Aug 10·edited Aug 10

If we are going to "use people as a means to an end" then ask the parents of the raped, murdered girls to get up and talk about how they feel. Let them tell parents how that feels. Also, let those who were part of her personal private prison investment quotas let the world know what that felt like to hear Kamala bragging about smoking weed when they were taken from their children for years for a "nickel bag". No doubt it would be triggering for ALL PARENTS.

This thing isn't going to go all the way. I keep saying it, there isn't going to be an election and Trump knows it, already, hence the casual motion forward.

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boom, I am adding that to this stack now, so it will update, beautiful critical sad point

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10

Don't forget to mention that both Kamala and her pedo side-kick used their children to move communications as "boots on the ground" informing the arsonists and delivering supplies to the arsonists and rioters. They need to ask the American people what they think would be a "full stop" with other peoples' kids. Their daughter's text messages are the proof and someone has them. As well, Kamala was actively removing those criminals from jail as fast as they were taken off the streets, putting them back out to do more damage. Remind the people of this and Jessie Smollett. Kamala was one of the creators of that hoax, too. The pedo-side kick was photographed with the owner of the CPR bust who created the exact replica of George Floyd for that false flag. He moved out of Minneapolis because he was afraid he wouldn't get police support if he was found out. True story. That picture is somewhere. Microsoft wipes my laptop every couple of days.

Remind the American people that Kamala's wars, real or imagined, don't give other people's children in battle "do overs". Kamala needs to take the BIG "L" before the American people have to.

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And her husband knocked up his previous nanny with the 1st wife.

What a guy!

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Susan Wojcicki has died, I hear.

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Yes...I wonder, if she got the JAB?

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I think she did

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Dr. Makis just put out a good stack on this.

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No tears here.

She got Alex Jones kicked off YouTube.

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Yes, AJ, and so many others whose lives were negatively impacted by censoring vital information of all kinds.

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Turbo lung cancer.

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could be, yes

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They were made for each other, wouldn't you say?

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I wrote the wrong answer to your comment.

Kamala Ding-Dong and her dickhead husband are made for each other.

And...the YouTube lady is dead...she is in hell along with Hitler.

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Interesting that Kamala purports to be Christian but has Hindu roots. The League of Christian Reformers believed that Hitler was the second coming of Jesus. Hindu followers of Savitri Devi, a superintelligent French born Greek woman with PhDs in philosophy and mathematics who served time in prison in Germany for Nazi activism and who helped to found neoNazism and who was married to a high ranking Indian Brahmin, believe that Hitler was the incarnation of the deity Lord Vishnu, I.e., God incarnate. I wonder what Kamala's take on it is.

The British Church that Worshipped Hitler


Hitler once worshipped as Vishnu in elite Kolkata homes: Historian


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The YouTube lady is the personification of evil.

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No! We can change that trajectory! Make it happen, make sure it does!!!

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Yes! Excellent!!!

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Then what will Trump do?

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the campaign needs to up the game now, for Vance and Trump....you got to understand, the woman minority card is being played and got to be blunted as you prosecute the record....it can be while not going 'persona' but IMO, if she attacks personal, punish her personal too

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Yes, there’s a plethora to choose from, but if we stick to the ugly facts of her actions, that’s quite enough!

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Willie Brown has been mischief making, talking about his photo of her on Trump's plane, having taken her with him when he went to meet Trump, at about the time Trump was donating to her, back in the day, i.e., basically insinuating that he pimped Harris to Trump. It's anyone's guess how that could play out.

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Yes. I've picked up on Willie's not so subtle insinuations. My sense is that, as an admitted germophobe, Trump would have been more discriminating in his tastes in women - no matter what she might have been offering in exchange for a donation to her political campaign.

Still there's always the possibility Willie drugged Trump to get kompromat on him with Harris.

Even one year ago I wouldn't have believed this, no less suggested it, but I've learned to question everything when it comes to government, politics, (and medicine).

Besides, if desired at that time in his life, Trump could afford the most attractive - and certifiably healthy "temporary companionship."

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Did you tell Trump, this? Yes, but, the Leftists moderators at the debate will say that

Trump is treating K and women unfairly. I'm sure Trump will know how to navigate.

I just can't wait until these senseless debates are over.

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He will take over at a later date after Kamala, Obama and Susan Rice set their private army into destruction mode. There is going to be a line drawn between the USA, INC. registered in Puerto Rico and our Republic. SERCO is using billions trying to revive USA, INC., now. Funny enough, I think they are having a difficult time trying to inject money back into the system after Trump's work before he left. They are desperate to start a war using USA, INC. They will even pay for it, so long as they get to take control. Prince William is actively signing away the UK and the Commonwealth so he can be something akin to the "Marquis de Gramont" in "John Wick: Chapter 4", presiding over Europe and North America. If you haven't watched that movie you might give it a whirl. In fact, binge watch the entire series from the beginning if you can tolerate the violence. You kind of get used to it before the end. Like everything Keanu does...it's truth and it's gold.

Trump will pick up from the stolen election and somehow, based on what he did when the queen stepped down during his visit, we will be something akin to brothers and sisters with Australia and Canada, for sure. It makes sense it would be the case for New Zealand as well, but I have not gotten confirmation on that.

Catherine Princess of Wales was murdered by her husband with Camilla's help because she tried to circumvent what he was doing. Catherine was a true and honorable Princess of her country. She tried to do the right thing and lost her life. William now has a very expensive version of Catherine.

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What are we gonna' do when Netanyahu holds the US hostage when he tells us to bomb Iran or else he will use nuclear weapons?

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Netanyahu is a dead man walking and that is IF it's the "original". Iran is one of the only countries that kept their "brains" in house. They have THE most advanced weapons defense system on the planet, and it is as simple as it is complex. I don't worry about Iran.

Remember: Trump said, "saving Israel for last".

Israel is NO friend to us, and they never have been. They sold our military weapon technology to China. They've killed our men and destroyed our military ships. They sent their men over to wire the buildings for 9/11 while China paid for the expenses as Chinese ships waited in the channel to pick up as much of the steel as possible, taking it away before it could be tested for explosives. China taking great pleasure in "irony" then degraded that same steel and sold it back to us via Canada to be used for our infrastructure. That is why Trump stopped buying any steel from Canada. He found out, but not before big purchases were made. That steel remains evidence.

I believe there are two "Israels" the same way there are two "USA's". The difference is that we have very different leaders at the helm of each, here and Israel has one leader for both.

Let's not forget that the most powerful leaders of the Catholics, Islam and Judaism met in Israel for their "tongue kissing" sessions to plan their "one world religion" to be used to turn the entire planet into a penal colony.

I have every faith that our answer is simply a hand-held device that short-circuits the drone army as even the humans in that army have enough EMF in them for it to work on them, too.

We know who wins this "war". The more we let that sink in and seep out, the greater the odds to its timely completion. YES, we ARE THAT POWERFUL.

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How do you know this about Catherine, Princess of Wales?

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As well, there are many tells from both of her "appearances" since she was murdered er eh... "gave her cancer diagnosis". The two appearances were different creations. I think the Trooping appearance was an actress in a mask and the Wimbledon was the clone. They were different in facial structure, ear placement, gait, etc.

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We ALL have an energetic signature, and we can find that signature via bilocation and a number of other ways that are not as well-known. Catherine no longer has an energetic signature on the planet. Her consciousness was hijacked to write code with for her clone. It's the same technology they have used to recreate many artists, actors, singers, etc. and it is extremely expensive. The so-called "elite" enjoy the idea of getting to have sex with Brittney Spears, for example. They have many versions of her for these purposes and many other disgusting "performance arts" as they like to call it.

The only other way I can imagine that Catherine is still with us is if she is in some kind of witness protection and is being protected by "off worlders" that have taken her off planet or that have used advanced technology to keep her hidden. I sincerely hope it is the latter as she sincerely tried to block William from doing what he believes he is going to get away with.

He is going to be humiliated in front of the entire world, making Meghan Markle's lies and humiliation look like child's play...which, I guess, it really is.

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How would her parents accept this for their daughter?

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It is my understanding that they agreed to it, signed off on it and took payoff for severe financial debt before they understood the gravity and fulness of the truth. They also did so because the lives of the family members that are left were under 'veiled threat' along with their own and there was also the threat of never seeing their grandchildren, again. You can see it in their faces.

Part of the "bargain" was to show up when summoned and to keep their mouths shut and carry on, which included a contract and an NDA.

I believe they know now that she is gone but they don't know the circumstances.

I was also told that Catherine had agreed to use a double prior to her passing more than one time because she was unable to fulfill her duties due to being "bruised up and having open wounds" because William had been "physical" with her. So, this being the case, her parents were under illusion as to what they were told and what it meant, exactly. They were tricked and they signed off on the unimaginable.

It is my understanding that the truth will come out and justice will be served. William is a tyrant and believes he is invincible for the time being, however, very shortly the world we live in will only be a "memory" of what it once was and William will not be absolved of his crimes as he now believes.

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Trump isn't helping himself much doing large gatherings to his MAGA and he also risks being assassinated.

Vance has been on target lately, since he now knows how easy it will be to pounce of A-Wal(z) Tampon Tim's record. But I can see the people you mention working well with JD on the stump.

They can probably get crowds of 10K.

They need to reach some of the Make America Burn Again (MABA).

At some point they can join Trump, but Trump is better off with TV interviews, Town Halls, media events and going into non-MAGA places.

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boom boom....love it

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Are you crazy? Vance is not winning any votes. He's tanking and dragging Trump down with him. At tbe same time Walz's popularity is surging. Trump needs to make Vance invisible.

Humiliating New Polls Spell Doom for J.D. Vance … and Trump


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You are the one who is crazy and you probably aren't even watching Vance since the A-Wal(z) pic.

But he MUST be joined by others on the campaign trail by Haley, Lt Col. Gabbard, Rubio, Dr Carson and others. The media is covering them. They are going to every event that Kamala appears in. Walz is Kamala's voice, since she is "Word Salad" when she speaks without a teleprompter".

Trump screwed up in GA, but this new group can fix the damage.

The election cannot be won by MAGA like yourself, although they must show up to vote.

The election cannot be about Trump, as he is hated more angrily than anyone alive and besides a significant % of population relies on Dem Govt. for handouts.

The election must be about Kamala/Waltz.

Trump must only stay on the sideline and not be tempted to appeal to MAGA.

He was good in the Biden debate because there was no audience.

Only swing state polling matters. Kalama/Walz may have peaked.

With Vance, Haley, Gabbard, Carson et al. focusing on Kamala/Walz, they will make the election be about an extremist ideology.

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You have proven to be wrong about most things and unfortunately you are probably wrong yet again but you are correct that Gabbard and Carson et al. need to focus on Kamala/Walz. Vance is even more toxic than DeSantis would have been.

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I'm not voting for Trump currently, but your view of Tampon Tim is askew.

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Only because he left the PEDO part out. That guy has more photograph and video footage of him than you can imagine and GUESS what he's doing all red-faced and breathless in those images.

Why do you think the handlers for the left love him? He's easy to control and manipulate...duh...or let's just say he would have been easy to control and manipulate if he were to make it to the "finals". Neither of those two fucking losers are going to make it to any Presidential election...EVER. They'll both be awaiting their judgement and probably betting who can piss higher on the wall in prison, betting soggy butterbeans.

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Who are you voting for and why are you on this substack if you don't think Tampon Tim is an extremist? RJK Jr. is just a distraction although I wish he had a big role at FDA in a Trump/Vance administration.

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He a leftist and one of them. (Based on what he reposts) Not sure why he posts here.

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election is Trump's to lose but he has to get disciplined now...focused and onto ONLY the devastating Harris and Biden polices and Walz...focus

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stop attacking Kemp in Georgia, use him as a friend, he can help...he is not the enemy here...make peace...to get the win....you cannot afford to lose Georgia 45

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You are 100% correct. I am very unhappy with the management of the campaign and the optics to voters. Especially the subconscious metamessaging. Someone needs to be fired immediately. Bannon needs to manage the campaign from prison. Navarro needs to take over parts of it. I don’t understand why they are making such stupid mistakes. Isn’t it obvious?

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great sharing

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boom, I knew I am on the right track...

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Yes for Bannon and Navarro.

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Was the 2020 Trump campaign better run?

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Harris was VP and nobody...had no reach into this...now she is running POTUS 2 different things...and Vance IMO is weak in this landscape...he suffered foot and mouth and now pays the price where he can attack IMO but neutered to an extent....so we got to regroup and strategize and play too...its a battle for hearts and minds so play the game to win. 2 white men, as dumb and corrupt and deadly as she is, cannot make a good case against a woman who is minority who has spent 30 years perfecting use of those 2 qualities.

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Vance is a placeholder running interference for the real real who doesn't have the time or inclination to be pitted against vipers.

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Paul, I just heard that Susan Wojcicki of the YouTube censorship has died of lung cancer.

She removed millions of videos that told the truth about the deadly vaccines.

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I disagree that Walz is nothing. He’s as radical left, or more so, than Kamala. It’s possible that the powers-that-shouldn’t-be intend to install Kamala, then eliminate her and suddenly Walz is (p)resident. This nation is further doomed (Obiden began the process) if this deadly duo is placed in power.

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nothing to the extent of a campaign threat...of course in real, he is deadly...but he is a dough boy on the stump...can neutralize him asap...

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I hope you’re right. His far left ideologies are frightening.

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he has enough baggage and is as dumb as Kamala...issue is to pin him down, notice cant interview him now?

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So true. He has too many issues and too little finesse..

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They are pushing a new virus not sure what it is yet but if I find out more about it, I will post it. But we knew that was coming.

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DOA...fake PCR created....100% fraud...I will tell you if you have to worry about anything. no shots, no lockdowns, nothing...

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For a while it was bird flu. I saw online yesterday that "tedros" has declared an emergency meeting to discuss monkey pox or mpox (for the woke)

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if monkey pox then once you do not engage in male penis anus sex with abrasive biting and hitting etc. where you burst infected pustules, you have no issue...it remains a gay bisexual issue, case closed.

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I learned about that yesterday. Right now it's happening in some small African countries. They will try to push it on the low information public nonetheless. To deliver jabs, gain more control, the usual.

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dont worry about that if you are non gay, non bisexual and you have one monogamous partner etc.

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Surely a (double strength) condom would stop transmission. Still, not sure they are freely available in the parts of Africa effected.

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James Roguski substack just came in on the meeting --- August 14

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Monkey pox or bird flu.

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Thank you 😊 for sharing your thoughts on the matter that matters to so many Americans across our nation. Very informative.

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people may not agree and thats the magic but I am sharing as I think and as the landscape moves....we are at war and we got to be strategic and help Vance.

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This is very very good news, Dr. Alexander!!

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thanks Sir...we must share out thoughts....maybe they have nuggets...I am trying to think....my stack is read deep inside both parties but Trump world, in fact, it is given to people

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Actually Paul is just suggesting this. It hasn't happened yet.

More so, Trump is turning the tide in the latest battleground polls that I saw yesterday.

Only MI was behind, I am in PA and I am skeptical he will win, unless more is done.

Dems know how to cheat in Philly. Trump needs to win more of the black male vote.

Black males can sense BS. My plumber/HAVC guy is 1/2 black and he is in the black community. He is fully aware of how bad Kamala is, especially with Illegals not only taking jobs but driving up the price of Apt. rentals.

With Trump in the lead, he must not agree to just the ABC debate. In fact, I don't agree he should agree to the ABC debate at all. There are other media groups

If he is ahead, it is Kamala he needs to debate.

He must make the Fox debate on Sept 4 a mandate to any other debate, but it is important to have the debates in Sept. before most people vote.

Also, remember there is still time for the Dems to replace Tampon Tim.

But in the mean time, what Repubs need to do make everyone understand that Kamala chose him, because he speaks more than "word salad". He can espouse the crazy views of Kamala with conviction.

People say that the VP has little impact. But before the pick of Walz, Kamala was trying to reverse her views on every subject.

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boom, no ABC debate and makes you realize the RNC was fucking him...how could the 2 debates they agreed to with Biden, was CNN and ABC? are they insane? I want debates NOW. 3 debates...this is the first election where a VP on both sides having devastating effects....one good and one bad IMO...we need to make the other sides VP catastrophic record speak for itself

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Dems know how to cheat in Pittsburgh.

Dem mayor, who supported BLM, had his student loans forgiven by Biden.


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And that shithead Governor, Josh Shapiro.

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now he is a good speaker...dangerous so...but agree

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He thinks he will be President some day.

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Shapiro is being groomed for POTUS.

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I get it. Thus, we can only hope for the best. - Luc

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Vivek would be an excellent addition on stage.

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must come midway to amp up crowd

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LOL. How pathetic. You MAGA types know JD Vance is unlikeable, misogynistic, and racist, and so your solution is...to put a few token minorities and women on stage with him at rallies to convince people he's a decent guy and not unlikeable, misogynistic, and racist? Seriously hilarious (and transparent) stuff, man.

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I doubt this is good advice.

All of those who are now on the right know everything you said above. Not news. And will any of this win Democrats? No.

Don't go into the mud. Take the high road. Be decent, kind. Point out how censorship is a cancer eating at us, and that the Biden administration has been complicit in it, and Tim Walz has talked of suppressing "misinformation." How free speech is the lifeblood of a free society, and how the Biden administration worked on suppressing it, and how deeply un-American this is.

Talk about endless warmongering and how it has to stop, and how nations need to live in peace through mutual respect and restraint from theft of resources.

And how about we educate the people on what real money is, and why we need to abolish the Fed?

Take the high road. Answer criticisms, but don't do it in the mud.

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Vance stop playing the drill sergeant calmly speak out how this is harmful to the family unit tearing it apart do you want this for your own family and children. Do you want children raped and killed by the illegal migrants ?

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no calm...and sorry, we understand about his mom and all that, we got it...now lets get to work...

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What would you like me to do?

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Listen to the Doctor!

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Trump needs to dump Truth Social and use X (Twitter).

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I like this

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I learn lots from you Kathleen

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Thank you.

X (Twitter) has a much wider audience than Truth Social.

Elon has opened up free speech, for the most part, to the world and Trump needs to use the platform as his bullhorn.

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