Does she have the guts to tell Trump to his face how wrong he is about the clot shots???

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Unfortunately, it's NOT. We are only one vote away from losing the House Majority. Do you want

Muslim Hakeem to become Speaker. No matter who they would vote in as Speaker, they would be

no different. It's all Kabuki Theatre. The taxpayers always lose.

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Yes, get rid of him!

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She has proven herself in many things--stuck her neck way out there.

I think Mike Johnson is a fake.

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"Spare the rod, spoil the child'.

MTG does not spare the ride.

There's zero accountability in D.C. or elsewhere when politicians are involved, unless a particular politician refuses to do the bidding of others. Then and only then are the held accountable. For example, Nancy Pelosi's son, Paul, an unindicted serial criminal, just got let off the hook for mail fraud and money laundering scheme that he was implicated in by actual hard evidence , enough to put you or me away for years.

Zero accountability & zero consequences encourages more corruption. Along string of supposed conservative Speakers of the House behave as if are not accountable to their constituents, the country, or their fellow members. MTG seems to be, other than Matt Gaetz, the only member of The House that has the courage to stand up for and act on what's right, not just pay it lip service.

-As a side note, if she were my neighbor when I was a kid, I'd have been too terrified of her to even look in her direction.

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Nobody really understands politics without first reading this:

Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):


Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller (finest quotes):


Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard: how the world REALLY works


Attali illuminati (“finest” quotes)


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He knew going in what was acceptable. I think he is a very fine person, so good Thai wonder if he didn’t throw himself on his own petard….. who wants that job???? Republicans can’t win until they stick together, the rhino’s are destroying the Republic

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Still time to make Trump Speaker of the House until he becomes President. As long as he fights back against the mRNA use.

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When will people learn that the GOP is a joke? Did anybody really, truly believe that removing McCarthy as House Speaker would change things?

The uniparty is in total control. And now we have another GOP House Rep. not running for re-election. The GOP majority (for what it's worth) is dwindling. Throw in the RINOs, and it's pretty much gone.

I hope I'm wrong, but even if Trump were to win back the presidency, I fear the Dems will control both houses of Congress.

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US politics has become OBSOLETE. They sold most of the American People's opportunities so now they are nothing but SELF SERVANTS. They deserve to be buried in their own BULLSHIT.

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Amen Brother!

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