Big Pharma makes $$$$ by making up sickness or better yet causing it! They make the average criminal look like saints.

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👑 🐸 🍁 GOT THEM ALL...

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You said... Over to you POTUS Trump, we need a clear statement NOW that you WILL not mandate anything and will not fall for this fraud again! H5N1 or anything like it…you are going to win and inherit this, so tell us your position now please.

He's already said over and over again he will not fund anyone who mandates the vaccines.

His words are "WE WILL NOT COMPLY."!!!

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petzanpz, love you and your voice here adds meat...let me debate a bit...the statement para "he will not fund anyone who mandates the vaccine"...to me, too loose...must be tightened up...does he mean states? IMO not good enough...stop the 'leave it up to the states' crap I have heard stated...no, there are tiems the POTUS and fed govn must lead and take charge...as seen, the states fucked us good...he must state "I will not agree to any vaccine for H5N1 until persons bring me the equivalent to 15 years worth of research evidence examining the harms, of the proper sample sizes, proper duration of follow up, no stopping for benefit etc. recognizing that no vaccine will ever work for a respiratory pathogen virus due to the lack of fidelity in the genetic material copying mechanism and the all too likelihood that natural selective pressure (likely die to the vaccine not matching the predominant variant etc.) will drive viral immune escape, original antigenic sin (immune imprinting, fixation, prejudice etc.), antibody dependent enhancement of infection and disease, immune tolerance, immune subversion etc..."...he must state this...and state he will not approve any vaccine for any respiratory virus...none! it will fail...do you know for Obama's 2009 swine flu the vaccine was brought after it was all over...? did you know Obama shut down the response midstream? did not even hold daily pressers or podiums...no need...they fucked Trump good having him hold daily COVID Task Force briefing...Obama told them fuck off, he knew they brought the fraud 2009 swine flu but told them fuck off...no reporting daily, no podium, not even a Czar...

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Living in Illinois I darn sure don't want JB Pritzker or any of the Chicago machine mandating so much as a grain of corn to me! But it gets worse as you are aware of the power grab by WHO to take over our medical sovereignty. This is a scary thought because I will not comply with WHO either. I've been following Meryl Nass and the progress of WHO and their power grab. She posted this today: https://sovereigntycoalition.org/

LIVESTREAM: https://sovereigntysummit.org/live-streaming-the-sovereignty-summit/

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I want to stress, you are a true patriot who has our countries best interests at heart. Sometimes you go beyond where we are allowed to go legally. In other words you give a president more power than the Constitution does, We have 3 separate and co equal branches of government with checks and balances everywhere. We must bring the Constitution back to the forefront. We all want the same thing, just and accountability but we can't look for revenge.

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thank you for reminding me, us...it is not revenge, we could call it that, but we need accountability....what was done is monstrous...to a sitting POTUS and to us the people and the world. huge love

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First off you have me at a disadvantage. You are an educated scientist and I'm just an ordinary deplorable. As for leaving mandates up to states...mandates are not laws as per the supreme court. That's why the court ruled that biden's vaccine mandate for the private sector was unconstitutional. As for state rights, that's a different story. https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-10/ The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. If a state legislates a law that all private sector employees must do a certain thing, as long as that thing does not violate the Constitution it becomes law. As for Trump's stance on vaccines, he's said repeatedly that he will not fund any state organization that receives federal funding if they mandate the vaccine. He actually says this at every rally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1MVBB3EuV4 TRUMP blasts Democrats for efforts to bring back COVID mandates ahead of 2024


To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY! https://rumble.com/v4uyvvh-donald-trump-hits-left-wing-lunatics-trying-to-make-bird-flu-happen-tells-t.html https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-blasts-mask-mandates-covid-1823697

Donald Trump railed against news that some institutions are reinstating mask mandates due to the rise in new coronavirus variants, linking the

alleged "fearmongering" to his personal claims that the 2024 election will be subject to fraud.

In a video address on X, formerly Twitter, posted on Wednesday, the Republican primary frontrunner pledged that, if re-elected, he would "use every

available authority to cut federal funding to any school, college, airline or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate." I know a bit about obama's response to the swine flu. https://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/cdcresponse.htm April 27, 2009 the swine flu is declared a pandemic.


October 2009 obama declares the swine flu a national emergency after 6 months and 1,000 Americans had already died.

https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/2009-h1n1-pandemic.html In total 60.8 million Americans were infected

with the swine flu and an estimated 12,469 died.


In late July, 2009 the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases.

The rationale given for the CDC guidance to forego testing and tracking individual cases was: why waste resources testing

for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic?

Some public health officials privately disagreed with the decision to stop testing and counting, telling CBS News that

continued tracking of this new and possibly changing virus was important because H1N1 has a different epidemiology,

affects younger people more than seasonal flu and has been shown to have a higher case fatality rate than other flu virus


CBS News learned that the decision to stop counting H1N1 flu cases was made so hastily that states weren't given the

opportunity to provide input.


Ron Klain "I wasn't involved directly in the H1N1 response but I lived through it as a White House staffer and what I would say

about it is a bunch of really talented, really great people were working on it and we did every possible thing wrong.

Sixty million Americans got H1N1 during that period of time. It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history. It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It was just luck.

And Again, in late July the cdc stopped keeping track of individual cases. We may never know the full effect of H1N1.


Is any of what obama did real? Who knows? The deal is that obama is scum and a liar. He played America and the world. And he created the 2020 plandemic way back in 2010.

Dr Paul, I respect you a great deal, I think you are a true patriot and I want you in Trump's corner for the coming fight and it's gonna be a biblical battle. Please be aware that whatever happens when Trump gets back in office has to be done within the confines of the Constitution. He cannot stoop to the biden/obama level of targeting people. Whether all of this is done in our courts or by military tribunal, it must be done so that 'we the people' will understand and except any outcome.

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I love your advocacy for 45...very admirable...we are all on same page...we understand the urgency and he needs people like you in his camp...crap, you do more for him than his own orbit people...huge hugs and love and all you share is prescient. thank you

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Trump is not my savior, he is a good man who wants to MAGA. We are foot soldiers in a war of information. The more we know and learn, the less power the bad guys have over us! We need him back in the white house and we need to educate and stand for truth! You are a warrior, keep up the good fight!

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boom, he wants to MAGA, I love it

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huge thanks for saying this but I stand on shoulders like yours

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ha ha ha, you are way smarter than most of us here....

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I am coming here as a lay person...always...I dont write scientific here for thats not the aim, my aim is to connect and make friends and stand with soldiers in this fight. most here likely more skilled than I and many...especially in own fields...and doctors and scientists are idiots, morons...stupid...just know some names for diseases etc. and joints and bones...they are low lifes too

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May 23·edited May 23

You've made a friend in me. But we can still debate from time to time!

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thank you, I like that for I learn.

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I really don't consider myself to be smart, but I am determined. I am retired and research 14+ hours a day with no days off. I learn from your stacks on a regular basis!

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boom, boom again, he must state that over and over...and when he can, he MUST ...he has said things like this before and the deepstate overpowered him...in the budget process...he MUST be clear now...he will inherit the madness and we do not want to hear 'well, they would not give on that so I went along; crap...we heard that from the speaker just now...a bunch of fuck talk lies...he told us he could find not 1 $ for US border security due to this that the other...all lies...we need the next commander in chief to be bullet proof...I think if he says now he will revisit and potentially reverse liability protection it will stop them cold...no new drugs of vaccine...

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Jeffrey Tucker at Brownstone is claiming that the pandemic was about rolling out the mRNA technology and it was feared that Covid-19 would reach herd immunity before the completion of vaccine coverage. The election, he claims, was not the reason for the rapid push for governmental actions. Ya right! I think we know better. Jeffery Tucker is whitewashing the fact that there is an actual plan by tyrannical world elites to collapse America. This guy must be a Bushy.

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Jeff is a smart guy...good guy too, we were and I feel still good friends...he is anti Trump and supports Kennedy...his choice....I like Bobby...not my choice...I like him but a one trick pony...I will never vote for a liberal unless a Bob Kerry or Jim Webb...that type...Brownstone fucked Breggins and I dont like it...entered the war between Malone and Breggin that Malone started with suing and decided to back Malone even after judge schlonged Malone...but I will still break bread with Jeff...he seeks to do good...I like that about him...he has a good heart. Brownstone started out as a rag to fight cancelling etc. IMO lost its way. I was there for the start. My natural immunity paper remains the top globally and used in all courts...I wrote to help get Brownstone on the map...Jeff is a good guy...good writer...AIER FUCKED HIM BECAUSE HE STOOD AGAINST LOCKDOWNS ETC. I wrote for AIER when he was there...he did good work there...they lost.


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I appreciate that he is a friend, but to ignore the aspect of election fraud brought about by a phony pandemic, misleads readers to believe that the work of public health officials was facilitated for our own good! He smooths over the purpose of the fear tactics so people were afraid to go to the polls and have an honest election. Jeffrey Tucker is lying to himself if he is so”smart,” because it was not a coincidence that the pandemic came out of nowhere (Wuhan, China) at the time that it did. RFK jr is a Progressive candidate. What more do you need to know?

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MSM is our number 1 enemy of the people💯‼️

Your Substack, and others that confront the enemy and broadcast the truth must always be front and center! We must continue to expose the treasonous MSM! They are the gatekeepers of pure evil period!

Keep🇺🇸🔔📢 it going Alexander the Greatest ….Informing the masses about all of our enemies foreign and domestic!

Thank you!

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thank you, please share as widely as you can. and it is free...

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“we need accountability....what was done is monstrous...to a sitting POTUS and to us the people and the world.” PREACH LOUDLY Dr Paul! We must never forget or submit!

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Will they use targeted 5G to purposely make people sick and probably kill many to illicit an emergency?

They showed that they can use targeted 5G to kill during that last scamdemic.

Will they do this on a more widespread scale this time.?

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May 23·edited May 23

Exactly. It echoes a line from John Wayne's 1967 film 'The Green Berets': 'That's their style!'



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Reminding everyone of "Event 201", a pre-covid performance, referred to as an "exercise", put on by Johns Hopkins. There's another "futuristic scenario", sponsored by Johns Hopkins, dated March 2020, called SPARS 2025-2028. This link is for the 89 pg pdf for download-


They enjoy dangling these things in front of us to let us know they're up to something. But they will deny it later, or call you a conspiracy theorist if you suspect it to be an actual plan.

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excellent sharing

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It's sickening that they literally tell you what is next and nothing is being done to stop it. Guessing more are for depopulation and making money helping.

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The main COVIDIAN misanthropes were never held accountable for the last scamdemic so why not do it again?

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kind of agree but the verdict is still out

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I'm still hopeful that these murderers at least most will be held accountable. I believe they will if we can keep President Trump alive. I saw a threat on his life this morning for when he is in the Bronx tonight. Supposedly it's being looked into but I don't trust our government to one thing to protect him. I pray for his safety. He is the only one that will truly stand for us.

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Wow! Great comments here. Dr. Alexander, In want b you to know I, too, have appreciated you for telling your story as to what it was really like during early Covid. When Trump was responding live to Biden's SOTU, so many misunderstood Trump as saying that he thought the vax cured cancer, when it was Biden who said it, Trump was responding. I have reposted you interview w Doc Mac and others where 2 + years ago you said they made up the 6 feet rule...

I live in Richland, WA where 3 school board members who ran against the mask mandates were recalled by the Soros teacher's unions and the sore losers who lost their long time reign. Now, one of the 3, birdforgovernor.com who stood up for the kids, is running for Governor and he is being crucified by the Seattle MSM although he won the GOP nomination by 72%. Another Trump hating RINO seems to be the preferred candidate, although he supported masks, etc. They are using the recall against him, yet he was v the only one who saw through the BS .

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We Are Past The Point

Where They Are Dying Suddenly.

They Are Dying …



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That's satanic, you must never think with the heart! The heart will always deceive you!

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First time I have seen this. An attack on the Wellness company


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There are in existence over 3400 papers that prove fake jab serious adverse effects up to and including death. What is with doctors having success by using ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and being villified and criticized? And why the alternate mistreatments that killed as compared to the natural recovery rate of 99%? Huh? Even bloody hell? The damned CYSTem sticks it pock covered nose into what was a typeset of flu and all of a sudden thousands are dying and still are dieing!!! And fools strill rush in and cowtow to the stalinist stooges of the CYSTemLPC.

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