Seems like the investors are starting to ask the right questions. Moderna stock is in free fall dropping 20% in past week.

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Should be zero, all assets stripped to repay family members who have lost a loved one, or individuals injured by the toxin.

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Moderna started out as the chemical division of IG Farben. Guess they didn't want to use the name Schindlers List Vax Co.

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I share all your views on this but have to disagree on your issue with "THE Inventor" of mRNA technology. From the patents, it is pretty clear who the original inventors were, and Dr Malone (who you know much more intimately than I do), has talked many times about the invention process all those years ago. It was always first and foremost an idea around cancer therapy, that was the inspiration for it. We all well know what the issue was with uridine and why Dr Malone ended up dropping future attempts at the technology. He never intended it for a viral vaccine. It was, however, the basis for evil people to literally steal the technology, by replacing the uridine with pseudouridine, in order to claim a "new invention" and to use it in an application that it was never meant for. It is 100% clear what the agenda has been and how they took what was a novel scientific idea for a specific purpose, and weaponized it for a totally different purpose. There are too many things that needed to happen for this to be anything but a planned assault on the population by global governments. How many inventions have we seen throughout history where the original purpose turned out to not be the widely adopted use? This is no different. And as to the question as to how to undo it, I think it is quite clear that the original inventors did not envision the technology for this purpose and do not have the answers to this. In fact, I would say that it isn't reversible. Spike proteins were not envisioned for injection into the cancer patients, so how would the original inventors have any answer for that? I greatly appreciate all that you do, all the information you provide, etc. But in my opinion, your energies are wasted in going after Dr Malone and/or suggesting he may not be the original inventor. The answer is in no way going to reside with the original inventor(s), given how this technology was bastardized for evil purposes.

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The most telling part of Dr. Malone’s actions is that he himself took the jab. If he was knowledgeable about the dangers, as implied above, he never would have let himself be injected. He’s been nothing but a crusader against it once he saw the devastating results.

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Yes agreed, but I always wondered, knowing what he knows, why he wasn't suspect enough to not take it (I put that in context of the fact that when I heard in July 2020 from Dr Oskoui on Laura Ingraham's show that it was mRNA based, and I said no way I am taking it). I had seen his interviews where he said his livelihood would be gone as he needed to be able to travel abroad or lose all income. I get that but still just a question remained in my head.... this was about his life and health as well. Then a few months ago, he spent more time on it and he mentioned that he has known P Marks for a long time and thought he could trust him. He called him to discuss the shot, the trial data, etc. And in no uncertain terms, he said Peter bold-face lied to him about all of what he asked. Fabricated all sorts of info. In light of his predicament, I finally understood his decision. An impossible situation for him, as well as the millions who were literally forced to take it. Frankly, I am shocked that employees didn't ban together and refuse, but it appears almost all were drunk with the Kool-Aid. Probably the most shocking was the willingness of college kids to take it for no reason, had they have banded together, the colleges would have folded in a week. It's all tragic.

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I'm deeply concerned about the college kids. Programmed sheep. Eager to be led. I was a kid in the 60's. Little kid. I remember 'always question the man' and 'don't trust anyone over 30'. I know that it was leftist in its origins but so much healthier than now.Education should stimulate inquiry, not quash it. The earliest moment possible we the freedom camp has to channel all our energy toward the rot in education. Or they'll be nothing to fight for

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It’s a bit of a head scratcher for me too. I’m just an average person but I could see the slipshod job they did with the jab. I guess he just put his trust in the wrong person.

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nope ... dont buy it... he remained silent farrrrr toooo long , WHILE HE WAS COLLECTING BIG PHARMA CHEQUES.

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if you believe he took the jab ... wow there are more fools than i ever would have believed....

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Doesn’t matter if he took it or not as he’s been outspoken against them since May 2021, only 5 months in and that was when the government started pushing them hard on younger cohorts

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I agree with you and am apalled. There is a difference between justice and vengeance. God is in charge of repayment. Agape

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I'm with you all the way on this, Dr. Alexander.

You are likely aware of the following information that supports your accusations, where the two original Turkish-German BioNTech scientists state outright that the nMRA was intended to be distributed widely in the body. But perhaps your readers have not seen this:


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thank you for sharing, I wrote for Brownstone but so busy cant keep up reading it all. grateful.

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My pleasure to contribute.

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global genocide, the greatest of all time, planned, coordinated, and executed with depraved indifference & utter impunity

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It's gynocide.

Women are prioritised for extermination because their loss is more devastating to efforts at repopulation.

That's why historically women were not conscripted to fight wars.

Each pregnancy results in a woman being out of action for an average of nine months plus recovery time before she can reproduce again.

A man's contribution to the reproduction may be nine minutes, less if they are a RINO or a Dem.

Plus the woman will likely also be more involved in the childrearing. A man can inseminate multiple women, all day long, into their 90s.

A woman has a limited number of menstrual cycles and eggs.

The loss of a woman is far more devastating for the species and society.

Men are more easily replaced.

Repopulation is slow and difficult if there is a small number of women.

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Less than nine minutes or a dem. Priceless!

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I was referring to those Dems whose erectile dysfunction is not so severe that they are entirely unable to obtain and maintain a sufficient erections and whose premature ejaculation occurs after rather than before penetration Marilyn.

Obviously they do exist because their ideology is partly heritable and the number of Dems in the population is, to a marked degree, surplus to requirements.

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Ewwwww. Do you think this is our newly imported countrymen or established dems? Here in the Midwest the beautiful people (high dollar leftists) typically have 1 token child or none. The large robust families may start out as left but they figure it out. Some of this is leftover from the glory days of the labor unions. The unions just like our 'elected' rulers have no regard for their constituents. I'm not pro or anti union with the notable exception of the demonic teachers union. My dear departed father born in the depression was never union. But he felt that the unions saved the US from communism. The brutal realities of life under the robber barons primed the populace for communism. Now they are off the rails just like government. But really don't the dems know that reproducing will harm the environment? The brain trust led by AOC says so.....

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One Dem or RINO is too many. Yes they have figured out that reproducing will harm the environment. The cult of climate change hysteria is what drives the cult of coerced mass vaccination salvation hysteria. They want to depopulate the planet to reduce emissions to save it from climate change. In Africa, people don't take the jabs. They're depopulatingbthe US and other Western nations.

What they haven't figured out is they're depopulatingbthe primarily themselves. People who have a brain don't take the shots. Dems and RINOs do. The unions might have saved the US from communism a long time ago but times have changed. Russia is conservative and Christian and against same sex marriage, child transgenderism and paedophilia. The US is communist, favours same sex marriage, child transgenderism and paedophilia and exports these values and communism to the world.

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Must call them by name, the Weissman and Karikó patent holders, the Baric and Liebermans of the world. In this brief biopic of Karikó, you can follow this current mRNA poison (venoms) from UPenn to Moderna to DoD/BARDA, the real show in town. Of course, done under the guidance of the WEF/Bildergerg/Trilateral round tops, the Pirthbrights/Red Sheilds above them, Crown/Black Pope above and the Black Nobility bloodlines. Nothing new about the top of the pyramid with this round of human extinction.


Love you and your work, Paul. God Bless you. Say their names, say it’s the government, don’t be muzzled by the vipers in our own den. There are the misdirection agents, the limited hang-outs and worst of all, the gatekeepers. If they are calling this anything less than DEMOCIDE, if they are painting anything as mistakes made versus purposeful culling, they are a fool, or a paid shill. Go with the armor of God, do not be muzzled!

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Daniel you're GOOD

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And yes, you can speed up the process with more boosters.

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I have concluded that the answer to the "why" is key. Bill Gates is a depopulationist. The Event 201 hosted by Gates prior to SARS-CoV-2 rollout was to get the eugenicist's on the same page globally. The fact that Fauc, Berx, Daszak, the CDC, FDA, State Department, Biden, etc promoted and mandated taking the bioweapon tells me everything I need to know. These people are monsters, deceivers, murderers.

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Dear Bill. A little off topic but not. This BRICS liaison is a group of countries (Brazil Russia China Saudi Arabia) that is ready to execute the US petrodollar and end the dollar as the world's default currency. BRICS is already backed by gold. Would put us in a depression. We'd default. Anyway a reporter was questioning why India had thrown in with them. I believe 2 reasons. Monsanto and Bill Gates have both romped about India like rogue death squads. To the people of India that's us. Even though it's not. I've been screaming about Gates not being a doctor. He's more useful to the Demons of Davos as a lay person. A medical board or association could reign him in ( theoretically). As a lay person Big medical/ pharma can say 'not our problem'. So horribly clever. The damage from this will unfold for decades. Sidenote: some financial experts believe that if BRICS goes live Yellen will use that as her excuse to force CBDC. To help us......I'm appealing to heaven

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Marilyn, I think you are correct in your analysis, except my understanding of the acronym "BRICS" is that the founding countries of this monetary alliance, set up with the express purpose of ending the US Dollars time as global reserve trading currency and that the acronynm comes from...





South Africa


See https://infobrics.org/page/history-of-brics/

Absolutely the Indians are quite rightly furious at what Bill Gates and Monsanto have done to the health their people, in particular small farmers, and by extension their economy. We should all be furious... I am, Gates and Monsanto have inflicted their poison globally

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Thank you Marty. That's why I enjoy this process. I learn. South Africa makes alot of sense. After the kabuki theater of the IG Farben Nuremberg trials Eugen Schwab ( Klaus' daddy-o) returned to his facilities in South Africa and ramped up Apartheid. If the elite don't have people to inflict misery on they can't handle it. While still at the bedside in Covlandia I had a patient whose daughter was an executive with Bayer. She was trying to let me know her daughter was more 'successful ' than a lowly nurse. I commented that I was surprised Bayer bought Monsanto. I asked if that wasn't buying the litigation as well. Elite Mom wasn't having that. She said the problem with Round up is 'people aren't reading the instructions'. Then I asked ' is that what happened in Vietnam? The guys in the choppers stripped to the waist in the heat shoveling agent orange out the door? They didn't read the instructions?'. That wasn't well received. She fired me. Asked the floor charge nurse for a replacement. Made my day. Note: I was very polite to her. I provided excellent care. Too many vets in my family. She struck a nerve

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And thank you for your civility Marilyn. My first visit to this site. I offer my information coming from a place of knowing there are people out there looking to discredit your whole point if you are 95% right but miss a minor detail like what SA meant.

I offered the info anyway and joy joy, you appreciated it. Very refreshing.

Loved your story nurse story. Speaking truth to perceived power, when the power comes only from their place in the financial heirarchy, a corrupt system set up for the purpose of debt slavery. Being a good person has nothing to do with money and everything to do with love.

Thank you for educating me on Mr Schwab senior. I wonder how you or I would behave if born into a similar position as cute little baby Klaus? It is not hard to imagine him as a baby even today. All babies pretty much start out as a blank slate and get shaped by their physical and social environment. That's why school is compulsory, to program you to do as you are told and not question authority.

With regards to the Covid scamdemic/plandemic not questioning authority is fatal. So good to be able to share on sites like this one.

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Your welcome Marty. These discussions are like a long cold drink after a hot day. I enjoy learning. What you said about not questioning authority...it saddens me that so many especially younger people just accept what's presented. We've been equipped with strong minds and free will. About Klaus...not many people have had his opportunities in life. Where he's lived. Where he's been educated. Klaus is responsible for his actions. Sure he started out as a beautiful baby. He could have chosen a different path. He still could.

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I believe one cannot blame the “inventors” of a process or technology which they never intended for the use to which it was subverted.

We should and must blame the takers, the subverted and the appropriators who used a discovery for a completely different outcome.

Dr Malone has said since the beginning that mRNA was used prematurely and inappropriately for a viral vaccine. Place the blame where it belongs. The Pharma and govt entities who used it as they did.

Otherwise worldwide research into EVERYTHING will be stopped, slowed, or worse, go underground. No one can always with complete accuracy predict the uses to which any research will be put down the road, but we don’t want research to stop. And that will be an outcome if we go to the extent you wish in order to assign blame.

The subvertors, the ones who monetized and mandated use of the discovery must hang or lose everything and spend life in prison must be held to account.

And also the ones who silenced the doctors and others who tried to get the truth out but were silenced.

And who will repay the taxpayers whose money was used without their consent to propagate evil? Or would you blame them, too?

I don’t mean to be harsh, Dr Alexander. I admire your work and your Substack greatly. Please, don’t go off the rails to blame the researchers who didn’t even develop mRNA tech for the uses to which it was put, against their advice.

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Please don't forget the death of the young man several years ago who agreed to be a test subject (guinea pig, lab rat) for an mRNA shot developed to cure him of the rare (I believe?) disease he suffered from. He DIED from that mRNA experiment. When I learned the novel covid shot was an mRNA shot, I immediately thought of that young man and knew I'd NEVER agree to ANY medical procedure that hijacked the natural genetic processes of my metabolism. It was always a big GAMBLE, and ADMITTEDLY EXPERIMENTAL. I cannot understand how any reasonably well-educated, well-informed person fell for the lies about the covid shot.

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I have wondered for some time now why Malone hasn't been working on a way to help reverse the mRNA technology to save lives. I know he's taken allot of hell because people blame him but he invented it many years ago and then evil people manipulated it to harm the world. I am extremely sad over all the death and maiming, especially the babies, they're innocent and they had no choice. It's as if people collectively lose their free will all at the same time, like robots they listened to the media, TV doctors and the government, never questioning anything. I pray everyday for this to end and I spread the truth wherever I can.

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Totally agree with you Dr Paul Alexander. Start building the gallows. One set in every city of the world.

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Dr Malone knew but kept silent! He only spoke up to save himself! Too late Malone your guilty and too little too late won’t save you now!

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Pamela take your hand off it. You'll go blind.

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Rupert Sayre -- The associate of The Shadow:

This is an update. I watched the rest of the video. There are more objects reported here that I've seen in the vaxxed and unvaxxed. My notes are below.



Stew Peters Network

Streamed on: Feb 17, 8:00 pm EST

Uncensored: Shimon Yanowitz - NEW! Nanotech in Injected People is SPREADING!

47:42-48:36. A folded, twisted, curved long tube... of Carbon and Oxygen shown by electromicroscopy, spectroscopy. This is probably Graphene Oxide. A graphene oxide ribbon. (It's similar to what I'm seeing in the microscope -- particularly the tubes that twisted and curled.)

50:00-51:50. Ribbons, tubes and chips found in the blood of jabbed people. I've seen these in the Pfizer Covid Injected Man. These ribbons self-assemble from the hydrogel. These ribbons are too large to exit a capillary finger prick. Self-assembly from hydrogel.

52:11-53:30. A long thin pointed tube. Synthetic worms. This is exactly what I've seen in the vaxxed blood. Self-assembling chips and tubes.

54:04-54:10. A ribbon. This is exactly what I've seen the in the vaxxed and unvaxxed blood.

54:11-54:20. More tubes/ribbons. Self-assembling.

55:51. A huge mass composed of two long thin twisting tubes. This is exactly what I've seen in the vaxxed blood.

From saliva. Saliva is a hydrogel composed of salts, lipids and proteins. It suggests these forms are compatible.

58:35-59:19 (exactly the same) - . A mass of tubes and rocks. This is exactly what I've seen in the vaxxed. He says, this is a typical self-assembled graphene oxide ribbon. He says, shedding causes these things to reach the unjabbed. This mass is not typical to saliva. The dendrites are common to saliva.

Hydrogel is compatible with saliva. This all contributes to shedding.

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Is there any remediation possible?

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I, too, want Nuremberg type trials. And how I’d love to be a Juror.

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There were only 17 executions at Nuremburg. Operation Paperclip imported the rest to America and similarly to the USSR.

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"These bitches are at war with us"

No, no. Do not disrespect dogs like that. Dogs are fabulous animals, and female dogs (bitches) are just as fabulous as male dogs (who somehow don't get their own title).

And if you knew dogs, you would know that the bitch directs the whole show. So, when you call someone a bitch, you are acknowledging that they are in charge. Making something "your bitch" is putting that something in charge of yourself, not the other way around!

So, no. Just, no. Leave that word where it belongs: identification of a dog's gender, when relevant.

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Hey Awakenotwoke. Do you know how to photoshop? I don't. That photo of AOC in the white gown with red letters 'Tax the Rich' on it? Needs to have 'waitresses' added . Her toddleresque meltdowns amuse me

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