Hang. Them. All.

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all of them who did wrong in COVID and the Malone et al. vaccine and it is proven they costed lives

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Dr. Alexander, I hope you still have Trump's ears. Based on what I've heard RFK Jr. say, I think they will go hard, fast and strong against the corruption in the FDA, CDC, NIH and whatever subagencies exist that is part of this corruption. They will want to kill him just as they want Trump dead. He needs Secret Service protection. They have already shown that they will do anything to protect their turf.

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yes Kennedy Jr. needs protection too.

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RFK our hope!!

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I saw Trump say in his acceptance speech that he wants to forget about the last 4 years and start over. So now we know he's just leaving covid and the jab deaths behind, God help us.

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we will not let him, he cant. there has to be justice, proper legal and we will ensure it. he brought OWS, the lockdowns, the vaccine. Yes Biden mandated but he brought it. he cannot sweep it under any rug so I am thinking in time but we will not wait for his time. we got him re-elected, we did that, and we want this handled.

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Don’t hold your breath!

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I knew that would happen.

Extremely disheartening.

Those of us who did not comply are too few.

Sorry to say, our trials and tribulations went unnoticed and will remain so.

It's pretty clear, Trump does not want to open that can of worms and have his part in it evaluated.

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we will open it for him...stay strong, stand strong. you will get your justice.

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Thank you for responding Dr.Alexander. Appreciate it.

I am disheartened on this subject today as you can see, but definitely not defeated when I know you are out there doing whatever you can.

It’s certainly a comfort.

Patience is a virtue and I will have to engage more of it.

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That’s not what he means, he’s talking about the last four years of this fake administration

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NIH, CDC, and all the associated support agencies are NOT shielded, like nuclear secrets, from unilateral POTUS declassification.

On Day 1, Trump can declassify ALL COVID related info. All of it. Courts and Congress cant stop him. Its an Article II issue. He can do it IF he wants to...

Easiest way to stop the Deep State bioweapon bullshit is to show the public what they do in plain redacted sight.

We are waiting Trump, what say you?

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BTW... why is anything classified? I thought noone on the planet was aware of this SARSCov2 novel pathogen, right? What do the alphabet agencies know and when did they know it? Expose them all

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Big problem is the people. Vast majority are still happy as they still get their fish on Friday and few drinks at weekend and they do not worry or even look to se what is going on round about them. It is called GREED and SELFISHNESS!

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Yep, & even when you try & show them the facts, they refuse to look at it. These are the sheeple who will walk themselves to their deaths oblivious to reality. Most in Texas will not go along with this crap again. The dummies that do, are the ones who live in fear & follow the fear based porn on the tell-lie-vision. Turn off that t.v. & fear miraculously disappears! I won’t comply. The city, county, & state “officials” can kiss my ass. Never again! Mandates are not law!

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Spot on‼️

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No TV or MOBILE here but yes do have a computer. I stick up posters on a daily base more or less about the ELDERLY MURDER and then the POISON JABS MAIMING AND MURDERING!

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Now the real heavy lifting begins. Trials and executions.

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Can’t wait! Public hangings are what’s needed! I want to see these bastards suffer like they’ve done to so many innocent people!

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I have faith in President Trump, Vance, RFK Jr, Musk and Gabbard. Once team Trump- Vance was declared the winner on election night there's been a noticeable calm and many people with happy faces. People now know help is coming, positive change is coming and that Trump is onto what's going on. Trump will keep his word. I have confidence once RFK Jr was added to the team all of team Trump has been working on their assigned goals in order to hit the ground running come January 2025. For these and many other reasons Trump can not go off like a dictator during his acceptance speech. He's got to stay alive! Please stop kicking the dead horse demanding answers now, demanding a public promise to get them. We don't need turmoil and squabbling before he's sworn in. To do this could put Trump and his team in unneeded danger. I feel the clock is ticking and the greedy merchants of death know this. Please give Team Trump consideration and have faith in their plan. Never show your cards before you're ready to drop the hammer. My 2 cents.

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Here is a brief but very inspiring video statement by Trump posted by Meryl Nass this morning. I hadn't seen it before today.

"Trump offers a 10 point blueprint for getting our government back on track to serve the people and end the deep state."


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Yes, I received her email on this. Thanks

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So right you are Dr. Alexander so right you are Sir.

Not until, not until rationally thinking minds prevail, will these “mRNA-Drug-lords” be put down the same way any “Rabid-Creature” warrants euthanasia.

The same way an infected

“Rabid-Nocturnal-Animal” lurks during daytime hours, so too “Rabid-Drug-Lords” pushing their “Frankinshots” upon humanity!

“If there’s a will there’s a way”

The size and shape of these “Parasitic-Animals” killing innocent people, through fear unbeknownst & unwarranted, unnecessarily urging all, to line up and roll up their sleeves has been nothing short of “MURDEROUS”!

By hook or by crook, forcing all and coercion all and finally by threatening behavior! It doesn’t matter how. All that matters is the enforcement of their “Deadly-Proboscis” filled poisonous weapon, upon millions of unsuspecting people?

My question remains the same, why?

We already know why not!

They must be cut down and controlled! Yes a controlled burn. A complete and thorough burn, each and every one of them, burn to the ground (metaphorically) of the utmost matter is critical.

As in an infected forest of oak trees filled with winter

“moth-eggs” type of matter, lying in wait, for springtime to arrive. This kind of urgent matter is which I speak of.

Lying in wait too unleash, yet another round of fearsome

“death & despair” upon the world they so desperately want to destroy! So they can and they will, usher in their “New World Order”!


What better way to cull the world’s population than with their “Deadly-Injections”?Laced with the latest round of poison filled injections with “God” knows what?

I think NOT!

We cannot leave one, none, not one to remain.

There isn’t a better way to kill off humanity!

Right-sizing the world population, culling to a controllable level are the goals of a few very, very rich monstrously wealthy individuals!

It’s all so deceptively evil, devilishly cruel and perversely calculated! All while deviously cynical

“Drug-Lords” satisfy their self serving destructiveness!

At the expense of mankind!

What a plan? How deceitful, deceptive and we must all pray the world’s leaders, specifically President Elect Trump / VP Elect Vance, know better this time, more importantly,they know how!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Dr. Alexander, whenever you get the chance, you and Dr. Atlas have to remind Trump what "they" did and who they are. They can't be rewarded. So grateful for your unwavering stand for what is right. 🙏🙏☺️

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Trump is in power now again. Now or never. I kept hearing about "ten days" where all internet power etc will be shut down and arrest will be made.... It's time.

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Time to turn off the Big Pharma ad dollars to Big Media.

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Hominids must go — it’s all about A-I! Gotta ❤️ science!!

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