This will continue to happen until you all stand up together and fight back.

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"Catastrophic Contagion" and John Hopkin's October 2022 table top excersice for SEERS - Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome targeting children. Same playbook, people, and org.s as for Event 201 and Monkeypox. https://catastrophiccontagion.centerforhealthsecurity.org/videos

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If the news out of China is true, there are no new pathogens causing their outbreak. Early on they attributed it to the lockdowns. The lockdowns and mask wearing certainly would have compromised the robustness of the immune response of children. I hope this is a learning opportunity for the masses. Do not live in fear of pathogens because if you do not flex your immune system, it will become weakened.

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Not one of these states will ever show data as to how many of these kids were vaccinated. Cowards. Just as with the overwhelming data worldwide on 'excess deaths' and disabilities. The immune systems have been destroyed. Parents that have succumbed to school and state mandates for children are out of their flippin' minds...or are simply functionally illiterate and desperate for 'likes' on social media.

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Or, connect the dots, with people saying tens of thousands of military aged Chinese commie nationals having come across the border in the past few years, many, according to Border patrol, with similar military style backpacks, and the discovery that China has setup medical labs with pathogens and rodents and such, [dirty labs] like the one discovered in California, the next wave(s) of illness could be part of biowarfare. We already are suspecting that if the Dems can't cheat their way in again in November 2024, that some issue will be needed to warrant martial law or a postponing of the election. That would take more than the hundreds of traitorous Feds that were recently found to have instigated the Jan. 6th Fed-surrection.

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As usual, there is no proof of how this might move from country to country. Then again it is likely caused by vaccines and mRNA injections and not a silly pandemic.

Or, by lockdowns and weakened immune systems? We haven't had lockdowns in quite a while so why wouldn't immune systems repair themselves? Permanent damage? Only your stupid doctor really knows, I guess.

So, what is the death rate from WLP (white lung pneumonia)? Is China saying or are they too scared?

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#pathogenicpriming - what's the incidence in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated kids.

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I smell an upcoming election. 🐽

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M pneumonia comes around every 4 years. So it's probably just happening again, only with publicity this time. At least I hope that's all that's going on.

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I personally believe the gene therapy shots have something to do with it and I find it very strange they said the next one was going to hit kids and here we are. Something about this is off. That’s for sure.

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Prenewmonia comes around ever year there just trying to make people panic to control you. It's a old Nazi trick to control do history research and you will learn the truth about many things.

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The mRNA injections are not a factor in China outbreak. Their covid vaccinations were based on attenuated virus pathogens. They had a very poor efficacy rate with some reports in the 35-40% range. In the Western world the mRNA injections will be an important factor contributing to the onset and severity because of the compromised immune system.

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The meme story is a perfect example of how broken the legal system is. It isn't about justice. It is about perpetuating the process to milk as much money out of the taxpayer and the complainants and defendants. The divorce court and child courts are perfect examples. "Process" trumps justice and common sense. Think about it. Anyone with half a brain can understand the meme case, and in less than half a day total fix it. But nooooooooo. We have to wait for the new year a month away as lawyers making gobs of money [public or private], get to do overworked paperwork, when 12 people from a hundred years ago could apply common sense about the 1st Amendment and throw this ridiculous case out, and then report the government officials who greenlit this governmental abuse of power for disciplinary action for wasting taxpayer money, and maybe even fire them. I know I'm not crying any tears for people who have to work over the holidays to do the paperwork. I'm sure the lawyers aren't losing any sleep over the real workers who will be at the supermarkets, gas stations , airports, etc doing their job so the lawyer-industrial complex can "enjoy their holiday".

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What is up with Malone?

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Thank you Dr. Paul.....but you could please stop constantly bringing up Malone ... seems you have a private vendetta because Malone is not all that you say.....perhaps this is some transference or projection?.......anyway it to me is seems unflattering to you to keep doing this.....

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