits, smarts, pure intellect. to you and your family.

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❄️ Fröhliche Weihnachten, ANW! 🎄

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 🌟  Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie auch frohe Weihnachten, Kathleen! 🎄

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Merry CHRISTmas! You have been my favorite Substack author all year! I appreciate you!

My daughter and I went to candlelight Christian Christ community church service already here in Missouri. It was very touching, we sing church, hymns, and all the songs about Jesus, and we read the story of Jesus and Mary and Joseph with all the people in our church congregation from babies to our senior wise ones.

I appreciate how outspoken you are and how passionate, please do not stop, we need you. God bless you and your family and friends.

Feliz Navidad. 🙌🏻🙏🏻✝️🇺🇸


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thank you Ronda, thank you, I am low due to Amelia's death, it ravaged me emotionally...I need some time...but this comment helps people like me...thank you and your daughter, I and others here stand on your shoulders. may God bless you and keep you safe this next year. stay with us

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Frankly, I’ve been trying to understand the men of America, the adult man I mean, why have they let all of this happen? I’m not blaming, I’m just pointing out facts, my father was born in 1932, and he grew up in an Italian immigrant neighborhood in America, he was a street fighter to protect people, he supported his single mother through the depression by fixing cars and televisions, my mother never had to work, and she raised two children, and he was protective. I’ve been listening to Dr. Jordan Peterson and others, trying to understand why the men of our country aren’t saving us and protecting us except for a small group like like you. President Trump, and others, I know that my father‘s generation would never have allowed the borders to stay open or all these heinous crimes to occur my dad would always step in and fight people and protect people, he wasn’t afraid. I know I’ll probably get pushed back that it’s the school‘s fault, it’s the disruptors in the water, it’s the Internet,,, it seems to be I don’t know what it is, but definitely people are mesmerized. Men of America we need our fighters back, stop being scared.

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The good men I know are busy trying to care for their families! Seems like the Christian men especially are under many spiritual attacks in this climate. Or they’re older and simply not physically capable , no stamina since lockdown.

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Mothers are busy, taking care of their families too, and we have to work. My mother had the advantage of being supported by my father, and that helped the family. So I guess one thing we can say is that our economy is a problem for men, women are forced to work. Also, I remember my father took great great pride in being the provider for everyone, and that pleasure is not allowed all fathers in a poor economy. I am also reading the younger men are not getting married and having an interest in marriage like they used to for many reasons, somehow all of this is linked. I know Elon Musk keeps writing and tweeting about people need to have more babies!

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or Elon could lend us one of his 700 kids....ha ha, but what you wrote here is so well written and really hit it on the head...men today in west have been feminized and relegated and they need to stand up...take their place again in the family and understand that the woman is to be stood side by side with, respected, nurtured, and that she can be an equal potent partner...not to be afraid of. many men today fear women...strong women...yet men too have to learn to behave

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It seems so much “indoctrination”/propaganda of recent generations has led to men not taking on former roles of men. It sure seems “by design”!!! Women too! I never asked for the changes in women roles either! It was propagandized to me since I was a young teenager in the 70’s. Back then, no one ever suggested to me that there could be an alterior motive involved! Same today with many who can’t discern what they are told and read from what is really the BOTTOM LINE or MANIPULATION to get people to follow their narrative! It’s a tough battle fighting the (evil) powers that be!

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Ultimately it is a spiritual battle first. Too many have lost sight of that. There is a heaven and a hell. Eternity is at stake for each person. Too many became lukewarm. That is why Jesus is so harsh to those who are lukewarm. Most don't take the time to continue to run the race, to grow deeper in understanding of the faith, and to then put it into action. Start the day, and end the day, focused on Christ. Then pray throughout the day, especially for those for whom nobody prays. So many in our own neighborhoods with no one to pray for them. www.twobytwoprayer.com

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thank you so much for this post It doesn't...it means so much to us here...it is sage

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You just triggered my memory that men in the 60s and 70s would keep a Bible by their bed and read it before they went to work

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Our sister above Rosalyn and brother Edward were commenting on the eight hour day eight hours of work eight hours of family life, and hours of sleep, and my first thought was it is a mental and spiritual and energetic battle that that’s the physical, but it goes deeper. Yeah it’s easy to tune out the deeper waters, and then you’re lost, and then life loses meaning when we’re focused outside of where you mentioned. You’re right we have to prepare ourselves spiritually for when the opportunity arises to be brave and make a difference.— then go about our physical day

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Awe I appreciate your response greatly.

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I could've wrote this, Ronda, so thank you for doing so. I keep hearing --- well if this happens or that happens, then people will get mad enough. Really?

What's it gonna take??

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I often think about the French, and the yellow vest, the French people hit the streets when they’re angry, they fight the police with their hands —-their farmers shoot poop at government buildings and block highways and roads, Americans are so apathetic, it makes me sad, we didn’t used to be this way, I’m not being judgmental. I’m wondering what it take, like you said… I remember in the 70s we felt our teachers were not making enough money at my elementary school and all the kids and all of our parents went on strike and the teachers we all left the classroom for a week and walked up and down the street with signs— I was only a little kid. I remember I was in fourth grade or third grade. I can tell you we felt so empowered and we got the results. I really think it’s the electromagnetic frequencies of the Internet the Wi-Fi the cell phones, the Gwen towers, the 4G, the 5G, and things like that that made people tuned out.

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very informative post...thank you

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Sad to say SOMEthing has definitely changed! :/

In addition to what you listed, they have "engineered" so much bad at/into us, while canceling out the good. For example, by putting fluoride into our drinking water, something they say they will work on removing.

WHY would someone recommend putting something harmful in our water supply???

These people are crazy and evil, and they have been orchestrating our destruction and demise. These changes also made us more docile and controllable. Very concerning!

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I really like Alex Jones and his team like Owen and Chase and Harrison, those are four men of different generations that I think are fighting back as a group. I like your Substack because you’re a fighter too, that’s a natural way for men.

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we have no other option but to fight wrong...see me here on one of appearances on Alex Jones...https://www.infowars.com/posts/must-see-interview-covid-jab-is-a-bioweapon-says-former-health-and-human-services-advisor-to-trump/

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they flew me to Texas each time, he is an interesting man and I argue a good man...has his demons and he loves his nation and right vs wrong. he has his way

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Ronda, you are correct. Everything has slid, and I can easily offer the whole picture here in a few words. "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."

At this point in time the corruption is overwhelming. In my case I am fighting the corruption in bureauCRAPcies, law enforcement here, (OPP) the prejudicial bias of the injustice CYSTem, and many other corrupt agencies. I make no excuses. Too many hunker down to avoid the conflict of evil vs good. Evil has invaded every aspect of our existence. My minister told me to be cautious that things do not "happen" to prevent you from doing what you do."

A father works 8 hours a day. Comes home exhausted. Wants time with his family but battles against CYSTem evils is always a constant. If he gets rest a typical day of 24 hours is 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, and the other 8 hours taken for commuting, supper and breakfast, house maintenance, time with his family and GONE, that is, the time he fights evil is not there. The damned CYSTem and other enemies know this as the bastards are paid to harass and oppose for 8 hours a day.

The CYSTem is the enemy!

I fought and am fighting the damned corrupt OPP pigs in an issue soon to be made public. The pigs are liars, thieves, frauds, rapists, and outright criminals. Why is it necessary to have to expose/fight corrupt OPP pigs?

The corrupt CYSTem is the real enemy. It is everywhere. In the schools, bureauCRAPcy, religion, politics, etc. I have fought my whole life for others and the damned pigs (OPP)are the target now I will expose.

Why do these lying bastards commit CCC violations? Violate basic rights? Rape intoxicated women? Commit adultery? Lie! No wonder they are called pigs but they are worse.

It is bad and will only get worse.

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boom ""Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."

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CYS? Ccc? OPP? I know my father slept for 4 hours, I read President Trump does as well. I don’t suggest men use the free time to find problems or evil to solve, like marvel , rather be present for when it arises to take action. Mothers also have full days of work and family obligations and sleep. And we certainly have our share of fires to put out that interrupt our cycles of work family sleep. i’m not criticizing men, I am just observing that things have changed and I’m studying this to understand it. I’m not sure what you’re fighting, I wish you the best and thank you for the reply. I appreciate it.

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I think 47 said he sleeps for 2 hours at times. he actually does and it worked for him all his life...maybe he finds time elsewhere to sleep...but he is always up

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age forces that

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CYS CYStem. CCC Criminal Code of Canada. OPP Ontario Piss Pots! otherwise known as rapists of intoxicated woman, liars, thieves, profligates, etc

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Hi Doc, you need to comprehend your big disadvantage is you are not easy to look at as are Jessica, Celia, and the other real women here. hahaha

But you still have the grit to oppose evil, corruption and lies and it is an activity that wears one out. Many capitulate and withdraw from the fight.

I consider you openly opposed to all that is wrong, and supportive of the Truth. none doubt your dedication and all see it. You fight your fight and I will fight mine, yet we both oppose the same enemies who attack Freedom and Justice.

I consider you as exemplary and definably effective. Keep on keeping on and watch for correspondence from me in the new year that has been awhile coming.

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thank you Edward, thank you...you know how to reach me. a fellow Canadian. keep with us...huge love and respect this holiday.

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...you do make a difference by example Doc.

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A very Merry Christmas to you and yours - from the UK with thanks. xxx

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Merry Christmas to you and family! May the Lord bless you and keep you and all safe...all your our Gods

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Like. Thank you so much - your kindness is much appreciated.

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Merry Christmas, my best friend lives in Scotland is a Scottish person! ✝️❤️🎄🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇬🇧 let’s get the UK some new leaders and say goodbye to the world economic form

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Like! Thank you. Many of us are trying to 'retire' our leaders - mostly trained by the WEF, and replace them with human beings! A very Merry Christmas to you. xxx

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nice post

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And to you! Maybe you will take some down time? You've had a busy year, with more to come.

Merry Christmas! God's blessings!


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thank you same to you and your family. huge love

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May God bless you and protect you Paul. Thank you for all you do in this fight for truth and justice. May God put a hedge of protection around you and your family, may you all prosper and flourish this next year. Thank you Jesus for coming to earth to save us 🙏✝️❤️

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thank you so very much, I pray same to you and all your family, all of us here that we be kept safe this new year and that we have the strength to do the right things.

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Let’s RFK Jr. confirmed. Trump inaugurated. Then it’s time for accountability for those who deceived, injured and killed innocent human beings. Merry Christmas!

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yes, I stand with you...we need that to heal...we do...and I am in support of 47...but questioning but he has my support and so does RFK Jr. huge support, we start there first

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Merry Christmas and thank you for everything!

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thank you...huge love and respects

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thank you, Marry Christmas, thank you for staying with me. here

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Not budging. Love your fight for all. Stay strong brother.

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Prayers and be safe. Vultures everywhere ~ Hope you get some good rest without sleeping with one eye open.

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Merry Christmas!

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same, thank you for this year and being here! love and respect

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Merry Christmas, Dr. Paul!! Thank you for all you do!🎅🏼🍪🎄

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same to me, with all my heart thank you all! Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas!!! Thank you for all you do! Z🎄🎄🎄🎄

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same here, a very Merry Christmas to all! to you awake and your family, may you have safety and blessings 2025

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Thank you for your heartfelt wishes and same to you wonderful man.

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my God thank you for this...thank you it is dear to me and I dont know many and most of you but we have become friends here...please stay and I wish you peace and success and health this new year.

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for those we lost this year, we will meet them on the other side

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Best wishes to you and your family Dr Alexander. And my best wishes to all those on this substack as we stand together, and together with you Dr Alexander!

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thank you David, to you and family, may the Lord protect you and family and you stay with us. and always call me Paul. I regard you all so much.

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Thank you Paul !

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We are all fallen, stumbling and imperfect, Paul. And in a way, we all do know each other here; we all share a kind of spiritual DNA. I hope you know you are much loved. Merry Christmas and infinite blessings to you and to all of your readers!

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thank you Ninsuna, thank you, means a lot...huge lot...yes, I think many of us have become like brothers and sisters, family...we suffered in various ways the last 5 years and the battle is ahead. this Trump term 2 is the only time left to fix and ensure never again. so it will be a battle...they wont go easy in the night. as long as we are not Icarus and fly too close to the sun, I think we will be fine...huge love and respect.

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🙏May this Holiest of Christmas bring you , peace, joy, and the warmth of love. May your heart be filled with gratitude, your home with laughter, and your days with blessings!

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thank you Tee, thank you, you have stood by us, we are grateful, Merry Christmas to you and family!

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Come Boxing Day (as my Canadian friends call it) my friend We The Patriot People are right there with you in this fight to Take America Back from all things evil!

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huge hugs, blessings to you

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