Vaxxed in New Zealand are dominant in cases, hospitalisations and deaths
But not the whole story. You're about 3 times as likely to be hospitalised AND have COVID-19 if you're unvaccinated as you are if you're boosted. But even this is not the whole story as hospitalised COVID-19 patients were not all hospitalised because of COVID-19. When this is factored in, the ratio goes up to between 5 and 8 times as likely if you're unvaccinated. Cases are a different matter and there are lots of complications there on doing the numbers but it's not as significant a number as hopitalisations and deaths.
Vaxxed in New Zealand are dominant in cases, hospitalisations and deaths
But not the whole story. You're about 3 times as likely to be hospitalised AND have COVID-19 if you're unvaccinated as you are if you're boosted. But even this is not the whole story as hospitalised COVID-19 patients were not all hospitalised because of COVID-19. When this is factored in, the ratio goes up to between 5 and 8 times as likely if you're unvaccinated. Cases are a different matter and there are lots of complications there on doing the numbers but it's not as significant a number as hopitalisations and deaths.