She is an AWFL NPC PMC. Here is a video I made of her denouncing Uri at an NPR struggle session: https://twitter.com/yuribezmenov22/status/1780916278602940456

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For years I preferred to have NPR on my radio while driving, and even at home. I thought I was choosing to be informed, rather than listen to music. But in 2016 it became very obvious to me that they were pro-Hillary and anti-Trump. That's when I stopped listening to NPR altogether, done.

I began listening more to Rush, and got a lot more real info from him. I miss him.

NPR and PBS should be DE-funded. No more money from the taxpayers. If they need money they can get it from Soros or beg their Dem listeners.

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Self-hating libtard (they all are) that wants to destroy America.

Brother Malcolm warned us of this long ago.

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“Berliner says that NPR went sideways when Donald Trump rose to power”

Berliner is a loon, too. National Propaganda Radio went batshit f*cking lunatic crazy about 24 years ago. I know. I used to listen and that’s when I stopped. I stopped listening not because they turned Left. I stopped because they stopped reporting the truth and became apologists for the evil state. Where was Berliner 20 years ago when we needed him? I know. Sipping his latte with his eyes and ears and brain shut off, drawing a paycheck to f*ck over his country.

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In the above article new CEO Katherine Maher is wearing a fabric mask OUTSIDE. That's enough for me to write her off as a bat s--t crazy person and to disregard ANYTHING she says.

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With every “liberal” reporter tossed out by the left for speaking truth, team reality gains a warrior. Will his readers follow? Doubtful. That would require reflection— a mental exercise beyond the capacity of the zombies.

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I read the article by Berliner, it was simply stunning-but with more individuals with a set of moral standards - there are more sharp reversals from an entrenched criminal media-

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If NPR gets defunded they would be out of Business, just like Vice.

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"Berliner says that NPR went sideways when Donald Trump rose to power, as "what began as tough, straightforward coverage of a belligerent, truth-impaired president veered toward efforts to damage or topple Trump’s presidency.""

With that framing, Uri shows he was drinking the NPR Kool-Aid before 2016. NPR didn't go in the toilet in 2016. It's been there a long time, just with a "measured, soft, assuring" delivery voice. They gave credence to the bad science crowd for the long time (climate nuts, vax-harm deniers, etc.).

Stop all funding. Should have been done 25 years ago.

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that top photo is just about the best pro-trump meme i've seen

chris bray just put out a characteristically killer piece on this twit https://chrisbray.substack.com/p/queen-of-dulls

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She fits the exact fascist democrat profile.

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On this……Russian owns stock in NPR and has for decades…..

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Proof that a woman can be pretty and stupid at the same time.

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I listened to NPR for many years...on Saturday afternoons, weather permitting, my husband and I would hang out in the backyard by the ponds and listen to Prairie Home Companion while watching the goldfish and eating organic tortilla chips and salsa and sharing a beer...stopped listening to NPR many yrs ago now. NPR is total shite. As is PBS news and much of their programming except for the Brit shows on the weekends.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

For a video of new NPR head Katherine Maher in her Ted Talk explaining why each individual's feelings and their "own truth" is more important than the objective TRUTH or even attempting to seek the objective TRUTH, click on the link below from Simulation Commander's post yesterday.

Katherine Maher expresses an attitude and ignorance unacceptable in the head of a public news organization. NPR is now more a depressing 'entertainment' radio broadcast for miserable, self-hating, climate-change, Biden-loving, covid-injection-poisoned totalitarians.


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She’ll definitely be the first to be eliminated if Neo Marxist Globalists get their way. It’s always their most Useful Idiots that are the first to go. She is definitely bat shit crazy! Unbelievable!

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