
Diddy or Puff or Sean Combs or Notorious or whatever the fuck you call this creep, this rapist, has used his fame and money to buy protection...he is nothing but a street level gutter thug who beat and abuse and sell women to his homies to be screwed...a low life. what the video showed has no forgiveness, we can forgive as a decent human thing but you must pay the price homie, pay the legal price

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Black Epstein.

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Americans don't give a rat's about how many girls Epstein trafficked. If latest polls are to be believed the US is on track to elect Biden for 4 more years. He's coming back strongly, closing the gap on Trump.

Biden gaining ground on Trump in battleground states despite disaster debate: new poll


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If you believe the polls your an idiot. The polls are manipulated only to keep it looking close so when they manufacture aka print and dump truck loads of ballots it won't look so obvious.

I'm telling you that we don't have patriots surrounding those counting stations to stop the fraud, it's going to happen again.

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I'm agnostic about the polls. I neither necessarily believe them nor disbelieve them. They're often wrong and sometimes right. You may well be correct.

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Beat me to it😉

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It's because child rape,and ritual cannableism are the religious rites of these Satan worshipers. Pee Diddy's list of clients include the rich and powerful and many political leaders.

Soon they will do these deeds publicly without fear of reprisal.

But the additional high of doing something so taboo is the real thrill these ghouls experience.

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very important post Darkstar

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Thanks Dr Alexander. It's very important to realize these repulsive people are practicing their religion.

Satanism is a religion of hate.

Hatred for all mankind.

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Accurate for sure.

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This current illegitimate treasonous regime is running the largest adult and child sex trafficking operation in human history. And the sheeple Democ-rat's don't know it because they haven't been told by the American Pravda that spoon feeds them lies.

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We had the OJ Simpson situation and the murder of Nicole and multiple other examples of abuse and misuse. Why do women not understand that these bee bopping bastards are dangerous and represent possible murderers or vicious abusers? Who would bother to listen to Diddler Combs? His rap is crap. His head is dead. His body is shoddy. His tool is not cool, and likely contaminated with various VD's.

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“I was f’cked up & make no excuses”. While he’s literally giving his excuse. He doesn’t care about anyone. He only cares he got caught. How embarrassing for him! Everyone sees him for what he is. Everyone knows now, he is a massive piece of sh_t! Just go away Diddly do. You’re done. 🙄

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It’s not just about Diddy Diddy

Bang Bang! Or was that “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”?

the “MeToo” movement is silent, as are all the “woman movement”! Supporters! Where have they gone? Why are they all silent?

The overarching narrative supersedes all things “Good & Decent” today in America! And also, the entire Western World!

Destroy “Woman” you’ll destroy the family! Simply put, “Marxist Ideology” doesn’t support “woman rights” the same way “Radical Islam”!

Woman’s rights and women’s equality was simply a

“means to an end”! Each and every step taken in the past all of a sudden, vanishes! So long! “They Don’t Need You Anymore”

Sad but true! Our nuclear family has been destroyed! Nearly completely. This is the way they have been treated in order to “conquer & divide”!

Diddy Diddy Bang Bang fits the mold! His reputation supersedes anything he does to woman! Maybe I’m wrong and we’ll see justice, I’m not holding my breath!

Look no further than “Governor Cuomo” his most heinous acts were during lockdown when he sent sick elderly patients back to nursing homes! “How’d that work out”? He was ostracized by his own Democratic Party, today known as IMO, the new “communist party of democrats” not for “murdering” elderly people, but for “slapping the butt of a woman! Actually there were many women who came forward against him and NOT A SINGLE WOMAN had her day in court! Not in the sense of alleged “sexual abuse” against the “Putrid Governor”!

Incident after incident resulting in a woman being supported for “alleged sexual abuse” perpetrated against them ever sees the light of day, today! Why? Simple, look who’s in charge! And I understand both sides of the aisle are equally as guilty!

When the

“end justifies the means” once the objective is reached, the “symbolic sympathizes” cast them aside! And this isn’t only happening to women. Has anyone heard of any “George Floyd” protests lately? NOPE! This is because “George Floyd” symbolic sympathizes achieved their objective!

Like clockwork, the same playbook is used over and over and over again! Time after time! And even though we know this, nothing changes! Why?

Because their

“Objective was Reached”!

Where are all the “true women groups” of America today? They’ve been silenced!

Megan Kelly is one of a very few I’m aware of today, who’s fighting mad about sports being overruled by “make believe men”! Megan has “risen” to the occasion IMO, in support of all things woman and children!

So with each situation, we must look through the lens asking has:

“the end justifies the means”?

You’ll know what’s coming next when you use this

“lens approach”.

Thank you Dr, as they say, as they say somewhere “the best goes on”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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this is a very important post for you have dealt with it very carefully and highlighted what must have been...thank you for this. its a difficult topic and IMO, the feminists and women have remained silent and done an injustice. Why? Is the feminist movement, the MeToo dependent on your politics?

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After I finished replying I realized something very obvious and important. Which was on the

“tip of my tongue” and I forgot to mention.

Every single issue which occurs, whatever the issue is, there’s always a “money-trail” leading to the backer’s. Every time.

Where’s the “War Hater’s”? Silent! Where’s the MeToo movement? Silent. Each one of them are only active when they are needed!

It’s so damn obvious and simple! Sort of like the “bullpen” right!

Hey “Lefty” warmup!

Which leads me to conclude:

“those who control the money control the narrative”.

When’s the last time you heard of any group sustain their


They don’t exist or at best they haven’t the resources to “scream the loudest” or “make the most noise”! Now it’s all clear.

And if by chance a

“NOBLE CAUSE” movement happens to sustain their usefulness, pull back the skin to see who’s supporting them!

“Fight or Flight” that’s all there is. And those who sustain aren’t the “Noble Cause” supporters.

To quote Paul Harvey:

“And now you know the rest of the story!”

Thank you Dr Alexander.


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You’re welcome Dr.,

Yes I do believe it’s all politically related. Which is demoralizing.

You’ve asked:

(Why? Is the feminist movement, the MeToo dependent on your politics?)

YES, absolutely!

It certainly seems that way. If we look at who those groups are and when they mobilize. We’ll find they’re only “vocal” when it suits their political agenda’s to achieve a desired outcome of:

“the end justifies the means”!

Thank you again Dr.


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I suppose you noted the rad fem fools who demanded abortion be legalized. These buffoons led by the Bella Abzug/Betty Friedan/Gloria Steinem trio ranted and raved about males looking at women as mere meat to be used as receptacles for their dirty plumbing. See the BS? This triad of stupidity in their legalization demands actually helped males to use and then discard women they supposedly led and cared about. Freaking idiots and maleable morons for the aborticide abomination.

Aborticide is a mental, physical and spiritual desecration of a woman as well as the torture and murder of an innocent unborn baby.

Do not believe me? Look up WEBA. (Women Exploited by Abortion)

Did these three fools ever address those situations? Nope. Hypocrites and liars.

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Oh I believe you and yes keg I understand these “WACKADOS” clearly! In some cases, better than they understand themselves! So yes I have made reference and noted these points as well. You know keg, it’s become so difficult to keep up with so much “STUFF” I sometimes forget to include certain Important points.

Thank you for reminding me. I am 100% grateful you’ve made this point. God as my witness, “EVIL” is running America into the ground! Good people are fighting back and we must continue to fight back! Every little bit helps as I can only offer, information I may know and learn from others what I may not have known. This is why Substack is so important and quite frankly vet necessary for all of us to help each other.

Thank you keg, I am thankful you reminded me.


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The world is like a pile of manure, carted outside and growing ever larger daily.

Keeping track of everything is not possible but the general picture can be seen in its ugliness anytime.

My memory is good long term but not on the short term basis. That happens as we age but all is insane anymore. The only ones who do not know that are those mentally deranged.

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Those mentally deranged you say keg? Then I’m in deep trouble because half of my customers fit the bill! LOL!

I must reassess these deranged people. What you say makes perfect sense keg because I’ve questioned their motives and lack of understanding since covid lockdown and now you’ve made me realize something I overlooked.

Thank you again keg. Thank you so much!


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