Millions of Americans would have died! It wasn't Trump's OWS or Malone Bourla et al. mRNA vaccine or Biden continued OWS & mRNA vaccine rollout that SAVED lives! It was LUCK! COVID was fake NOTHING!
It was pure luck & GOD, GOD spared us by ensuring this was no serious high-mortality entity they released on us! Trump's OWS lockdown & mRNA vaccine nor Biden saved not one life! Rather, it killed!
Would I be sidelined because of this article? Of course, of course I know it! I wrote this in spite of that!
I wanted to clear the air and issue a clarion call to you POTUS Trump for you can still get to Rushmore, but you must do certain things. You have fixing to do!
Your administration during COVID, 2020, your OWS, your lockdowns (yes delegated to Fauci and Birx and other misfits), and the crown jewel, the deadly Malone Kariko Sahin Bourla Pfizer Bancel Moderna et al. mRNA-LNP transfection injection (not a ‘vaccine’ vaccine), it was clear to me, your administration DID NOT know what the hell it was doing!
Your administration failed in COVID, as did Biden’s. Complete. There is no success to point to. You brought me in as an expert, I was humbled and honored and glad to work for the American people, to help save lives, as a senior advisor, and today, I am saying what I must say, it was a complete disaster and thank God it was NOTHING, COVID was NOTHING, and had we done NOTHING, we would have been better off than to listen to the moronic health experts, a ‘made-up’ fake non-pandemic. For the response teams in your administration and Biden’s were clueless. Pure idiots. We would have been like headless chickens had we faced an 80% mortality EBOLA.
It was a daily clown car show on that podium daily with the COVID Task Force save Brett Giroir. Complete buffoon idiots, just inept people running the response and what a clusterfuck it was! I was there. I saw. I TRIED to fix and was marked for death by Fauci et al. but I gave them hell and a fight inside they will always remember. They grew to hate me, this brown immigrant highly educated much more expertized man than they could ever be! As they detested me, I hated them as I tried to help. But you gave them too much power. You brought Scott Atlas in way too late (among the best, wicked smart, good man the media destroyed him) and you brought me in too late. The die was cast, the stage set, your Task Force in place of complete idiotic inept, technically incompetent, academically sloppy, never read any of the science and did not even understand the science, just boobs, nincompoops…
Take this as a warning POTUS Trump, I talk to you here as the world class scientist I am, privileged to have served you term 1, well published, schooled by the father of EBM, awarded a Governor General’s Medal for academics by the government of Canada, to get your public health teams in order. They are not, the nominees are NOT it! Save RFK Jr. Rest is politics and to control and ‘silence’ people. I am saying again, we seek no political response ever again!
I support you POTUS Trump and want you to succeed in your second term! I think fundamentally, you are a decent good human being. I support you HUGE and in your imperfections, I saw many good you did term 1 that media et al. failed to recognize and credit you with. I saw the swamp; I worked in it. Among the evilest people, DC deep state bureaucracy. In there some good folk. But many are fecal vapid banal feral. Seek to destroy good people. It is not a place for the faint at heart, if you do work IN the government and support Donaldos Magnus Trumpos. I found it out the hard way!
Sir, I worked for you as a senior scientific advisor WILLINGLY, before and will again if asked. But things got to change!
I will not be silent, for money or job. I am sorry! What is being demanded damages American people and I as a scientist who worked for you at HHS (advising the very same position RFK Jr. is nominated for) and have been at the front of the COVID pushback, the anti-lockdown and anti-mRNA pushback, am saying your silence on the deadly OWS and Malone mRNA vaccine, your continued praise of it when it did nothing but harm, and the silence seemingly demanded of those seeking to work in your administration is a catastrophic disaster for Americans! It is wrong!
I support you, think you meant well and mean well, and can do good, but you are 100% wrong to do this! And your orbit, demand this. There must be no LITMUS test like this. Just merit and not loyalty so to speak, but honesty to do what is best for Americans.
Your OWS pandemic response to NOTHING, POTUS Trump, originated under you, ended up killing 95%…95% of those who died would be alive today! It is the medical policies and response that killed most! Not any virus! The data tells us this! The data tells us across 4 to 5 years that the mRNA vaccine out of the gate was non-sterilizing and non-neutralizing, did not stop infection, replication, or transmission such that any mandate was MOOT, DOA.
Your Trump administration term 1 and the Biden administration FAILED the American people completely and nothing you did WORKED and actually caused harm and deaths by the unscientific dangerous response. The lockdown lunacy, school closures, business closures, the deadly mRNA vaccine and the nonsense social distancing, the masking where 100% of the evidence showed none of the masks ever worked! People committed suicide because of your OWS, and you continue to praise it? Our children hung themselves!
There is blame for Biden and for you!
As I said as my core thesis, we did not lose many Americans because this was NOTHING, literally, and your teams in Trump term 1 and Biden, were complete technical idiots and did not know what they were doing, incapable and incompetent such that had it been a serious lethal pathogen, millions would have died. That is why I say we were lucky. Not because of any actions you or Biden took. They, your teams did not even have a basic concept of outbreak epidemiology, real emergency and crisis responding. Just names and titles.
It must be fixed!
Start by giving people like Senator Ron Johnson elevated roles and a larger voice. With serious decision making in your administration. This is a real good American. Smart. Importantly, unshackle RFK Bobby Jr., take off the muzzle, get your Trump orbit and world e.g. Susie Wiles, to unchain him, set him free to do what he does best, that is, being Bobby Jr., for your Trump world as we see it and we may be wrong, we may well be wrong and misguided, but we see a Trump world TODAY that is full of idiots and posers, hanger on stupid ‘wine and cheese’ people. Incapable. Nice shoes and suits and pumps. No doubt. Shed them. There are serious, well educated, American loving intellectual common-sense people abounding, even those without big paper, who can do way better for America. Look to them Sir.
Millions are alive today because COVID was a fraud fake PCR-created NOTHING, there was nothing we were to be afraid of or would have killed us by millions…it was no beneficial or great response by your administration or Biden. In fact, both were disasters! And I say thank God whatever it was (and it was nothing, and we killed most who died via the devastating mishandling abuse of them) was NOTHING for had it been, based on your administration response and Biden’s continued, millions would have died! Nothing was in place then or now, had we confronted a real serious lethal pathogen with an elevated mortality rate. That is the fact!
Hopefully it could change. Your nominees tell me, save RFK Jr., that this, in your second administration, is politics still e.g. the SG nomination. A catastrophe if you are telling America that is the person for DG. This vaccine shill. This person who spewed relentless nonsense, specious and unscientific garbage across COVID. The best qualified today among the many e.g. Ladapo, McCullough, Yeadon, hell as much as I have said Malone is a grifter conman, I would take him over the SG nominee. He would do better even though he has zero understanding IMO of clinical epidemiology, public health, and IMO immunology. Put a pin in that for a moment.
The issue is if we want Americans to restore trust in the public health agencies, we need transparency. We need it by you, led by you and all reporting to you and I know it will come. We stand by waiting! Fast though. They harmed you, your name in the first term. I was there. But you have to clean up COVID and the deadly OWS and the deadly mRNA vaccine. Now. And must STOP it! 100% removal from market.
Today, after 5 years, not one healthy American child got exposed or got whatever this was and died! NOT ONE! Stable across the globe! So why were they vaccinated for COVID? As of today, the median age of death (if we accept this as real) remains 84 years or so with 3 to 4 underlying grave medical conditions. Life expectancy hovers at about 77 years in USA. So, whatever this was killed BEYOND life expectancy, did not shorten life! Today, we still have not one, not one comparative effectiveness research randomized placebo-controlled trial (RCT) double triple blinded in adults or children that has shown that the Malone Bancel Bourla Sahin et al. mRNA transfection LNP injection reduced hospitalization or death! Not one!
And due to COVID, I have gotten to the place where I do NOT support vaccines and regret vaccinating my children. I am of firm belief that the annual flu vaccine does not work (actually harms) nor do any vaccine. I think if we were to look at all drugs and vaccines approved by FDA across the last 40 years, look at the data and evidence submitted by the pharma vaccine etc. makers, and via using proper methods, proper uncorrupted oversight, with properly trained methodologists, we will find that none, NOT ONE, of the vaccines or drugs or medical devices that got full BLA approval or EUA from FDA, were actually effective or harmless. I think all will fail a proper re-examination of FDA’s approval and be shown to be actually harmful. I think all the supporting studies by pharma are fraudulent and can be shown to be corrupted and false. I am a global expert in evidence-based medicine (EBM), my doctoral supervisor invented evidence-based medicine field, is the father of EBM, and I offer me, to lead a team to do this examination for the American people. Free of charge!
First POTUS Trump, huge support, still, but you were wrong and insensitive yesterday with your news conference attacking DEI and incompetence etc. Over the DC plane crash with the military helicopter. All can be true, and I am there with you. I think you got something. But there is a time and place and yesterday was not that. People were and are still underwater dead. That news session was inappropriate, and I say you are likely 100% correct in content but the delivery and timing were not suitable with the situation we confronted.
FOX News is becoming a cheer leading team for you and losing much credibility. I do not look at FOX anymore and prefer Abby Phillip on CNN. That type. Much more balanced. Disparate views and we need that, not the cheerleading sycophant crap of FOX at this time. Note I appeared on FOX maybe 15 times across COVID. And your news conference yesterday was kind of good for you for the Democrats end up bailing you out by their insanity in response. A lot of what you said was ok and maybe correct but was not necessary yesterday. It actually was very insensitive. You are however touching on something we should soon discuss as a nation, which is that there are massive numbers of inept, stupid, moronic, unqualified people working in the Federal government and State governments. You do have stones for tackling it in a news conference when people are dead under water strapped in their seats. Still. Very insensitive.
Back to the thesis at hand.
We would have died, millions of us, millions of Americans, had it been REAL, SERIOUS and LETHAL…whatever that was in January February 2020….a real serious pathogen with elevated case-fatality rate (IFR), case-fatality ratio…Nipah virus, smallpox, anthrax (Bacillus anthracis), Tularemia, EBOLA, Marburg virus, bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis), Hantavirus, Eastern equine encephalitis, Q-fever etc…we are alive not because of any OWS response, no, POTUS Trump knows when he says that, that he is indeed misleading the nation, for OWS killed people. It saved NO one. The Malone Bancel Kariko et al. mRNA-LNP transfection vaccine killed people and will kill more if it is not stopped completely (no STARGATE (cancer-mRNA vaccine-AI) grifting madness)!
Thank God there was NOTHING. Thank GOD whatever this was, it was not pathological with an elevated force of mortality! And if there was, it was non-lethal for the people involved in the response, the Task Force, all the CDC, NIH, FDA, HHS etc. health agencies, were and are pure inept, incompetent, intellectually lazy, academically sloppy and non-sensical specious people. We are alive because it was ALWAYS not real. Made up, manufactured fake pandemic, like how they are trying to bring a fake PCR-created H5N1 avian bird flu (H5N2, H5N8, H7N9 etc.)…MADE UP. Not due to any Trump OWS response, not because of any Biden et al. response.
I need you to grasp, ZERO about COVID was real!
These beasts who did this and are trying to do more with more mRNA vaccine will not let it end as there is too much money to be made and massive dark agendas to materialize:
First, I am dealing with many interviews and reading and writing so in this I did not check typos, pardon them and give me comments, add to this piece by me.
Also, there are many GOOD, character-laden, superb intellectual passionate and loyal people out there. To serve. I am afraid that what we are seeing rather are decisions that are not merit-based.
I was at HHS as a senior advisor and saw the madness. We as Americans, Canadians etc. dodged a bullet. God protected us…I wrote below and again, no government lockdown lunatic Operation Warp Speed madness, no Malone et al. mRNA vaccine saved anyone! It killed. Trump was 100% wrong each time he states that, and I am hoping Bobby Jr. will stand up. And declares this. I am hoping Bobby Jr. gets confirmed (he is not yet at the time of this writing) for he offers hope of possible ‘good’ things. But thank God what they tried to unleash on us was moot, non-lethal and not pathological. They failed! Most died due to the medical management and abuse of our elderly and high-risk, most died that way. Not no PCR fake manufactured entity called COVID.
There really was NOTHING to respond to! NOTHING. Imagine, they were telling you ‘hey you look well, feel well, have no symptoms, working, life is fine but do not be fooled, you are actually infected and sick, you must lock down and hide for you are infected and spreading it via asymptomatic transmission’…
Let me be as clear as I can be, we have examined all of the data for 5 years now, we can find not one, not ONE case of asymptomatic transmission of this fake COVID. Nowhere. It was a lie. As was the lie of ‘equal’ risk of severe outcome and death if 10-year-old healthy Johnny is exposed, same risk as if 85-year-old granny with 4 underlying medical conditions that was killing her absent of whatever was out there. They told you disregard differentials in baseline risk due to age and risk. They told you disregard 80 years of public health research and basic immunology etc. They told you that natural immunity (innate and acquired adaptive) was inferior and sub-optimal relative to vaccinal immunity which was always impossible.
All of it was a lie! They took 4 years of our freedoms and liberties for a lie and they who did this, knew what they were doing!
Truth is that entities created a fake fraud COVID non-pandemic out of NOTHING! Using the over-cycled PCR ‘process’ (cycled to 40 and 45 when 24 was the threshold whereby above that you were dealing with non-infectious, non-pathological microbes, of no consequence and where 95 to 97% of all who were declared as ‘positive’ were actually false-positive, it weas all a lie!). Trump world was reacting to NOTHING and making a clusterfuck! My boss(es) IMO were the only sane people in the MADNESS. I knew quickly as I arrived in Washington and before, that we were dealing with a mild non-nefarious event of low negligible mortality. The response by the Trump world was political, never public health and same for Biden world. I understood we were in an election year, and it was unfair to Trump, and he felt that way, that he had the best economy and 3.4% unemployment, and these dark malevolent beasts presented him with a fake pandemic and told him he had to shut down.
Consider the anger of Trump and you would be too (and I do believe initially he was clueless as to the truth and really did trust these people, these ‘advisors’ in guiding his decision-making…'initially’ but he grew to know it was fake and he knew the lockdowns and mRNA was not working and he knew, he saw, that it was harming Americans (put a pin in that for a moment) trying to run a re-election in the midst of a fake non-pandemic, when Fauci and Birx and Hahn and Azar and Pence et al. are bringing the ‘plague’ upon you, and you could not stop it! He could not stop it! He knew they were ‘hollowing’ him out and he could not stop it!
That is where someone like me and Atlas (superb intellect really damaged by media and deepstate) came in, brought there to White House and DC to add real science and ‘understanding’, for the Trump world was spinning out of control and knew not what to do. And I went to work to hammer and go after and fight Fauci and Birx and the demons from the inside, to go after CDC who was subverting Trump, and this is why I was on the news e.g. CNN, routinely as they tried to destroy me, my name. Smear, slander, burn me down as they said. But there was something they all knew, that collectively, all of them, even today, combined, do not have my technical, academic, expertise. And they grew to learn I hold no water for no one.
My evidence-based medicine skills, epidemiological skills, research methods skills are unmatched and certainly then and now in the new Trump administration ‘if’ I work there. This is why for example, I can say that every single study out of COVID, from 2020 to now, all, are sub-optimal and in the normal scheme of things cannot stand scientific scrutiny and proper peer review. It all lacks substance and trustworthiness. Were not conducted using proper research methods. Complete garbage!
So, I say it routinely in this piece, thank God what we were presented with as a nation (and world) was non-lethal and really it was NOTHING…there really was NOTHING out there…maybe there never was a COVID virus…and whatever it was, was benign, else we would have died, millions…for the Trump world response and the Biden world response was catastrophic. They still today are inept people who have no clue what they are doing. Thank God we did not face that! We were responding to NOTHING in Trump world and then Biden’s…it was NOTHING…all, 100% of COVID was a created LIE! From origins, wet market, lab leak, gain-of-function, to mRNA vaccine…all of it! A lie! and thank God there was nothing there…and the chaos and madness really was to bring a fraud NOTHING to you so that you would willingly take the mRNA transfection vaccine for their agendas. Power, control, making obscene money, depopulation…whatever! It was underpinned by a pure 100% lie! There was NO pandemic, never was! ‘Pandemic’ in itself is a money-making manufactured word, just like the term ‘cancer research’. It is not real. It is only about power and agendas and making money! Creating ‘relevance’ and ‘industries’ for themselves. Money is their power!
Imagine, we created chaos and harm by our reacting, our hysteria that they created and drove and stoked…this was a pandemic of fear…and then entered all (well many) the ‘Freedom Fighter’ scientists and doctors who decided day one, to pimp off of it, to join in on the fraud to make money, to enrich…off of you…who only wanted truth and best advice and guidance…so not only did we have fraud perpetrated on us, a PCR-created fake non-pandemic (where most who died did die due to not any virus but rather the medical management, abuse of them), a NOTHING fake pandemic and deadly mRNA (and DNA viral vectored) vaccine, but we had fraud fake money-whore scientists and doctors telling us ‘oh give me your money, I am the ‘good’ one, I will keep telling you how bad it is and what you should do’, so the donor world is where we are now, it all turns on it…
And they killed our parents, grandparents, they being medical doctors, hospital CEOs, our governments, leaders, public health agency officials, Health Canada, PHAC Canada, SAGE UK, CDC, NIH, FDA, HHS, NIAID etc., by the deadly ‘COVID protocol’ train, being the dislocation from usual environment (nursing homes to hospitals and hospitals to nursing homes), isolation, abuse, terror inflicted upon our high-risk and elderly, even low-risk persons, toxic drugs, dehydration, malnourishment, do not resuscitate orders (DNR), denial of often needed antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia, denial of known safe effective therapeutics that could have offered relief, sedatives like ketamine, propofol, midazolam, fentanyl, dia-morphine, lorazepam etc., kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir, intubation/ventilator causing severe lung trauma and VAP (ventilator associated pneumonia) etc. The death train!
Truth is and I will say it the way many feel but are afraid to say and many cannot say out of retribution, which is that millions would have died had what we were exposed to in January or so 2020 was actually lethal. Thank God NOT, and I give not one ounce of praise for anything, persons, departments, officials, polices from the Trump or Biden administration that was enacted. They both failed in their handling and managing of whatever this was!
I challenge anyone at CDC, NIH, FDA, HHS etc. to call me any day and time, to debate this. Trump or Biden administration. Any scientist or medical doctor. Anyone! I am open, and I will even come to you!
POTUS Trump knows (and Biden et al.) that his/their OWS and Malone Sahin et al. mRNA vaccine failed and never worked and killed many and will kill many. POTUS Trump knows this full well! It is time he came clean and help fix America and make Americans whole again. Fix the wrongs under his prior administration that killed so many and then under Biden’s. He has the chance to make it right. I still support him, but he was wrong and is wrong. I will not stand silent! There is no one in USA, across COVID, as a scientist, who saw what I saw and know what I know. I will not stand silent. I want Americans helped and made ‘whole’.
My suggestions POTUS Trump (not exhaustive but a start):
End liability protection under PREP Act, end childhood vaccine injury 1986 Act, implement a victim compensation fund (for all those harmed by the lockdowns and mRNA vaccine), and pull all mRNA technology and mRNA vaccine and products off USA markets now, in full, complete hard stop! To start! Ensure ethical debates become a cornerstone of any health decisions made for the society, ensure cost-effectiveness analyses are a cornerstone of any healthcare, public health, any decision, ensure that all decisions are informed by the highest quality most trust-worthy evidence (both upsides and downsides benefits vs risks are balanced), and ensure we implement proper acute surveillance of adverse effects for the next 50 years and revamp medical journal publishing as we ensure any patent money made is shared evenly with the public since it is tax-payer money. Again, to start!
Ensure proper randomized placebo controlled comparative effectiveness clinical research studies (double, triple blinded) are the cornerstone that informs optimal decision-making (e.g. statistically and procedurally, we need proper sequence generation, allocation concealment of sequence), blinding (double, triple, even of outcome assessor (s)), no selective outcome reporting, proper baseline balance, equal data loss/attrition across study groups and minimal at most 15%, no conflicts of interest and if, then fully declared, no stoppage for 'benefit’, use of absolute risk reduction (ARR) as the preferred reported outcome measure with relative risk reduction, with the number needed to treat (NNT) declared, proper ‘patient-important’ outcome measures (and not composite outcomes) such as death, hospitalization as the estimate of effect and not proxy soft non-consequential ‘antibody titers’ etc., no reliance on sub-group effects for decision-making, large sample sizes (power calculations), proper long duration of follow-up to examine harms and rare harms at that, to ‘exclude’ harms, large number of outcome events e.g. over 200 and ideally closer to 500 across groups, studies taken to sample size in terms of recruitment, no tampering with the base protocol, generation of proper cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit analysis comparing alternative courses of action to optimally inform decision-making, proper ethical debate with the public to determine if needed, an emphasis going forward to not base decisions on ‘safe and effective’ but mainstream the question of ‘if necessary or needed’ etc.), and…
when observational studies are used, that it is of the highest quality (with high confidence in estimates of effect) with proper research methods of statistical and procedural control of residual confounding factors (matching, propensity score, stratification but not excessive dilution of study groups, proper statistical techniques e.g. multiple variable regression, logistic regression etc. but a proper reasonable number of predictor variables to ensure no ‘over-fitting’ of the models, more parsimonious less complex models so that we limit misleading R-squared values, regression coefficients, p-values etc.) and that could distort the estimates of effect and interpretation of findings.
Recognize that one properly conducted high-quality RCT can inform decisions as well as one high-quality observational study. Recognize that we can use the body of ‘real world’ evidence to inform decision-making. Reproducibility, openness, transparency, explicitness must be the watchwords of all comparative effectiveness research, academic medical publishing, and evidence-based decision making going forward in NIH, CDC, FDA, HHS, NIAID etc.
I am tired of the bullshit lies to the American, Canadian and other global peoples. By our governments. I mean that to you too POTUS Trump and your administration. It was all a lie, COVID and all about it. Time to come clean.
I hope as I wrote this on Jan 30th that Bobby Jr. is confirmed for with all his imperfections, he seeks to do good, he is capable enough, works hard, is informed enough, and I can work with and for him to do some good that the Trump and Biden administration worked hard to wreck. They wrecked the USA with the COV ID fraud and continuance of the mRNA fraud. I am hoping that Bobby Jr. (RFK Jr.) returns to the 'Bobby Jr. of yesterday. Open and declarative! I trust. Where he can speak his mind and the RAW truth on OWS and the mRNA vaccines and what REALLY happened. mRNA technology and mRNA vaccine will kill humanity, there is NOTHING good to emerge from it, other than rich filthy people (business and pharma) making more money!
Again, I request and challenge anyone who thinks they are ‘in the know’ in the past and current Trump administration, heads of any of the health agencies past and present, and in Biden’s past, to debate me. Publicly. Openly. Let us have for once, a proper ‘evidence-based medicine’ discussion.
I close by reminding, we are here still because of the fraud non-pandemic COVID, and the tragedy of OWS and the mRNA-LNP gene vaccine, for people died because of the lunatic specious unscientific lockdowns, people died due to the mRNA vaccine and are continuing to and will continue to. The long-term implications are now unfolding.
We as people, as Americans, Canadians, British, Australian etc., across the world, simply asked for the truth and it is all we still seek. Truth, no more bullshit, we want accountability, justice, punishment for the wrongs.
Do not fail us POTUS Trump, do not. I continue to support you as do many. But we need the truth, and we need accountability.
POTUS Trump, and that starts with you! You brought the failed and deadly OWS, the deadly lockdowns, the deadly mRNA vaccine. Are you prepared POTUS Trump, after all this time, after all the failures, after we re-elected you as we waited for the truth, as we waited for some accountability, to finally step up?
I support you POTUS Trump in spite of the devastating failure of OWS and the Malone et al. mRNA vaccine, I want you successful so that USA is successful, I want you safe and wish God grants you favor, but you must be honest with the American people in this!
Just read your Wikipedia entry. Apparently you were pure, unadulterated evil against those poor experts trying to mask, lock down and scare us into submissive compliance 😋 So definitely my kind of doc 👍🙏
Im telling you Trump will NEVER come clean, he's owned by outside forces, just see his cabinet picks. He IS going to bring more mRNA jabs for cancer, let's all pray no one takes them. He's losing his base because of all this and also that he has Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Larry Ellison and Bill "murderer" Gates on his team of demonic creatures. I find he thinks he can dictate to other countries whenever he wants, like he's a king or something, I do pay attention and I follow relevant people in the know.