Just read your Wikipedia entry. Apparently you were pure, unadulterated evil against those poor experts trying to mask, lock down and scare us into submissive compliance πŸ˜‹ So definitely my kind of doc πŸ‘πŸ™

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thank you...you have no idea what they tried to do to me, I lost lots but I am standing and I gave them hell...turned them inside out at CDC and NIH...oh they despised me. and I loved it. those agencies are evil and DC is worst than hell...I do not recommend anyone living there.

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Covid was for real and those with a impaired immune system died of Covid! I agree that more died from the deadly medical protocol and the RNA injections that ever died from Covid! It was Weaponized by our American bio warfare scientist!

If we keep going down the RNA Road, we will erase humanity from the Earth !

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Bible Study Tools Verse of the Day - Feb 01, 2025

Whoever claims to abide in Him must walk as Jesus walked.

~ 1 John 2:6 BSB

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Here is my all time favorite site of which I know the authors.


Preparing for Victory


Use Watchman Site Search Engine:


Serving I AM with you,

~ Mabe

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Im telling you Trump will NEVER come clean, he's owned by outside forces, just see his cabinet picks. He IS going to bring more mRNA jabs for cancer, let's all pray no one takes them. He's losing his base because of all this and also that he has Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Larry Ellison and Bill "murderer" Gates on his team of demonic creatures. I find he thinks he can dictate to other countries whenever he wants, like he's a king or something, I do pay attention and I follow relevant people in the know.

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nice post

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his cabinet picks worry me...we want no mRNA, no more and this is the hill we stand on and wage. he will lose his base if he pushes but he is not running again...if he pushes he can conceivably destroy the party

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It's not hard to figure out who he's owned by. But even so, he's better than the alternative Those whom we are not permitted to criticize own them all.

No coincidence that both the pathogen, with its HIV inserts, first described by Luc Montagnier, and the TRUMP-MALONE KILL SHOT were deployed on his watch.

Recently, mainstream publications like Medscape have been suggesting covid is just the common cold. The common cold with HIV inserts.

When the Fake News starts telling you covid is the common cold, you know you'll probably have to wait another 2 years, or 7 years since the US deployed it, the same time it takes on average for HIV without retrovirals to progress from its prodrome to AIDS, to know if "covid" is the common cold or not.

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'No coincidence that both the pathogen, with its HIV inserts, first described by Luc Montagnier, and the TRUMP-MALONE KILL SHOT were deployed on his watch.'

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some whisper he was chosen...what say you?

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that others would not have fallen for it???? I dont know. its a big statement. I think in side he is a good man...just misguided and out of place...he is not malicious

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the common cold with HIV inserts...nice how you state that

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It's hard for a lot of people to come around to the idea that he is just a gullible fool. It's my opinion that even if that's true he's still better than the alternative.

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he sure is better than the alternative. we will take that

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he is better than the alternative

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hands down, nice post

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~ Jeremiah 17

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Pfizer - been at it for 175 years and hasn’t cured a single disease. Yet so many politicians and doctors are compromised by big pharma, they all lack any credibility.

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boom, on the money!!

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Yes and now that they have a cash cow called "vaccines" this shit will never end.

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we have to make it end, Latypova and Watt and Yeadon making some serious arguments on validity or need of vaccine...I tend to agree...read 'the 2nd shot'

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'kick backs.' fauuci

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Sounds like TRUMP DENIAL SYNDROME- those under the MAGAgician Spell and in denial of his Geopolitical role in ushering in the NWO and endtime prophecies and believes he is fighting against the Deep State!

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I wont go that far Marsha...I cannot believe he is with the bad guys else then we give up

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Even if he is all you say he is he is still the best the US could produce or has ever produced. There simply is not, and never has been, any alternative .

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correct and I tell people do not look at him as a saviour or GOD

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no, we get what we can and hold his feet to the fire...but we need to depend on ourselves. not government. even if he has negative aspects and he sure does, as you say, he is the best in a way of the worst.

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put this way, we dont vote for the best person, we vote for the one we hate the least

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Dr. Savitri Devi (articles on her at the links below), a French born Greek woman, multilingual, a prolific writer with degrees in chemistry, mathematics and philosophy who moved to India while writing her doctoral dissertation and married a high ranking Brahmin, and who was both an original Nazi and a founder of neoNazism, and who is buried next to George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party believed that Hitler was "the greatest European who ever lived," "a man against time" and also "Kalki," an avatar of Vishnu (I.e, God Incarnate).

Some people may think the same of Trump, that he is God Incarnate in the same way that Savitri Devi believed Hitler was. Savitri believed that as Kalki, Hitler (God) was more sun than lightning.

She believed that in his next incarnation, at the end of the Hindu Kali Yuga, Hitler would be less sun and more lightning. Some people believe that Trump is the Second Coming of Hitler and God Incarnate.

Why Hitler's 'priestess' Savitri Devi said he might be an avatar of Vishnu

Savitri Devi believed that Hitler had been an avatar of Vishnu sent to prepare for the end of the Kali Yuga -- the last of the four stages that the world goes through, according to Hindu scriptures.


Man against Time: Savitri Devi and the Hitler Avatar


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Of course there is! You need a clean slate, no matter how painful that may be.

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Praise--so much deserved praise to you, Dr. Paul.

Perhaps to mention: The use of Dr. Alexander's first name, as in "Dr. Paul", by no means or measure meant to convey any disrespect or condescension; quite the opposite: as an indication of great fondness and appreciation for the man, a giant of a force, standing against ignorance, corruption, and deceit. Such, that deserves to achieve a cultural recognition across the nation, perhaps world, that 'Dr. Paul' brings instant recognition and identification as the Health Freedom Hero he has become. Probably many Dr. Alexander's around-- Dr. Paul is one in a million.

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I dont know what to say...can you adopt me? I will live with you...look, I am like you and all here, they just tried to end me, literally when I was in Trump admin, it was horrid for me and ATLAS...one need be there to know...and for my boss. if you dont have your head screwed on right, you could walk into the deep end...they are that relentless and brutal...they seek to burn your life down...and they sought that not to go at you but to destroy Trump...and destroy you to get at him.

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I think all of us are so very happy that you were able to stay strong and truly appreciate the human you are. Thank you Dr. Paul

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Adopt you-- that's quite funny. Likely, you could readily find a more comfortable adoptive home --maybe from among your followers here?

But seriously, we are all indebted to you for traveling into the Heart of Darkness, and reporting back to us all the truth you have found. Please lead on, Dr. Paul.

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thank you

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In the health field, we call the doctors we like Dr. first name. It's a show of respect and friendship. More friendly than formal. I've called Dr. Paul that for the very same reason. I also call him Doc for the same reason.

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huge hugs and love to you and all, I feel like I have a more special family here and we dont know each other. but this happened because we all felt pain and loss in COVID and we know right from wrong. and we all lost people, good lives were harmed. for nothing. so we have a bond made from pain and it is a unique one. thank you...if I am speaking somewhere come find me and tell me who you are form here...I will love to meet...and between us several here do that...

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Amen Dr. Alexander! God spared many of His people that were seeking his face, I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit prompted many of us to not take it.

However, so many are worshiping at the feet of the one who gave us Warp Speed death and injuries. Trump has now come up with the diabolically evil NEW mRNA death jab for 500 Billion. There is no doubt all those blindly following him will take that one as well. Everyone should fervently seek The Most High God's Wisdom and Discernment.

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you raise an important point...that STARGATE mRNA AI is a huge concern with self spreading self replicating mRNA etc. its diabolical for there is no purpose for this, no need. we have to stop them. we must take none

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You are right on point Dr. Alexander, thank you for all you do to bring awareness to the masses.

I often pondered the words of Jesus Christ and what catastrophe would KILL ALL FLESH on the earth, if He does not intervene.

I believe that mRNA, which has caused so much death and sickness to tens of millions World Wide/including our livestock, who took the first one and from the SHEDDING to those who didn't take the jab, would greatly contribute to an extinction level event. Thankfully, we have God's promise to stop it before it comes to that.

Matthew 24: 21-22

For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

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The 120 year crusade of the modern medical mafia and big pharma to make America healthier has FAILED. Drugs continue to be major failures as we see more people than ever suffering sickness and diseases despite more people than ever taking big pharma products. Of course, not one fricking person on this planet will ever accept any responsibility for this outcome. NOT ONE!

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Everyone should understand that it is all intentional, in order to carry out the globalist de-population agenda.

They used Trump to get the Conservative Christians, then put in Biden to get the liberals. Most preachers who joined the FEMA Clergy Response Team, were paid to get their sheep to take it. Almost all small town Newspapers were paid handsomely to put in huge adds to promote the jab. The whole thing is so evil it is hard to wrap your head around it, but we know that God is in control and we must Endure to the End.

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excellent, Smalley is huge in my eyes...did us good work

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Off-topic, but good news regardless:

AstraZeneca abandons Β£450m vaccine factory in blow to Reeves


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Bullshit, no mistakes, no fuck ups this was preplanned.

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yes pre-planned...my point is 47 can be wrong today in praising etc. and even maintaining but he did not pre-plan this, he was not involved in bringing this...

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Great post!

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Yikes! You followed that! I had just written in kindly reminding to find the source of the issues.

Trump should have been told that there is No operation warp speed. Many indications that most of this was in motion before hand. He interrupted taking office. Or he should have been informed about the potential harm of premature vaccination. ie vaccination before proof of safety.

Here we go again with people using God in their expression. The church I left became cultish saying God sent the vaccine. Now we have God saved his people from the covid virus. It is true that very few died from the virus itself…an overload of toxins with a combination of comorbidities killed some. Man took over and exercised evil on his fellow man : the vaccine which has added the fear of cancer resulting from the vaccine defined as turbo cancer. The vaccine can affect any part of the body. Then, there is shedding. All this put into motion by evil. In one sentence: people young and old are dying from the effects of the vaccine. Good scientists neglected looking at history and were probably too focused on covid.

CDC, a source of the problem.

Not reporting to VAERS, another source

Deceitfully presenting the mask, the distance, the closures, the info on the development of immunity starting at birth. Then there are the deceitful reports made in the most prestigious medical journals that is another source of the problem. The lack of communication, co-discovery and support between specialists like Dr. Alexander and even between doctors in general. That is a source of the problem. And previous problems not being solved. Money for proving the vaccine, money loosely available for fraudsters and money not reaching small businesses. A lack of awareness of the schemes of the Dems.

I really feel for Dr. Alexander being attacked and needing protection. He does not deserve any of that animosity. He is a household name here in our home. And most of my knowledge of covid comes from his sub stack that he makes available to all.

I worry because we are human after all and we do get exhausted even by our own thoughts. We do get angry and maybe rightfully so; but anger can actually limit our reasoning. Trained as a school administrator, I would never try to reason with the student who is angry.

The above is respectfully and sincerely stated.

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'Trump should have been told that there is No operation warp speed. Many indications that most of this was in motion before hand. He interrupted taking office. Or he should have been informed about the potential harm of premature vaccination. ie vaccination before proof of safety.

Here we go again with people using God in their expression. The church I left became cultish saying God sent the vaccine. '

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I’m going to write this up with a message in mind.

Both administrations had OWS.

But, that is NOT the point.

Trump had a variety of β€œsolutions” to COVID…but I’ll just stay focused.

Trump was probably not informed that vaccines cannot be rushed. ( ie think of the polio mess! But that is not the point.

Trump was told that the vaccine would be ready soon. But that was to make a fool of him when he wasn’t able to get it out. ie The Dems controlled the timing of this. But that is not the point.

First vaccine given around Dec 2020. Two weeks later Cackles and Mr. Biden get their first shot.

During the photo op, Dec. 30!!! it is important to understand the rhetoric.

1) Kamala was taking the vaccine NOT because it was a Trump vaccine.

Turning point….

2) Dems make sure that they announce this turning point…it’s the start of the rhetoric: follow the science they are taking the vaccine because it is the scientists’ vaccine.

Enter 2021…Not much research. Money is used to promote the vaccine ie like ads. There are mandates, there’s new vocabulary, there’s avoiding of scientific questions, scientists, doctors are controlled, censored….all under the Biden administration.

So what is the point?

Americans did not take the vaccine because of Trump…it doesn’t matter if he had OWS in his administration. Dems with their association with Pharma had controlled the timing and were not concerned with safety issues. Trump did not influence Americans to have the vaccine. Dems made sure he looked like

a fool just like with hydroxy and ivermectin…ie…all the negative news and

postings on Facebook.

To sum it up:

Dems used OWS for scheming and evil

Trump thought it would help eradicate COVID.

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Trump was not responsible for the mandates. He was not responsible for this evil to flow over into Canada. Biden and Trudope were two peas in a pod. Trump was not responsible for doctors and nurses losing their jobs. Trump was not responsible for the destruction of the human immunity. He was not responsible for children having to get the vaccine. He was not responsible for the awful treatment of the elderly. He was not responsible for the music students at our university having to wear a mask while they played their wind instrument! It was Biden and his stupid masks! He was not responsible for the long closures of schools and the mental agony of students…including suicides.

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You’re right

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Thank you, well said. And he needs to get rid of the Means siblings, I smell a rat on those 2, they just show up out of nowhere with a sketchy track record and saying jabs are good. You can’t have it both ways, be for innate immunity and mRNA jabs.

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I smell a rat too..

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If POTUS Donald Trump reads your missive and asks for your help or advice we will perhaps be on the way to sanity re the "Covid" insanity. First, and foremost, the mRNA "vaccines" must be recalled; not one more injection of this killer cocktail. I pray he does contact you and you follow through.

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Have you examined Dr Bryan Ardis discovery that covid has toxic poisons from snake and snail venom? We were envenomated on purpose.

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I could not read all of this, way too much, but I have to question why RFKjr didn’t speak the truth about the coofid 19 jabs and mRNA. Why is he agreeing with the CDCs jab schedule?? Why didn’t he push back? He is for an avian bird flu jab?? He said nothing about bodily autonomy etc. A sheep in wolfs clothing perhaps. He raised a lot of red flags for me during his hearings. Kabuki theater is what it appears to be.

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