I'd like to share an insightful observation from one of Britain's most renowned writers of the 20th century, George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950). He was highly regarded for his prose and perspectives on social injustice, totalitarianism, and other political issues: "Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." (From "Why I Write", Penguin Books, Great Ideas 'Collection')

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great sharing Luc, thank you

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Glad to help!

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The amount of criminal illegals they are reporting is inaccurate because our Govt only considers crimes committed in USA not in their own country so if an illegal was a rapist in their country but not in our country (yet) they are considered as having no criminal background. We need to Close our borders now!

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we estimate now 40 million...the 15 now under Obana Biden and the 25 to 30 across last 20-30 years...yes we must close borders now and deport

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not one without the other

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Putin doesn't allow this to happen in Russia.

Putin loves his country.

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I still can't "like" comments still...

Contacted Substack support twice...no luck.

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Also strangely, every reaction to my comments yesterday (likes and replies) bypassed my inbox and went to spam.

[I've never sent one to spam. I always read then delete.]

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On my Mac book that recently happened but not on my I pad though. VPN prohibit this maybe? haven’t bothered trouble shooting. Never could install the app.I can only “like” on the inbox via email. Can’t reply to comments either. It’s older so I thought could be update issue bc it won’t let me run updates at all. I’m done with Apple products from here on out regardless. Never bothered contacting substack support about it since MacBook is the only device this happens on.

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I tried the app for a couple days (in case that resolved the issues) but didn't like it. Prefer accessing substack through e-mail. Also, had the same problems with 'liking' while on the app using my cell phone.

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On the app on iPad & phone I have only encountered “server error” on a couple peoples sub pages. 1 of which i am a paid subscriber. Sporadically on others. So I don’t know if it’s an internal substack action of some sort with censorship being an experimented with or just bugs in the system. When I get a new laptop which I have yet to decide on which one, I’m switching over to proton mail only and unsubscribe to all, possibly even start a new substack account. My substack is free, I don’t write much. I’m taking a wait and see approach.

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Something strange going on with Substack.

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That's bizzare

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Nothing more than election time subterfuge.

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It’s a paper tiger and Bribem is an empty head. I can’t even look at that child molester, kiddie diddler.

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Biden can’t stand trial but they leave him running America with Obama as he continues training him to be another Hitler

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Its UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE both for America & Canada 🇨🇦 ❤️🇺🇸

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We know Biden is evil and belongs to Satan as does Obama and Clinton who is the main black witch….but there are those saying this will be fixed….so far it just longs as if (and not just the illegals but everything Obiden is doing) we are doomed…

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