Is this an example of what the illegals plan to do when they come to the US? Is this how they

are going enrich our Country? There are NO words for this scum. Why are we bothering

with this rapist. Throw his aSS the hell out of our Country.

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we dont want them...many are not good people, some are good...this is not the immigrant of past...

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Sarabia sounds like a jihadi. Rape is the reward for jihad. Hopefully there is a strong prima facie case against him. If the evidence against Sarabia is even half as strong as the overwhelming evidence of criminality that the ICC prosecutor has painstakingly assembled n building the cases of war crimes and crimes against humanity against HAMAS and Netanyahu it will be a good thing.

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I hope it works out that way.

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If we through him out he'll continue to be evil

Maybe life in prison?

No matter what we do to this guy

More will.come,Lynn.

Since he came here with the purpose of rape in his mind,why not call him a terrorist?

Then give him the death penalty after his trial.

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Your last option, death penalty, is the only option that will make sure he never rapes again.

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Definitely death penalty is just.

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One sharp knife, some coal oil, one cut and a dash of oil on it and he will never rape or even have an erection ever again.

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I agree

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these people must be hung on the spot

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The objectives of these globalists, at least in this context, are twofold: population replacement and depopulation (through companies like Pfizer, Moderna, etc.).

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and harming us in getting there

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This is just a prelude of things to come no matter who wins the election. If 45 wins,will these people go home peacefully? No.

If Newsom or 46 wins we will all be disarmed and at the mercy of our replacements.

Then whom will we ask for help?

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if 45 wins, we have best chance, 'chance' that they will be going home...45 just stated it that he is sending them back...

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Yes Dr Paul, the problem now is that a lage number of these folks came here to fight. And thanks to Biden they are well armed.

I hope 45 will do his best

But we're going to see a lage amount of violence before we get these folks removed

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God helps those who help themselves.

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You better repent and pray

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Why would you wait till November to cleanse your parliaments of the traitors that allow and cause illegal encroachments to the American Republic.

Now is the time to start and complete a cleansing of all who knowingly commit treason against mankind.

Their courts and judges have no lawful jurisdiction to enforce their fake made up laws.

The Constitution does not embrace Admiralty Maritime law and courts and judiciary.

It is late but necessary to create Common Law Courts and jurisdiction and take the law into those hands.

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True fully.

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This is sickening, just disgusting.

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And this evil continues. They just keep pouring over the border, no one stopping them. Despicable.

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What’s happened to our military?

“We The People” must open our eyes and face reality. America has been and continues to be takeover! It’s as obvious as a 15 year olds “pimple” on the tip of their nose!

All “Patriotic” Military Leaders take an oath to uphold and abide by our “United States Constitution”, correct? Yes!

What’s happened to America’s Military? Specifically, our Military Leadership?

America is being invaded by foreign forces and foreign powers!

While the our military leaders watch and fail to protect our homeland!

It’s obvious they are not interested in protecting Americans! It’s obvious this “illegitimate administration” isn’t either! And it’s obvious, our congressional leadership isn’t interested as well! So what’s left?

Is this America? NO! I’m not sure what our country has become or what we can do! What do we call America today? Nor what, if anything, can “We The People” do?

Technically, America is and always has been a “Constitutional Republic”!

Not today! Our judiciary system is being made a mockery! From all angles this “witch hunt” being perpetrated on President Trump, is exactly why, America is a ship without steering and power, lost at sea!

Law fare is our new “Judicial Branch”! We’re being lead by a “Rogue Government”! And Congress is as complicit!

So what’s left? What’s left and what will become of America?

It’s seems apparent we’re on our own! Don’t look for help from this government or military or congress!

How can this happen so fast and without a single shot being fired?

How? With the amount of deliberate damage already done and a continued draining of resources, all I can say is

“God Help Us All”!

Nobody, no one can put the “genie” back in the bottle! Not Trump, Not anyone! If in fact I felt the situation America is in today, at this moment, was fixable, I’d be the first to sound the alarm!

But at this point, America is gone! Nobody can tell me I’m wrong!

We haven’t any military leaders stopping this border invasion! We haven’t an administration stopping this border invasion!

We haven’t Congress stopping this border invasion!

So what more needs to be said?

I rest my case!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Look what is happening in Sweden. Open borders. Theses crazies who have no intention of simulating will rape and murder because that is what they know. Their dominance is their driving force. And our own so called leaders permit this????

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Looks like project chaos, rape vans to destabilize the usa

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What about the millions of “Military Age Men” being ushered off and strategically positioned around America?

Yes the rapist and jihadist and criminal gang-bangers are absolutely an enormous problem!

They’re a distraction and an absolute DISGRACE!


And why isn’t anyone talking about this? How literally millions of military age men are being deployed around America?

This is Obama / Biden’s “Ace-In-The-Hole”! These men are not here to rape! They’re here to take down America from within!

This illegitimate administration / president has “turned the power”of the federal government against Americans! “We The People” are the target! We’re the enemy! Not the jihadist, terrorist and criminal gangs!

Not only is America being bankrupted deliberately, but our taxpayers dollars are funding our own takeover!

The “Jewish Federation” and “Catholic Charities” and the “Lutheran Charities” NGO’s all being funded hundreds of millions of dollars to facilitate our own destruction!

Not to mention the “child sex trafficking” abomination! And yes, Joe Biden is listed as a chairman! This is America’s BIGGEST THREAT!!

Look up and watch JJ Carroll explain. He spent 24 years working for DHS Border Security and has been documenting this “Treasonous” administration! He was on “Redacted” with Clayton Morris this morning!

“Redacted with Clayton Morris”. Clayton is a former Fox News Reporter / Journalist.

IMO and why I stopped watching any news whatsoever more than 15 years ago, was because we were and still are, being lied to about everything!

We need to watch the left hand while the right hand is speaking! Or to use the “iceberg” analogy, the rapist and jihadist and terrorist is only 20% of what we’re seeing.

It’s the 80% we don’t see, unless we look for it. The 80% we can’t see is America’s greatest threat!Encompassing the majority of “military age men”! Secretly being deployed around America!

Typically, I’ll write, “ I pray I’m wrong”,


May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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this is the issue we face with Biden and Obama and they have now placed us at risk. we have to punish these people...send them back.

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