Deport them all.

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RemovedMay 14
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No NORA YOU are an idiot

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It is only a matter of time, no sane nations allows 11 million illegals just like that, unvetted. there are and were bad people in there joining the many Obama brought in during his 8 years ...dont forget the Tashfeens

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"Kill The Infidel Wherever You Find Them." This is Jihad, and the reward for Jihad is rape. Islamic terrorist organizations, like ISIS and Hamas, actually use the promise of rape as a recruiting tool.

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problem is Obama and Biden has flooded us with it

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this is a problem so huge, it will become evident soon

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What about this animal in this story a few days ago from USA Today? Look at the photo of the little girl. Who would want to harm her? The animal who did is not even a muslim. Just an American. USA Today.

Father of Harmony Montgomery sentenced to 45 years to life for 5-year-old girl's murder


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Of course there's evil here. No need to import more of it. Don't you think?

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There's enough just in our government. But evil is drawn to evil! They're working together.

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What does that mean? They get to rape someone as a reward?

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Yes. That’s what it means.

It seems after decades of being indoctrinated in the lie that all cultures are equal to, if not superior to, European Judeo-Christian cultures, it’s difficult for people to understand what is right in their faces.

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May 14·edited May 14

Yes, Jihadists may rape non-Muslim captives. They may also enslave or simply kill them.

New York Times: Islamic State Uses Quran To Justify Rape Of Yazidi Women


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Just during the past forty years, without searching, I’ve known or known of, women into their 80’s who have been brutally raped, and worse.

From what I have observed..


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Yes, if they lose their lives committing RADICAL ISLAMIC JIHAD, their Quran promises 72 VIRGINS IN THEIR ‘HEAVEN.’ Which is their driving force!


Like the poor hostages held by Hamas.

Both female, and male. (Unspeakable)

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Proof that islam is a cult, not a religion.

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The violence doesn’t come from the Quran; it’s tribal

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but it is a problem

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It doesn’t really matter where the violence comes from when 9 year olds are attacked at their school for not being Muslim.

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thats the issue

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Thr real problem is people still send their children to schools. If they pulled their children the systrm would collapse, killing all birds with 1 stone. Gone are the pedofiles, gone are the indoctrinators, etc.

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9 year olds should not be attacked at their school or anywhere for ANY reason. What happened to the 9 year old girl is disgusting. This is what happens in integrated schools. But American kids are in more danger in their own families than they are from any muslim. The guy in this story at the link was given custody of his daughter. Why?

Unrepentant killer dad refuses to give up location of 5-year-old Harmony Montgomery’s body after he beat her to death


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This story is so sad & tragic. Poor little Harmony didn’t deserve this. She was born into a family of drug addicts. Their addictions were the most important thing in these people’s lives. Above caring for their children or their own self care. Their brains are fried, & none of the adults in this little girl’s life had any business caring for children. No one’s protecting the children. The victim impact statements from the gay couple who adopted Harmony’s brothers is gut wrenching. The two baby boys who witnessed Harmony’s abuse and murder are so traumatized by their ordeal. Harmony’s Mom knew her “father” was a violent dangerous man. She should have kept her away from him. But the courts, yes, a judge, granted him custody rights. The judges in this country are so evil & corrupt. They don’t give a damn. They just like accepting big bribes for wrong decisions that harm is all! Little Harmony was a victim of the corruption & her shitty parents. I cried for her soul. And prayed for her.

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Quickly page through any Quran, and you’ll read instructions to torture every Jew and every Christian, prior to murdering them.

Depending on their mood, an ‘infidel’ might be offered opportunity to convert to Islam, in exchange for your life, and lifelong servanthood.

And if they’re in a really good mood, they might spare your life in exchange for most of your subsistence, along with lifelong servanthood.

But clearly their ultimate ambition is to forcefully overtake the entire world.


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The Quran, Torah, Old Testament and Pseudomonarchia Daemonum are all much the same. The Quran, Torah and Old Testament all exhort their followers to kill the unbeliever. The US needs to reject all forms of Diabolism and embrace Christianity.

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Just remembered something. Something new Biden just signed. I will put the title to the article below.

Biden Admin Expands Paths to Muslim Refugees with USCIS Announcement


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Barak Hussein Obama’s 3rd term continues unchecked.

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That's why everyone from his administration is working in this one. Policies can continue.

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May 14·edited May 14

I’d argue that Obiden’s administration is, if possible, even more in-our-face repugnant, more vociferously amoral, more shockingly freakish than BHO’s. BHO is a bit of a coward, you see; thin skinned and one who very much dislikes criticism. With Biden (whom he despises, doesn’t respect) BHO feels free to do his worst to the United States of America.

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Maybe in your face is true. BHO started it though. He started the division between the races and still does to this day. He started the big push with all of the trans movement. Gay marriage became legal on his watch. He got rid of don't ask don't tell. That paved the way for military men in dresses. He got the ball rolling within the government organizations for all these changes before they became law that FJB is making with his pen. I was still in the Army when BHO was president. He did some crappy things behind the scenes through Ash Carter as Sec Def. I won't hang up my retirement certificate because it has his signature on it. Lol

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Thank you for your service. I’m sorry that your retirement certificate is ruined by BHO’s scrawl. Maybe put a post it note or something over his signature and hang it up anyway. Don’t let him sully your service and the retirement you earned. ❤️🇺🇸❤️

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He didn't actually sign it. It was just a stamp of his signature. My picture on here is my retirement flag. That means something. It is out in the open.

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Have you saw what they are doing with taxpayer money now? Even if you don't read the article, must look at the picture at the top. I don't think I could have saluted him when I was in. I sent this article to my congressman about the waste of money and readiness issues.


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May 14·edited May 14

The plan is to cripple future generations with government incurred debt, completely destroying the middle class.

That they can do that, while simultaneously destroying our Judeo Christian culture, is a win/win for them.

Our military academies are so woke, so weak, so riddled with failed and failing DEI policies that I would despair if it weren’t for my faith in Jesus Christ.

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I agree, but I think the plan is more than that. Most people think I am crazy, but they did when I said what Obama did during Arab Spring. People said I was crazy at the start of the scamdemic as well.

Just like Russia started their invasion during BHO's watch along with Biden and Ukraine was told don't stop them. Then BHO's administration overthrew the legally elected president in Ukraine. Now Russia is continuing with their invasion. People are all stuck on the neo-nazi thing. A group that formed to help fight the Russian agression in Ukraine. Then Ukraine decided to add them to their military because they were so effective. Russia has a ton of neo-nazi groups just like we do in our country. People I don't think really listened to what Putin said in his interview with Tucker. He said Stalin was wrong giving Ukraine their own territory. He said they weren't a real people. Doesn't make sense they have their own language if that is the case though. They would speak only Russian or Polish according to what Putin said. He also said he wants it back to 1991 multiple times. That was when satellite countries claimed independence after USSR broke up. I know well Ukraine is a corrupt country and so is Russia.

I think the flow of money to Ukraine is to create debt. The sanctions created a new currency that will drop the dollar. Who is leading this? Russia along with China, Iran and other countries they are sweeping up. So, Biden helps stand up the BRIC's countries with their own currencies while creating unsustainable debt for us. He really isn't doing anything to really help Ukraine. Dragging this out helps Russia. That is what I think the plan is. He is helping all our enemies. Most people can't see that though. They just curse Ukraine and praise Putin and say it is a proxy war with Russia. Tucker did a weak interview as well. I was disappointed in him.

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Islam is a religous/political movement whose purpose is to take over the world and convert all by any means to become members of it. The history of Islam needs to be studied to be made aware of its use of violence to achieve these results.

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Islamic Marxism.

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Yes. Liberals will convert to the "dark" side and be the enemies of God as they have always been from the start. They brought us all to this point in time and will continue. The "Beginning of Sorrows will come and in the aftermath will come the Judge, Jury and Executioner in the Person of the glorified Christ who will war against His enemies and the Enemy of all that is good. None will be spared save His people but the battle with be supernatural as the events of Revelation unfold.

In Matthew He says to last/persevere a little bit longer and I will give you a crown of gold. He refers to those who will suffer persecution unto death and who will only in the power of the Holy Spirit be able to withstand these oersecutions I believe are unto death. At that moment the spirits of His own who die for him will attain unto Heaven but will receive the highest reward by way of living under the floor of the Great Throne Room wherein God lives and He will talk to them as they ask Him when will His vengeance be loosed and He will tell them to wait a little bit longer. At this point God the Son has been slaying the enemies of all that is good but I believe God the Father will become involved.

The general theme of Revelation points this Way.

I am not a minister nor a Biblical scholar but this is how I see it happening. I may be wrong on small events but the big picture is easy to understand. None know the moment in time God the Father who alone knows the beginning of the Apocalypse, decides to let loose. All this igivens as it is written in scriptures.

The reality will be seen as Jesus unto whom ALL power has been given destroys His enemies who flee to the mountains and beg the rocks to fall on them to hide them from the Wrath of God to come.

It is all there in scriptures.

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In Old Testament accounts God used what is termed "strange and foreign people to punish his own and it looks like this is what is happening now in western nations.

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Britain is gone, Europe is gone, and many others are teetering on the edge. You all wanted liberalism and now you will sow in sorrow the fruits of disobedience.

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Have you ever watched the movie Israel, Islam and Armageddon by David Hunt? It came out in 2003, but still relevant for today's times. You can watch it free online. I originally got it on VHF.

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I know who Hunt is and he is accurate in every message he has indicated.

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Here is youtube link to the movie.


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Yeah, that movie is a different viewpoint. It is about that is what Armageddon will be. Christianity vs. Islam. More in depth than that, but short explanation.

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I will check that out.

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You should check this documentary video out as well. You will see some familiar faces in it. My favorite part is when they talk about the history of this country and how it was totally formed on Christian values by our founders. Mike Flynn is in it. Don Jr and others.


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I put the link to the video on another comment. I can put it for you as well though. Just as easy.


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Well, technically we will all sow the fruits of rebellion to a greater or lesser degree.

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Yes with one kudo. Those slain by the enemy will die in the physical/temporal body but their spirit given by God at conception will return to the Father who gave it and be judged in the spiritual worthy or condemned. If condemned he/she will suffer the "second death"(cast into hell) but the saved will attain unto Heaven.

Revelation is not complicated, we need to take it at face value and not add/impose anything not therein indicated by the Word. but by our own errors.

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Judgment sucks.

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‘The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.’ 2 Peter 3:9

All who seek Him with their whole hearts will find Him.

The Holy Spirit compels the surrender

of our hearts, if we are willing to let go of our previous fallen, sinful nature, that every single person, from the beginning of all mankind, is born into this world with.

Since He already knows every single detail of every single offense in our lives of rebellion to Him, we confess it all to Him. And we ask that the perfect sacrifice, the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, which was spilled in order to pay each one of our sin debts, be applied to our mountains of sin in our past lives, that they might be removed as far as the East is from the West, which is infinity.

Behold! A new creature in Christ!

If His words abide in you, and you abide in His words, and now are eager to please your Heavenly Father through your allegiance to His words

by grace, through faith.

All your past sins, present sins, and future sins are now under the cleansing blood of the Lamb.

Born Again! You know it, and you feel set free from all the bonds that had crippled you all your life. The Holy Spirit will enable you, through faith, to stop smoking, stop junky foods, alcohol, or old acquaintances that have been a bad influence. A new lease on life! The Lord, and you , leading and guiding you. If we allow Him to, a far better trajectory in life that will be your more excellent pathways in life.

Living our lives, we ‘come out from among them, and are now separate.’

We pray for strength to live out our lives in such a way as to bring glory and honor to Him.

We will be tempted as we live our lives, but God’s saving grace teaches us to say ‘no’ when the tempter comes.

We now are living a perfect spiritual bill of health, hour by hour, day by day, giving all glory and honor and praises to Him for the miracles He has done, and will do for us as His newly adopted daughter in Christ!

We all are sinners, but! our genuine heart’s desire is to sin far less than when were living as ‘natural women’

(or ‘natural’ men)

Also known as carnal.

Ask! And let Him give to you a brand new Spirit filled life!

Christian Satellite Network. Com

American Family Radio- AFR.net

Are excellent! God’s Richest Blessings to you and all of yours!

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Your theology is correct but we need to be careful we do not tempt God, that is, willfully sin. I will seek some counsel on this.

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Absolutely! The writings of Robert Spencer are a good place to become informed on Islam and its goals.

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Yes but the reason Genghis Khan was famous was because of the millions of people he slaughtered and the atrocities he committed. All you have to read to get it is the Koranic verse, "KILL THE INFIDELS WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM." Mohammed is not God and his diatribes and invitation to abominations are just that. The ONLY Way to salvation is by Jesus Christ, all other ways are lies. There is no mediator twixt God and man save the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes I believe Islam might well be the instrument of judgment against us disobedient and apostate people as He did in the Old Testament. In the end the real Prophet, Savior and Judge in His Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence will slay by the millions His enemies and those who try to destroy Israel, His people, will be destroyed.

My own fear of condemnation is greater than execution by beheading.

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Informative! Thank You! This is NOT what We The People signed up for! This is an EVIL regime, “ Tearing America down” just as laughing hyena said!!!!

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Idiot Biden and his idiot team don't understand that Muslims DO NOT WANT to assimilate and become part of us! They want to 1) convert us or 2) ultimately kill us if we don't convert.

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May 15·edited May 15

Americans really need to educate themselves about what the Muslims are all about. They want to take over everything (they believe it is their duty in life) and implement Sharia Law everywhere. If you don't know about Sharia Law, I suggest you study up on it. There are already places in the West (Britain, certain areas in Europe) where Sharia Law is accepted over Western Law in the Muslim communities. Do you know what honor killing is? Find out about that too. Also find out what the plan is for non-Muslims. It's not good. I worked for 10 years in two Muslim countries (Iran, then Saudi Arabia) so I had a pretty good immersion in what it's like. No American would want to live under Sharia Law, believe me.

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Pure evil, instilled at a young age.

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Deport them ALL!

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When Muslims become a majority, even a small majority, as in a school, they attack people, because they are not Muslims. They need to be sent back to their Muslim countries and left to be alone, inflicting their poisonous violent religion upon their own.

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The tyrannical beasts would of been kept in order if Sadam Husein were still alive. I ran was afraid of him and kept all the factions in check. Today every fraction has run its old stone age ways. Deport them or stone them to death since they want to kill anyone anything that is not them. They want their laws applied to all of us what the heck is going on here. Can't even get tribal courts to deal with native issues no it has to be the general court that doesn't have standing to hear their cases. Legal system is broken down as is everything else. In California they want to add another dollar to gasoline tax and keep going at with no checks and balances to stop them. They wonder why people are leaving in droves to get away from the lunatics in power they don't even respond to the people who elected them. When will the insanity of it all end?

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Eventually they will take all of the political offices, like what is happening in England. 11 Mayoral elections went to muslims, how does that happen? How do 4 million people out-vote 66 million?

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Muslims are driven by the commandments in the Quran to take over the entire world.

With their task within view, they are all the more determined to accomplish it.

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Are these alarms we're hearing about Moslems in America possibly orchestrated to foment violence? Are we being manipulated again?

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HOW ISLAM TAKES OVER A COUNTRY- The violence increases when the Muslim population reaches 20%. “After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues,

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HOW ISLAM TAKES OVER A COUNTRY- Dr. Hammond observes this Islamic ideal is seldom realized. “Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.”

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Sixth century savages period full stop.

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