https://palexander.substack.com/p/shots-fired-inat-trump-golf-course Assassination on Trump AGAIN! Shots fired in/at Trump Golf course 5th hole, where Trump playing, Trump taken to safe place, developing story, FLUID, so will share more, West Palm beach, Trump golf

course; AK-47, man in custody! CIA's MK Ultra? Program to train assassins to take out political enemies?

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The would be shooter Routh looks like a nutbar but the end result in eliminating DT is easily discernible. The corrupt demoCRAPS want war with Russia with the same motive being to generate inter nation war USA vs Russia to reduce the world population by millions. I believe wars are another tool by the enemies of all that is good to kill two birds with one stone. Such a war would kill millions of people but also would greatly weaken the USA and Russia. The end result would see the rise of China as the undisputable world power with a clear path to that goal both militarily and economically with USA and Russia cancelling each other out.

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law enforcement leader just now said because Trump is not the POTUS but ex POTUS, he does not get the full law enforcement detail...moreover, he said most are still making their way back from marching in the GAY PRIDE parade in June or so.

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I read on another substack account that Hannity was invited by Trump to play Golf today but declined. So he knew Trump was going to play golf today. To whom did Hannity talk about the invitation? How many others knew?

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good question...I trust no bitch today

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Benny Johnson played a segment from Hannity. He said he wasn’t a good golfer and didn’t want to be “killed” out there. What kind of statement is that? I know he was talking golf, but his words.

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we dont know but again, I trust no bitch today, man or woman...everyone wants fame, drop name, front, money etc.

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Good point.

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Who knew? His SS. detail knew. Probably the FBI. The fact they cleaned up the crime scene in Butler PA and cremated crooks body so quickly stinks to high heaven. I’m sure the FBI will get to the bottom of this!! Wink wink. I’m holding my breath nod-nod.

Trump has really got to arrange his own security. Can’t wait to hear Bongino on this one.

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he has own too...you raise a good point...so the enemy within?

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6 ways til Sunday Dr. A.

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When Trump's on the road travelling, I saw the video where he had about 6 cars behind him and several in front of him. Must cost him a fortune. But when on stage, or vulnerable some place else, he doesn't have as many. Biden won't let him have an ex-President's secret service, which is probably safer for Trump anyway.

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Don't hold your breath....

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Only U.S President to have 2 attempts upon his life.

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kaboom and live to tell

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Yes a second miracle in that a witness saw the antagonist hurrying to his vehicle took a picture of license plate swiftly got the info to police who cordoned him on the hyway very soon after.

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yes, nice rendition, hugs and thank you for remaining here

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Hopefully DeSantis will dig deep enough to get the full truth.

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love him

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Hope so!

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I think two people (both women) tried to assassinate Ford.

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I respectfully disagree that secret service did a good job. They failed the moment 4 shots were fired. A good job would be not allowing ANY shots to be fired. If one of the bullets hit and killed Trump, that would not be considered a good job by them. The only difference between both scenarios is the shooter hitting or missing his target. This will most likely continue to happen due to their continual failures. The question is, are these attempted assassinations failures by the secret service or are they in on it, likely along with other government agencies. It is hard to believe that the secret service is the only government agency not corrupted and captured by the criminal cabal running this entire country.

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there is for now, confusion as to if the shots were only SS and perp got off NONE...I am not sure at this time...lets wait to see...so check back in 3 years after SS and FBI and local investigate

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we need to know if perp fired at all???

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we do know for sure he came to kill Trump...

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in this vein I say they did well...but it is still early...

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great point you made

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The secret service knows how many shots they fired. The fact they have not told the public that info, speaks for itself. If secret service shot all four shots and shooter none, wouldn't they have immediately and boastingly told us that, partially after their multi-level failure and complete embarrassed and disgrace at the last assassination attempt only 2 months ago? Also, they did not say that they prevented an assassination attempt, as they did with the Iranian and others. They admitted there was an assassination attempt, which denotes the shooter did fire shots. I am open to change my failing grade of the secret service if we find out the shooter did not fire any shots. I look forward to Dan Bongino giving his expert assessment tomorrow.

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"3 years" , lol. That's about right 😕

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maybe even 4...

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we want all candidates safe....but looks like we playing gong show now with SS

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Yeah, Kennedy (JFK) investigation report STILL under wraps, 60+ years later.

They wanted to hide study results, re. Covid 'vax' for 75 years....

expecting transparency from our government is like expecting the kids to keep hands out of the cookie jar.

They suggest "greater transparency" - while at the same time they feel a need to "protect us from dangerous information" and ' mis/dis/malinformation....utter bs.

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"Crystal" clear.

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they wont stop...they want him dead...

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They had damn well better be doing some SERIOUS interrogation here. As you say - a last-minute decision (so they are saying) to play a round of golf, not noted on his itinerary ...... WHO the hell leaked this?

TO WHOM was this information passed along?

WHO the hell is the man under custody?

WHAT is his background, his relationships ?

There can be NO excuse made for NOT learning the answer to these questions, and more.

Stop the bs.

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excellent questions OnTheJump, excellent....heard this guy is linked in some manner to Adam Kinzinger who is a major anti-Trumper.

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Routh is a nutbar used by the enemies of freedom and justice.

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God bless and protect POTUS Trump~

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So, Hannity didn't want to get "killed," on the golf course?

Who leaked Trump's whereabouts?


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The USA is already mortally wounded by the three "musk"eteers, ovomit, biDUMB, and the up and coming Harris who I expect needs to shave her legs every day. Something that stinks is going on and she may well know the "source."

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Prayers for 45 safe travels along with the rest of family. Sorry trust no at moment please give them a good k9 Mary Jane trained go nuts if legal complete scan of all the people there or know anything about anything or nothing. They need to be sniffed upside down and around you will get your answer there. In 30+yrs security it has always worked. I wouldn't use FBI CIA dogs I would trust any of the descendants of the Shepards from Navy Station that was in Long Beach or Captain Fink at Shipyard. Heavy perfume cologne may try to throw the track of something so none of it.

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excellent, you are very right in all here

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Go listen to Mike Adam’s health ranger he predicted a very disturbing future in his segment and you’ll understand how our future will look because it’s pretty frightening

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The USSS is under supervision of Homeland Security. Homeland Security is run by Alejandro Mayorkas, who called the July 13 assassination attempt on President Trump a USSS “Security Failure.”

Considering his feelings on President Trump as a ‘threat to democracy,’ I must wonder what he meant by that “failure?”🤔

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They’ll not stop until they kill Trump! The State run MSM and all of their political hacks, degenerates, continue enflaming and stoking the flames of socially disturbed individuals!

The insanity is a direct result of a corrupt government, a corrupt MSM, which today takes its orders from our corrupt government!

Look back at all the mass shooters mental state and sadly, these people need professional help. Unfortunately those who seek to destroy America, cowardly as they are, they’re also republicans for “stoking the flames” while pretending they’re all in for “democracy”!

Only a “Hitler” type individual ruins democracy and of course Trump plus more than half of all America! Think about it? The last 10 shooters attacked helpless people! This is exactly what the state run MSM is doing!

Their messaging speaks directly to anyone who has mental issues / low esteem issues. These sick individuals need help so badly, they believe their behavior is “serving society” not hurting anyone!

Thanks again to a corrupted and ongoing MSM directives, weak minded, mentally disturbed individuals take aim at anyone who this corrupt MSM targets!

Our country has never been more dangerously explosive than it is today! There’s so many “walking time-booms” waiting for instructions from, a disturbed, disgusting, radicalized MSM group of radicals, speakers, who speak into a “camera of death”!

Whoever their target is, usually Trump, all talking points from each MSM outlet aligns, while calling everyone else in America destroyer’s of democracy!

Is there any doubt today why Trump called the MSM,

“The Enemy of the People”?

Never before in our history, has such a radicalized MSM become completely “one-sided” mouthpieces for a corrupt group of governmental Marxist / Communist elite politicians and private sector entities!

This won’t stop until the state run MSM achieves the goals of the “Master Elites Marxist Agenda”!

The definition of “Useful Idiots” is the state run MSM! Who do they fear the most? All

“good & decent” Americans wanting government out of their lives while we work for our own

“life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness”! Not the government!

Someone or some group must dismantle this “evil mouthpiece” called the state run MSM!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Woman in a thousand ways shines forth in her beauty. Sparking eyes that mirror love for their children. Nurses who kill me with my own affection for them. Old women who have had their children and now live alone with memories of their deceased husbands and their affection for their grand children. A woman never stops being a mother as long as she lives and a grandmother to her grandchildren.

I regularly see women going in and out of a funeral business where I am contracted to do work. They walk in with nothing and walk out with an urn filled with ashes of their deceased and cremated husbands along with precious memories of decades back when they were first married and had children. Sorrow to live with to their ends. Often neglected and ignored by their families. I see sadness in the eyes of many of them and want to hold them close and tell them they are still precious. I see clients like this crying. My most memorable moment of hurt was sitting on the back porch of a waterfront property crying with a woman whose husband had died a few weeks previous. Her name was Coralee. To see the pain and not be affected by the sadness is not possible unless one is made of stone. I am not ashamed of my own tears and sorrow. Often when I am alone on a getaway trip over a hundred miles north of here I withdraw into myself on backroads and places in my memory of boyhood days when I fished in places with my father. Nothing comes too soon to us but sorrow.(Bailey) And in my earlier days of being alone I really never found the companion that was so pleasant as solitude though sorrows can come and go in those moments of irreconcilable evaluations of the state of affairs. Being alone is both a curse and a benefit. One then can:

Avoid the reeking herd

Shun the polluted flock

Live like that stoic bird

The eagle of the rock. (Elinor Wylie)

Yet where I have seen sorrow, I have seen that there also is holy ground, (Oscar Wilde)

Who has not seen the rain? Who has not tasted of sorrow? Many here have tasted of it and some have suffered tragedies of injustice. And to injustice, never accept it but stand on the higher ground to denounce it.

A personal thought to tavarres..."quid pro quo" was your game and as I told you a few years ago, I will be taking you down, you corrupt fake and defective detective. I can taste your blood on the sword of Truth that will destroy your fake credibility regardless of your lies. Prepare to meet the power of Truth and the many cuts that it will make on you, in the end slaying you as it always has done to liars. You are a disgrace and your game is already known. If you escape the penalty you will answer to your shame in the court of public opinion. The clock is ticking and the gears turn slowly but they do turn. Hell itself cannot save you from being exposed. The complaint is in and my options if no justice is done will be CCC charges by a lawyer and prosecution . Your days are numbered and you will pay the piper at the end of the day.

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I really wonder if women know their incalculable worth/value. It bothers me to see women of the "night" in their youth destroying themselves. They are far better than being the receptacles of the dirty plumbing of selfish male soy boy sops.

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