Yup - one of my favourite books. The authors clearly describe the history and dream of the Muslim sect for world domination. They'll have to fight with the Chinese, the, WEF and WHO for that title. Glad I'm a baby boomer born in 1946 and I saw the world the BEST it ever was. Good luck to future generations. You'll never have peace, happiness and prosperity as I saw the world.

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Brian, if I had to bet money on who will win, not on who I want to win, I would bet that the islamists will win. They have already been boosted by GW Bush and his immediate successor as POTUS, aided and abetted by Brennan who reportedly converted to islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia. Christianity will be replaced by Islam. The greatest potential threat to islam is a small heretical sect of Hinduism in India, currently numbering about only one million adherents founded by Savitri Devi, a French born Greek woman with two PhDs in philosophy and mathematics married to a high ranking Brahmin in India, she believed that God Incarnate, in the form of "Kalki," an avatar of Vishnu, and "the greatest European of all time," but who was "too much sun and not enough lightning," died in a bunker in Berlin in April 1945 but will return one more time at the end of the Kali Yuga. Although I do not subscribe to her sect or religion, which is still very small in number, it is a more war-oriented sect than Islam and I believe that it will grow to the point where it will one day replace Islam but that in the shorter term Islam will replace Christianity.

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Interesting theory. The 2 main Muslim tribes Sunni and Shia have been in a civil war ever since Mohammed died over 600 years ago and they winning tribe wants to control Islam. They are very patient by using the system of an unarmed invasion by immigration, settling in and then electing their own politicians to make legal changes in the new home country sympathetic and very Islamic. The don't mix with the host country either but retain their own series of neighbourhoods and seldom leave them because everything they need is self contained. They make demands on employers to give them permissions no other employee gets like time off to pray during work days. They just don't make good neighbours anywhere they go and tears and violence follow Muslims all over the world.

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Yes and their legal system seems to appeal to many Western lawyers and jurists. Their growth in the last 600 years has been phenomenal.

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It appeals to me that a few lawyers should be stoned. 😒

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Yes and not just on cocaine as do many are but in the literal sense!

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NO WAY THOSE MURDEROUS pedophile goat humpers will win -- jihad is pedophiles and beastiality dont fall for their izlamic deception Taqiyya -- izlam is NOT A Religion or a Race it is a DEATH CULT

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I hope you are right Chief and that they don't win. The West is doing everything it can to help them win.

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You are absolutely right. 14 years later 1960 and my children’s children have their good parents but the good millineals born to late baby boomers are few and far between and the genz genx I have one and two of each and they are precious. But Lord have mercy on us all.

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It is the UN, WEF and WHO who are pushing this migration and they are the replacements for the current populations who will be eliminated. They are seen as more compliant and easier to control than Educated Europeans. They and some of the Sub Saharan populations will be the slaves who support the needs of the of the ultimate parasites who consider themselves the elites and even gods.

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DONT FORGET billygoat gates

Installed by Bill Gates, Pushing Biowarfare in Food Don't be fooled by the official sounding name. They supported artificial sweeteners, GMOs, fake meat and this ridiculous myth. Is their next agenda to turn food into a bioweapon via this darker phase of mRNA technology?

-- https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/05/17/biowarfare-through-the-food-supply.aspx?ui=e1b8d50196afe86e18fb7ab63438c8ef0825adc0255194afcc1de91b757b279c&sd=20220420&cid_source=prnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20230517_HL2&cid=DM1400765&bid=1802286220

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I was in Paris visiting my wife’s cousins, both very left wing. He is a sociology prof at a University. You can’t get lefter than that. This was 17 years ago. I asked hiw he felt about the Islamification of Paris, and the problems arising from that. He was very dismissive of my question. He said ‘you watch too much American TV. We have no problems. We are all Parisians.’ I said ‘they are burning cars in the streets!’ But he passed that off to youthful frustrations at our capitalistic society. Whatever. Five years later we were back. Paris was just beginning to get messy, some neighbourhoods were beginning to become dangerous for non Muslims. I asked the same question. He said ‘we have lost Paris. It is over. We are done. They aren’t assimilating.’ The first wave from Tunisia did. The next wave didn’t, and they had gotten critical mass and could now live amongst themselves being nearly fully sequestered from the society at large. He said he had been wrong five years before. He had assumed Parisian culture which was, to him, so awesome and amazing everyone would be won over, wasn’t winning anyone over. He was flabbergasted. And this was TWELVE years ago! I don’t know what he thinks now. I can only assume it is way worse now.

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It is the same everywhere in the western hemisphere... as well as Australia.

Dearborn Michigan ... is a perfect example... here’s something to ponder ... Islam in America is running just over 1% of the population but Dearborn it’s 75%... that’s a majority shareholder on that enclave... if they wanted to assimilate and take on western values like their first pretend.. you would not get a mass takeover on any region... Get ready ... CAIA is already in the White House... maybe soon to be renamed.

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Yes I watched a You Tube film whereby a US 60 Minutes TV show went into a European Muslim ghetto to do a story while police stood at the entrance. The TV people ended up getting assaulted.

There are many NO GO zones throughout Europe where ambulance and fire crews need police protection to run the emergency call. And don't you love the loud speakers on mosques loudly telling the faithful to attend service?

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This is the CONtinuation of what obama was setting up with his jihadi training camps all over our country. They have cells all over this country. Beware, as they will be armed.

They will end up having needed body parts removed by the REAL Men and Women in this country.

Do not Allow laws to be changed in OUR country because they are trying to displace us and pass Sharia law which means IF you don't convert to moslem, they will behead you. Fight Harder NOW, than EVER before! We Do NEED Donald Trump back as he will have them all removed and "they" will NEVER change OUR laws. WE MUST PROTECT OUR COUNTRY FOR OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. People MUST get involved so OUR Real military will take them out and restore OUR Constitutional Republic. If they think the people are lacksidaisical and don't care, it will be harder to get them to move as fast.

We have noise ordinances in our cities. Do Not allow them to assemble in public and hold prayer chants! Fight them tooth and nail!

Do Not allow them in our public offices, and make sure Only Legal Citizens hold these positions. (To become a legal citizen people must take education to learn about OUR country and pass the final tests. Then they are great and proud to be called an American and contribute positively to society)

The Root of ALL this evil are the satanic bloodline families and THEY must all be removed...permanently.

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Many people subscribe to the belief "better a crook than an ideologue." They think that the harm that a kleptocrat like Biden can do is limited to how much money he can stash in offshore accounts. They forget that Osama bin Laden wanted Biden elected because he believed, correctly, that Biden is so incompetent that he would do al-Qaeda's work for them. He would have been delighted with the 50 "spies who lied" who signed the letter about Hunters laptop being Russian disinformation.

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Read a novel by William R. Fortschen "Dies Irae: Day of Wrath". 188 page-turner can be read easily in one day. This small book actually gave me nightmares.

Dr.Fortschen is the author of the highly recommended "One Second After" 4 volume John Matheson series regarding the aftermath of an unexpected EMP attack completely taking out the power grid and the catastrophic result on American society, another highly likely scenario with "Shits and Giggles" running the country.

Stay frosty.

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I'm going to sell pig statues with a sign that says bacon buried here.

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Good idea!

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Read Leo Hohmann's similar book, Stealth Invasion. Wake up, citizens. We're facing assaults on so many fronts.

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This is all promoted by cuckolded cuck conservatives. The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests. Metaphorically, the Islamofascist, feminists and Marxists lay their eggs in the cuck conservative'nest. The cuck conservative then begins preaching about the "necessity" to make accommodation to increasingly outrageous demands, such as for Western women to cover themselves in order to be "less immodest." They are assisted in this subjugation of women by feminists, absolute betrayers of women. Among the worst of the cucks is GW Bush who worked tirelessly as POTUS to advance the cuck ideals of Islamic cultural imperialism and colonisation.

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USED TO BE BANNED FROM OUR USA But thanks to a TREASONOUS governmentally ill infiltraitered govt., theyre hereestablishing shiarrhea caliphating etc.,,,, the evilqueeran into a goatsass and got mohahammered

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May 28, 2023
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HAHA YOU REGURGITATE goatmanure after you fornicated with it so call a terrorist group who cairs and izlam is shit and mohammered was shit eww ee eww hala allah was a dingdong

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izlamocrats are demonicrat inbred moslems

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How many moslem hating morons believe the 3 WTC buildings were destroyed by two planes piloted by Muslim terrorists? It’s hard to take people who do not know that 9/11 was a operation of the CIA, MOSSAD, FREEMASONS, JESUITS,Et Al seriously. The Jesuit khazarian mafia were central to the Covid scamdemic. Moslems, Christians, people of the Torah, are being used by the cabal. Trying to get large populations of people to hate on each other is the war scheme loved by the satanic cabal. Time for people to focus on the real enemy, the satanic freaks at the top of the crumbling pyramid. Kill Bill and all the other famous and hidden spawn of Satan. Evil is frail, justice is swift. Trying to start a religious war between millions of people is a pathetic attempt to cram our current connected society into a long gone past shaped by propaganda. Really is pathetic. Religious war schemes are fucking archaic. Instead of trying to figure out how to defend against wandering “moslems” why don’t we figure out how to kill the thousands or so perpetrators behind the slaughter and mayhem. The question everyone should be asking is this. How do we kill Fauci, Soros, Gates, the Pope, Obama, the Bush family, Clinton, top level Jesuits and freemasons and the rest? Leave the believers off of this kill list.

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There are 35 Jihadi camps in the USA


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izlamocrats are demonicrat inbred moslems

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In Islam, Taqiya or Taqiyya (Arabic: تقیة taqīyah, literally "prudence, fear") is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice.

In Islam, Taqiya or Taqiyya (Arabic: تقیة taqīyah, literally "prudence, fear") is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice. Generally, taqiya is the action of committing a sinful act (such as feigning unbelief) for a pious goal. LYING TO SAVE UGLY FACE

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izlam is NOT A Religion or a Race it is a DEATH CULT

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jihad is pedophiles and beastiality dont fall for their izlamic deception Taqiyya

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How Muslims perfected the take over of a country.

Immigrate, Segregate, Populate, Dominate, Replace

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