
they want to change our election laws, that even non citizens can vote...yes, the democrat party...issue is 'who is in charge'?

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Biden was never in charge....sick dark people are in charge...enacting their dark evil agenda

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elections d not matter try to grasp that. its all a show.

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The devil. But online for a short time.

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Where is #MeToo and Feminists? Well, anyone with half-a-brain or more knows that those groups are nothing but cover stories for the *real* agenda. Just like "Black Lives Matter" - same thing. They use fake causes to cover-up the true intentions. Thus, not hearing anything from them is totally expected.

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While in the UK Keir Starmer said there was not enough evidence and looked the other way.

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is a criminal

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NYC is now in trouble as now the rape capital of NY and USA.

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why? because the msm told you so? lol

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Biden has blood on his hands. I’d hate to see his black soul for doing horrendous things to young women ruining their lives.

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yes he and Obama and Harris

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and trump doesn't? you are blind.

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Trump secured the border, what are you talking about?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Are you that delusional. Trump did nothing except try to hand the false wall building off to cronies. You forget the warp speed killer vaccine. Hes complicit in murder.

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The record is clear, illegal border crossings under Trump went down to record low figures, no one can dispute this. Then you're trying to elevate Trump to being a scientist, a physician, a pharmaceutical CEO, all of what he was not and he had to rely on these so called experts who lied to him and mislead him on the vaccines. Don't forget, the vast majority of Americans fell for the lies and were vaccinated, Trump wasn't alone in being fooled. Were you so brilliant at the time that you refused the clot shot, and did you warn all your friends and family not to get the clot shots?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Get a reality check.no one gave a rats ass about the border prior to 2020 when don the con's public relations team chose to bring it up to attempt to make a wussy look tough. Your conclusions on my comment about the grifter went straight to your delusional psyche.you actually make excuses for a fool who knowingly pushed a vaccines pretending he was "fooled"is the height of stupidity. Trump was complicit and most likely promised kick backs as he gets from all his backers. The vast majority of sheeple like yourself have no rhi king apparatus.as for myself most certainly being a normal person ,saw through the covidiocy hoax and yes i did warn family to avoid the kill shot.whst is your excuse for your overt stupidity?your orange god is an imbecile who will do and say anything for attention and Benjamin's.

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It'll be fun to see your head explode when Trump is our new President. Bon Voyage

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Concealed carry is legal in USA and if every woman decided to protect herself there would be a huge reduction in this crime.

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Human trash all ugly as sin that need a harsh penalty to discourage any crime against women. How about the death penalty.

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I was responsible for the U.K. rape article. Yes I think some should hang.

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Well friends we can expect a flooding of the gates for the next few months as the soldiers of Soros march into our land.

Now is the time for freedom lover to come together.

If Latinos, Whites and Blacks stand together

The ones who would claim this land in the name of caohs will not stand a chance.

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another fool. blaming the usual scapegoat soros.

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Soros is to blame.

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346 years? That's it? How about surgical castration? The problem with the West is that we are far to easy on the most vile and disgusting among us.

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Germany and Sweden became rape capitols after the unarmed invasion of their country's by single Islamic men of military age. Women were advised NOT to go out alone after dark. In France many Jews moved to Israel after the violence against them from the same unarmed Islamic invasion.

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ridiculous making it sound as if these persons come all this way to rape. as if no one else ever rapes girls prior to this.

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