Dr. Alexander you were right. mRNA 2.0 is coming. I just saw President Trump’s press conference and Larry Ellison speaks and says AI will revolutionize medicine. Cancer specifically. We will be able to custom make mRNA “vaccines” to fight specific types of cancer. First, I am very skeptical of AI in general and specifically as it relates to medical care. In my opinion, AI is no panacea. But when you listen to these people they think is like a savior for humanity. Actually, I think the opposite. It is a danger for humanity.

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I have no interest in AI and more mRNA is coming to transition from all vaccines. Malone and Bourla et al. know exactly what they did and have done to humanity...IMO killers. what they have planned with mRNA will devastate humanity...these beasts like Bancel et al. do not care for your kids or grand kids

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They don't care about those of us that are here now, either. The faster they can move, the better to them.

mrna 1.0 has already proven that it can devastate humanity, as in operation "warped" speed. Djt's baby.

We don't need no more proof. We dont care about no advancements.


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“IMO killers. what they have planned with mRNA will devastate humanity...these beasts like Bancel et al. do not care for your kids or grand kids”

If as you’ve said above and the part I cut and pasted explains everything.

I was hopeful RFK Jr. was trying to stop this deadly, flawed, antiquated technology, until such time all related issues had been resolved.

I guess not. This is why, IMO, this product has been dusted off and brought mainstream. Ultimately, over time with all so called vaccines utilizing mRNA, what these “Globalist” anticipate happening is a consistent death rate of “X” every year.

And with every new year and subsequent births, yearly flu shots, etc. they’ll have a manageable, controllable population! Sounds like the perfect plan, the “slow-boil-frog” analogy takes on an entirely new meaning.

From the mindset of the

“evil-Yuval’s-Schwab” etc. they will literally have their cake and eat it too!

And with such a “good-little-MSM” nobody will suspect a thing! This is, IMPion little brain, part of their end-game to end “humanity” while transhumanising, those new borns with their

“secret-recipe!” mRNA +Humans = their

“New World Order!

Oh it’ll be a New World, just not of this world!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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you raise some troubling points thank you AJR

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Dr Alexander I posted a video on my Substack homepage of an Australian Doctor speaking about the acceleration of “cancer” all cancers, and the proliferation of ALL CANCERS, due to these mRNA shots.

Some of this Dr’s patients were in remission for twenty years and boom, as you say, cancer has returned with a vengeance!

I believe this is one video everyone should watch! Especially with the rapid growth of cancer cases happening in younger adults 20-30 years old young!

Thank you again Dr Alexander.


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Yes I certainly do Dr. if Americans choose to look the other way, not face reality, bury their heads in the sand, so be it. I have dealt with yet another case of bad news yesterday. One of my clients partner has two weeks left on earth!

It’s not easy to find out another close friend, has given up the fight to survive. Pancreatic cancer has metastasized so rapidly that within 6 months all treatments failed!

Anger, understates ho effing mad I am! This Covid-Con-Job Bioweapon Attack has Claimed now 5 associates of mine! WTF? Am I the only one experiencing such death? I don’t think so.

Maybe many people seem to simply move on and chalk it up to “oh well he / she was old!” Old? Healthy 70-75 year olds, never sick, extremely active, cannot categorize in my mind as “old.”

This is the result once again of the deadliness’s of these “Bioweapon-Injections!”

I pray to God Americans realize, two years or three years ago doesn’t mean someone is clear and out of danger. The mechanism of injury can be instant or as I said, two, three or more years down the road.

Thank you Dr. this entire fraud this, DoD-CIA lead attack on humanity must be stopped! The flawed mRNA was chosen for a reason.

Maybe, just maybe this mRNA tech. is not so flawed, as we’ve been lead to believe?

Maybe this is exactly how this mRNA technology has been designed and we’re seeing it in action, on a massive scale, a worldwide scale, for the first time?

I’m beginning to believe what’s happened is exactly what I just said. This is exactly how this designed mRNA and all its repercussions are supposed to function? If so, this changes EVERYTHING!

Thank you again Dr. Now you understand why I, as you said:

“raise some troubling points.”

Thank you kindly Dr.


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Marcus C Martin posted earlier on your stack about my comments, the following:

"Look at this one Paul, i don't get it - Trump rescinded EO - Executive Order 14099 of May 9, 2023 (Moving Beyond COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Federal Workers)."


I could very well be wrong - I hope I am, I probably am - but it does indeed appear from a quick reading that Trump has reinstated EO - Executive Order 14043, which imposed vaccine mandates for federal workers.

Paul, is this correct? Has Trump brought back covid vaxx mandates?

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let me look at this

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47 was sold a raft of bullshit about the miracle of AI-when some of it’s procurers are now decrying it’s potential for misuse and harm to humanity

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Tis all the rage... all of a sudden! "Rebranding" the poison soup as a 'miracle cure' for cancer. Goes under the rubric of "personalized medicine." Be particularly grateful that billionaire philanthropists are watchful of the 'progress' being made ...

on a project which will 'revolutionize health care' in much the same manner as the NKVD /revolutionized/ Siberian health retreats for several 10s of millions of kulaks n non communists lucky nuff to be able to Relax n Enjoy the bracing climate - gratis!

AI medicine is a deadly scam which 'Soon Under the Bus 47' will be instructed to 'sign on every dotted line' for...

OH! Speakin of Siberian holidays n all - I believe that "Holey Land" for phony rightists of the fake conservative kind was 'knee deep' in the rebranding mRNA poison into miracle cures for the lucky citizen/serfs of that gangsta state as well! Say- didn't we have a thread about that here but little while ago... when Paul's sidekick/controller was sent back for another 'factory reset and our man was 'free at last' to talk bout stuff like dat?'

We prolly gonna be treated to another 'explosive entry' for Aisle 6 Code 7 'clean up'... in 3...2...1

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boom I report: "Tis all the rage... all of a sudden! "Rebranding" the poison soup as a 'miracle cure' for cancer. Goes under the rubric of "personalized medicine." Be particularly grateful that billionaire philanthropists are watchful of the 'progress' being made ..."

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they trying misdirection...slight of hand, we wont let them and POTUS Trump best understand this.

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I like "AI medicine is a deadly scam which 'Soon Under the Bus 47' will be instructed to 'sign on every dotted line' for..."

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so you go to doctor they do a DNA test then make a RNA vaccine on the spot for whatever it is. thats their plan

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"Personalized medicine focuses on tailoring medication to each patient's specific genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors.

By prioritizing the optimization of tumor response and minimizing therapy side effects, patient care and quality of life can be significantly improved."

The concept of personalized medicine (PM) has emerged as a prominent research area to succeed in traditional treatment. It helps in determining the pattern of disease from the perspective of the patient's history and is helpful in the creation of medical devices and drugs unique to the patient. It is transforming the provision of healthcare to individual patients[

For several medical practitioners, this paradigm shift will manifest as advancements in foreseeing illness, followed by preventative measures such as medicines, testing for diagnosis, and treatment, including delivering targeted drugs for specific genes. Based on the patient's condition history, stage of disease, and susceptibility to disease in a population, it is tedious to determine the diagnosis of a disease and precise treatment."

This bafflegab is totally dependant upon the dumbed down state of the targeted audience/victims... not only is there no 'paradigm shift whatsoever, the entire screed reads like a deliberate intent to mimic some honest re-appraisals of necessary changes to a broken health system . Prolly written with Ai guidance... sorta kinda like what drips outta the orifices of certain in house 'oracles' hereabouts.

"Shift" of peas in a shell tis what I smell.

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And just think when Wuhan gets finished sorting the “Ancestry.com & 24 &me”’DNA gene editing process, little Johnny and Sally at some point will hear their names called out over loudspeakers: please report to the Nurse’s office immediately with your “body-bags!”

This is how evil I can envision, how far the use of, this mRNA platform of injectables could / will, potentially become.

As cruel and evil as this may sound, what part of this

“DoD-CIA-OWS” lead

attack named Covid benefited humanity?

Correct! Not one damn part!

I have a myriad of mixed emotions about this entire “Game of Death” these “Globalist-Demons” have perpetuated upon the world, I wonder how they continue without anyone intervening?

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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This scam fits right into the cure for diseases scam. The medical industry does not want to cure anything. It goes completely against their interest. There is no real money to be made in cures only in continuous illnesses and largely ineffective approved protocol treatments.

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IF THEY really wanted to “cure” cancer THEY would stop using carcinogenics in our food, water.

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I'm learning they already know how to cure cancer. But it doesnt pay for mansions, second and third homes, yachts, a luxury lifestyle......

Everything is a hall of mirrors. We are being deceived on every front.

The ONE good thing is we're awake

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We may be awake, but not enlightened with truth, spiritual truth, John 3:16, the majority are being deceived.

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And all of those disorders and diseases have been noted to be showing up in unusually high numbers over the last 1-2 years? Coincidence? I don’t think so!

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Wakey Wakey... parade daze over!

Are we 'there' yet? You know... the moment when ya realize that you're being thrown some 'chum' to chow down pon... in your pond/cum/pen..

whilst the 'really BIG MEN get to workin up the BIG TOP production non stop.

$500 billion of taxpayer loot to fund the goosin up of the Ai extinction tech what be F-ELONS optima robot posse. That's sooooome kinda loot bag, for the guy what's supposedly gonna be 'cleanin up' gubberment waste! Clean in up indeed.


Man... I luvs me the smell of retards fryin in their own juices come mornin!

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I like this: "$500 billion of taxpayer loot to fund the goosin up of the Ai extinction tech what be F-ELONS optima robot posse. That's sooooome kinda loot bag, for the guy what's supposedly gonna be 'cleanin up' gubberment waste! Clean in up indeed.


Man... I luvs me the smell of retards fryin in their own juices come mornin!"

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Jus lookin to 'scare up' some signs o life Chief!

Awful quiet round here ain't it? Not that late in the day for folks to be out n aboot usual like.

Say... you don't suppose it might have sumpthin to do with that SHARK TANK tag team take down of your boy 'Sherlock' a post or two ago do ya?

Not the usual 'kindly bent to ease us' Doctor P what we used to see!

Man... that was some ugle shite ... musta cause a fright... mong the folks what came to believe ya.

Where be 'Manolo' anyhoo? I was spectin he'd be by with both buns blazin by now!

Young stud lik him wouldn'a tuckered hisself out with that usual explosion of angst n rage gainst his fellow 'anti-vax' friends now woulda he?

Folks wanna know if it's safe to come out now. Jus sayin. Hyde... meet Park. Don't go there afta dark!

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Seems that Trump is sold on that MNRA crap. This is scary stuff. I guess Money trumps all.

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seems but we will school him...getting ready

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I hope you check over that superman costume for moth holes man.

No good meeting up with the League of Assassins with your rig all achilles heeled n what not!

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Yes, likely his shares in mRNA and DNA stuff is deceiving him in profits. He might have done an autopsy requirment on his first wife and his sister. Did they die with Covid, or from Covid, or their Covid-19 jabs. He owes all of the USA the truth.

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Well, the HITS just keep coming! They’re on a roll! Finding Newer and more efficient ways to EXTERMINATE the populations!

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went the Legion of Doom.

Boys 'on a roll'

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Strange, they give a person cancer and then also give an alleged cure. What else will they do? What's up, Doc? AI has its own biases and untruths, even though given the truth, Sherri Tenpenny with GPT Chat session. It learned the truth and went back to the false narrative given to it. The 26-year-old man allegedly committed suicide when he had a conflict with the ethics of using trademark material.

In contrast, others turned a blind eye and utilized it anyway for profit without even giving credit to the creator of the trademark or patented copyright. Artificial intelligence has been dumbed down just like the rest of the humans. This cancer story has been ongoing since 1956 or even earlier. AI is not good for anyone right now, and they will want more venoms to kill with nRNA technology and the lies implanted, just like GPT chat. I don't want a copilot from Microsoft, either. If needed, I will take God as a copilot in case another human is not with me to fly. I'd be lucky to get a driver's or pilot's license to do those functions due to medical from TBI.

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We all understand the dangers of AI and it's integration into medicine. The logic of pouring billions into this research and development is to beat China at this technology. Or any other country. We all know the Chinese CP is trying to take us down. There must be serious ethical and financial oversight, which is something we cannot control in foreign hands.

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Good to know that "Lucky Larry" Ellison has 'got your back' there!

Shares of US-based technology company Oracle(hello Larry!) surged as much as 6.5% in late-afternoon trading following a CBS News report indicating that President Donald Trump plans to announce billions of dollars in private sector investment to expand America's artificial intelligence infrastructure.

Sources say OpenAI, Softbank, and Oracle will be part of the joint venture called "Stargate." The heads of the tech firms plan to invest $100 billion, then up to $500 billion over four years, in building AI infrastructure across the US.

Oversight appears to be in abundance... yup I'm seeing "ethics" and "financial control" written all over this thing.

Now then... whooose got a StrumpetCoin for sale? Whooose got tickets?

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"Trump rescinds Biden’s AI risk policies The new President revokes Biden’s AI safety order, sparking debate on innovation and regulation "-

probably the ONLY thing in the entire four year disaster that was somewhat 'well intentioned' from the point of view of you 'citizen serfs' ...

what say we celebrate with ANOTHER PARADE/// this time to express thanks and delight for the remaining time in which to live before FELON & Friends perfect that robotic 'catch n kill' tech which they are workin on at 'breakneck' speed to have ready for Warp's "Beautiful Digital Currency" jab... all the more 'needlin' to folks for as he's 'neck deep' in the trough right outta the gate - via $Trumpetcoin. ... Already 50 billion ahead according to news reports.

Remember when "insider trading" was still "a thing?"

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