The same parasites are recycled from event to event, nonprofit to nonprofit. Wash the cash, rinse, repeat.

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Paying to appear😅😅😅😅

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Malone is on video stating that Kirsch and the Unity Project paid for his performance on Joe Rogan's podcast. The Unity Project paid for his performance on the cringy HiRez video. Question is.....why is Jeff Hanson investing so much money on the Vaccine Frankenstein?

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Jeff Hanson is part of the psyop!

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He's financing it via The Unity Project, but we're not allowed to discuss it.

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Kirsch and Malone based on their comments about para 👉 unchecked population growth they sound like disciples of the Margaret Sanger school of eugenicists.

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can you elaborate on what you are trying to say Doctor?

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Why didn’t you say something to Dr. Jessica Rose about that palatial event she recently attended at Malone’s expense? I warned her about associating with him at events, & aligning herself with him, but you didn’t. I respect her research & her work to share it with the public, but she should know Malone is not someone with her same integrity. Dr. Mike Yeadon backed me up. I appreciated that. Was surprised you just praised her without providing a warning of RM though. Oh well. It’s all good.

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I love Paul. But his incessant beating on Malone (whether true/false/good/bad) often causes him to miss the point. If you want a decent summary of this seminal meeting (I am just interested in the truth getting somewhere) then this summary from one of the most respected writers out there, A Midwestern Doctor, will be helpful to you. https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/this-senate-panel-on-the-vaccines

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Midwestern Doctor is a Malone apologist. Dr. Paul points out the obvious issues of the Vaccine Frankenstein who wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids, not on his privileged White boys.

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