Naomi Wolf makes the general point in her book "The Bodies of Others" that most of the people alive today have spent their time on earth wearing rose colored glasses, living in a time when the respect of human rights was growing, and people basically believe in the goodness of others. Those who haven't lived through times of evil and terror are loath to name it when it rises up because they can't recognize it for what it is. But Wolf's point is that it is there and always has been. People do horrible things to one another, always have and always will. A failure to understand and acknowledge that only emboldens evil; it thrives by masquerading as something else. Covid shots masquerade as safe and effective. Fraudulent elections masquerade as the most secure in history. Men masquerade as female athletes and tell skeptics they are haters to question it. The shots slaughter and maim countless people and those pointing out the obvious are threatened for spreading "mis-information. Wolf is right, there is a deep level of evil and it has arisen and imposed itself upon all of us.

I hope people can recognize and seize the opportunity to find and re-connect to their misplaced humanity.

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Man's inhumanity to man. On all levels. It's beyond philosophical. And engages those who do, as well as those who don't, "wear rose-colored glass" or "lived through evil and terror"

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These are deeply disturbing old images and yes, war is hell and man's inhumanity to man is absolutely appalling. I think a lot of us have learned the hard way to be more skeptical about the supposed history we are presented with. We all know that history is written by the victors. Japan and Germany lost so they are supposed to be not just the villains but the ONLY villains now. According to these stories the winners did get the satisfaction of hanging a few bad guys, so there's that. We are presently right in the middle of a new type of war. Modern warfare and modern atrocities are just as hideous but more technological, sanitized and more well hidden. Have you ever heard about the people of Iraq who are still suffering the effects of America's uranium bombs? Have you heard whether or not they've shipped these type of bombs to Ukraine yet? Have you ever seen what abortion does to a small child? (60 million and counting just in the USA), billions world wide. If you got the photos, videos or the piles of little corpses you might want to do something about that. If you could gather up ALL of the millions of covid injection victims or maybe the elderly murdered in care homes in the name of covid and hear their stories you might want to do something about that. Doctors are literally making a killing performing so called 'gender reassignment' surgeries on minors. I agree Dr. Alexander that we must never forget but I also don't have the energy to dig up the past and try to do anything about that. I think we need to focus on the present war against humanity which is taking place as we speak. I also think never forgetting means to be aware of the existence of evil. Malevolence comes in so many different forms. We need to be aware and awake to this basic truth and resist it in all it's forms.

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The Holodomor was real. jewish Bolsheviks starved nearly 10M Kulaks and Ukrainian innocents to death. jewish Communism went on to kill 200M in just the 20th century, now they are at it again with Convid and endless wars in the 21st century.

And yet, all you can do is kvetch about fantasies fed to you by the lying jewish media you otherwise distrust? Makes no sense.

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I have written about the Hoodomor, go back and find it and read it before you write this...read my work fully.

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Dr. Paul, you responded; however, you removed the ability to reply to your comment. An over-site, no doubt. Obviously I find you to be a man of integrity, and I appreciate the dangers and powers you faced over the past few years. The Holocaust (Holohoax) Narrative is their greatest and most invested lie, more than even Convid. They are great storytellers, and most decent humans, when fed this Loxism, could not conceive any group would lie about such a perceived horror. But, it is 100% fabrication. Why else would laws exist, only against one such "genocide" in human history, making it illegal to research or refute them? Does the truth need laws to protect it? No, only lies do.

Hail Victory. Hail Truth.

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Why does every disaster grow in numbers every time you repeat the story. Holo used to be 1-2 million, then 4, 6, 10....100m,150, do I hear 250?sold...

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175,000, mostly from typhus, and then the breakdown of food supply lines in 1944/45. 3000+ children were born at Auschwitz. They had swimming pools, music halls, maternity wards. Trust me, IF the Germans wanted to execute 6M people, there would have been super oven tech created. It was physically impossible to incinerate that many bodies in the 1940's, it is impossible today. And, no mass graves or human ashes were ever discovered. Zyklon-B was a delousing agent. One only need look at some great Hollywood movies, to understand the ability to tell stories. https://twitter.com/i/status/1478077074233561107

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Lies tend to change as subsequent generations mimic and morph them. The group that won WW II, just happened to own The West's media and banking nucleus. And, the reports from "the camps" in 1945/1946, were from the USSR. Which was just about to execute Stalin, for finally understanding the evil of the jews who ruled him. ALL of the major hoaxes that have shaped our lives in the USA, Patton's death, James Forrestal "jumping" from a VA hospital top floor window, the assassination of JFK, the 1965 Hart Cellar Immigration Act, 9/11, absurd wars in Iraq/Afghanistan, millions flooding in under Bush II, the 2008 "banking" crisis, Convid, and our currently open borders...all pushed, financed and orchestrated by jews.

Whites in the US had best wake up, what is done to South African white farmers (hacked by blacks with machetes) is coming here. You think the drag queens are a danger, again, all LGBTQ++++++ and transgenderism is jewish. We are not a "judeo-Christian" nation, and diversity is not our strength. Our FBI is Mossad controlled, and quite Leftist. We are living in a Leftist occupied nation. jews push the Leftist narrative, and have likely moved too quickly. Winning begins with naming the enemy.

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I have been to Alcatraz it’s not big enough for all the Covid criminals, the only place big enough and nasty enough is Siberia. Maybe we could purchase a prison left over from the Stalin era

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Me too. How did you feel locked in a cage with strangers when the lights went out?

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Those are fabricated pictures??? Everybody should look for evidence that how the Japanese and the Chinese dressed at the time, how soldiers were equipped, watch documentaries and movies of counter evidence, etc., rather than just believe what's presented by one side.

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Well said.

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Do you have any links to support this?

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This is the go-to link for a Japanese "revisionist" take on history. Lots to explore here.


You will find a debunking (and I think it is a fair debunking) of claims that the photos posted above are authentic. In almost all cases they appear to me to be fabrications or misrepresentations, put out in the timeless spirit of war propaganda. But judge for yourselves. I wasn't there.

The subject of Japanese atrocities in China is huge and one would need to read sources with different perspectives and views as deeply as many of us are reading about COVID and the jabs in order to get a real grasp of the facts. I can't claim that I have done that. But just reading Iris Chang and thinking you know the truth is not going to cut it.

For the photographic evidence, I would start here. It may be partial or total BS, but in that case it is persuasive BS. It should only take a couple of hours of your time, and you will never look at war propaganda photos in quite the same way again.



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Thank you very much.

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I think the best place to find info in English is Twitter. Some have pointed details in English. There are many sites and books in Japanese, but I don't believe any in its entirety is translated (I could be wrong).

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I found this which is a long read but it certainly supports the case that all is not at all clear cut.


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If you had Chinese ancestors who fled the Japanese like mine did, listened to their accounts, you would know that it is true. So in this case, the “one side” presented is true. Like it or not.

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I’ve done business in china for twelve years or so. The Chinese remember. I wouldn’t want to be Japanese if China decides to take over.

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And China's barbarity would be no less than Japan's.

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Agreed Marlene, They just "ended" a barbaric lockdown of Shanghai, with people kept in their homes like rats, unable to leave, shop, work or even go for a run. All this nearly 3 years in to an obvious scamdemic! As a freedom loving Westerner, I know I would have left my home, and been killed by CCP thugs in hazmat suits.

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You're right about everything. When we talk about man's inhumanity to man, it isn't just the world leaders or their military order followers, it's also the people as well, whether free or not (as your last sentence implied). .

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Humanity has evil in every century. It's unspeakable the crimes that have been shown in the pictures above (I've read about the Japanese atrocities in Asia, and to prisoners of war). They were as brutal with women and children as they were with males. Unfortunately the Japanese are not the only ones to commit horrible crimes on humanity, read history, every century is full of it. We do need a reset, a spiritual one that demands morality and consequences for immorality. And it needs to be lasting from generation to generation. Amen Dr Paul.

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The greatest genocide in human history was likely committed by King Leopold of Belgium, against The Congo. So, aye, humans have both a proclivity to barbarism, and to then lie about it. WW II, is a prime example. Whatever we have been fed, was fed by Bolsheviks, jewish bankers and media sorts. it was a well planned obfuscation of why Germany had to invade Poland, and the Sudaten Lands to free their people from Bolshevik Tyranny. All is masquerade.

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There is not much truth that comes out of a war from either side. See Ukraine. Dr Paul, you really should do more reading, try Unz Review American Pravda.

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Brilliant series! And, although Ron Unz was a Convid believer, his work on unmasking his own Tribe, has been invaluable to mankind.

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Top Israeli rabbi on INDIRECT MURDER of a Non-Jew and how to LIE about it https://odysee.com/@Lasse_Karagiannis:f/Criminality-of-Judaism-Forbidden-to-save-the-Non-Jew-from-death-2:f

citing Judaism's holiest book which 5 times gives advice on how to LIE about INDIRECT MURDER of a Non-Jew in only one chapter: https://sefaria.org/Avodah_Zarah.26a.16?lang=bi


The top rabbi says it has always been a total consensus among the arbiters (poskim) and says it is stated in more than one place in the Talmud:


-Cheating and conspiring against Non-Jews:


Demonized Jewish whistleblowers, "moser"=informers, confirm:

-Prof. Israel Shahak explains that causing the death of a Non-Jew indirectly is not a sin in Judaism, chap. 5 and how organized Jewry ALWAYS LIED and STILL LIE about Judaism is explained in chap. 2 https://codoh.com/library/document/jewish-history-jewish-religion-the-weight-of/en/

Reading by a poet from chap. 5. Must listen!


-Former Chabad rabbi Shmarya Rosenberg - forbidden to throw the safety ring to drowning Non-Jew if the Jew can get away with it. https://failedmessiah.typepad.com/failed_messiahcom/2013/08/haredim-non-jews-and-human-life-678.html

-Leon Silberstein's compilation of the laws against Non-Jews


-Israeli former rabbi Yaron Yadan hosts a document display tha laws against Non-Jews https://daatemet.org.il/en/torah-science-ethics/religion-ethics/gentiles-in-halacha/

1. To not lift the slightest finger such as to call 911, to refuse throwing a safety ring to a drowning person is the crime of "manslaughter".

The examples suggested in Judaism's holiest book explaining the prohibition against saving the life of the Non-Jew are in Judaism explained as "indirect" and therefore allowed, but removing a ladder from someone in a pit, and moving an object to hinder his escape are the crimes of "murder".

2. Teaching that there is a "divine prohibition against saving the life of a Non-Jew", "causing the death of a Non-Jew indirectly is not a sin" is the crime of "incitement" and perhaps also "planning to commit a crime"

(1.) and (2.) justifies the statements

-"Judaism is a criminal religion",

-"The orginal version of Judaism is a criminal religion"

-"Judaism is a predator's religion",

-"Judaism is a mafia religion"

-"Judaism is a declaration of war on humanity"

3. A recognized non-governmental body such as the ADL

which acts as representatives for a collection of citizens, has recieved additional funds from government because of lying statements such as

i. "antisemitism is racism"

ii. "antisemitism is, and was always, for no reason at all"

iii. "Judaism CONTAINS NOTHING NEGATIVE towards the Non-Jew"

The ADL are therfore guilty of the crime of "fraud" and perhaps aslo "extorsion"

4. Refusing to alert the public about dangerous rhetoric among its members, though having been requested to do so hundreds of times by concerned citizens, but having instead chosen to repeatedly "shout" accusations against the Non-Jew of type i,ii, iii, "from the rooftops"

i.e. pushing this narrative heavily onto the pubic, is the crime of "obnoxious behavior" and "defamation". The ADL are guilty of it.

5. The representative body ADL which is acknowledged as such by the government, but who does not inform the government about lethal rhetoric within its group -among Jews, against other citizens outside the group i.e. Non-Jews, are guilty of the crime of "inducing danger to another".

Facts (1.) to (5.) justifies the following expressions and statements

-" Organized Jewry is a criminal entity"

-"Criminal Organized Jewry"

-"Organized Jewry is waging war against the Non-Jew"

-"Organized Jewry are waging war on humanity"

-"Organized Jewry are the enemies of the Non-Jew"

-"Organized Jewry are the enemies of humanity"

-"Satanic Organized Jewry" and

-"We cannot know for sure what happen during the Holocaust until we introduce academic immunity and academic protection from intimidation and defamation tactics, because organized Jewry has been proven as liars who didn't warn about lethal incitement towards us in their religion"

-"They most likely also lied about Hitler, because their religion tells them to lie"

Nazi gassings never happened, is a hoax according to investigating doctor




Over 1 million Germans POW were starved to death after WW2 deliberately by the Jew Eisnhower


German citizens were used as slaves after the war


Hess in Spandau prison was suicided before his sentence ended. According to his son he could not lift his arms to hang himself.

The Holocaust rests on intimidation and defamation tactics, just as the Global warming hoax.

A fast way to understand this if one does not want to read through the 41 volumes which indetail adresses every minute detal of this hoax, is to become aware of that there are censored Jewish survivors of Auschwitz who tell a day-and-night different story:


Furthermore organized Jewry who is promoting this hoax against the German Non-Jew, did not care to alert the Non-Jew and still does not care to alert the Non-Jew about lethal rhetoric against the Non-Jew in Judaism.

You must some day arrive to the mature conclusion that Organized Jewry are the top of the food chain on this planet

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Lasse, this is a fantastic list, danke. I will pour through it this evening, and ensure I share it once vetted, with proud European men, who will one day bring truth to the West. Hail Victory.

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Now especially, pursue justice via Rochelle's atrocious malfeasance and odiously murderous edicts, some quite outside her official purview.

A grand jury must indict her evil ass upon an abundance of already publicly available, damnable evidence -- a wide swath of fraud perpetrated on, and the irreparable harm done to the American and global public by her multiple, official wrongdoings.

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And don’t forget Unit 731, horrors of Japanese’ scientists experimenting on Chinese, Russian, etc prisoners of war.

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Identify the controllers who orchestrated this Covid con against humanity! Dr Martin nailed it and you don’t report it! Why?

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Do you have a link?

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Also , watch Dr. David Martin’s presentation at International COVID Summit III, May3, 2023 ( first presentation)


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evil poison vaxers of covidian lies have a very hot date with a burning destiny!!!

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As history repeats itself by unintelligent adversaries

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As these individuals have proven to be disruptive and dangerous, it is necessary for us as a society to find a way to remove their legal protections. According to French sociologist Alain Ehrenberg's recent works, neoliberalism has shifted many personal responsibilities to individuals, but the State still has a crucial duty to protect its citizens. Although Thatcher and Reagan partially reverted to pre-New Deal policies, any Western government that neglects its sovereign obligations risks inciting a significant revolt. - Luc

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The Jews will never forget because we are still being persecuted, and Israel is still defending itself from its enemies. PS: I'm a Jewish Christian.

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I cannot understand why Israel pushed so hard for their citizens to get the covid death shot.

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The same reason the US did- greed.

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But the Jewish religion clearly states very clearly that all Christians must be killed, just like Dr Zelenko, a Chabad Lubavitcher supporter of the Noahide Laws stated, I don't believe a word you say.



Dr Zelenko the supposedly passionate anti-COVID vax 'hero' was also for the hanging of all those behind the COVID vax, he was also for the total killing of all Christians in the world under Noahide Law (he was really working for the Israeli government and the Chabad Lubavitchers, with Zelenko a plant to make it seem like the Jews/Chabad Lubavitchers were not really behind COVID. 30% of all Jews in the world are Chabad Lubavitchers, they are dominant in Jewish affairs and politics worldwide, they dominate Russia, Ukraine, America, Canada, the UK, the entire UN etc. Dr Zelenko was a total fake, as are Trump and JFK Jr.

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Absolute nonsense! "Religion" doesn't "clearly state" anything. Try the Bible - old and new Testaments.

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I might just as well contact your CIA or Mossad controllers and ask them.

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