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I share all your views on this but have to disagree on your issue with "THE Inventor" of mRNA technology. From the patents, it is pretty clear who the original inventors were, and Dr Malone (who you know much more intimately than I do), has talked many times about the invention process all those years ago. It was always first and foremost an idea around cancer therapy, that was the inspiration for it. We all well know what the issue was with uridine and why Dr Malone ended up dropping future attempts at the technology. He never intended it for a viral vaccine. It was, however, the basis for evil people to literally steal the technology, by replacing the uridine with pseudouridine, in order to claim a "new invention" and to use it in an application that it was never meant for. It is 100% clear what the agenda has been and how they took what was a novel scientific idea for a specific purpose, and weaponized it for a totally different purpose. There are too many things that needed to happen for this to be anything but a planned assault on the population by global governments. How many inventions have we seen throughout history where the original purpose turned out to not be the widely adopted use? This is no different. And as to the question as to how to undo it, I think it is quite clear that the original inventors did not envision the technology for this purpose and do not have the answers to this. In fact, I would say that it isn't reversible. Spike proteins were not envisioned for injection into the cancer patients, so how would the original inventors have any answer for that? I greatly appreciate all that you do, all the information you provide, etc. But in my opinion, your energies are wasted in going after Dr Malone and/or suggesting he may not be the original inventor. The answer is in no way going to reside with the original inventor(s), given how this technology was bastardized for evil purposes.

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The most telling part of Dr. Malone’s actions is that he himself took the jab. If he was knowledgeable about the dangers, as implied above, he never would have let himself be injected. He’s been nothing but a crusader against it once he saw the devastating results.

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Yes agreed, but I always wondered, knowing what he knows, why he wasn't suspect enough to not take it (I put that in context of the fact that when I heard in July 2020 from Dr Oskoui on Laura Ingraham's show that it was mRNA based, and I said no way I am taking it). I had seen his interviews where he said his livelihood would be gone as he needed to be able to travel abroad or lose all income. I get that but still just a question remained in my head.... this was about his life and health as well. Then a few months ago, he spent more time on it and he mentioned that he has known P Marks for a long time and thought he could trust him. He called him to discuss the shot, the trial data, etc. And in no uncertain terms, he said Peter bold-face lied to him about all of what he asked. Fabricated all sorts of info. In light of his predicament, I finally understood his decision. An impossible situation for him, as well as the millions who were literally forced to take it. Frankly, I am shocked that employees didn't ban together and refuse, but it appears almost all were drunk with the Kool-Aid. Probably the most shocking was the willingness of college kids to take it for no reason, had they have banded together, the colleges would have folded in a week. It's all tragic.

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I'm deeply concerned about the college kids. Programmed sheep. Eager to be led. I was a kid in the 60's. Little kid. I remember 'always question the man' and 'don't trust anyone over 30'. I know that it was leftist in its origins but so much healthier than now.Education should stimulate inquiry, not quash it. The earliest moment possible we the freedom camp has to channel all our energy toward the rot in education. Or they'll be nothing to fight for

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It’s a bit of a head scratcher for me too. I’m just an average person but I could see the slipshod job they did with the jab. I guess he just put his trust in the wrong person.

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nope ... dont buy it... he remained silent farrrrr toooo long , WHILE HE WAS COLLECTING BIG PHARMA CHEQUES.

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if you believe he took the jab ... wow there are more fools than i ever would have believed....

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Doesn’t matter if he took it or not as he’s been outspoken against them since May 2021, only 5 months in and that was when the government started pushing them hard on younger cohorts

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I agree with you and am apalled. There is a difference between justice and vengeance. God is in charge of repayment. Agape

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