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Marilyn, I think you are correct in your analysis, except my understanding of the acronym "BRICS" is that the founding countries of this monetary alliance, set up with the express purpose of ending the US Dollars time as global reserve trading currency and that the acronynm comes from...





South Africa


See https://infobrics.org/page/history-of-brics/

Absolutely the Indians are quite rightly furious at what Bill Gates and Monsanto have done to the health their people, in particular small farmers, and by extension their economy. We should all be furious... I am, Gates and Monsanto have inflicted their poison globally

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Thank you Marty. That's why I enjoy this process. I learn. South Africa makes alot of sense. After the kabuki theater of the IG Farben Nuremberg trials Eugen Schwab ( Klaus' daddy-o) returned to his facilities in South Africa and ramped up Apartheid. If the elite don't have people to inflict misery on they can't handle it. While still at the bedside in Covlandia I had a patient whose daughter was an executive with Bayer. She was trying to let me know her daughter was more 'successful ' than a lowly nurse. I commented that I was surprised Bayer bought Monsanto. I asked if that wasn't buying the litigation as well. Elite Mom wasn't having that. She said the problem with Round up is 'people aren't reading the instructions'. Then I asked ' is that what happened in Vietnam? The guys in the choppers stripped to the waist in the heat shoveling agent orange out the door? They didn't read the instructions?'. That wasn't well received. She fired me. Asked the floor charge nurse for a replacement. Made my day. Note: I was very polite to her. I provided excellent care. Too many vets in my family. She struck a nerve

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And thank you for your civility Marilyn. My first visit to this site. I offer my information coming from a place of knowing there are people out there looking to discredit your whole point if you are 95% right but miss a minor detail like what SA meant.

I offered the info anyway and joy joy, you appreciated it. Very refreshing.

Loved your story nurse story. Speaking truth to perceived power, when the power comes only from their place in the financial heirarchy, a corrupt system set up for the purpose of debt slavery. Being a good person has nothing to do with money and everything to do with love.

Thank you for educating me on Mr Schwab senior. I wonder how you or I would behave if born into a similar position as cute little baby Klaus? It is not hard to imagine him as a baby even today. All babies pretty much start out as a blank slate and get shaped by their physical and social environment. That's why school is compulsory, to program you to do as you are told and not question authority.

With regards to the Covid scamdemic/plandemic not questioning authority is fatal. So good to be able to share on sites like this one.

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Your welcome Marty. These discussions are like a long cold drink after a hot day. I enjoy learning. What you said about not questioning authority...it saddens me that so many especially younger people just accept what's presented. We've been equipped with strong minds and free will. About Klaus...not many people have had his opportunities in life. Where he's lived. Where he's been educated. Klaus is responsible for his actions. Sure he started out as a beautiful baby. He could have chosen a different path. He still could.

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