NanoGraphi nanotubes (Graphene Oxide) are in all of the vaccines - Google: NanoGraphi - the theory is that when a vaccinated body is hit within a specific signal range within 5G, it wipes out the mind and the previously trans human (after vaccines no longer human and all human rights are lost - refer Thomas Renz in the US for that one), is now controlled by a computer using their vaccine installed MAC address which you can find with an Android 5 iPhone looking for Bluetooth iPhone's nearby - a good way to see if it is working OK is to bring down the occasional plane, no traces to tell if the US Department Of Defense who ordered and paid for the vaccines had a hand in the loss of that aircraft, is there - or if the people represented any threat to the US Government

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Friend's 51 year old niece died unexpectedly. She worked for Sharp Healthcare, per FB, which mandated vaxxes.


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In general terms, what has been the social and religious disposition of all those who have suddenly died? Are the deaths purely random or is there some kind of bias?

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The vaccine deaths in Kentucky, a red state, is 20000 times higher percentage wise than California.

It does appear Conservatives and MAGA were attacked.

Naomi Wolf has reported this and a few others. The Breggins.

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At the very least Malone KNEW the jab would NOT STAY in the arm, as he knew putting the mRNA in a lipid capsule would go to ANY part of the body. THAT was his intent to use this "gene therapy" to correct genetic abnormalities and possibly reduce cancer by targeting specific cells in the body. Not to mention his knowledge of Lipid nanoparticles that were known to be dangerous. His SILENCE in the critical roll out phase speaks LOUDLY!

As an analogy it is much closer to Mr Remmington inventing the repeating rifle as a paintball gun (knowing full well other more deadly types of projectiles could be used) and saying it is 'safe and effective' NOT mentioning to the public his knowledge of using other projectiles and those possible consequences.

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All of those scum are busy colluding with gates, WHO, the UN and CDC about getting the next fake pandemic started as dictated by the DoD and HHS.

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Paul Alexander,why do you continue to name Robert Malone along with the likes of Fauci?

It’s easy to want to prosecute Fauci as he drove the use of the deadly technology.

Malone, on the other hand was the inventor. How could he have controlled it’s abuse?

Prosecuting him would be like prosecuting Enrico Fermi for running the first controlled nuclear fission reaction in the 1940’s

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A Pathologist autopsy will show if postvax is COD.

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