Air Force drone ii)Obama gave Iran high tech advanced 2 naval gunboats iii)Obama-Biden put Iran on path to nuclear weapons iv)Obama-Biden gave Iran pure billions cash$ iv)inadequate inspections
YES THEY DID. Obama led it all. He hates America and gave all to Iran. He is Satan’s captain and Biden is the puppet. The CIA and military complex are right there, too. I just can’t figure out where they all plan to hide and stay safe, when it all comes to fruition. Boom!!!
I’m going to Heaven, so maybe all those evil guys and gals are planning to have a Hot Party in the “Eternal Lake of Fire”. I heard demons love the boiling heat. God states in the “Good Book” that the Lake of Fire is their destination. I think that many in the Judicial system are going, too. Be warned people. You better look up in the Good Book what you need to do to get into Heaven. It’s exclusive because not everyone chooses the way to Heaven. It looks like it won’t be crowded at all.
nice sharing...these people did harm USA...Biden is doing it now by invading America and if we do not remove all the illegals who have comes, its game over
The natural counterweight to theocratic Iran was the secular Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein who saw islamic extremism as a threat and ruthlessly suppressed it. Through his regime change in Iraq, he mad muslim lover, GW Bush empowered Iran. Everything the US touches turns to Islam.
Because of the WEF’s plan. I still cry when I realize how much both Bush president’s and Clinton’s, and Obama betrayed our beautiful country. They have murdered many on purpose . Who would have thought.
Satan has been at work a long time. Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and our own presidents sold their souls to the devil. Their souls are lost forever. Their choice and our pain along with millions of others.
I agree...and it played out in front of us. why 45 is the only option. its not about who you like and their personality, its about who has the best chance of fixing things
Who cannot agree with what and who broke us ! We must look so carefully at whom we (think) will help fix what’s broke and it doesn’t look Anything like the (friends) of natanyehudi !!!!
Stop feeding Isreal and there will be no need to feed the others.
Who fed Ukraine for years. Ukraine prodding the Bear since 2014...what did they think would happen...Who really shot that plane down, with an expired Russian missile?
Obama created the coup in Ukraine in 2014 under the WEF. It was all part of the plan to destroy Putin and take Russia. The evil never ends. I often pray God will just send a giant asteroid and smash the entire Earth to smitherines in one swoop . The evil is too pervasive. The churches are crumbling all over Europe. Heaven will be lovely and not crowded at all.
I am not so sure that anyone I know will actually ‘Get through that Narrow Gate’ we think be “Heaven” ! Although I try to keep a Prayerful heart and do what is hard to do in this world which makes us hard !
What do you expect when you invade Iraq on falsified information, invade Afghanistan then bail leaving millions of dollars of tech behind, install an American base in Syria & steal their oil, accuse them of using chemical weapons on their own people, yet again another lie, install a puppet government in Iran until they threw them out, bombed yugoslavia, allow Israel to develope nuclear, chemical & biological weapons, allowed them to imprison the Palestinians in their own lands. A bit of history here, Israel attacked an American ship & yet they did nothing. The Vietnam War was started based on lies, the Americans & the Japanese murdered the last of North koreas royalty, they allowed the rothschilds bank to tear apart Russia before Putin kicked then out. Israel attacks Syria on a daily bases, they steal there oil with American help, they've attack & kill Iranians on numerous occasions & your worried about Iran 🇮🇷 Its the Americans & that fool Biden that you've got to keep an eye on. A dirty old man with a drug taking pedophile son & let's not forget the fruitcakes at the pentagon. Your sir are an arse, a sheep do you think that Iran would nuke American if they had an atomic bomb, they could have dirty bombed American cities decades ago if they wanted, its Israel you want to be watching. If they nuke Iran then Russia, China, North Korea will reduce the country to a smouldering hole & don't think they won't do, because the moment Israel launches that missle, your going to wish you had a bunker like the elite to hide in
you seem to forget about India...and Russia will not move on dont understand Russia TODAY..or Putin...our only issue is China and India is there for China...we saw to I am not concerned...lots of what you say is 100% some not correct but thank you, great sharing.
and I am no expert, I love people like you who are smart and share...lets keep it civil. hugs...thanks for many need to be reminded of certain things. you seem to be an Israel hater...that too is ok here for I am for free speech...I dont agree though
‘Israel hater’ is the wrong word. Antisemitism is now regularly being used to silence legitimate debate about those that are committing crimes.
Religion must be removed from the equation, because this is not the issue, the issue is bad people, and bad people exist in all religions.
20M dead since the end of WWII. Guess what, it wasn’t because of Iran. Every single war since 1812 has been for the benefit of Bankers. Nothing has changed today. The US has been talking about destroying Iran for decades.
The conflict in the Middle East didn’t start last year, it started in the late 1940’s when 750,000 Palestinians were evicted from their homes.
Religion is Removed from the Equation ! The devils are Going for Globall Communism !! What TF is religion but a bone of contention without having found the True Faith !?! keep striving is all i can say and help will come . .
There is no question America has lost its way. And some, maybe most, of what you said is true, about America. Most of what you said about Israel is Marxist propaganda. However….take America and Israel right out of the equation, pretend they don’t exist, and Islam is still a problem. It converted through violence for 1400 years. Well before America and Israel existed. After WWII the world enjoyed an Islamic conquest rest. That ended thirty to forty years ago. If Islam said ‘okay Israel should not have been set up, but it was, let’s solve this peacefully and in a way everyone in that region thrives’ the entire problem would have been solved decades ago. If Islam was not stuck with one foot in the 600s AD it would be thriving. If Islam respected others Europe would not be having a rape crisis in all its cities. Islam is the issue. And I am not slandering any individual Muslim. I know many very nice kind and devout Muslims. But they live like normal modern people. They aren’t intent on taking over the world. But their religion does not lend itself to nuance and discussion as Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism (somewhat), and other religions do. Consequently their leaders can justify a lot of bad stuff based on Mo’s writings. The Koran is 90% nice. But 10% it isn’t. Mo’s subsequent writings are the big problem. Along with that 10% that is not nice in the Koran.
BTW…I met a woman who was married to an Iraqi cabinet minister, a cousin of Saddam from Tikrit. She told me about the inner workings of Iraq as a wife of a very top ranking government member. She and her husband hated Saddam. Everyone did. But they were terrified of him. And yes they did have a poison program. I will write about it one day. I asked if they had made it workable and she said the scientists said they had but she and her husband weren’t sure. If they hadn’t made their chemical program workable Saddam would have killed them. I met her after the first Gulf War with Saddam still in charge. She told me horrific things about Saddam and worse things about his sons. I never wrote about this because she and her husband and two children would have been killed. I probably can now.
Their program must be destroyed. There is no choice. The ‘moderate’ Ahmadinejad (sp?) said they would create a giant fire and strike Israel and America. He acknowledged Iran would be demolished but it would be worth it to strike such a blow. Two suitcase nukes. One driven into Israel and one floated into NY Harbour. Easy peasy.
First, take out the nuclear facilities. Then, discuss. If they say they will retaliate then when the Ayatollahs are meeting, along with their parliament, take those out. Let what happens, happen. If a new government takes over that is hardline, repeat.
However…do we know anything really? That is a real problem now. I am saying what I said because Ahmadinejad made it clear their aim was to take out every Jew in Israel. And attack America. I believe there are people in their government that want that. Do they have a nuclear program? Do we know that for sure? Or has the Deep State arms manufacturers been telling us this via their media mouthpieces for thirty years?
Rather ‘partisan’ is what I take from this screed ! Not much on how all has come consecutively in order of a Wholesale slaughter of a defenseless population and unfolded to us in almost inconceivable horror of misery and with (it) All }? the Apolgists skulking for some rationality in all their own skewed rubble of morality !!
This is utter bullshit! All of this chaos! It’s purposefully created. These fuckers have to be held accountable. When will the police or military start rounding up the traitors??? They can’t get away with this anymore. Food shortages, tainted water, spraying our air, biological weapons, bombs, wide open borders with zero vetting, financial collapse, etc.Total Bullshit!
Ai ‘ wrote much of this crap here I’ve been reading ! You’d think these were the Intelligencia’ speaking here with the Preposterous BS on the plate ! What mindset developes these scenarios for Us to actually mull over!(?)!
YES THEY DID. Obama led it all. He hates America and gave all to Iran. He is Satan’s captain and Biden is the puppet. The CIA and military complex are right there, too. I just can’t figure out where they all plan to hide and stay safe, when it all comes to fruition. Boom!!!
I’m going to Heaven, so maybe all those evil guys and gals are planning to have a Hot Party in the “Eternal Lake of Fire”. I heard demons love the boiling heat. God states in the “Good Book” that the Lake of Fire is their destination. I think that many in the Judicial system are going, too. Be warned people. You better look up in the Good Book what you need to do to get into Heaven. It’s exclusive because not everyone chooses the way to Heaven. It looks like it won’t be crowded at all.
nice sharing...these people did harm USA...Biden is doing it now by invading America and if we do not remove all the illegals who have comes, its game over
The natural counterweight to theocratic Iran was the secular Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein who saw islamic extremism as a threat and ruthlessly suppressed it. Through his regime change in Iraq, he mad muslim lover, GW Bush empowered Iran. Everything the US touches turns to Islam.
Because of the WEF’s plan. I still cry when I realize how much both Bush president’s and Clinton’s, and Obama betrayed our beautiful country. They have murdered many on purpose . Who would have thought.
Satan has been at work a long time. Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and our own presidents sold their souls to the devil. Their souls are lost forever. Their choice and our pain along with millions of others.
I agree...and it played out in front of us. why 45 is the only option. its not about who you like and their personality, its about who has the best chance of fixing things
Who cannot agree with what and who broke us ! We must look so carefully at whom we (think) will help fix what’s broke and it doesn’t look Anything like the (friends) of natanyehudi !!!!
Stop feeding Isreal and there will be no need to feed the others.
Who fed Ukraine for years. Ukraine prodding the Bear since 2014...what did they think would happen...Who really shot that plane down, with an expired Russian missile?
Obama created the coup in Ukraine in 2014 under the WEF. It was all part of the plan to destroy Putin and take Russia. The evil never ends. I often pray God will just send a giant asteroid and smash the entire Earth to smitherines in one swoop . The evil is too pervasive. The churches are crumbling all over Europe. Heaven will be lovely and not crowded at all.
I am not so sure that anyone I know will actually ‘Get through that Narrow Gate’ we think be “Heaven” ! Although I try to keep a Prayerful heart and do what is hard to do in this world which makes us hard !
What do you expect when you invade Iraq on falsified information, invade Afghanistan then bail leaving millions of dollars of tech behind, install an American base in Syria & steal their oil, accuse them of using chemical weapons on their own people, yet again another lie, install a puppet government in Iran until they threw them out, bombed yugoslavia, allow Israel to develope nuclear, chemical & biological weapons, allowed them to imprison the Palestinians in their own lands. A bit of history here, Israel attacked an American ship & yet they did nothing. The Vietnam War was started based on lies, the Americans & the Japanese murdered the last of North koreas royalty, they allowed the rothschilds bank to tear apart Russia before Putin kicked then out. Israel attacks Syria on a daily bases, they steal there oil with American help, they've attack & kill Iranians on numerous occasions & your worried about Iran 🇮🇷 Its the Americans & that fool Biden that you've got to keep an eye on. A dirty old man with a drug taking pedophile son & let's not forget the fruitcakes at the pentagon. Your sir are an arse, a sheep do you think that Iran would nuke American if they had an atomic bomb, they could have dirty bombed American cities decades ago if they wanted, its Israel you want to be watching. If they nuke Iran then Russia, China, North Korea will reduce the country to a smouldering hole & don't think they won't do, because the moment Israel launches that missle, your going to wish you had a bunker like the elite to hide in
you seem to forget about India...and Russia will not move on dont understand Russia TODAY..or Putin...our only issue is China and India is there for China...we saw to I am not concerned...lots of what you say is 100% some not correct but thank you, great sharing.
and I am no expert, I love people like you who are smart and share...lets keep it civil. hugs...thanks for many need to be reminded of certain things. you seem to be an Israel hater...that too is ok here for I am for free speech...I dont agree though
‘Israel hater’ is the wrong word. Antisemitism is now regularly being used to silence legitimate debate about those that are committing crimes.
Religion must be removed from the equation, because this is not the issue, the issue is bad people, and bad people exist in all religions.
20M dead since the end of WWII. Guess what, it wasn’t because of Iran. Every single war since 1812 has been for the benefit of Bankers. Nothing has changed today. The US has been talking about destroying Iran for decades.
The conflict in the Middle East didn’t start last year, it started in the late 1940’s when 750,000 Palestinians were evicted from their homes.
Religion is Removed from the Equation ! The devils are Going for Globall Communism !! What TF is religion but a bone of contention without having found the True Faith !?! keep striving is all i can say and help will come . .
There is no question America has lost its way. And some, maybe most, of what you said is true, about America. Most of what you said about Israel is Marxist propaganda. However….take America and Israel right out of the equation, pretend they don’t exist, and Islam is still a problem. It converted through violence for 1400 years. Well before America and Israel existed. After WWII the world enjoyed an Islamic conquest rest. That ended thirty to forty years ago. If Islam said ‘okay Israel should not have been set up, but it was, let’s solve this peacefully and in a way everyone in that region thrives’ the entire problem would have been solved decades ago. If Islam was not stuck with one foot in the 600s AD it would be thriving. If Islam respected others Europe would not be having a rape crisis in all its cities. Islam is the issue. And I am not slandering any individual Muslim. I know many very nice kind and devout Muslims. But they live like normal modern people. They aren’t intent on taking over the world. But their religion does not lend itself to nuance and discussion as Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism (somewhat), and other religions do. Consequently their leaders can justify a lot of bad stuff based on Mo’s writings. The Koran is 90% nice. But 10% it isn’t. Mo’s subsequent writings are the big problem. Along with that 10% that is not nice in the Koran.
Islam is little known to most ! It is a sorry thing to hear from so many Factionaries Both Pro&Con ! ! Proof that so Many Require [“ScapeGoats”] !
BTW…I met a woman who was married to an Iraqi cabinet minister, a cousin of Saddam from Tikrit. She told me about the inner workings of Iraq as a wife of a very top ranking government member. She and her husband hated Saddam. Everyone did. But they were terrified of him. And yes they did have a poison program. I will write about it one day. I asked if they had made it workable and she said the scientists said they had but she and her husband weren’t sure. If they hadn’t made their chemical program workable Saddam would have killed them. I met her after the first Gulf War with Saddam still in charge. She told me horrific things about Saddam and worse things about his sons. I never wrote about this because she and her husband and two children would have been killed. I probably can now.
Their program must be destroyed. There is no choice. The ‘moderate’ Ahmadinejad (sp?) said they would create a giant fire and strike Israel and America. He acknowledged Iran would be demolished but it would be worth it to strike such a blow. Two suitcase nukes. One driven into Israel and one floated into NY Harbour. Easy peasy.
this is the we wait? we want every Iranian to be do we dismantle that program safely? but dismantle is a must.
First, take out the nuclear facilities. Then, discuss. If they say they will retaliate then when the Ayatollahs are meeting, along with their parliament, take those out. Let what happens, happen. If a new government takes over that is hardline, repeat.
However…do we know anything really? That is a real problem now. I am saying what I said because Ahmadinejad made it clear their aim was to take out every Jew in Israel. And attack America. I believe there are people in their government that want that. Do they have a nuclear program? Do we know that for sure? Or has the Deep State arms manufacturers been telling us this via their media mouthpieces for thirty years?
BTW…Iran attacked Israel. They are now at war. Israel isn’t doing anything preemptively by attacking back in any way.
They don't want, nor do they need a Nuclear Weapon to do what they want to do.
Rather ‘partisan’ is what I take from this screed ! Not much on how all has come consecutively in order of a Wholesale slaughter of a defenseless population and unfolded to us in almost inconceivable horror of misery and with (it) All }? the Apolgists skulking for some rationality in all their own skewed rubble of morality !!
This is utter bullshit! All of this chaos! It’s purposefully created. These fuckers have to be held accountable. When will the police or military start rounding up the traitors??? They can’t get away with this anymore. Food shortages, tainted water, spraying our air, biological weapons, bombs, wide open borders with zero vetting, financial collapse, etc.Total Bullshit!
Ai ‘ wrote much of this crap here I’ve been reading ! You’d think these were the Intelligencia’ speaking here with the Preposterous BS on the plate ! What mindset developes these scenarios for Us to actually mull over!(?)!