As long as we have an economic system, that gives most of the wealth to a few elites, the psychopaths will rule the world. The real question is, what do we do with a psychopath?
Hi SP, There is no way to vote our way out of rigged elections.
There is no federal law-making groups that can or will respond to logic or the people.
Maybe some local or state ones.. Which laws can be done at local or state level?
It is a nice long list, but not very actionable.. Also, some are highly controversial.. And they are not especially in any order.
This one : "Mandate for public disclosure of membership to secret societies " - seems to violate basic human rights.. Does that mean anyone belonging to a church needs to register to go to a church ? - oh I read it a again - I think the intent is that it would apply to officials in office. Basically, if they have any conflicts of interest in supported the Constitution.. Well, that will never get passed, and there would be no way to enforce it anyway. They are murdering us in our face.. they don't care about lying about a secret society.. It would be a waste of effort, never get passed, and never enforced. imo.. but I would vote for it, as long as it only applied to elected or public officials.
Many are required to disclose conflicts of interest: members of international organizations like the UN 1, Panamerican Health Organization2 or Asian Development Bank3, public servants4, researchers, doctors, board members5, auditors, employees, etc. Why not masons? If their goal is really philanthropy, why do they need to hide their members in secrecy?
The police could detect and inform who gets in the masonic buildings. Microphones and laser/boom microphones could be used under supervision. Infiltration should be banned: the initiation rituals are satanic, nobody should be exposed to them.
Well of course they should Billy g has been doing it since the 1990's. The entire big pharma death machine is in full throttle and it wants to grind up humanity after raping its wealth.
Doctors and many others get rich off of death. That's not right either.
To be more precise, many doctors and many others get rich off disease, which leads to death.
Hope he enjoys it because God sees everything.
They should all have to give it to the ( families of) dead and injured.
Exactly my thought. God sees everything. His soon to come wrath is gonna be devastating.
Here's some harrowing testimony as to the harm of Moderna, the CEO should be in jail
Harrowing indeed.
Good work Steve!
Should be the other way around. Death to the rich ( when they make it off the jab)
Brother Bandit is on top form in his comment - so many other dying businesses are simply making a killing.
No money in the world could save him from hell... except repentance!
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
Doc’s apology? No way!
As long as we have an economic system, that gives most of the wealth to a few elites, the psychopaths will rule the world. The real question is, what do we do with a psychopath?
We need to shift the narrative to arrests and justice. It's murder in our face.
you might like this action:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
Hi SP, There is no way to vote our way out of rigged elections.
There is no federal law-making groups that can or will respond to logic or the people.
Maybe some local or state ones.. Which laws can be done at local or state level?
It is a nice long list, but not very actionable.. Also, some are highly controversial.. And they are not especially in any order.
This one : "Mandate for public disclosure of membership to secret societies " - seems to violate basic human rights.. Does that mean anyone belonging to a church needs to register to go to a church ? - oh I read it a again - I think the intent is that it would apply to officials in office. Basically, if they have any conflicts of interest in supported the Constitution.. Well, that will never get passed, and there would be no way to enforce it anyway. They are murdering us in our face.. they don't care about lying about a secret society.. It would be a waste of effort, never get passed, and never enforced. imo.. but I would vote for it, as long as it only applied to elected or public officials.
Many are required to disclose conflicts of interest: members of international organizations like the UN 1, Panamerican Health Organization2 or Asian Development Bank3, public servants4, researchers, doctors, board members5, auditors, employees, etc. Why not masons? If their goal is really philanthropy, why do they need to hide their members in secrecy?
The police could detect and inform who gets in the masonic buildings. Microphones and laser/boom microphones could be used under supervision. Infiltration should be banned: the initiation rituals are satanic, nobody should be exposed to them.
It doesn't. Churches are not secret societies and don't plot to take over the country.
It doesn't violate human rights to ask lodges to comply voluntarily or to demand the records:
Notice they don't mention that those percentages match the higher ranks.
Look at this:
How do theses evil entities sleep at night. Eternity is forever.
Bancel is a weasel...
That's insulting to weasels
They don't deserve that comparison.
Did he fully partake of the jab-fest? Nope. That should be his sentence after conviction.
All masters of collusion $
Well of course they should Billy g has been doing it since the 1990's. The entire big pharma death machine is in full throttle and it wants to grind up humanity after raping its wealth.
"Reaped"? Perhaps a different word with one less letter is more precise and accurate.
Apologies to family mustiladae... A weaselbot fabrication of greed and hubris...